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What do Poles owe to Jews?

Novichok  4 | 8677
27 May 2021   #451
...and 99% of Germans.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 May 2021   #452
Sadly misguided majority, only a corageous minority stood up for what ís right and just.
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 May 2021   #453
Sadly misguided majority,

BS. They knew what he was doing and they were proud as the other Germans were conquering country after country. If they were misguided, every single person on the globe can claim the same and disclaim responsibility.

Misguided or obedient. Didn't work very well at Nuremberg, did it?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
27 May 2021   #454

One of the most popular polandball comics ever....
amiga500  5 | 1539
27 May 2021   #455
wow thats a brilliant polandball, there should be a best off polandball archive site.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
27 May 2021   #456
Did you see the pics on his fridge? :)

there should be a best off polandball archive site.

There actually is....they are right now celebrating 10 years of Polandball Reddit :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 May 2021   #457
How about Art Spiegelman's "Maus"?
19 Jun 2021   #458
What do Poles owe to Jews?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jun 2021   #460

That`s too little. You still need to prove it so that we wil believe you.

I was first.

Of course not.. This thread is 9 years old while you joined in 2020.
30 Jun 2021   #461
That`s too little. You still need to prove it so that we wil believe you.

Here we are.
What do the Poles owe to Jews?
NOTHING. Ah, yes anyway, but nothing good:
- Communist oppression of more than 50 years due to the Jews in large part;
- Odious propaganda carried out against Poland, the Poles;
- Many Jews (pro-Russian / Soviet) partially responsible for the tragedies in Poland (uprisings, war 1920, 1939-41 collaboration with the Soviet occupier - denunciations, murders ...),

So yes, Jews owe a great deal to Poles.

Exactly. And also their life, thanks to the courage of the non-Jewish Poles and, perhaps, a little remorse for those who died saving them. Many Jews don't feel anything. They consider that it was the duty of the Poles alone, not of other nations.

Zofia Szczucka-Kossak spoke of human duty, and that involved a lot of people for a Jew. (Krall said 45 Poles to save her)

A lot of Polish Jews or Jewish Poles have made an amazing contribution into Poland`s development and progress in many fields.

What does it mean to you, your distinction "Polish Jews or Jewish Poles"?
Would you do it for the Jews of the USA? No doubt not.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
30 Jun 2021   #462
Have to agree, Poles owe Jews nothing. Germany can pay and they should pay everyone for WWII. The whole Jewish complaining like they were the only victims is complete BS. The Germans located the camps here, they didn't exist before the Germans built them in an occupied country. If a Pole was forced to do any work for the Germans what choice did he have? None. Lay down and die and give up his life or his family for a people he has no responsibility for?

With a gun to their heads, the Jews did enough to their own kind. Why are the Jews not going after their own? The whole discussion is not even worth having any more.
30 Jun 2021   #463

Jews lived and developed in Polish culture and practically all of them had excellent, famous non-Jewish Polish painters as Professors (Maslowski, Chelmonski Pankiewicz, etc for Kramsztyk, Kisling, Hayden, bracia Gottlieb, etc .; pianist Rubinstein, protégé of the conductor of the Warsaw Philharmonic, Emil Młynarski, world-renowned composer and pianist, Paderewski, or composer Karol Szymanowski

Henryk Wieniawski (district name of Wieniawa in Lublin) a famous violinist and composer, whom you quote, was from a family of very cultivated Jewish Poles, converted to Catholicism,

@Alien #331
There were also atheist Jews; cf. Kramsztyk, famous painter, considered himself Polish, period.
He did not know so much about Jewish traditions and did not frequent them.
He was shocked, the German quad locked him up in the Warsaw Getho.
The Poles wanted to take him out, but he stayed there to testify. Strangely enough, a lot of his drawings have disappeared. Without doubt, he also showed another side of the Ghetto, that of the carefree rich Jews.

to create mini state in Eastern Poland for Jews of Polish/Belarus/Lithuanian descent

Jews wanted to do it already as soon as Poland became independent, and you even demanded it in Versailles.

