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History of Polish-Russian relations

Paulina  19 | 4558
20 Apr 2022   #121
I don't closely follow Russian public thought.

I did - for seven years.

Vlad1234, so what is your ethnicity?

I thought this thread is dedicated to the history of Polish-Russian relations.

I only mirrored what you wrote yourself (because it can be mirrored perfectly right back at Russia). So what's your problem?

As for "possible reconsiliation"... Now? With a psycho Nazi-like Putinist Russia?? You must be kidding!

. Many Ukrainians still feel connected to Russians through language, culture and history. And religion.

Still? Now? I have the opposite impression - that they don't want to have anything to do with anything Russian anymore. And I can't blame them. I used to be a bit of a Russophile in the past. My discussions with Russians on the internet killed that Russophilia in me to a great extent. The annexation of Crimea killed it completely. And now I don't want to have anything to do with anything Russian. Russian culture, which I liked in the past, is simply dead for me now. I used to be a fan of Russian figure skating, but nowadays I'd probably feel like puking when seeing their performances.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
20 Apr 2022   #122
Many Ukrainians still feel connected to Russians through language, culture and history. And religion.

Not any more.
Putin put pad to that!
Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Apr 2022   #123
As for "possible reconsiliation"... Now? With a psycho Nazi-like Putinist Russia??

What about Eastern Ukrainians? Or Ukrainians in general?

Vlad1234, so what is your ethnicity?

It depends on how you define "ethnicity". It is not exactly scientific, but rather a domestic concept. I was born in Ukraine and my native language is Russian (as with majority of those who was born in Ukraine), but I can understand and read in Ukrainian since childhood. There are no completely pure ethnicities. Many Ukrainians have plenty of Polish, Tatar and many other admixtures. Those nations they contacted, or who live in Ukraine. Around 50% of Ukrainians have R1a haplogroup which is the most common among Northern Slavic people, which still make valid the assumptions we are still predominantly Slavic nation. I don't know how you could draw a sharp line between Russian , Belarussians and Ukrainian ethnicities, for example. This is just an approximate constructs...
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Apr 2022   #124
that they don't want to have anything to do with anything Russian anymore

Putin put pad to that!

More and more people are feeling that way.

It's history repeating. Leopards don't change their spots, and for years I've felt like a Cassandra warning of the danger of russia and certain other countries both in Europe and outside it.

As Santayana wrote, those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it, and that is precisely what we're seeing now.

But, hey, people find it easier to hate Muslim and/or African countries and their disempowered populations, possibly in part as a result of subtle propaganda from russia. They are skilled at that and it's fair to wonder how much discreet stirring they've done in Poland since they were kicked out, and how many agents of influence they have in the region even now.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Apr 2022   #125
But, hey, people find it easier to hate Muslim and/or African countries

Probably it does have much to do with refugee and migrant crisis?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Apr 2022   #126

It long predates that, however russia and other malign state actors certainly make use of areas of public concern.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Apr 2022   #127
It long predates that

As well as mass immigration.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Apr 2022   #128
As well as mass immigration

Something mostly visible only to the minority who live in big cities.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
21 Apr 2022   #129
There are no completely pure ethnicities.

She ask you what you are! Ukrainian, Russian, Soviet, Slow?

ine between Russian , Belarussians and Ukrainian ethnicities, for example.

Very easily. Belorusan are the local population of peasant that beloned to the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania before partitions.
Ukrainians are people like peasants, cossacks, small or unlanded nobility living on lands that belonged to the Dutchy and later to the Polish Crown. That land was taken by Russia gradually. Eastern part was taken by Russia at the end of the 17th century, and the rest in 18th century.

During Russian and then Soviet times poulation was moved around some but they never lost their sense of identity.

But, hey, people find it easier to hate Muslim and/or African countries

Don't hate but ask why the hell those people are coming here? Europe is not that big, Afirca is few times bigger and have overally nice weather. They say that white people do not bleong in Africa but its racist to say that black do not belong in Europe. See duble standarts.

As for those 'refugees' from Belarus they already on their way to German or the uk. Should we just put buses for them and move them to German border? IF not all those liberal Big gobs should shut up and they sdould be shoot at and kicked out at the border.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Apr 2022   #130
Don't hate but ask why the hell those people are coming here

A massive decrease in infant mortality three decades ago, an increase in life expectancy without any economic growth or jobs, no increase in birth control or access to abortion, and most people in those awful places (and some of them are **** holes) having access to satellite tv or smartphone and seeing that other places are better.

