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What do Poles owe to Germans?

Ironside  50 | 12415
4 Jul 2024 #421
I meant territories and nations which Poland kept till

I will tweak a premise here Poland should return all the trash that occupping powers left in Poland. Like your Soviet brain for example should be sent to Moscow.
wslipach  8 | 110
5 Jul 2024 #422
You understand what you're saying here, right? Some truth to it, though.
Oops, dude is suspended, never mind... :)
@ TheOther

You dumb ***** , sarcasm calling.

And pawian you faking cant I will tell your german mum what you write here, even she knows better. You and ur faking german nest will not get a rest for as long as we are here to kick your german as dear - Iggy Pop Junior
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2188
5 Jul 2024 #424
@Bratwurst Boy
Probably all posters who: Who know German, likes to speak German or is Germanophilic or has any forms of big and small connections with German language, culture or German state.

Germany (Just as Austria and Russia) is symbolically understood as black crows due to their double headed eagles or Prussia's later Germany single headed black eagle. Hence why use of nest, with double connotation and mixed meaning of "den of thieves, nest of thieves" in English. This despite the stereotypical view of Poles as criminals, especially as car thieves in Germany.

One of the reasons Polish criminals feel free or even legitimate for such actions is the small or meagre measures of punishments caused by general view of Germans and Germany, which contrasts and sabotages financial sectors and productive sectors in Poland who try to have economical fair deals with Germany.

Why criminal elements or ordinary people feel like it's no biggie to do crime if reward is big enough and risk is low enough? Due to historical animosities that is not seen as settled.

There was a lot of art, treasures and valuables that were taken out of Poland at end of ww1, but also later on in greater scale during ww2. A lot of it ended up in U.S.A. But not all, this approach of trying to put it under the carpet does not work and me myself feel it when anything unfair happens towards Germans or Germany (but also Swedes and Sweden) I tend to think" Well they deserve it, asked for it by continuing to behave like that.

It's easier to steal from a thief, since you expect the thief to steal from you regardless.

KO tries to avoid conflict so they don't want to take up this taboo really. While it creates frustration and irritation for PiS and just wants it fixed and done with (but also win political support, duh they are a political party)

Hence use of word "nest" in my opinion
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #425
Hence use of word "nest" in my opinion

I wonder how his kind would react to a re-birth of Prussia....I guess he would then wish for the current Germany back....badly! :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2188
5 Jul 2024 #426
@Bratwurst Boy
With same tone and words I presume, I wouldn't be surprised if he just vents his frustrations.
Ironside  50 | 12415
5 Jul 2024 #427

You keep forgetting that Prussia was a Polish province that rebelled. They managed to get away with it due to the generosity and inconsistency of Polish politics. In other words, deemed for too long as too weak and unimportant.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #428
I wouldn't be surprised if he just vents his frustrations.

If I send him a few Euros out of my german wallet would that make him happy?
Ironside  50 | 12415
5 Jul 2024 #429
If I send him

It would be nice if German elites changed their attitude and policies towards Poland - that might work wonders. Anything short of it I doubt it will have a desirable effect especially as you just weasled out your way of reparations.
I said Tusk is a traitor and you asked why...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #430
Let it's better that way!

If Poles re-open any question of reparation there will be their pendant on the german side, with a Putin-friendly AfD rising in Germany...not so smart!
Ironside  50 | 12415
5 Jul 2024 #431
Not so smart!

lol! BB I like you but when comes to politics you are either naive or you pretend to be native. That question will be raised regardless in the future, that is the reality of it.
I would like to have a good workable relationship with Germans (AsPoland) but I don't see any willingness to compromise on the German side.
Even you said - Oh we have been so generous and good to Poland you should accept it and be grateful or else.
Well maybe there is another war needed if we win we will show what a compromise and European civilization looks like you seem to have doubts.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #432
Well maybe there is another war needed

Na ja....this time you would need to start and invade....maybe you have more luck with that! :)
Ironside  50 | 12415
5 Jul 2024 #433
This time you would need to start and invade

The way it goes - a direction I mean - If Poland will jump off that wagon of doom in time it might well be that Germany surrenders on their own just to survive without a host being fired.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #435 it starts....everything is possible....

The referee is English! If we lose I can blame Jon:)

OP pawian  220 | 24842
5 Jul 2024 #436
you faking cant

Yes, I can! And I do it! Long live the Polish German friendship and brotherhood! Ha!! Fekk all the objectors of our alliance!
Torq  8 | 1132
5 Jul 2024 #437
Long live the Polish German friendship and brotherhood!

Well said, Pawian!

We should probably start a Modern Germany Appreciation Thread to counterbalance certain Germanophobic posters here. Balance in nature and all that :)
OP pawian  220 | 24842
5 Jul 2024 #438
Balance in nature and all that :)

The balance in nature is that during WW2 we were enemies. But during WW3 we will be allies, brothers and friends. Ha!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
5 Jul 2024 #439
There won't be any WWIII when we stay allies, brothers and! :)
Torq  8 | 1132
5 Jul 2024 #440
There won't be any WWIII when we stay allies, brothers and friends

I'll drink to that! :)

Ironside  50 | 12415
5 Jul 2024 #442
There won't be any WWIII

It's already on, the question is do we end up on the same side?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
5 Jul 2024 #443
the question is

For you it is: to be a pathetic nationalist or not to be! The choice is yours! Ha! When will you drop that crazy nationalism and join our circle of decent Poles and Polesses??? Currently we consider you sth I prefer not to express directly coz I am too decent.
mafketis  38 | 10816
5 Jul 2024 #444

Poless is not gonna happen....
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
5 Jul 2024 #445
The referee is English! If we lose I can blame Jon:)

You can blame the English referee or Jon as much as you want.But the reason you lost is because you weren't good enough!
Ironside  50 | 12415
6 Jul 2024 #446
to be a pathetic

That is your forte stop projecting.
wslipach  8 | 110
7 Jul 2024 #447
Foryouitis: to be a patheticnationalistornotto be! Thechoiceisyours! Ha! WhenwillyoudropthatcrazynationalismandjoinourcircleofdecentPolesandPolesses??? Currently we consideryousth I prefer not to express directly coz I am too decent.

We? Who is we? You write as if you are someone special and you have monopoly here on free speech. You think that because dumb fak Donald Tusk managed to fool other fools, ever beyond their congenital defect, to the point that they think that being a leftie is a superior state of being, that it is reality? Hitler said that Slavs are subhumans , that they always need a foreign leader , otherwise they can not function, Jacek Jaśkowiak said the same thing metaphorically and similar thing outright saying that partitions were good for Poles since it showed a way of how to do things in Poland. So Poles need German invasion to show them how to do things, economic invasion is already happening in a form of EU, but people like you are happy with it , because like Hitler said , only Hitler generalised, not all of us want a leader from outside, not all of us are like you , insecure and lost. So if you are lost in Poland go somewhere else, get lost somewhere else, we don't need weak people here .
OP pawian  220 | 24842
7 Jul 2024 #448
you are someone special

Yes, I am!

you are happy

Yes, I am!

you are lost in Poland

No, I am not!

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