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The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are.

3 Aug 2015   #1
Not only Warsaw but the whole Poland remembers.

Thrilling, eye-wattering, nostalgic, admonishingly up-to-date.

The Warsaw Uprising began on August 1, 1944. For the next 63 days, Poland's army fought the Nazis, trying to liberate their capital. The rebellion was timed to coincide with the Soviet Union's advance that should have left the Germans vulnerable, but...

...various military and political miscalculations, as well as global politics - played among Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt - turned the dice against [Warsaw].

3 Aug 2015   #2
Personally I was utterly disgusted to see neo-Nazi flags being paraded through Warsaw on Saturday, disgraceful.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Aug 2015   #3

I know all you neo-Marxists would prefer to rewrite history to suit your own twisted biases, but historical re-enactments must be as true to life as possible. If one were re-enacting the Spanish Civil War era,one would have to show huge portraits of mankind's bloodiest butcher Stalin being paraded through the streets.
OP NocyMrok
3 Aug 2015   #4
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Aug 2015   #5
Thrilling, eye-wattering, nostalgic, admonishingly up-to-date.

Perhaps you might explain why people were whistling and acting like utter tw*ts, then?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Aug 2015   #6
acting like utter tw*ts

Dunno - wasn't there, but I can imagine it, as there is no shoratge of idiots and other assorted birdbrains. As they say in Polish: Głupich nie sieją, sami się rodzą!
OP NocyMrok
3 Aug 2015   #7
utterly disgusted

I would too but it's barely noticable to me. I'm about my own "Remembrance Day" and give a @#@# what some punks carry.

Perhaps you might explain why people were whistling and acting like utter tw*ts, then?

Perhaps you might ask the tw*ts about that?
3 Aug 2015   #8
In Poland, we have a group of people that think that th Warsaw Uprising was not needed, only took people's lives and did nothing good.

I think they just don't understand that it was necessary for these people who lived in these times - to remember who they are, to show that they still fight.

In the end, in our history we had probably more than twenty uprisings - and how many of them we won? Two? One?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Aug 2015   #9

The Wielkpolska Uprising, but largely because the Germans were war-weary and allowed themselves to be disarmed without a fight. The bottom line is that Poland has been plagued by bad geogrpahy - land-greedy tyrants on either flank. That's why NATO is such a blessing (Crow's objections notwithstanding).
Lyzko  44 | 9723
3 Aug 2015   #10
The Poles can stand alongside those valiant Danes, lead by among others Kaj Munk who let himself be captured and shot by the Gestapo, as really the one or two European nations which actively resisted Hitler tooth and nail! Sadly, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, even France, caved in shamefully to the Nazis and installed their horrid puppet leaders in place of real men and women!

Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Aug 2015   #11
The Poles

Is it true that there were people in Denmark, Benelux and other contries (but not Poland) that actually donned German Nazi uniforms by choice? Some (Latvians, Ukrainians) joined foreign SS units? I think even England hd some quasi-Nazi-type black guard.

I have occasionally wondered what would have happened if Hitler had decidced to turn Poland into a puppet state like Slovakia or Norway. Would there have been many Polish traitors willing to play ball? Probably some, because that is always the case, but maybe percentagewise fewer then in Vichy France, Norway or Slovakia.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #12
The only known Danish "Nazi" on record is a certain Dr. Frits Claussen who attempted an appeasement Hitler-style movement in Denmark during the War. Typically, he was laughed out of the Folketing by his right-thinking fellow Danes:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Aug 2015   #13
laughed out of the Folketing

TVP Historia last week said Danes, Belgians, Dutch and others donned Nazi uniforms as Wehrmacht volunteers, They did not specify the size of those units.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #14
The number though, was relatively small. While Holland, for instance, had Westerbork Camp, Denmark had NONE!

Hat's still off to the Danes:-)
TheOther  6 | 3596
4 Aug 2015   #15
Danes, Belgians, Dutch and others donned Nazi uniforms as Wehrmacht volunteers, They did not specify the size of those units.

Try "The Danish Volunteers in the Waffen SS and their Contribution to the Holocaust and the Nazi War of Extermination". I think I saw some numbers in there.
4 Aug 2015   #16
Would there have been many Polish traitors willing to play ball?

The historical fact is that more than a third of all the members of the Polish army in the west in 1945 had formerly served in German armed forces. Add to that tens of thousands more Poles who joined the Polish army in the east after serving in German armed forces.

