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Polish and other Slavic nobility in our time

jeden  - | 226
14 Jun 2010   #31

If you are in Krakow now, you can buy a bottle of beer from the youngest part of family who is a barman in one of the cracovian pubs.
14 Jun 2010   #32
Some interesting relations:

This woman: Beverly D'Angelo

was married to this man:

who's italian aristrocate. He's mother is polish aristocrat (i think its Potocki family)
southern  73 | 7059
14 Jun 2010   #33
I should be aristocrat.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
14 Jun 2010   #34
Actually yes, that would fit you perfectly. But not a noble that's for sure ;p
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
15 Jun 2010   #35
The Radziwiłł family

The Bouviers, (Jackie Kennedy/Onassis) in the case of Jackie's sister, married a Radziwill.

I have also heard Zbigniew Brezinski described as 'Black Nobility'...I would be interested in hearing something in depth about Brezinski's background.
OP Crow  154 | 9548
15 Jun 2010   #36
Richard Quest CNN Interview HRH (His Royal Highness) Crown Prince Alexander (heir to the throne of Yugoslavia and Serbia)

Karadjordjevic`s are royal line that effectively started liberation of Serbs and all the Slavs who were oppressed by Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish rule. Today, Karadjordjevic`s are definitely most interesting noble line and aristocrats of Slavic world.

Polish elite played important role in consolidation of Karadjordjevic`s throne in Serbia, in the beginning of this century. Poles and Serbs wanted two things- 1. liberation of Slavs from Austro-Hungarian and Turkish rule and 2. to restrict and prevent Russian absolute domination inside of Slavic world.

With the help of Polish representatives, who sent Zwierkowski to Belgrade, the Constitutionalists organized a revolt in Serbia in 1842, and expelled Prince Michael Obrenovic. After that, Alexander Karadjordjevic officially became the new Prince

Ilija Garasanin's "Nacertanije"

Poles and Serbians had plans for mutual defense in WWII. Poles could always rely on Racowie and its not we who failed to coordinate but we made mistake, we both- Poles and Serbs trusted to Britain >>>

King Peter Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia at Polish manoeuvres - Król Jugosławii Piotr na polskich manewrach

NOTE: King Peter Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia was father of above mentioned Crown Prince Alexander. King Peter died in exile, betrayed by Britain and USA- our treacherous allays who supported communist dictator Tito to rule over Yugoslavia.

Kosovo is SERBIAN! Prince Alexander II GAZIMESTAN 28.06.'07.
David_18  65 | 966
6 Aug 2010   #37
Potocki family

Potocki Wódka is produced in Western Poland under the present day owner, Jan-Roman Potocki.
Well he is indeed crazy hahaha

Radziwiłł family

These ones died recently...
Anna Radziwiłł, 1939-2009, Polish senator, minister, secretary of state

Krzysztof Mikołaj Radziwiłł, 1898-1986, nicknamed "The Red Prince", Member of the Sejm under the Communist regime.

Stanisław Albrecht Radziwiłł 1914-1976, married Caroline Lee Bouvier, younger sister of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Anthony Radziwill 1959-1999, American filmmaker

And she is alive!!!
Anna Christina Radziwill b. 1960, Daughter of Stanislas Radziwill and Caroline Lee Bouvier (Lee Radziwill), sister of Anthony

Czartoryski family

Tamara Czartoryska.
She is the daughter of Prince Adam Czartoryski Borbón, who was born in Spain where he grew up with his first cousin, King Juan Carlos I of Spain.

Adam Karol Czartoryski is Tamaras father and the creator of the Princes Czartoryski Foundation

Zamoyski family

Adam Zamoyski
Is a historian and a member of the ancient Zamoyski family of Polish nobility.

Marcin Zamoyski
president of Zamość


Jan, Leon Lubomirski
Retired consultant for Philip Morris SA. Vice-President of the Association of the Princes Lubomirski.

Lanckorońsk Family

She also died recently

Karolina Lanckorońska
A patriot all her life, Lanckorońska bequeathed her family's enormous art collection to her beloved Poland only after her homeland became free from communism and Soviet occupation. The Lanckoronski Collection may now for the most part be seen in Warsaw's Royal Castle and Kraków's Wawel Castle.

I can go on forever with this... ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9548
18 Aug 2010   #38
more about members of Serbian Karadjordjevic dynasty >>>

Serbian Princess Cathrine

Catherine Oxenberg - The daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia, Oxenberg is a descendant of the House of Karađorđević.

David_18  65 | 966
19 Aug 2010   #39
Catherine Oxenberg

Her father was a jew½!½!!!
OP Crow  154 | 9548
19 Aug 2010   #40
sure? i never heard of it but.... if you say so

anyway, what does it matter? somebody maybe has few drops of English, Gypsy, Zulu, Chinese, Japanese or whatever blood but, it doesn`t mean that those drops of blood designate ethnicity of person. In Her noble veins Cathrine has blood of Serbian nobility, too. Let us give her a chance in Slavic world. She is proud to be Serbian and Slavic

eye on Poland - CNN - Polish nobility fight for lost property



Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
29 Jan 2011   #41

Riiiight.... Great PR! ;p

eye on Poland - CNN - Polish nobility fight for lost property

Yeah my grandmother had the same problem, but there were more then 2 other families also having their claims to her "ancient" household so she just accepted some cash instead as she is too old to fight over it. I wish I could bought it for her :((
Marynka11  3 | 639
29 Jan 2011   #42
Serbian Princess Cathrine

She and her family had a reality show called I Married a Princess. I saw it once. One thing that has to be said; they are very attractive people.

