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What do Poles think about Turks?

morella  11 | 65
19 Jun 2008   #421
I don't think that we are Asian rather than European. We are Turks.

I call this exaggerated Nationalism...this doesn't change the fact that we r Asian.. '' I dont feel like Asian, I feel like Turkish '' this sounds funny explanation for me:) And this Turkish Union Utopia is just more than being Funny..Your imaginations shouldn't be so limited with being the Leader of a losers community..
isisores  - | 46
19 Jun 2008   #422
true. i think we are just trying find a way to benefit from their natural resources. Turkish union, sounds impossible.
rock  - | 428
19 Jun 2008   #423
What's your solution morella ? You say we are Asian. So where do you think Turkey has to take part ? With Arabs ? or be alone ? What do you think about the future of Turkey ? If you are capable of thinking.

All the people loves his/her country. Southern loves Greece, Bratwust boy Germany, Polish people Poland. Does it mean exaggerated nationalism. A polish likes slavic nations I think. Or a German Austria.

We have to think our countries future. Turkic republics are close to us.
I also also add Russia and Iran to this union. What will you think now ?
Your answer will be I am Assian I guess.
osiol  55 | 3921
19 Jun 2008   #424
So how similar are Yakuts, Uzbeks, Chuvash and the Turkish bloke in my local kebab shop?

We have to think our countries future. Turkic republics are close to us.
I also also add Russia and Iran to this union

A bit of overlap with Crow's Slavic union there. A bit risky?
southern  73 | 7059
19 Jun 2008   #425
he also put his picture on banknotes, and after he painted his hair to black he seized all old banknotes and published new ones with his brand new black hair. changed name of the months, as january replaced with his name, another month with his mother's name. funny man at all, even funnier is he was the president of a country.

Even funnier was he considered himself the archetypal Turk.
morella  11 | 65
20 Jun 2008   #426
İs this titles name How To Solve Turkey's Problems? or Finding An Accompany For Turkey? if the disscussion will go there, there r already many Turkish websites in the internet like this..First we have to educate our own people then jump in to international forum pages at this topic...First inner problems should be solved to be able to cope with outern problems...if not we would be just creating Fantasies here..
Marek  4 | 867
20 Jun 2008   #427
An unrelated thread, Maxx, but it has been asserted numerous times over the years by various linguists, that the Finnic or 'Fenno-Ugric' languages are in fact related to the Turkic :)
tomek  - | 134
20 Jun 2008   #428
You know, while Poland was divided for 123 years the Ottoman leader had left a place spare at his diplomatic table for the Polish representative to return. THIS WERE NICE TURKS. They even titled Sobieski as the "invincible lion from the north" after he destroyed their armies. They should not forget it!

Now Turkey stays a potential threat but a honorable enemy. In times of peace it can be a good business partner - but under current circumstances many prefer to stay out of their way as the migrants in Europe destroyed the once noble picture we had of them.

'Fenno-Ugric' languages are in fact related to the Turkic

So Finns and Hungarians languages have been influenced in the past by the old noble ottoman empire - great for you. And even better both tribes have white skin and their women do smell like ours. They are acceptable visitors, wifes and husbands.
rock  - | 428
20 Jun 2008   #429
Morella, you are really saying nothing. Behaving like this you can win the Noble Prize like Orhan Pamuk who is nothing in Turkey.

Meanwhile, what's your education my poor man ?
osiol  55 | 3921
20 Jun 2008   #430
So Finns and Hungarians languages have been influenced in the past by the old noble ottoman empire - great for you

No. The theory goes like this:

Ural-Altaic languages (if such a group does truely exist), includes Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic language (Uralic) and Turkic, Tungusic and Mongolic (Altaic) languages. There is debate as to whether they do form a group in the way that Indo-European languages do.

Then, Hungarian has been influenced at various times by Turkic languages, whereas Finnish hasn't (certainly not by the Ottoman Empire).
Marek  4 | 867
21 Jun 2008   #431
To prawda, Tomku :)

An agreement in fact was reached some years ago regarding the loan from Finland of much needed vowels by the Hungarians, who, lacking that particular type of letter, wanted to sue for historical theft of their vowels by the Finns way back when.

