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Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

OP pawian  219 | 24771
7 Sep 2024   #271
with a selfless idea to grant them to Poland

Where did I say it????? :):):)

An interesting fact is that Rus peasants who weren`t Cossacks were called czerń - blacks.
Cherń ( Ukrainian: чернь ) - a term coined in the 17th century to describe peasants who did not have the status of Cossacks and lived in the Dnieper Ukraine , i.e. the Bracław , Kiev and Chernihiv voivodeships of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth . Cherń was also referred to as peasants who took part in Cossack uprisings .
Bobko  27 | 2157
7 Sep 2024   #272

You are a classic representative of czerń.
OP pawian  219 | 24771
7 Sep 2024   #273
Weak. :):):)
Alien  23 | 5533
8 Sep 2024   #274
were called czerń - blacks.
But it's rather from this city of Chernihiv/ Czernichow and not color.
OP pawian  219 | 24771
8 Sep 2024   #275
not color.

Not really. Ukraine is famous for its fertile lands which in Polish is named black soil - czarnoziem. Czern aka blacks were peasants who worked on black soil.
johnny reb  46 | 7601
8 Sep 2024   #276
Ukraine is famous for its fertile lands

Not only their rich soil but also huge mineral deposits.
Ukraine could use those mineral resources to help pay back what the world has given them in military aid.
Will they is the question.
OP pawian  219 | 24771
8 Sep 2024   #277
pay back

Don`t be stupid. Ukrainians are protecting the free world`s ass so the aid we give them is for free.
amiga500  5 | 1475
8 Sep 2024   #278
meanwhile in new york and canada'Magic-Circle':e
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2121
8 Sep 2024   #279
Ukraine could use those

Hopefully not! American earth has been so much used and abused that levels of magnesium in the earth has reached an all time low! Providing lower amounts of magnesium in foods! Doing same thing with same methods is a real tragedy if it is happening in Ukraine!
OP pawian  219 | 24771
8 Sep 2024   #280
post 176, 190 - the first attempt of the Ukrainian people led by Cossacks to gain freedom from Poland in 17th cent. The rebellion was suppressed.

Later on, there were more rebellions and risings in the part of Ukraine owned by Polish state. The pattern of events regularly included massacres of Polish colonisers and Jews in the areas where the unrest took place, mostly in cities and towns. Killings were done by enraged Cossacks or Rus peasants who had enough of Polish overbearing rule or the cruel exploitation by Polish lords.

E.g, Palej`s Rising of 1702-1704:
In 1699 a new Polish king Augustus II disbanded the Cossack militia and signed a peace treaty with Ottoman Turkey. Cossacks were angered by this situation, and in 1702 colonel (polkovnyk) Paliy started an open rebellion against the crown. Rebellious Cossacks massacred their traditional enemies - Polish szlachta, Catholic priests and Jews - in the area they controlled.
Palei was arrested, imprisoned for a year in a fortress and, at the request of Peter I, extradited and taken to Russia. The peasants taken prisoner, of whom there were about 70,000, had their left ears cut off to mark them as disobedient and prone to rebellion. They were not punished with death due to the lack of manpower in Ukraine. Only the leaders of the uprising were killed.

OP pawian  219 | 24771
2 days ago   #281
idea of apologising

Thank you for reminding me I need to continue this wonderful thread. :):):)

there were more rebellions and risings

Paradoxically, some historians believe that Cossack risings led to quicker polonisation of Rus/Ukrainian elites:

Amid the general anarchy only the rabble felt good, but anyone who had even a little sense of culture turned away with disgust. Only now did the entire Rus intelligentsia and the entire nobility of Podolia, Volhynia and the whole of Ukraine become Polonized in droves. They became Polonized in thousands only as a result of the Cossack wars, not wanting to have anything to do with the abomination of murder, robbery and fornication, protecting their sense of culture under the wing of Polish culture. The Rus nationality dissipated in the cruelties of the Cossack wars.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
2 days ago   #282
I need to continue this wonderful thread.

Officially the worst thread in PF history.
OP pawian  219 | 24771
2 days ago   #283
Wait till we get to 20th century and atrocities that Polish occupiers did in Ukraine...... :):):)
Alien  23 | 5533
2 days ago   #284
worst thread in PF history

Why does the apology thread have to be the worst? Where were you when Polish bishops forgave the Germans and at the same time asked for forgiveness.
OP pawian  219 | 24771
2 days ago   #285
Where were you

He learnt about it in high school. :):):)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
2 days ago   #286
Wait till we get to 20th century and atrocities that Polish occupiers did in Ukraine...

Nothing comparable to what Ukrainians did to Poles. Whoever claims differently is an idiot. Whoever tries to justify the genocide that took place later is a lowlife.

Where were you when Polish bishops forgave the Germans and at the same time asked for forgiveness.

What do you mean where I was? My future mom was in the 2nd grade of primary school when it happened. Also, in 1965 there were no monuments of Hitler and Goering in Germany and Waffen-SS formations weren't hailed as national heroes. See the difference?
OP pawian  219 | 24771
2 days ago   #287
that Cossack risings

Apart from Cossack rebellions, there were also non-cossack rebellions, started by Rus peasants. The biggest, the bloodiest and the last one happened in late 18th century.

Koliyivshchyna was a peasant uprising directed mainly against the Polish nobility and the Jewish population and clergy . It lasted from June to July 1768 in Right-Bank Ukraine and was manifested by mass murders of Poles, Jews and Roman Catholic and Uniate clergy, of which the Uman Massacre was the largest . The uprising was suppressed by Russian and Polish troops . The number of victims of Koliyivshchyna is estimated at between 100,000 and 200,000 murdered.
Crow  154 | 9248
2 days ago   #288
Who are Ukrainians? Slavs of Ukraine? Citizens of Ukraine? Those who feel Ukrainians by nationality?

Please be more precise.

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