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The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews

Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Jul 2022   #151
Ask a Jew what would happen/happened to Jews not accepting the new covenant with the Lord during the time of Moses. Then you can propose an argument that would be even worse if a new and final covenant was to appear and it was refused yet again and possible consequences of it
Novichok  4 | 9004
8 Jul 2022   #152
Hey, 1410, we could have a nice conversation if you didn't ignore me.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
8 Jul 2022   #153
You seem to continue your foolish denial of European anti-Semitism! Either you're bating me, which is more than likely, or, you're feigning ignorance, most probably.

Every Devil needs an Advocate:-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Jul 2022   #154
your foolish denial of European anti-Semitism!

He does it becasue he is stupid enough to think that is a bad thing. He thinks anti-semitism is a bad thing and you keep laying into him like a stupid jerk.
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
8 Jul 2022   #155
your foolish denial of European anti-Semitism!

I live in the UK.
I also live in an area that is heavily populated by Jews.
Namely Northwest London.
There is no antisemitism here.
We all get along just fine.
This is not America.
Stop attributing American antisemitism to Europeans we are not the same as you Americans and are much more open minded.
Your posts are both racist and divisive and serve no purpose in a modern multi cultural society.
To be frank, I think that you are deliberately trying to inflame antisemitism because your posts will only anger what you call gentiles.
Stop it!
It's counter productive you old fool!
Lyzko  45 | 9751
9 Jul 2022   #156
Guess then that Labour chap Jeremy Corbyn was simply a fig newton of the NYT's vivid imagination, eh?
Not only Jews, but plenty of non-Jews, not the least of whom former PM Cameron, were calling for his resignation, if I remember right.

Come on, mate! Not everything's a fantasy of the American press.
Novichok  4 | 9004
9 Jul 2022   #157
Can you stop that antisemitism? There is no antisemitism just like there is no anti-blackism. We just see, read, listen, and react.
Somehow, there is no anti-Norwegianism or anti-ukeism.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
9 Jul 2022   #158
But there IS insanity, Rich, and you're talking about as mad as a March hare.
Novichok  4 | 9004
9 Jul 2022   #159
No. I said:

There is no antisemitism just like there is no anti-blackism. We just see, read, listen, and react.

Still unclear what I said? I will paraphrase if you want me to.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
9 Jul 2022   #160
Perhaps re-translation would help:-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #161
There is no antisemitism here.

Is that good or bad? I mean if something is not there why talk about it?
Novichok  4 | 9004
10 Jul 2022   #162
Perhaps re-translation would help:-)

Which word is your problem in: There is no antisemitism just like there is no anti-blackism. We just see, read, listen, and react.

Let's start with "There". Is "there" a problem?
pawian  226 | 27561
10 Jul 2022   #163
There is no antisemitism just like there is no anti-blackism.

Of course there is and you are a perfect example of both coz you apply the rule of mass responsibility and hate ALL Jews and all blacks without any distinction, just because they were born such. That is a typical Nazi approach we know from WW2.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #164
That is a typical Nazi approach we know from WW2.

Stop preaching or start your own church.

Of course there is

You and your double standards. You are here and your are an anti-semite and yet you cliam that being an anti-semistse is as bad as Hilter. That deosn't make sense but you never do so I came to expect it from you.
pawian  226 | 27561
10 Jul 2022   #165
That deosn't make sense

Yes, your posts don`t but you stubbornly insist on making them senseless. :):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #166
Why do you even post if you have no answer. What more with something that meangless.
pawian  226 | 27561
10 Jul 2022   #167
Why do you even post

Yes, that`s what I wrote: some guys would prefer to sweep the problem under the carpet and move on. No, darling, we shall talk about Polish Jewish issues and tell the whole truth about it. Your evasions and denials are useless. Ha!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #168
Polish Jewish issues and tell the whole truth about it. Your evasions and denials are useless. Ha!


That is what I want too.
- So, tell us about Polish death camps.
- Explain how anti-semite is a criminal and/or war criminal.
- What evasions and denials? Are you talking to yourself?
Can you do that or will hide posting some meaningless slogans?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
11 Jul 2022   #169
Nitpicking again, RIchy!
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
13 Jul 2022   #170
Just shut up Mark.
Your racism is starting to bore me.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
14 Jul 2022   #171
Give me examples of said racism.

Indeed, Milo. Your silence is deafening....and most telling.
Alien  25 | 6402
24 May 2024   #172
Poles are no longer sad.
Novichok  4 | 9004
24 May 2024   #173
They may not be sad but they sure lack common sense...

We have friends and we have enemies. You (editorial) have to be a world-class moron to be friends with people who are 6000 miles away and the worst enemies with the guys next door.

Poland is that world-class moron.

Memo to Russia: I am not one of them. I have witnesses.
jon357  72 | 23527
24 May 2024   #174
Poles are no longer sad

Ones with orchards are...
Alien  25 | 6402
24 May 2024   #175
Ones with orchards

No wonder, orchard means 'sad' in Polish
jon357  72 | 23527
24 May 2024   #176
Get away!

Next you'll be putting a squiggle on and saying it's a court...
Lyzko  45 | 9751
25 May 2024   #177
Not necessarily sad, Alien, however defensive most definitely!
Alien  25 | 6402
25 May 2024   #178
however defensive most definitely!

You mean in the first contacts with aliens.
Robin1988  10 | 68
25 May 2024   #179
it's not that big of deal, when I would be sad id get broadcast from Aliens on youtube.
Novichok  4 | 9004
26 May 2024   #180
The saddest country on earth is the UK.

In this Orwellian shlthole, you get arrested for causing anxiety.

The shocking truth about these idiots starts at 5:15 if you want to skip over that fat black imbecile...

Home / History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews
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