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The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are.

Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Aug 2015   #31
heard of the AK killing Jews?

Have you heard of Jews killing Poles? Some of the top Pole-killers in Soviet-occupied Poland were Berman, Fejgin, Romkowski, Mietkowski, Morel, Różański, Brystiger, Czaplicki, Światło and many more. They included Adam Michnik's brother -- a desk-top murderer who sentenced Poles to death and let someone else pull the trigger.

Maybe it's time to start s separate thread devoted to that oft-neglected and overlooked episode of Polish post-war history.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
4 Aug 2015   #32
A website source for instance might be helpful:-)

So you have or you haven't done your homework? Do you need a source for my "claim"? In other words you deny the AK's involvement in killing Jews? Ok, "show me website that proofs the holocaust"..........

Have you heard of Jews killing Poles?

Oh here we go. The Poles, main victims of the World War 2, never done anything wrong.

Nobody in the AK killed anyone but Germans.

Everybody was forced to take part in communism after the war, nobody had a choice and Poles are only victims. Not that anyone thinks that there were some Poles who took advantage of the regimes they lived under.

The poor Polish nation. Freedom fighters through and through.........
Lyzko  44 | 9713
4 Aug 2015   #33
There were shameful acts committed by BOTH SIDES, notably under duress of death (or worse!!!)...EXPOSURE!
Sure, many members of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising among the Jewish participants did indeed have criminal records. Is the mass killing of an entire people though ever justified in order to punish a minority of wrong doers??!

You probably agree with that guy the late Prof. Andreas Hillgruber from Cologne whose major work on the destruction of Bolshevism attempted to tacitly rationalize, therefore to an extent justify, the Shoah, by arguing the German people were so loathing of Communism, ergo, so fearful of some Communist threat, that a man on the level of Hitler was needed to establish order in the country, citing the failed Kurt Eisner 1919 takeover of Bavaria as evidence of the Germans' desire for a more solid discipline. A majority of leading German Communists were either Jews (Eisner, Rosa Luxembourg) or half-Jews (Karl Liebknecht), hence "Jew" eventually became synomymous with "Communist", the hated Staatsfeind!:-)
Little Mick  - | 6
5 Aug 2015   #34
InPolska and Polonius3 thank you for the education I have learned more about that part of history here than I got in the states. It is a shame what is left out of history in this the schools here.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Aug 2015   #35
Since US education itself was basically "cancelled" during and even after the Reagan years, it's no wonder:-)
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Aug 2015   #36
Does that mean that you deny the AK's involvement in killing Jews?

Everybody who has half of the brain does, now go and watch "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" for some more brainwashing.
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 Aug 2015   #37
The poor Polish nation. Freedom fighters through and through.........

how terrible it must feel to be a German to want to denigrate other nations or take their pride from them
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Aug 2015   #38
Gumishu, Germany aka Nazi Germany was hardly alone in her committing of unspeakable missdeeds. The "singularity" of the Nazi Era was more the seeming nationwide complicity as well as the methodical thoroughness with which such barbarity was carried out!

Yes, JollyRomek shares with many other Germans this insecurity which the Germans call "Geltungsbeduerfnis" and which is like a knee-jerk reaction every time the truth about Germany's shameful recent past suddenly comes up. Most can't handle it.

Then again, I don't see the average 21st century American rushing over to see the Museum of US Atrocities to Native Americans or the Monument To Slavery either.

The latter crimes however, do beggar comparison:-)
Vox  - | 172
5 Aug 2015   #39
Oh here we go. . ..........

OK, rant over, why don't you wipe out spittle from your computer screen. You seems to be suffering some kind of trauma mostly self-inflicted I think due to your self evident limitations. Let me help you.

"The Poles, main victims of the World War 2"

Yes, do you wish to contest it in the light of facts?
"never done anything wrong"
What do you mean? This seems to be a poorly constructed generalization one can't address in a rational manner.
"Nobody in the AK killed anyone but Germans."
More of the same, do you have a point?
"Everybody was forced to take part in communism after the war, nobody had a choice and Poles are only victims".
I disagree. Why don't you change your wording and instead of "nobody", "everybody" insert "an overwhelming majority".
What do you mean by - only victims?
"Not that anyone thinks that there were some Poles who took advantage of the regimes they lived under."
Ah there were some Poles, so what? What are you trying to say here? Do you have a personal grudge against some Poles or what?

