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The history of Talmud and why idiots shouldn't read it

Torq  8 | 1079
6 Apr 2024   #1
Inspired by Crno's post in Random...

Talmud has been read in Poland, mostly by Polish Jewish community, for centuries and it is an important part of our history.

Contrary to popular belief Talmud is not a Jewish book of law. A lot of people get seriously agitated when they read in it statements about people who are "liable to the death penalty" for very minor offenses like, for example, Torah scholar having a dirty shirt...

"A Torah scholar on whose clothes a fat stain is found is liable to receive the death penalty" (Shabbat 114a)

... :)

Well, if there's a death penalty for that, then we shouldn't be surprised that the capital punishment is also named as proper for non-Jews studying Torah (although, on the very same page another rabbi says that a non-Jew studying Torah is similar to High Priest :D) or disrespecting one's parents. We are quite surprised, therefore, when we learn from history that no Jew or Gentile has ever been executed under Jewish law either for having a dirty t-shirt or telling his mum to f*ck off (although both should be frowned upon in any civilised country).

The reason for the lack of executions is that when Talmud was compiled, the death penalty was no longer in effect in Judaism for half a millennium! So, anyone with two or three brain cells understands that in most cases when Talmud speaks of "death penalty" it is an exaggeration made to stress a point (like in the example that I mentioned, the point that a Torah scholar should keep a neat appearance). It's like an Italian chef in a Great Book of Pizza (if any such book exists) saying: "Whoever puteth pineapple on pizza is liable to receive the death penalty!". Nobody would take that literally, right? :)

Anyways, contrary to the nonsense that Crno and other anti-semites on the Internet spout, Talmud is not "judaism's holiest book", rabbis don't "elevate it above Torah", and it is not a codex of penal law. It's also not scripture, in the sense that Jews, Muslims and Christians understand it. It is merely a book of various rabinical commentaries and opinions (often contradictory) about philosophy, law or biblical interpretation, and should be treated as such.
Novichok  4 | 9027
6 Apr 2024   #2
Talmud has been read in Poland, mostly by Polish Jewish community,

If it's just a lot ...who are "liable to the death penalty" for very minor offenses...why would anyone sane want to read it?
johnny reb  49 | 8077
6 Apr 2024   #3
Don't lose your head over it.
OP Torq  8 | 1079
6 Apr 2024   #4
why would anyone sane want to read it?

For the same reason that people of other religions read historical books connected with various aspects of their particular confessions. Normal thing and nothing to get too excited about. Idiots, however, will read such books and some of them will even judge the entire confession or a nation based on what they (mis)read. Ah, well...
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Apr 2024   #5
First of all, much as with the Bible, the Torah has undergone
ever so much interpretation, re-writing, above all translation,
it is equally difficult to know what exactly is meant within her pages!

As with the Holy Scriptures, anybody can seize upon a passage in order
to make it fit their own philosophy, true or not:-))
Novichok  4 | 9027
6 Apr 2024   #6
Respectfully, I still question the need to read what was written centuries ago by the guys who were less educated than my 10-year-old granddaughter.
They are not informative, funny, or entertaining. In fact, those books are anti-knowledge, dogmatic, scary, and do not apply to life as we know it today.

Even worse...they are full of metaphors as if to provide plausible deniability to the writers or future employment for the interpreters.

My holy book would be a single sentence: Treat others the way you want them to treat you.
OP Torq  8 | 1079
6 Apr 2024   #7
I still question the need to read

You may not feel the need but some people do.

My holy book would be a single sentence: Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Are you sure you always follow the only rule in your very short holy book? I'm quite sure there's another rule that could be added to it: "shoot people who want to come illegaly to your country". :)
Novichok  4 | 9027
6 Apr 2024   #8
You may not feel the need but some people do.

What is that need?

Are you sure you always follow the only rule in your very short holy book?


I should be shot for illegally entering any country or a home not my own.
Alien  25 | 6407
6 Apr 2024   #9
Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work in real life.
OP Torq  8 | 1079
6 Apr 2024   #10
I should be shot for illegally entering any country or a home not my own.

So, according to this all the European settlers should have been shot by native Americans. This way your beloved USA would never even exist. Maybe you want to rethink your rule?
Novichok  4 | 9027
6 Apr 2024   #11
European settlers should have been shot by native Americans.

Yes. Every last one.

Unfortunately, "Indians" were not organized well enough to resist. They were divided into warring tribes, which is what the US Bolsheviks practice today.

It's known as "group identity politics". Divide and conquer... while the top 0.1% is plundering and destroying this great country.
johnny reb  49 | 8077
6 Apr 2024   #12
Unfortunately, "Indians" were not organized well enough to resist.

Nope, the Wokeness had not emerged yet back then.

I should be shot for illegally entering any country or a home not my own.

That's not very Woke Rich, what if you 'identified' as being an Indian that day that you entered America or 'identified' as being the home owner.

anybody can seize upon a passage in order to make it fit their own philosophy, true or not:

Very true !
Lyzko my friend, this is the first time that I have agreed with you 100% in the past year.
OP Torq  8 | 1079
7 Apr 2024   #13
much as with the Bible, the Torah has undergone

This thread, however, is not about the Bible or the Torah but about Talmud (which is not considered holy scripture by either Jews or Christians).
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
7 Apr 2024   #15
Lyzko  45 | 9751
9 Apr 2024   #16
My point is that the Talmud has gone through ever so many hands over ever so many
centuries and therefore will be understood differently today than in past times.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
11 Apr 2024   #17
The Truth About The Talmud (intro by Vasili) by Michael A Hoffman II and Alan R Critchley
OP Torq  8 | 1079
11 Apr 2024   #18
The Truth About The Talmud

I have no hope for you, Crno. You swallow every bullsh*t like a young pelican swallows fish.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Apr 2024   #19
Nick Fuentes еxposеs the Tаlmud's hatе-fillеd ideologiеs towards non-Jеws.

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