The place I was in in Africa for 3 years until covid has a median age of 21. Some countries there have a median age of 19. Basically a ticking time bomb.

Plus it's been weaponised by Putler/Lukaszenko, to an extent Macron and probably the Chinese too.

I suspect Putler has a hand in a lot of this, plus Beijing.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Apr 2022   #131
She ask you what you are! Ukrainian, Russian, Soviet, Slow?

I self identify as a Ukrainian. As majority of those Russian-speaking people who were born in Ukraine.

unlanded nobility living on lands that belonged to the Dutchy and later to the Polish Crown

Yes, but this is some vague constructs, not an absolute sharp-cutting border. Could anyone tell a sharp distinction between a German and an Austrian even though the later lived in Habsburg Empire?

See duble standarts.

Very simple. The winners dictate standards. Europeans lack will (to life), spirit and solidarity and they became the loosers.

Basically a ticking time bomb.

Fortunately not for us personally, unless we are going to live 100+ years.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
21 Apr 2022   #132
Could anyone tell a sharp distinction between a German and an Austrian

When they open their mouth!

Europeans lack will (to life), spirit and solidarity and they became the loosers.

I don't think so!

We have been pussified by decades of peace and food and (for a half) freedom....most people never had to truly fight for anything....where should the "will" come from?

But I'm totally's all still won't take much to get it all out again...but on the other hand, that won't be nice. I like it peaceful and fat better! :)
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Apr 2022   #133
Fortunately not for us personally, unless we are going to live 100+ years

indeed, though it may well be a bumpy road on the way.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Apr 2022   #134
most people never had to truly fight for anything....where should the "will" come from?

Ideally it has to be inborn. And the right man will always find the right cause to fight for. Just look around and think deeply...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
21 Apr 2022   #135
Just look around and think deeply...

There is a difference in "looking for it" because I WANT to fight, because I'm bored or something and having to fight, because I'm defending my life, my family, my loved ones, my way of living!

That's the "will" that counts....
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
21 Apr 2022   #136
a German and an Austrian

well 500 years of history would make it more profound. Like West and East Franks after 500 years we have French and Germans.
The same with language, Scottish, Americans or Irish all speak English it doesn't make them English.
Nothing is vague, being part of the Moscow/ Soviet Empire made it vague because people were opressed.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Apr 2022   #137
indeed, though it may well be a bumpy road on the way.

Quite likely. Personally I'm especially concerned about the rumors that some Eastern Europeans are kidnapped and brainwashed and basically kept in slavery. Is it the kind of "freedom" that the descendents of slaves and fighters with racism have dreamt about?!
Paulina  19 | 4558
21 Apr 2022   #138
What about Eastern Ukrainians? Or Ukrainians in general?

You mean reconciliation between Poles and Ukrainians?

Personally I'm especially concerned about the rumors that some Eastern Europeans are kidnapped and brainwashed and basically kept in slavery.

You mean Ukrainian refugees being sent by Russians to filtration camps, the pro-Ukrainian ones disappearing without a trace and the rest being sent to far away areas of Russia and kept there against their will, allegedly forced to work for free, Ukrainian children being taken away from their parents, put into orphanages and set up for adoption by Russian couples so they could be brainwashed into being Russians? Yes, I'm very concerned about that too. Those are Stalinist and Nazi-like methods.
mafketis  38 | 11274
22 Apr 2022   #139
I self identify as a Ukrainian.

Then why are you on Russia's side? Are you a traitor?
Alien  26 | 6550
26 Jun 2022   #140
Yes, he is a traitor.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2024   #141
putain even put a tentative claim on Belgium the other day.

Yes, Putin lied as usual when he suggested that Belgium came into being thanks to Russians.

No, Russian liars, it was the opposite, you were going to suppress the Belgian rising against their Dutch rulers in 1830-31. There were such plans and you were getting ready for the intervention.

It was the outbreak of the Polish November Rising of 1830 which prevented the Russian army from being sent to fight against Belgians. Instead, it had to deal with unruly Poles and Polesses.

All in all, in this part of Europe, it was Poles and Polesses who paved the way to Belgium`s independence.
Fekk all imperial Russian liars!!!
Bobko  27 | 2232
7 Mar 2024   #142
you were going to suppress the Belgian rising against their Dutch rulers in 1830-31

So... by not suppressing their revolt... we are responsible for them existing.

Not doing something, can be as powerful, or more powerful, than doing something.

In any case - great for Belgium, and again sh*t for Poland. You killed your people, did not get freedom from Russia (but instead doubled the medicine dosage), but... in a tangential way freed the Belgians. Great job!
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2024   #143
by not suppressing their revolt... we are responsible for them existing.