"The poor Polish nation"
Indeed they are hard done by in more ways than one.
"Freedom fighters through and through"
About that, I'm not quite sure but at least they fought for freedom unlike all those nations fighting for an empire, totalitarian regime or whatnot. I think it is a good thing . Don't you agree?

JollyRomek  6 | 457
5 Aug 2015   #40
Let me help you.

:-) You do not have to Vox. Basically, Poland got run over in 10 days. Then a few fighters flew for the British Air Force and a few started an uprising . Not enough, simply not enough to overcome the fact that your country (or so you believe it is seeing that you would never lose your American citizenship to become a real Pole), was overrun . That is the simple truth of it. And none of your so called friends, the Brits or French, intervened. You also were not considered to be part of the allies. In fact, your friends, the British and French, sold you to Stalin at the Crimea conference.

You think that you were heroes. But in fact, you got overrun, flew in the Air Force of a nation that sold you to communism and stayed on your knees throughout until your finally broke lose in the late 80's.
amiga500  5 | 1492
2 Aug 2021   #41
Yesterday was the 77th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Good to see such a good turnout in Warsaw and all around the world Glory to Heroes.

Mod, why don't Image Links work? It's not .jpg or .gif.
Paulina  19 | 4458
2 Aug 2021   #42
Glory to Heroes

Who deserve a dignified and respectful tribute to their memory, imho (i.e. their sacrifice and patriotism in general shouldn't be used as an excuse or backround for hooliganism, violence and hate). This isn't a new video, but it probably will remain up to date:
Novichok  4 | 8478
2 Aug 2021   #43
Glory to Heroes.

Are you crazy? Those "heroes" contributed to 200,000 deaths and the destruction of Warsaw for purely political reasons. If anything, the uprising prolonged the war.
In some sense, the uprising was a gift to the USSR as it relieved them from killing any opposition in Poland the way they did it in Katyn. They just waited for the Germans to do it for them. Playing games with big dogs has big risks.
amiga500  5 | 1492
2 Aug 2021   #44
Oh I forgot to add the ukranian part when i have to interact with putinbots. Death to traitors. Even if your point has some validity anyone with a modicum of inteligence can differentiate between the political leadership and the brave solders on the ground.

It's good for your health that you fled Poland in the 60s to become a yank underclass hick, as someone would have rightfully beaten you to death for expressing views like that.

It's always the white trash that complain about the blacks and gays and hispanics and etc etc.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Aug 2021   #45
Feed the net trolls at Your own risk
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Aug 2021   #46
Most of the US voted for Trump, so amiga500 might indeed have a point!
As far as the thread topic is concerned, the Warsaw Uprising Memorial is dedicated in the end both to the Jewish Poles fighting against Nazi tyranny as well as to their gentile neighbors and fellow citizens fighting for freedom.
Novichok  4 | 8478
2 Aug 2021   #47
between the political leadership and the brave solders on the ground.

"Brave soldiers" who carry out idiotic orders are part of the problem. Without them, 200,000 and a city wouldn't have died a violent death.

Even if your point has some validity

How about my points? Instead of discussing my points, you chose to discuss me. You lose.

And what do " blacks and gays and Hispanics" have to do with the Warsaw Uprising other than as a symptom of your mental health?

Poland had many cities in 1944. All of them were liberated by the Soviets. How many had uprisings? Did Radom have a Radom Uprising? Did Lublin have a Lublin Uprising? How about Bialystok and Kielce? No Uprisings? So maybe that uprising in Warsaw was not really necessary other than a game of chess with the Soviets.

