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What do Poles owe to Jews?

Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Jul 2021   #541
Do you have recorded witnesses of feeding hundreds out of one basket of food ?

Do you?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jul 2021   #542
I don't but the Bible has documented witnesses.
Can you prove otherwise ?
Let's argue
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Jul 2021   #543
Then let them testify under oath.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jul 2021   #544
We will, on Judgment Day.
That is prophesied too.
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Jul 2021   #545
When is that? I want to mark my calendar.

Seriously, there are better ways to look like a fool than push a cute story as facts. It is embarrassing even to read your crap.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jul 2021   #546
I want to mark my calendar.

You are not in charge of that so you don't have that option.
The Good Book explains that prophecy as, "He will come like a thief in the night."
No one knows when He will return.


My Faith can't be rocked by you or Satan.
Only a fool could think otherwise.
You have already posted that Satan has captured your soul and how you can't wait to spend eternity with Satan and I never challenged your choice.

So let me ask you why you are so adamant in challenging me on my choice other than you seem to be unsure of your choice.

That and you just want someone to argue your foolishness with.
Class dismissed and back on topic Loon.
24 Jul 2021   #547
@Novichok # 530 "Wait ... Are you saying that 85% of Jews in Poland do not speak Polish? Did I get that right?"

These are figures which are given in several Polish, Jewish or other history books.
And the so-called "virulen anti-Judaism" of the Poles, repeated to boredom by many polonophobic media, comes in part from the lack of knowledge of the history of Judaism in Poland, but above all, because of to want to seal and in a certain way "excuse" their official collaboration and active participation in the genocide of the Jews of all Europe.
10 Aug 2021   #548
@Bratwurst Boy # 533 "I read that many of the german Jews looked down their noses towards their Stetl brethren in the East ... there was definitely a divide!"

That is true. Compared to Poland, Jewish Germans were surprised that so many Polish Jewish citizens did not learn the language of their country and did not integrate into it.

You have to know when 1939, 75% of Jews already left Germany. In addition, the Germans sent 80,000 Polish Jews to Poland in 1938. There were very few Jews left there. Many joined the army and the German SS.

They could not understand how in a country which had become free, they were declared again as full Polish citizens, the integrate in society, knowing that no one questioned their religion, just like, other religions.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Aug 2021   #549
There were very few Jews left there. Many joined the army and the German SS.

You know full well that Jewish people were not eligible to join either.

The Nazis murdered 6 million Jewish people. They did not admit them to their bands of trained killers.

the lack of knowledge of the history of Judaism in Poland,

Or more that actual actual historians disagree with you,
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Aug 2021   #550
The Nazis murdered 6 million Jewish people.

The last time you mentioned Katyn, did you say Christians or Poles?
How many of the 6 million "Jews" were citizens of Poland?
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Aug 2021   #551
The last time you mentioned Katyn,

Your point is a bizarre one. Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Other religions and non-believers were all among the victims of the KatyƄ crime which was about the victims' membership of the Army and the Army reserves rather than who they were outside that.

How many of

An even weaker point, since the Holocaust was not about citzenship, however I gather about half were Jewish Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
10 Aug 2021   #552
Beware all the EXTREME dangers of historical relativism! Katyn cannot be compared with Auschwitz as posted ad nauseum on this as well as other
Forum threads, any more than Babi Yar can be compared with My Lai, The Rindfleisch or Lincoln Massacres with early Christians being thrown to the lions etc.

Murder, either manslaughter or mass mureder, is never relative and cannot be equated with other such actions, killing in pure, justifiable self defense cases notwithstanding.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Aug 2021   #553
An even weaker point, since the Holocaust was not about citzenship,

The point is fully contained in my question - which is simple and has no ambiguities so don't stretch it.

How many of the 6 million Jews were Polish citizens? If you don't know or don't like to answer, that's an entirely different matter.

The second question was about YOUR last post on the subject of Katyn. The answer is known to you so no history lectures.

The question was:

The last time you mentioned Katyn, did you say Christians or Poles?

The answer can only be: Christians, Poles, or neither. No stories.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Aug 2021   #554

You got it on your thrd try.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Aug 2021   #555
So what are the anwers?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
10 Aug 2021   #556
Katyn and Auschwitz oughtn't be mentioned in the same breath. Both ghastly for sure, yet clearly not for the same reasons!
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Aug 2021   #557
Katyn and Auschwitz oughtn't be mentioned in the same breath.

Only Russia haters do.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Nov 2021   #558
So far we have focused on famous Poles with Jewish background.

How about sth else for a change?

Jewish dishes and food are popular in the Polish cuisine:

carp ala Jewish (my favorite, the version with almonds and raisins)



kosher slivovitz (strong vodka)

Anything else?

  • 7ad8b782407b11e29.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9723
29 Nov 2021   #559
Apropos Chanukkah latki, the cross-pollination between ethnic "Polish" vs. local "Jewish" cuisine
from the various shtettls cannot be overstated.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Nov 2021   #560
Apropos Chanukkah latki,

Wow, I had no idea that Jews also cook potato pancakes. Amazing.
However, there is a difference: in the Polish dish the onion is grated together with potatoes.

  • Levivot_Hanukkah.jpg
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Nov 2021   #561
potato pancakes.


It's a classic Jewish dish. More Jewish than Polish even. There's a lot of similarity between Ashkenazi food and Polish/Ukranian/Russian food which is understandable due to geography and available foodstuffs. Kopytki, knedle and a few other things (though the names are often slightly different). Chicken soup of course too.

A lot here that fits Polish cuisine:
Miloslaw  22 | 5203
29 Nov 2021   #562
There is a big connection between Polish and Polish Jewish cuisines.
Loads of " cross polination".
Poloniusz  5 | 969
29 Nov 2021   #563
Loads of "cross polination".

That's not universally appreciated; quite the opposite.

From May 2021:

Why Israelis See Polish Culture as a Joke

"The question of "Polishness" comes up for discussion occasionally, and in almost every case, it's presented in a mocking if not humiliating manner."


The Israeli article goes on to ask where the racist stereotypes come from despite some shared history between the two countries.

Another good question is why this current year article was hitherto never mentioned on PF but instead the usual suspects are at it again with their incessant fawning over all things Jewish?
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Nov 2021   #564
Loads of " cross polination".

Centuries of it, both cultural and genetic.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Nov 2021   #565
It's a crying shame that far too many Jews have little respect for the very culture to which their ancestors contributed richly, almost exclusively after 1900.

The joke is really on them, the Israelis or sundry other Jews, probably from the US, who lapse into this disgusting Pole bashing!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Nov 2021   #566
Yes, disgusting. However, we will love them so long and strong that one day they will also fall in love with us. Simple.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Nov 2021   #567
From your lips to G-d's ear:-)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2023   #568
The Israeli article goes on to ask where the racist stereotypes come from despite some shared history between the two countries.

Hmmm, probably they still remember how ethnic Poles expelled thousands of Jewish Poles in 1968???
Alien  26 | 6527
30 Dec 2023   #569
ethnic Poles expelled thousands of Jewish Poles in 1968???

These were communists who were looking for a scapegoat.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2023   #570
These were communists

Were they dropped onto Poland from space???

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