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What do Poles owe to Jews?

Ironside  51 | 13086
2 Jun 2017   #271
Nope, us Poles aren't dumb,

Not so sure. Have you heard about lieutenant Józef Kosacki.who during WWII in the west invented a mine detector . Instead of making lots of money to use it to establish foundation which would pay for the best universities for Poles he make a romantic, some say a Christian gesture?

Have you seen lots of those cretins coming here and harping about Poland and Poles? You know the lot? If they have to pay a s''''lot of monies for this invention they would know better.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Jun 2017   #272
Great Poles as well as "friends of the Jews" were the late Jan Karski who alerted the world to the impending Holocaust, and of course, Lolek Wojtyla, later Pope John Paul, and a true friend of the Jews as well as of all mankind.

We can all look up to their shining examples in this cynical age!!
Ironside  51 | 13086
2 Jun 2017   #273
Great Poles as well as "friends of the Jews" were the late Jan Karski

He was a courier for the Underground (resistance) who was following orders and will of the whole organization. Polish organization I might add. The way you put it you made him look like a lone rider. He wasn't.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Jun 2017   #274
Au contraire, Pierre! I'm not making him out to be any such thing:-) In fact, I trust you are familiar with Leopold Socha, Lwow resistance fighter who fought side by side with his own comrades in defense of his fellow Jewish Poles.
Ironside  51 | 13086
2 Jun 2017   #275
To sum it up. Poles don't owe to Jews anything. Some Jews owe to many Poles their life.
Pity that American Jews who never lifted a little finger to help Jews in Europe during the ww II. Nowadays they spread some BS amongst themselves about Holocaust.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Jun 2017   #276
That many Jews during the war years owe their lives to Good Samaritans in Poland, Polish Christians who, like Wojtyla, understand the tenets of their faith, I can but roundly applaud!! This is factual history and something of which every Pole can be darned proud!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #277
Wow, I almost forgot that thread exists. It used to be our fav thread in the past.

So, I quickly looked through it and can tell you we have discussed the following Jewish contributors to Polish heritage:

writers, poets and linguists such as:
Julian Tuwim
Bolesław Lesmian
Jan Brzechwa
Bruno Schulz
Stanisław Lem
Artur Sandauer
Janusz Korczak
Roman Brandstaetter
Mieczysław Jastrun
Jerzy Lec
Leopold Tyrmand
Władysław Kopaliński

Film directors (Agnieszka Holland), sportspeople (Irena Szewińska), politicians (Geremek).

We have also talked about Jewish culinary contribution: challach, carp ala Jewish, cebularz - onion pie.

Now, it is time for new concepts.

A very important one - I wonder why nobody mentioned it before. Did you know that 6-7% Polish officers executed in Katyń Massacre was if Jewish origin? They were doctors, lawyers, engineers, merchants, teachers. They felt Polish and loved Poland and didn`t renounce it during interrogations by Soviet NKVD. In result, they were marked for extermination.

In central Warsaw, among modern architecture, there is a monument honouring the victims of Soviet invasion of 17 September 1939 and to all who perished in the East. The form is of a train carriage - in such carriages people were transported to Siberia to gulag camps.

The monument contains symbols of Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox religions - all of them became objects of persecution when the USSR attacked Poland.

  • Warszawa172.jpg

  • Warszawa181.jpg

  • Jewish matzevah among crosses
Crow  155 | 9700
30 Jul 2020   #278
Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox religions - all of them became objects of persecution when the USSR attacked Poland.

Let us have in mind that western Europe (Vatican included) penetrated communism in Russia. Then they ``helped`` Poland against communism.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
30 Jul 2020   #279
Last time I checked, it was Prussian dominated(Protestant) Elites pushing for communism in Russia. How on earth did vatican have anything to do with it?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #280
We have also talked about Jewish culinary contribution: carp ala Jewish,

My fav recipe for Christmas carp: in sweet own juice, with raisins and almonds

  • karpzyd357.jpg

  • karpzyd362.jpg

  • karpzyd365.jpg
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
31 Jul 2020   #281
Pawian, my Kumpel, to my critical eye, your favorite dish looks like the effect of lost battles, with a bad case of diarrhea and the tapeworm, at the same time.

I prefer Japanese, artistic presentation of culinary delight, inducing apatite. I am sure you concur
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
31 Jul 2020   #282
"What do Poles owe to Jews?" As a history enthusiast I am grateful for a certain Jewish trader (guess what he traded) that wrote down about Poles during the early stages of Poland
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #283
Wow, indeed! Wonderful example, thank you. He wrote extremely interesting things about ancient Slavs in 10th century.

Ibrahim ibn Jakub was a merchant and traveller.

'They don't eat chickens because they believe they cause a loss of strength and a red rash. They eat the meat of cows and geese, because that serves them well.' These words by Abraham Ben Jacob, a Jewish traveller who visited Slavic territories in the 10th century, describe the meat-eating habits of the ancestors of Poles.
call1n  2 | 192
31 Jul 2020   #284
To sum it up. Poles don't owe to Jews anything. Some Jews owe to many Poles their life.