The story, while doubtless apocryphal, caused quite a stir within the the Fenno-Ugric community -:) -:) LOL

Czy mówisz po finsku, turetsku albo po węgiersku?
morella  11 | 65
21 Jun 2008   #432
Meanwhile, what's your education my poor man ?

Haha...u showed again 2 turks cant talk normally..when there r 2 turks in one place, there must be an argument or a fight btw them for sure:) I suppose u r a MHP racist, may be ı m wrong but your comments make me think like that...I m an advocate so a law graduate, if this is what u want to learn..I m not a barmen in Alanya dont worry...U r just funny with your comments u know:)Think wide, dont be so poor...İf u say to me the bullsh.t '' Leave or Love'' I m at the side of leaving..but it doesnt mean that I dont love my country.ı just dont love it in the same way which the racists like u did...Coz of the people who think like u, Turkey is a 3rd World Country still..Wake Up.....U say ''if EU doesn't want us We dont care it, we establish Turkish Nations Union'' u speak just childish....İf we r not accepted to EU there is a reason for this nonacceptance...think and solve the problems in your country..Development and Civilization is in the West, not in Asia....Try to adapt Europe..make your brain adapted too, my boy:)And dont switch the discussion to Turkey's problems or the fight btw two a little more mature..ı left such discussions years ago when ı was a child, coz ı saw no improvement is happening in this country we just waste time with fighting each other...and now I m visiting this title to learn so more things about what Poles think about Turks, and learn what sort of situations ı will face with when ı move dont the title r people who wants to learn sthg more instead of Turkey's problems..
lesser  4 | 1311
21 Jun 2008   #433
.İf we r not accepted to EU there is a reason for this unacceptance...

What kind of reason is that in your opinion?
morella  11 | 65
21 Jun 2008   #434
.İf we r not accepted to EU there is a reason for this unacceptance...

What kind of reason is that in your opinion?

Just a simple example very simple one...'' EU says us change this code for this reason to adapt this'' and we change it in 1 night in parliement as we r asked.I must admit that we r very fast changing codes even without any discussion:) But the confusing part is, we never obey it:) we do that change just on paper ..we r just trying to fake EU... first we have to educate people to obey what the new code says.if not then, it would be just a lie
tomek  - | 134
21 Jun 2008   #435
changing codes

Turkey is a big country and not everybody supports the new reforms. Many desire a more religious-conservative goverment. Pull a line down, east of Izmir, Bursa and Istanbul - in the west you'll have openminded people who are more openminded then the migrants we have experience with, in the east you'll have poorly educated peasants and islamists.
lesser  4 | 1311
21 Jun 2008   #436
'' EU says us change this code for this reason to adapt this''

The EU say this, the EU says that. Do you ever considered such possibility that on some subjects Turkish government may be right and European Union wrong?

Many desire a more religious-conservative goverment.

Are you a democrat?
rock  - | 428
21 Jun 2008   #437
Rock r u in Poland?hemşerim:)

I have been writing for this topic for almost one month. My first post was # 189. I have sent a lot of posts reflecting my opinions. Your first post # 413 was the one above which is about your curiosity where I am which nobody interests writing for this topic which could only be written by ignorant people. This is your level. Then you began to attack to me without any contribution to the topic which is very personal. Although I don't want to argue with you I forced to answer your posts.

You are a provacator and we have got a lot of people like you in our country. I will not announce which party I vote for to you which is not about this topic. You know ''curiousity kills the cat'' pay attention to your health.

Everyone has his/her own opinions and explain them freely.

You are not so important for me to target and write about. I want to write about the topic for other participants.
morella  11 | 65
21 Jun 2008   #439
I have been writing for this topic for almost one month.

hahaaa..u r just a funny kid as ı thougt:) u had no reply for my last message ı c:)u r a child...ok lets not to waste people's time here with our personal argument u MHP racist:) Live and think as u wish ı dont care unless it effect my and other people's freedom who think like me in this country...

The EU say this, the EU says that. Do you ever considered such possibility that on some subjects Turkish government may be right and European Union wrong?