Given the number of Poles who served in German military or para-military units, it's statistically highly unlikely that there were not at least some Poles on the German side during the Warsaw uprising. There were definitely some traitors who were Polish Jews and were on the German side during the Warsaw ghetto uprising (most of whom were executed by other Polish Jews).
Little Mick  - | 6
4 Aug 2015   #17
I have lived my entire life 60 years in the states and any time the uprising has been mentioned it is always called the Jewish uprising at least the schools I went to. I have learned a great deal here.
InPolska  9 | 1796
4 Aug 2015   #18
@Little Mick: The Jewish uprising and the Warsaw uprising were 2 different events. The Jewish uprising was the fighting by Jews against nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto and the Warsaw uprising was the fighting by citizens of Warsaw against the nazis (in the whole city). They were not at same time either...
4 Aug 2015   #19
the Warsaw uprising was the fighting by citizens of Warsaw

Not only by them. To give just one example, more British airmen fought in the Warsaw Uprising than Polish airmen fought in the Battle of Britain.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Aug 2015   #20
British airmen

I'm proud to say that my uncle, a Polish RAF airman, made several air drops over Warsaw during the Uprising. Since the !%&"?!X$ß'#¤ Soviets didn't let them land for refuelling behind their lines, they barely had enough fuel to make it back.

the Jewish uprising

Another example of the Holocaust industry's heavily bankrolled propaganda machine even brainwashing the President of Germany into confusing the Warsaw Uprising and the Ghetto Uprising when the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising was celebrated in the early 1990s. (I was there!)

And that depsite the fact that the Ghetto Uprising was simply a local neighborhhood affair taking place in only one small corner of the the city and claimed a mere 13,000 lives, whilst the Warsaw Uprising was waged all over the metropolis and had a Polish death toll of up to 200,000. Maybe a Jewish life (you know the "chosen race and all that!?) is simply worth more than a Polish goyish one?
4 Aug 2015   #21
I'm proud to say that my uncle, a Polish RAF airman, made several air drops over Warsaw during the Uprising.

So it's entirely possible he was stationed at the same base at the same time as my paternal grandfather.

Since the !%&"?!X$ß'#¤ Soviets didn't let them land for refuelling behind their lines, they barely had enough fuel to make it back.

None of the RAF or SAAF missions to Warsaw were supposed to land at Soviet bases to refuel. The one USAAF mission that dropped supplies on Warsaw did land at a Soviet base to refuel and rearm, but that mission was carried out so late that the Uprising was utterly doomed by then (if it hadn't always been).

the fact that the Ghetto Uprising was simply a local neighborhhood affair taking place in only one small corner of the the city

Have you been to Warsaw?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Aug 2015   #22
supposed to land at Soviet bases

They weren't supposed to because they weren't permitted to by the Soviets. If they had,
much more aid would have reached the insurgents.
Oh yes, the Soviets also provided some airdrops: ammo that didn't fit the guns the insurgents were using and sacks of flour that burst on impact, their content scattered by the wind. Nice guys them Roosians!
JollyRomek  6 | 457
4 Aug 2015   #23
I wonder how the Polish underground was any different to the Irish underground? One group are branded heroes, the other are branded terrorists......still fighting for their cause btw.

It is always the same people who are self-righteous and decide who is right and who is wrong. You have to love to British who support the Polish underground and condemn the Irish at the same time :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #24
History is always written by the winner, JollyRomek, you know that:-) The IRA were indeed branded terrorists and baby killers, because that what many of them were! I still cannot forgive or forget Gerry Adams, despite his ass-kissing the English in an attempt to turn over a new leaf!!

Never heard of Polish Underground Resistance taking hostages, then in many cases killing them, merely to shake up the other side!!

To me, the tactics of the IRA were similar to that of the Weather Underground etc. Completely different circumstances, related methods of violence and coercion.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
4 Aug 2015   #25
History is always written by the winner, JollyRomek, you know that:-)

Never heard of Polish Underground Resistance taking hostages, then in many cases killing them, merely to shake up the other side!!

Just like you probably haven't heard of the AK killing Jews?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #26
Please explain?
JollyRomek  6 | 457
4 Aug 2015   #27
So you haven't........well do your homework.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #28
I already did, and still don't get what you're driving at:-)
JollyRomek  6 | 457
4 Aug 2015   #29
Does that mean that you deny the AK's involvement in killing Jews?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Aug 2015   #30
A website source for instance might be helpful:-)

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