The holy hoax is real, I insist it. You evil Polak, you are just as guilty as Germany. The whole world turned their back on the Jews and that is why we need zionist israel.

So the "holocaust" will never happen again. Now shut your yap and let the Jews do some war crimes against the Arabs.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
31 Jul 2020   #285
Can you be so kind and take your bull dung somewhere else? Poland&Poles and those interested in Poland are not interested in any Race-oriented garbage nonsense. Talk to Russians, maybe they haven't given up pan-slavic ideas yet.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #286
to my critical eye, your favorite dish looks like the effect of lost battles, with a bad case of diarrhea and the tapeworm


I prefer Japanese, artistic presentation of culinary delight, inducing apatite. I am sure you concur

Japanese are OK, yet the taste of Jewish carp is unbeatable.
mafketis  38 | 11263
31 Jul 2020   #287
the taste of Jewish carp

worst carp I've ever had: In a university stołówka, mud, mud and more mud. I have an iron and taste buds dulled by decades of horrible American processed 'food' but I couldn't even finish half

mid carp: Fish soup under the bridge in Szeged Hungary, hot but.... not great

best carp I've ever had: At a Vietnamese New Year's celebration in Poland, the spices complemented the taste rather than overpowering it (like Hungary) or failing in the face of overwhelming resistance (stołówka).
jon357  72 | 23654
31 Jul 2020   #288
mud, mud and more mud.

Carp is very overrated. I've eaten plenty here out of politeness and don't recall ever enjoying it.

Other types of fish on sale are better, most from the sea rather than rivers. Śledzie po żydowsku is (to my island taste anyway), much better than the carp equivalent.

Gefiltefisch, can be made with fish like mintaj and is better for that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #289
mud, mud and more mud

don't recall ever enjoying it.

hahahaha That`s because you had been biased against carp already in your native countries. By tradition, neither Americans nor British consider carp as valuable fish.
jon357  72 | 23654
31 Jul 2020   #290
biased against carp already in your native countries

Not so much biased against carp, more used to a much richer variety of (generally better prepared and fresher) fish from the sea.

neither Americans nor British consider carp as valuable fish.

Very valuable indeed if they're koi carp in an ornamental pond. Otherwise, yuk, especially when the sluggish bottom-feeders are preserved in jelly.
call1n  2 | 192
31 Jul 2020   #291
Talk to Russians, maybe they haven't given up pan-slavic ideas yet.

Is there a Russian forms?
I think Poland should get together with Eastern Ukraine and Lithuania and leave all these other **** nothing places in the EU on the curb with Greece.

And also ditch these oriantal jews (they are the most racist people, I did not mention race), go make holy hoax speeches with old skool kgb Vladimir Putin. You don't think an ex-kgb agent would lie?
Ironside  51 | 13086
1 Aug 2020   #292
following Jewish contributors

hmm I puzzled. Are they not Polish? Do you go by their DNA?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #293
more used to a much richer variety of (generally better prepared and fresher) fish from the sea.

Of course. But carp once or twice a year is a great dish. :0

Otherwise, yuk, especially when the sluggish bottom-feeders are preserved in jelly.

That is also a Jewish style.
Ironside  51 | 13086
1 Aug 2020   #294
Carp is disguising I couldn't eat that fish if I were starving.

Of course.

You are unable to answer my question.
mafketis  38 | 11263
1 Aug 2020   #295
Carp is very overrated. I've eaten plenty here out of politeness and don't recall ever enjoying it.

I've had it in better and worse home versions, but that first time in the stołówka was godawful.... obviously it hadn't been.... flushed? whatever they do to get the mud taste out (which is where the whole 'keep it in the bathtub' thing come from).

The vietnamese carp was quite alright but mostly I can leave carp alone.

Also, I've just never been much of a fish eater even though I grew up in a coastal area, oddly the locals didn't eat much fish though shrimp, oysters, crab and lobster were all enjoyed (I didn't enjoy oysters much but I'm all on board for crustaceans... a particular favorite of mine was rock shrimp which took a loooooong time to prepare due to their hard shells but the flesh was like a combination of shrimp and lobster. And they were cheap since they didn't look very appetizing in raw form...

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #296
who on earth eats it voluntarily? Too much bones and rather unhealthy. As mentioned earlier it's a bottom feeder, who knows what that fish has eaten! I prefer salmon, sardines and mackerel any day over carp
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #297
Oops, you shouldn`t eat your Norwegian salmon or mackerel too often. Carp isn`t certainly worse.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Aug 2020   #298
Carp is a must on Christmas Eve for me.
I eat it once or twice a year (if there are leftovers) and I truly enjoy it.
My sister-in-law doesn't eat carp and I can't understand why on earth anyone would eat other fish on that day if you can have it all year long.

It's in my blood, I'm sorry.
Actually I'm not :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Aug 2020   #300
You said carp is unhealthy. I said certainly not worse than farmed salmon or open-sea mackerel which collects mercury in its body.

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