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Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 Dec 2022   #301
Who has time to torture a 97 year old woman.

They Germans just show off and put on trial some old woman while real dirty murderes and nazis have been left to trive after the war or had been seen as heros. Germans are good at this kind of show.
pawian  225 | 27346
7 Aug 2024   #302
A Polish Jewess, Ada Willenberg, 95, an Israeli citizen who survived Shoah, says she recalls ghetto atrocities when she sees the genocide on Palestinians in Gaza.

She escaped from the ghetto and fought in the Warsaw Rising. "I can't stand to watch what's happening in Israel"
When I look at what is happening in the Gaza Strip, it is like we were in the ghetto. When I see how they drag their belongings, everything they have, I remember when we entered the ghetto - says 95-year-old Ada Krysia Willenberg in an interview with Onet.

Yes, there are still a lot of decent Israelis who reject their Nazi gov` policy towards Arabs.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
8 Aug 2024   #303
Yes, there are still a lot of decent Israelis

It's astounding how Zionists like Ada Willenberg can publicly express sympathy for the nearly century-long plight of the Palestinians while comfortably benefiting from the very land taken from them. It's like throwing a pity party for someone you've wronged while enjoying the fruits of their loss - truly a masterclass in hypocrisy.
pawian  225 | 27346
8 Aug 2024   #304
while comfortably benefiting from the very land taken from them.

Like Polish people who took over Jewish land and property in hundreds of towns and cities where Jews used to live and have been benefiting from the gain since Holocaust.

a masterclass in hypocrisy.

Alien  25 | 6373
8 Aug 2024   #305
Jewish land and property in

I thought that the issue of heirless property was already over.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 Aug 2024   #306
Like Polish people who took over

Cry me a river

My family and many others (Polish families!) lost properties, family and valueables. Forced from their ancestral lands where they lived for centuries.

Builders build, cryers cry.
I rather look to the future! See after what we can have by building instead of what was lost, that won't truly return.

When Mongols burned cities of wood, you build one of stone! :)
Ironside  50 | 12983
8 Aug 2024   #307
Polish people who took over Jewish

Which never happened. Stop spreading lies and propaganda.
pawian  225 | 27346
8 Aug 2024   #308
Which never happened.

Really? Who lives in thousands houses which once belonged to Jews? Who exploits ex Jewish synagogues as community centers or libraries?

My family and many others (Polish families!) lost properties

Of course. They lost property which was destroyed during the war.
Most Jewish property all over Poland survived and was taken over by Poles and Polesses after the war.
call1n  2 | 192
8 Aug 2024   #310
Like Polish people who took over Jewish land and property in hundreds of towns and cities where Jews used to live and have been benefiting from the gain since Holocaust.

Jewish vermin would work as slumlords in Poland. It is for their crimes against humanity that hey will never be considered Polish.

As for the holocaust, it is another swindle. It is a farce. 6 million Jews did not die.

I say this with conviction that my mothers grandfather was in a real concentration camp. The Germans said that if any member of the resistance assassinates a German officer they will all be killed. Do not care for these Jewish stories exploiting the real holocaust against Poland.
pawian  225 | 27346
8 Aug 2024   #311

Nope. I have read too many history reports on how Poles robbed Jewish property and belongings during and after the war.


In his latest book, Dr. Marcin Zaremba, a historian from the University of Warsaw, discovers a shameful and for years trivialized chapter of Poland's occupation history. What did ordinary Poles do when the Germans ruthlessly deported Jews to slaughter? Of course, some tried to help their neighbors of a different faith. They even risked their own lives.However, there were many more who saw the Holocaust as an excellent opportunity to enrich themselves. There is no doubt that the plundering of Jewish property had a nationwide scope, it passed like a wave through the territories of the General Government, and also took place in eastern Lesser Poland- emphasizes Zaremba in "Wielka trwoda". Examples can be multiplied.
pawian  225 | 27346
8 Aug 2024   #312
hey will never be considered Polish.

Actually, a lot of Jewish Poles and Polesses are considered very Polish. Read about it here: Schools and streets are named after them. Students at all 3 tiers of education study their works.