Can u give me an example that we r right if u know so much about Turkey and Turkish culture and Turkish people, really ı m open to new ideas, please inform me ı wonder alot what u meaned:)
rock  - | 428
21 Jun 2008   #440
so dont the title r people who wants to learn sthg more instead of Turkey's problems..

In Turkey educated people don't curse like that.
My question will be for all the participants.
Do you want me to leave ?
morella  11 | 65
21 Jun 2008   #441
Do you want me to leave ?

:) u r just a child..I cant find something else to describe u:) hey whats your problem? first relax and then we will be able to make a normal conversation just relax first..Your messages r live proof of what ı said about u were true.I m sure ı m more educated than u if u r doubtful about this:)so just be calm then everything will be easier!
Marek  4 | 867
21 Jun 2008   #442
For whatever it's worth, I'm always a little surprised when I encounter people who think that Turks and Arabs are the same:) The degree of ignorance in this country (USA) about Turkey is shocking.
morella  11 | 65
21 Jun 2008   #443
Marek ı suppose u r a turkish, m ı wrong?
lesser  4 | 1311
21 Jun 2008   #444
Can u give me an example that we r right if u know so much about Turkey and Turkish culture and Turkish people, really ı m open to new ideas, please inform me ı wonder alot what u meaned:)

Till now I just asked questions, I don't follow Turkish politics, so I cannot give you any examples. However I know that euro-bureaucrats are rarely right, so I find this hard to understand that the Turks can be even more ignorant. At best I can tell you that even if Turkish politicians are indeed so pathetic as you claim there is third option when both sides may be wrong. If this is true, still there is no sense to copy nonessential ideas but rather search for effective solutions.

What I find interesting in your post is the fact that you mentioned Turkish culture. We in Poland rather don't have some clear views on Turkish people. Perhaps you will be able to explain to us a bit about Turkey. May I ask you what is your problem with Turkish culture?


Fair enough if so. I just don't like self-proclaimed democrats who cannot accept the results of democratic voting.
Marek  4 | 867
22 Jun 2008   #445
Yes, you are :) I'm American. Or as I responded recently when someone else here at PF asked me if in fact I'm American (as I had said that I'm not Polish by birth or extraction); "Guilty by association, don't shoot!" --:) LOL

I've been called far worse, believe me. Yet another wondered if I'm a Republican, to which I countered "While we're calling each other names, might you please tell me yours??" No response.

Am still waiting :)
Maxxx Payne  1 | 195
27 Jun 2008   #446
An unrelated thread, Maxx, but it has been asserted numerous times over the years by various linguists, that the Finnic or 'Fenno-Ugric' languages are in fact related to the Turkic :)

well modern linguistics dont think so. Sure there are similarities, but they are probably result of interaction than of relation. It is understandable when you consider that Uralic (Finns,Estonians, Hungarians,...) and Altaic (Turks, Mongols,...) were living in same areas thousands years ago. But science progresses and maybe sometime in future the Uralo-Altaic theory is in limelight again.

Weird thing is: Hungarians dont like Finns and see themselves more as a Turkic people but Turks like Finns and see themselves related Finns. Quite a weird "triangle"...
rock  - | 428
27 Jun 2008   #447
We like Hungarians too.

In Ottoman times, Finns were Turks are our relatives. Because we were strong. Now, they say threr is not any relation with Turks, we are Viking ! :)
Marek  4 | 867
27 Jun 2008   #448
You're half correct in that regard. There's been considerable speculation regarding the Fenno/Finno-Hungarian connection for years. Guess all the 'trouble' started with Herr Max Budenz, the German linguist working in Hungary and writing in both languages way back in the 19th century. He postulated that all the today Nostratic languages (Merrit Ruhlen's term, not mine!), including Basque, by the way, had a common origin in the Ugritic family of languages.

Rather complicated to go into, but this is the "short" version :) LOL
rock  - | 428
3 Jul 2008   #449
Any questions for Turkey, Turkish people ?
southern  73 | 7059
3 Jul 2008   #450
What do you think is better,a turkish toilet or a european toilet?

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