Foryouitis: to be a patheticnationalistornotto be! Thechoiceisyours! Ha! WhenwillyoudropthatcrazynationalismandjoinourcircleofdecentPolesandPolesses??? Currently we consideryousth I prefer not to express directly coz I am too decent.
We? Who is we? You write as if you are someone special and you have monopoly here on free speech. You think that because dumb fak Donald Tusk managed to fool other fools, ever beyond their congenital defect, to the point that they think that being a leftie is a superior state of being, that it is reality? Hitler said that Slavs are subhumans , that they always need a foreign leader , otherwise they can not function, Jacek Jaśkowiak said the same thing metaphorically and similar thing outright saying that partitions were good for Poles since it showed a way of how to do things in Poland. So Poles need German invasion to show them how to do things, economic invasion is already happening in a form of EU, but people like you are happy with it , because like Hitler said , only Hitler generalised, not all of us want a leader from outside, not all of us are like you , insecure and lost. So if you are lost in Poland go somewhere else, get lost somewhere else, we don't need weak people here .