I have read too many history reports on how Poles robbed

The Home Army's aka Polish underground "Information Bulletin" described the situation in Otwock, Rembertów and Miedzeszyn in the summer of 1942:

On the memorable day of the liquidation of the Otwock ghetto, a few hours after this barbaric event, [the population] immediately descended at night in horse-drawn carriages and began to plunder the remaining Jewish property. They took everything they could lay their hands on , broke doors and windows, shelves, floorboards, not to mention furniture, clothes and underwear, which were the first to fall victim to the robbery.

Lyzko  45 | 9750
8 Aug 2024   #313
That's always been my main contention here on PF!!

Roziewicz, Tuwim, along with any number of other assimilated, native-born Poles of Jewish (religious) heritage
always considered themselves Poles first and foremost.
pawian  225 | 27346
8 Aug 2024   #314
always considered themselves Poles first and foremost.

Yes, without them Poland would not have such rich cultural heritage.
call1n  2 | 192
8 Aug 2024   #316
Yes, without them Poland would not have such rich cultural heritage.

Just watch the movie The Eternal Jew. Jews have always been a parasite to Poland. Taking jobs such as slum lords and quack doctors. It says in the Talmud that the goy are equilivant to or below animals.
When I was in high school a Polish Jew came in to talk about his experience in a concentration camp. He said that his life in Poland as a jew (before nazi germany) was like living under segregation in the United States. With the current events that have transpired in the Middle East I can definitely see why Poland really hates this jew.
What a lie this man is, he never mentions how the amount of Jews that died to be 6 million. He talks about a lot like being in a nazi german concentration camp. He talks about the Polish resistance not wanting to help at all. But what he never mentions is how to calculate 6 million.
Alien  25 | 6373
9 Aug 2024   #317
The Eternal Jew.

An interesting title, like "All Quiet on the Western Front".
pawian  225 | 27346
9 Aug 2024   #318
He said that his life in Poland as a jew (before nazi germany) was like living under segregation in the United States

And he told the truth. The nationalists and far right were very strong before the war and the colonels` government closed an eye to boycots or outright discrimination of Jews.

Here, nationalist uni students demand the seperation of Jews from aryan students, the so called desk ghetto. They also demanded numerus clausus restriction which was to limit the number of Jewish students to 10%.

So, the times weren`t so rosy for Jews. Hence, later massacres, robberies and Jew hunts performed by Poles during the war.

  • getto_lawkoweKopio.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 970
9 Aug 2024   #319
later massacres, robberies and Jew hunts

They'll always tell you what happened to them but they'll never tell you why.
pawian  225 | 27346
9 Aug 2024   #320
Yes, they won`t tell you that long ago the Polish king invited Jews to settle in Poland and gentry elites took advantage of business skills.of their Jewish subjects. Jews prospered in Poland for centuries thanks to one decision. Go and blame the king. His remains rest in the Wawel Castle.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
9 Aug 2024   #321

I shudder to imagine that anybody in their right mind could even consider
entertaining as much as a single noxious molecule of what may well be
the most hateful film on record!

The horrible kicker is that filmmaker "Dr." Fritz Hippler who directed it
was NEVER de-Nazified nor did he appear to show the slightest remorse
for his crimes. Although not physically involved in the killing of Jews or
Roma, no doubt THE ETERNAL JEW or DER EWIGE JUDE spurned
a host of Einsatzgruppen members to their venal acts.

Some time after the War, he became a travel agent in Berchtesgaden and
was even interviewed by "60 Minutes" during the '80's not long before his death.

How can one not turn away from the screen in utter revulsion by the conclusion of
the film.
call1n  2 | 192
9 Aug 2024   #322
How can one not turn away from the screen in utter revulsion by the conclusion of
the film.

Did you watch the film? What really spurred it, it was not the actions of the nazi party wanting to exterminate the Jewish population. It was when the Nazi's invaded Poland and found that Jewish people were totally exploiting the people of Poland... notorious for being heartless slumlords.

My friend is grade school was the son of Polish Jew parents. (in New York) He became a slum lord like his father with little respect for humanity, even less for people that are not Jewish... and no longer a friend.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
9 Aug 2024   #323
and found that Jewish people were totally exploiting the people of Poland...

I am not in any way anti semitic, but there is some truth in this and history is repeating itself because some Muslims in the west are making the same mistake again......