Yes, imperial Russian reasoning. :):):) Similarly, you can claim that by raping millions of German women, Soviet Russian soldiers benevolently helped Germany make up for its WW2 population losses. :(:(:(

in a tangential way freed the Belgians. Great job!

Darling, that is our Polish character you know nothing about:
Polish rule no 1:
Poland is the Christ of Nations.,
Rule No 2:
For our and your freedom!! Ha!!!!
Bobko  27 | 2232
7 Mar 2024   #144
Yes, imperial Russian reasoning

At that time Russia was the conservative policeman of Europe.

We were called in as a firefighting brigade by the monarchs of Europe, to put down any liberal movements that showed signs of life.

Belgium was small peanuts. Poland was much more important. Even more important than Poland, was saving the Habsburgs during the Hungarian Revolution.

In Russia itself we had the Decembrist Revolt - which was also brutally crushed. Back then there were plenty of Jons and Mafs also, that were convinced this meant the imminent end of Russia. However, Russia is adept at survival.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2024   #145
did not get freedom from Russia

Darling, but we did in the long run coz the memory of the Nov Uprising had been kept in the nation for decades until Independence Day. It is still cherished today by the choice of literature required at school. What do you know about Reduta Ordona?????? hahahaha

At that time Russia was the conservative policeman of Europe.

That is imperial Russian character - to be a policeman, invader, occupier, rapist, murderer.
Polish character is freedom fighter. Ha!!!

We were called in as a firefighting brigade by the monarchs of Europe, to put down any liberal movements that showed signs of life.

Yes, thank you for admitting that your beloved ruler Putin is a stinking liar. :):):) AmaSSing!!!

during the Hungarian Revolution.

Stop mixing things - focus on the topic of the thread.
Bobko  27 | 2232
7 Mar 2024   #146
Yes, thank you for admitting that your beloved ruler Putin is a stinking liar.


That is imperial Russian character

Listen - I am on the same side as the Decembrists and Novembrists. I am not gonna spend energy apologizing for the Tsar's reactionary policies.

I think us acting as policeman was a grave mistake, and is what threw us back in development much more than any Mongol occupation.

I'm not arguing with you, but just explaining that Putin could be viewed as correct in his argument.

Many, many, many Russians think the Decembrists were good men that were murdered in cold blood.

P.S. - By the way the Habsburg's paid us back for saving their dynasty and their empire by abandoning us during the Crimean War. Russia has no allies - but its fleet and army. Relying on anyone else or their word has always proven to be a mistake.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2024   #147
I am on the same side as the Decembrists and Novembrists

No, you are not coz you are imperialist Russian in mind and heart. 1830 November Rising fighters were like Ukrainians of 2022-24 - they fought for their freedom and independence from Russian brutal domination. You support Russian war against Ukraine so you would also support Russian occupation of Poland.

Stop lying so obsessively, I don`t have time to deal with stinking imperial lying Russian azholes. I want to focus on Polish art, culture, food and literature but can`t coz you fekking distract me. :(:(:(:(:((:(
Bobko  27 | 2232
7 Mar 2024   #148
Stop lying so obsessively

I don't lie. I don't have time, or interest in this.

I argue.

You are misinformed regarding what were the driving impulses of the November revolt. You also, have no idea what was happening during the December revolt.

It was not a reaction against Russian domination, but a continent-wide surge towards democracy. Specifically, the granting of a constitution, which could enshrine the rights of citizens.

Russians lost as much, or more, than the Poles lost when November and December failed.

It f*cked Poland and it f*cked Russia.

The Tsar won, the People lost.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2024   #149
You are misinformed

AmaSSing! You want to teach Polish history to a native Pole who loves history of Poland and have been studying it since 3 grade of primary school ???? hahahaha

It was not a reaction against Russian domination

Of course it was. The Russian tsar obsessively broke the Constitution of the Polish Kingdom, thus displaying the Russian domination over Poles and Polesses, which eventually proved unbearable.
Bobko  27 | 2232
7 Mar 2024   #150
The Russian tsar obsessively broke the Constitution of the Polish Kingdom

He did.

thus displaying the Russian domination

Ok. But it was, as I said, CONTINENT-WIDE.

The aftershocks of the French Revolution were making themselves known, despite there being a restored Bourbon king on the throne of France.

People wanted power. Not just from Russians, but from kings and emperors.

The Polish revolt was driven by these same sentiments, much more than any anti-Russian position as you try to force in this argument. This concept was alien at the time.

You are making ahistorical arguments.

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