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Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY

Paulina 16 | 4323
22 Aug 2023 #61
We should have got at least twice as many of those Apaches.

Initially the plans were for 32 helicopters for two squadrons, so they tripled that to 96 helicopters - six squadrons. That would make Poland the biggest Apache operator in the world besides the US.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
22 Aug 2023 #62
they tripled that to 96 helicopters - six squadrons

They should have got 12 squadrons. Like 12 Chairs in literature. :)
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
22 Aug 2023 #63
$12 billion 💵

Money which would have been better spent on improving roads and other infrastructure projects in Poland such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, maternity wards etc.
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Aug 2023 #64
in literature

And film, too. :):) And the film is the most important of all arts, remember!

Money which would have been better spent on improving roads

Exactly. But, we have no choice, having such a neighbour as imperialist Russia. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:((:(:(:(:(:(:(:

Why did ancient Poles choose such a fekked up place for their settlement?????? Kurwa mać!!!!

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