Exploiting your hosts, that gave you sanctuary, is never a good will always punch you back in the face.....
Ironside  50 | 12983
10 Aug 2024   #324

We talked about it some years back. I wiped the floor with you and you ran like a curl into your corner but now after a few years, you came back with some lies again. It would help if you were taught a lesson.
pawian  225 | 27346
10 Aug 2024   #325
We talked about it some years back

Yes, last year and I see you didn`t learn much. That is why we shall continue our education.

began to plunder the remaining Jewish property.

The situation in the capital city ghetto was similar. It was described in another periodical of the Polish Underground State - "Agencja Prasowa" (issue of October 7, 1942):
As soon as the tenement houses in the Warsaw ghetto were empty, hordes of jackals set off there, behind those ghastly walls , to steal bloody, corpse-smelling property without a thought. (...) The policemen are followed by the scum of society, plundering and stealing whatever they can. (...) Groups of youngsters, even 12-14-year-olds, now roam the streets of Warsaw, unabashedly trading in stolen goods. What is particularly disturbing is the fact that the general public does not react to the sight of this abomination (...). It is embarrassing to say that the theft of property is tainted not only by the little people, people with a low intellectual level, but also by individuals with signs of, or at least aspirations to, intelligence (...). We are informed from various parts of the country about similar cases of collective lack or decline of honesty and a sense of humanity .
Lyzko  45 | 9750
10 Aug 2024   #326
@call 1n.

'Scuse me, but when a voice over narrator calmly states in the last several minutes of the film that,
and I'm paraphrasing slightly, "...As vermin must be exterminated from within our midst, so too the Jews
must be.......", one has pause as to both those who made along with those who watched such a film.

Indeed I had the misfortune of watching the Hippler film for a history seminar I was taking many years
ago as a graduate student at Columbia.
johnny reb  49 | 8006
10 Aug 2024   #327
as a graduate student at Columbia.

Why do I find that hard to believe because of the way you post here.

Columbia scientists and scholars have played a pivotal role in scientific breakthroughs including brain-computer interface; the laser and maser; nuclear magnetic resonance, the first nuclear pile; the first nuclear fission reaction in the Americas; the first evidence for plate tectonics and continental drift; and much of the initial research and planning for the Manhattan Project during World War II.

It just doesn't make sense that you would fit into such a prestigious school with such scholars, Lyzko.
call1n  2 | 192
10 Aug 2024   #328
..As vermin must be exterminated from within our midst, so too the Jews
must be....

You are mistaken. The plan was a homeland for Jews outside of Europe. Zionist Israel was Hitler's plan. Go ahead and watch the film again.
Polish people and American people need to wake up and stop defending foolish things in the name of our lord... Christian Zionism.

Another point I want to make, the polish resistance knew about the concentration camps. Why didn't they intervene right away? I will tell you why, because they were not death camps... only a place of holding until they could be expelled from Europe, and not killed. (death occurred by starvation as the allies bombed the supply lines) And on that note the people of Poland were also fed up by being taken over and being taken advantage of by Jews... they did not protest the notion to rid them of their presence. (expelled not killed)

On the other hand, Poland did not fight in the Waffen SS, a multi national, multi racial fighting force for Hitler. That was Ukraine.

I salute the Polish resistance for both positions.
pawian  225 | 27346
10 Aug 2024   #329
the polish resistance knew about the concentration camps. Why didn't they intervene right away?

They informed Western allies who did nothing with it.

because they were not death camps..

Now you are committing a crime of denial which is prosecuted in Poland and other countries.

And on that note the people of Poland were also fed up by being taken over and being taken advantage of by Jews.

Exactly! To be more precise, not all Poles and Polesses were such. Mostly nationalists or uneducated white trash. There were still decent people who saved Jews.
pawian  225 | 27346
10 Aug 2024   #330
Education for nationalists in denial aka Ironside continued:

Indeed, the same thing happened in the provinces, as confirmed by private diaries from the occupation. Zbigniew Klukowski, author of the memoirs entitled "Zamojszczyzna" wrote about the events in Szczebrzeszyn in the autumn of 1942, immediately after the extermination of the Jewish population:

October 22, 1942. Jewish apartments are partially sealed, but the looting continues in full swing.

October 24. Many of the city's inhabitants shamelessly robbed whatever they could.

October 26. Before evening many of the inhabitants threw themselves into robbery with even greater passion .

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