Try to create this Jewish "mini state" in the USA or in another country (France, Germany). Would they agree? They would laugh in your face or locked up in a lunatic asylum.

Communism is incompatible with any religion. How do you define Jewishness? Who knows? Is it a religion, an ethnicity or a nationality?

Jewishness, maybe, = opportunity?

How Jews repayed Poles? Many became high ranked UB =NKWD. Morel Berman Romkowski Brystygierowa Fejgin Wolińska, hunted polish AK & sented to death

It's obvious. We can also add Michnik's brother, still in Sweden (no extradition)

We can't do that, that would be anti Semitic and everyone knows what about "antiSemites" us Poles are ;)

Yes rather "anti-Jews". Jews appropriate Semites, mostly Arabs, Berbers, Palestinians, etc.)

for the majority of the time that Warsaw has been the capital of independent Poland, Jews were not allowed to live in the city.

False. Between the wars, around 375,000 Jews lived only in Warsaw, more than the total number of Jews in France and 10 times more than in Holland.

interests of not wishing to miss out on an opportunity to smear Poles and label us anti Semites he misses out some vital information :)

Pain lost for all these Polonophobes


Absolutely. As a reminder, Auschwitz was not even in occupied Poland, but on September 1, 1939, integrated into the German Reich, like Chelmo, Stutthoff, Sosnowiec, Gliwice, etc.
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #464
Since, as some claim, Jews were Poles, the question is what Poles owe Poles.
A half-Jew, half-Pole, will he pay himself?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jun 2021   #465
Or to put a finer point on the question, what do GENTILES owe Jews?
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #466
Exactly what Jews owe for living in Poland since that royal moron invited them centuries ago and for their criminal activities as the UB and the Soviet agents.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2021   #467
was from a family of very cultivated Jewish Poles, converted to Catholicism,

Yes, a lot of them dropped their Jewish heritage, culture, language etc. Still, they had Jewish background and as such they are eligible to be discussed in this thread.

What does it mean to you, your distinction "Polish Jews or Jewish Poles

It means nothing special. I often provide such double distinction so that nobody feels hurt which sometimes happens when only one notion is offered and they feel excluded. .

The whole discussion is not even worth having any more.

Thank you very much for your contribution. See you in other threads. :):)

Btw, I forgot to add that this thread isn`t about financial compensation for Jewish property lost during WW2. It is about sth more important. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #468
Bottom line: I owe what the judge says I owe. For the rest, call God or pray.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jun 2021   #469
what do GENTILES owe Jews?

which Gentiles and which Jews?
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #470
Can there be a partial Jew the way Kamala is black?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2021   #471
Of course. E,g,, when only one parent is Jewish. Isn`t it obvious?
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #472
How about 1/8. Still Jewish?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2021   #473
Are you talking about your origin now? I thought it was higher than 1/8. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #474
How about 1/16. Still Jewish?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2021   #475
Stop speculating or even obsessing about those fractions so much. Try to accept this heritage and get rid of that self-hate at last. It badly influences your psyche.
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2021   #476
What makes one a Jew? How about 1/32? Still a Jew? If Kamala is black and the other a-hole one was an Indian at 1/'s a valid question at the payout time or the line will be very long.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jun 2021   #477
Judaism is matrilineal.
Novichok  4 | 8677
1 Jul 2021   #478
Judaism is a religion. Some Christians convert to Judaism. Mothers have nothing to do with it.
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 Jul 2021   #479
Judaism is matrilineal.

Judaism is a religion

English vocabulary is not very clear here (and neither is Polish).

Russian handily distinguishes between the followers of the religion (root: iud-) and the 'nationality' or ethno-group (roughly Ashkenezi jews who have a lot of distinct genetic markers like any ethnic population) (root: evrej-)

So in Russia most evrej- don't really practice the iud- religion while a few who do practice iud-ism aren't evrej-...

Much clearer....
Lyzko  44 | 9723
1 Jul 2021   #480
If the mother is of Jewish heritage, the immediate offspring is automatically Jewish, like Jesus. Clear enough?

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