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Vikings in Pomerania (near Gdansk area)?

Xenohorde1988  2 | 4
28 Nov 2010   #1
does anyone know if there were Viking settlements near the Gdansk area?
ShawnH  8 | 1488
28 Nov 2010   #2
I was at a little settlement south of Mikolajki that might have had a connection to the Norse peoples. They had some interesting wood carvings and upside down trees.

Galindia was the name of the place...

Priests travelling with the Vikings from Scandinavia in the 9th and 10th centuries first introduced Christianity to the Baltic tribes populating the western and southern parts of present day Latvia. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Orthodox teachings, via Old Russian, were spread to the inhabitants living in the eastern and central parts. No written legacies of the languages spoken in this area during this period have been found, though archeologists speculate about the possibility that some type of runic writing system borrowed from the Scandinavians may have been used. Borrowed words in use today, which reflect this early Old Russian influence on the Latvian language, include for example baznīca 'church', grāmata 'book', svece 'candle', svēts 'holy', and zvans 'bell'.
Zed  - | 195
28 Nov 2010   #3
Galindia is in present day Poland. Old time Prussia territory. Nothing to do with Germany at that time.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
28 Nov 2010   #4
Vikings in Pomerania?

Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson:

- King of Denmark
- King of Norway
- died at Jomsborg (most probably

gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2010   #5
there are some indications it was Mieszko I who invited Vikings to Wolin - he badly wanted to take control of Pomorze especially Odra estuaries - Vikings could have also played a role in creating Polan's country and its expansion (at least as mercenaries but maybe in a similar scenarion as in Kievan Rus) - as far as I know Vikings never settled Slavic Pomorze in great numbers because of Pomarzanie resistence though the Danes tried to conquere at least western part of southern coast of Baltic and they were succesful for a time - I guess it was 11-12 th century - they also managed to conquer some lands in easter Baltics - at least the islands off the coast of Estonia
Sokrates  8 | 3335
28 Nov 2010   #6
does anyone know if there were Viking settlements near the Gdansk area?

Nope, they invaded from Gotland untill Pomeranians invaded them back though.

Vikings could have also played a role in creating Polan's country and its expansion (at least as mercenaries but maybe in a similar scenarion as in Kievan Rus)

A tad less creative history, Prussians and polish tribes were warring with Vikings from Gotland, Adams map is that of political influence, not settlements, there might have been some small settlements but if they were archeology failed to uncover them thus far.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
28 Nov 2010   #7
Prussians and polish tribes were warring with Vikings from Gotland

against East Frankish Empire (nowadays Germany) imposing Christianity on them. That's true, but rather not Polish tribes, which were nominally Christian at the time, but Pomeranian Slavic tribes resisting Christianity, just like some of Danes.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
28 Nov 2010   #8
against East Frankish Empire (nowadays Germany) imposing Christianity on them.

As well.

. That's true, but rather not Polish tribes, which were nominally Christian at the time,

Key word is when.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
28 Nov 2010   #9
Key word is when.

At the time of Harald the Bluetooth, the East Frankish Empire became the Holy Roman Empire.
Trevek  25 | 1699
28 Nov 2010   #12
Try this one:

Jomsborg (German: Jomsburg) was a semi-legendary Viking stronghold at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea (medieval Wendland, modern Pomerania), that existed between the 960s and 1043. Its inhabitants are known as Jomsvikings.

Try this one:
26 Mar 2011   #13
were vikings ever in poland
ShawnH  8 | 1488
26 Mar 2011   #14
Read the freaking thread and you will find out.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
26 Mar 2011   #15
A better question might be, where didnt the "vikings" get to......
Ive a question about the vikings though,just what the heck was a " sacred kettle"? My maternal family name translates as something like keeper of the sacred kettle from old Norse.....All sorts of cool images spring to mind,but I havent looked too far into it incase it turns out to be some posh name for Tea Lady ;)
Sandman  2 | 25
26 Mar 2011   #16
A Thor's hammer made of amber in Wolin for export to Scandinavia (Nat. Musem, Szczecin)

Goth stone graveyard in Odry, 60 km SW of Gdansk (2 cent. AD, well before Vikings)

Goth stone circle

Goth village reconstruction in north Poland

Note: real Goths should not be confused with modern teens who wear black mascara and like to call themselves Azrael.
plk123  8 | 4119
26 Mar 2011   #17
Read the freaking thread and you will find out.

you are asking for way too much.. wtf man? ;)

find Norse forums.. you won't get the real answer here.. well, you will but not sure how "real" it'll be...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
26 Mar 2011   #18
map is that of political influence, not settlements

That is correct, I remember from my history lessons of the Danes having huge influence in Eastern Norway.

were vikings ever in poland

Certainly but they loved France and Britain a bit more
I am guessing some of the Viking rulers/kings recruited men from the area of Pommerania for future campaigns in western Europe. I recall reading it somewhere...
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Dec 2021   #19
Damm this is a great mini documentary on the vikings in America and fighting native Americans:

The vikings it seems were like the mongols but a couple hundred years earlier and almost conquered the world. I wonder how they would have fared against the mongols or if they were still powerful by that time or the 1200s?

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