As it happens, the Soviets have no equals when it comes to chess. See: Crimea.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Aug 2021   #48
RIch, the Kielce Pogroms, unlike Jedwabne, were committed AFTER the War, which is what makes them so frightening, when you consider that after '45 and Hitler's ignominious defeat, the Nazi killings stopped, a battered, battle-scarred Germany surrendered and that was the end of that, a few bands of lone Werwolfs who roamed the countryside notwithstanding!
Novichok  4 | 8478
2 Aug 2021   #49
the Kielce Pogroms, unlike Jedwabne, were committed AFTER the War,

What the hell does this have to do with any uprisings?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Aug 2021   #50
You mentioned Kielce before, didn't you? Only even-handed then to mention the pogroms against local Jews alongside the uprising against the Nazis.
jon357  72 | 23482
2 Aug 2021   #51
Warsaw Uprising Memorial is dedicated

It's dedicated to all. To those who fought in it, to those who couldn't get away from it, to those who died in it or were murdered by the Germans after it, to those who survived. And by implication, to those who are now caring for elderly survivors and also to those whose lives have been overshadowed by it.

It's dedicated to all of those people regardless of outlook on life, personal politics, and regardless of ethnicity.

The Warsaw Uprising (and the Ghetto Uprising) are best not politicised after the event; they are too complicated for that.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Aug 2021   #52
Thank you! Again I say, spot on, mate.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Aug 2021   #53
Are you serious?
The Kielce pogrom wasn't done by any lone wolves, especially not any type of partisans... But by communist authorities, by the people's militia and soldiers from the people's army...

Even the NKVD refused to intervene with the matter, that should tell you something.
Paulina  19 | 4458
2 Aug 2021   #54
anyone with a modicum of inteligence can differentiate between the political leadership and the brave solders on the ground.

Even the right-wing, pro-Putin Russians that I've discussed with were usually able to do that.

Did Radom have a Radom Uprising? Did Lublin have a Lublin Uprising?

No, but those cities weren't the capital of Poland. Warsaw was. Just like Paris was the capital of France. Paris had an uprising too. It also started in the August of 1944, just like the one in Warsaw.

the Kielce Pogroms, unlike Jedwabne, were committed AFTER the War, which is what makes them so frightening,

Yes, but what does it have to do with the Warsaw Uprising?
Btw, there was one pogrom in Kielce after the war, so why the plural?
amiga500  5 | 1492
2 Aug 2021   #55
Interesting left wing analyses of the warsaw uprising from jacobin mag
"Yet, this takes nothing away from the heroism of those who fought and died, not just for a Polish state but for social emancipation and freedom from fascist terror. Their martyrdom is truly worth commemorating."
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Aug 2021   #56
Interesting read, some fair points. Especially about PiS's political strategy, although clearly regarding anyone like me with a similar background as an enemy -.-

I hate reading about class struggle or class conflicts, reminds me of theft, murder and divisive language. Just for the sake of having political reason to create chaos.
Novichok  4 | 8478
2 Aug 2021   #57
are best not politicised after the event;

There is a difference between politicizing and analyzing. We perform autopsies for a reason - even if the family objects.

from the heroism of those who fought and died,

I have no problem with heroes doing heroic deeds and dying. Like while saving a drowning puppy.

I object to the heroic deeds that kill those who didn't want to be heroes. In this case, for purely political reasons: Hey, Soviets, you are late and we are the Polish government now so screw you. Hahahaha...That was the essence of the Warsaw Uprising in one crude but truthful sentence.

Well, the Soviets had the brains and the last laugh.
amiga500  5 | 1492
2 Aug 2021   #58
although clearly regarding anyone like me with a similar background as an enemy -.-

What do u mean by that Oath?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Aug 2021   #59
That if the left wing govern where I would have lived, they wouldn't bat an eye if I were hanged. Or that I don't exist/shouldn't exist.

So even voting for them is suicidal in my case, just like nationalists who don't think of me to belong to their nation.

So yeah, not very fond of communists or Nazi's to say the least
jon357  72 | 23482
2 Aug 2021   #60
analyses of the warsaw uprising

Fair and uncontroversial. People of differing politics fought in the Uprising; not just for freedom, but for their lives. Germany didn't care how they voted; they wanted to destroy and enslave.

I hate reading about class struggle or class conflicts, reminds me of

One the one hand, you must have a long memory for one so young, on the other hand, class struggle is as real today as it ever was and that struggle is a hard one that has never gone away..

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