Also, did you notice that noble people are always skinny? Must be the breeding, I guess.
southern  73 | 7059
29 Jan 2011   #43
Also, did you notice that noble people are always skinny? Must be the breeding, I guess.

It is usually that they don't have incomes to eat so much.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
31 Jan 2011   #44
Also, did you notice that noble people are always skinny? Must be the breeding, I guess

They want to look good, as they see themselves as better/an example of what other people look/should look like
OP Crow  154 | 9548
31 Jan 2011   #45
Russian Nobility Ball 2008
7 May 2011   #46
Most of the Polish nobility was wiped out by the Nazis. When the Nazis invaded Poland they killed between 2.5 and 3 million ethnic Polish civilians, NOT including the Jews. They killed millions of Polish Jews, but what people don't seem to remember is that they also killed millions of non-Jewish ethnic Poles. They wanted to wipe out anyone who could form a resistance, so they killed off all the educated Poles (doctors, lawyers, and university professors) and all of the nobles, plus many poor and uneducated Poles as well. Any Polish nobles who survived the Nazis were either killed by the Soviets or hid their noble background when the Soviets took over, and pretended to be commoners. The only Polish nobles alive today would be the ones who emigrated to America or fled Poland to somewhere else before the Nazis arrived. The rich Polish would have had no reason to leave Poland for America, they probably did not expect to be targets of the Nazis, so it's safe to say that 99% of the Polish nobles were wiped out by the Nazis and the Communists.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
7 May 2011   #47
Usually when someone in Poland tells you they're a member of the nobility, you can count the minutes before they try to tap you for a loan.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 May 2011   #48
The rich Polish would have had no reason to leave Poland for America

There were reasons such as disinheritance.
David_18  65 | 966
7 May 2011   #49
so it's safe to say that 99% of the Polish nobles were wiped out by the Nazis and the Communists.

Haha not even 20% got wiped out ^^

BUT 99% did loose their possessions.
Ironside  50 | 12952
7 May 2011   #50
so they killed off all the educated Poles

not all .....60%

that 99% of the Polish nobles were wiped out

eh? what do you mean by nobles, In Poland before the WWII there was many people of noble heritage but not necessary landowners or aristocrats, I think that you mix them them all.

Aristocracy members survived some in Poland and some emigrating, as for those of noble heritage mostly were counted as educated or officers - so proportionally and in comparison against other social groups they loses during were greater - but not 99%.

Usually when someone in Poland tells you they're a member of the nobility, you can count the minutes before they try to tap you for a loan.

Maybe you are lucky to encounter gypsy's royalty?
sobieski  106 | 2111
7 May 2011   #51
The current Polish president belongs to the ancient Komorowski clan (as in contrast to JK who belongs I think to the recent Biedronka clan) and is also closely related to Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz, Crown Princess of Belgium and half Polish through her mother (Sapieha-Komorowska)
David_18  65 | 966
7 May 2011   #52
The current Polish president belongs to the ancient Komorowski clan

You mean the Korczak clan?

Yupp its true he comes from the legendary Chicken clan!

The word misses a "u" though :(
Ironside  50 | 12952
7 May 2011   #53
Yupp its true he comes from the legendary

is he ? are you sure ?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 May 2011   #54
is he ? are you sure ?

Even Jaruzelski was from an noble family, they made him a black sheep tho
hubabuba  - | 113
12 May 2011   #55
Haha not even 20% got wiped ou

David are You sure about this?do You have any data?
David_18  65 | 966
13 May 2011   #56
David are You sure about this?

Im pretty sure, i guess we got plenty of relatives in the Gulag!

Russia got huge Polish communities in Siberia that survived the Gulag!

do You have any data?

Nope. Are we sure that Jesus was white?
30 May 2011   #57
Mr. Grunwald,

My great-grandfather was also a Grunwald and lived in Oksywie-Gdynia. Do you know if this is any relation? If so, do you have any information about the family?

OP Crow  154 | 9548
19 Sep 2011   #58
interesting to know. In the beginning of Yugoslav crisis and due to open British support to the project of Greater Albania, Serbian Princess Catherine refused marriage with Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II

Serbian Princess Catherine Karadjordjevic

Most probable King of Poland in case of formation of new Commonwealth

HRH Crown Prince Alexander Interview for BBC

HRH Crown Prince Alexander on Sky News
Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jul 2015   #59

Interstingly his family crest was Ślepowron (which sounds like "blind crow" in Polish), and that was not lost on the Solidarity opposition. WRON was the name of the Military Council of National Salvation, his martial-law authority.
OP Crow  154 | 9548
29 Apr 2022   #60

Crown Prince Petar Karadjordjevic abdicates in favor of Prince Philip (PHOTO)


renounced all the rights that belong to him on the basis of the birthright in the family line, for himself and all his descendants.


The one who stand - Prince Petar Karadjordjevic abdicated in favor of his brother Philip, from now on Crown Prince Philip - the one who sit, his wife behind him (his wife is ordinary woman from the people)

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