Yes, let's discuss them. Which one are you referring to? I assume that you have actually read them.
I am referring to the ones which I read in this book seen below. His friendly attitude to Russia (though undermined with the complex of superiority towards Russian lower culture) is scattered throughout his publications over decades.
In the text from 1931 entitled
Post War World and Poland, in its subchapter entitled
Russia - Cleaning the Ground Dmowski suggests Russia is going to be the major player and Poles should forget their past grievances and reconsider Russia as a partner, bigger than false West or dominating Germany. Poland should NOT get involved in any hostile action of the West against Russia.
The second photo shows an excerpt on page 301.
In all his texts Dmowski shows his obsessive fear and hatred of Germany, treating Russia as a much smaller problem or even a potential partner for Poland. His naive beliefs were shattered in 1939 when Stalin`s Russia attacked Poland with Germans.
Today, naive ideas about Russia as a partner in the crusade against the West are cherished by contemporary rightwingers and nationalists, including PiS.
And if you didn't here's an article about Dmowski's attitude towards Russia
Yes, I know this one. Let me reply with another link to the analysis of Dmowski`s political views on Russia
Read the part entitled
Attitude to
Reaching a political consensus with Russia is a top priority for Polish politics. - that`s the main idea of it.
Now, we can ask - at what cost? What was Dmowski prepared to sacrifice in order to establish partnership with Russia? Taking into account his obsessive hatred of Germany and distrust to other Western countries, the answer is natural - he was ready to give up Polish aspirations to be the part of West and eventually join the Russian sphere of interests.
Thank you very much.

