Very small proportion
The Nazis were very unpopular in Norway, have you not seen the heroes of Telemark?
The movie has nothing to do with THAT, it's also very... weird. But yeah, "Max Manus" would be better to understand Norwegian sentiments better, at least nowadays.
I don't think the Norwegian Premier Vidkun Quisling would have agreed with you.
What planet are you from?
He was in a small unpopular minority, anyway I want to know more about Polish collaborators not Norway.
He was in an minority among peasants and somebody's
generally yes however
a few of them ended up in SS Wiking
exactly, that's the whole thing really
were there any Nazi formed Polish Miltia units or Police like in Lithuania?
Oh you mean Poles that volunteered? Very very little chance, quite a big shot. Even taking arms from Germans was... negative. Not until the end of the war some far-right groups did take weapons from em. That's actually it. IF you think of organized collaboration