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My wonderful boyfriend returned to Poland. Any famous Pole that visits Africa?

Squirely  2 | 6
19 Jan 2010   #1
My wonderful boyfriend has returned home to Poland to see his family and will probably be there for a while trying to figure things up. I miss him so much I want to send him some things to just let him know i'm always thinking of him. He's so intelligent and fun, i want some help to find stuff that would reflect that but preferably in Polish.

I need to know of some Polish authors.
Is there a famous Pole that goes to Africa and hangs out with the tribes. He really likes him and I wanna know if he has written anything else?
enkidu  6 | 611
19 Jan 2010   #2
Wacław Korabiewicz for instance.
He traveled Africa mostly on his foots or hitchhicking.
He once sid: One wouldn't believe how small the world is and how people are similar to each other unless one would travel it by foot.

Africa is a big land. What part of this land do you mean?
frd  7 | 1379
19 Jan 2010   #3
You might be talking about Cejrowski.. but I'm not sure..
OP Squirely  2 | 6
19 Jan 2010   #4
I don't know aaaaaarrrggh. But! but that was boyh instieful and helpful. He is just intrested that sorta thing and I wanna look like I know what I doing by sending a book in Polish. Thankyou
frd  7 | 1379
19 Jan 2010   #5
If he is into travelling or reading about travelling you can buy something not necessarily polish :)
Nika  2 | 507
19 Jan 2010   #6
Also, it could be Ryszard Kapuściński.
OP Squirely  2 | 6
19 Jan 2010   #7
What dose Matto Grosso mean?
Honest George  1 | 105
19 Jan 2010   #8
You might be talking about Cejrowski.. but I'm not sure..

This is most likely the guy, but where do you intend buying his book ?

Take frd,s advice and possibly get Michael Palin,s " Around the world in 80 days ".
( book or dvd ).
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 Jan 2010   #9
What dose Matto Grosso mean?
1jola  14 | 1875
19 Jan 2010   #10
It's a region in Brazil.
OP Squirely  2 | 6
19 Jan 2010   #11
I'm so thick, i thought it was Polish that was missing thr £ or ł for instance.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 Jan 2010   #12
No worries Squirely, you are trying to find out, nobody can fault you for that.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
15 Jul 2011   #13
Is there a famous Pole that goes to Africa and hangs out with the tribes.

Joseph Conrad.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
15 Jul 2011   #14
Ryszard Kapuscinski. A cult Polish writer. His books are really popular and available on Amazon.

Joseph Conrad.

The horror, the horror!
Seanus  15 | 19666
15 Jul 2011   #15
Nika is right. I have the book Travels with Herodotus in English. Superb!
isthatu2  4 | 2692
15 Jul 2011   #16
Ryszard Kapuscinski

Is he the beardy fella,looks a bit like Frazier? If so,yes,cool geezer from what I remember :)

edit,maybe not,mods!!!!! bin this in random,yeah as I cant remember the name of said "beardy ,fraizer lookalike"....:)
Seanus  15 | 19666
15 Jul 2011   #17
Is?? Was, you mean :)
milky  13 | 1656
15 Jul 2011   #18
Travels with Herodotus in English.

yea great book, read it recently as well..
Seanus  15 | 19666
15 Jul 2011   #19
He was a brave and insightful man. I really enjoyed his various commentaries and the spirit to take on challenges without money or security.
milky  13 | 1656
15 Jul 2011   #20
Great man,read all is books, I think. Dervla Murphy( Irish travel writer on a bike) was/is a brave woman as well.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
15 Jul 2011   #21
Henryk Sienkiewicz travelled to Africa in 1890 and wrote the non-fiction book Letters From Africa as well as the children's novel In Desert And Wilderness which was set in Egypt and the Sudan. I read the latter and it was rather silly as it had a Polish boy taming an African elephant and making it his steed as well as fearlessly confronting the Mahdi.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
15 Jul 2011   #22
travelled to Africa in 1890

And of course stopped off on the way....
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
16 Jul 2011   #23
Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' was a pioneering book about travels in Africa...Actually 'Apocalypse Now' used it as a kind of jumping off point.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
16 Jul 2011   #24
Is there a famous Pole that goes to Africa and hangs out with the tribes.

Leon Xiążę Sapieha

Lasy Itury; Wspomnienia z podróży.

and Eustachy Sapieha

Safari. Polowania w Afryce Wschodniej i Południowej
16 Jan 2021   #25
Alien  26 | 6551
28 Oct 2024   #26
Wacław Korabiewicz for instance.

I met him a few times and he told me he wanted to go on a trip around Africa in a modified Syrena Bosto. I don't know if he ultimately implemented his idea because we lost contact after that. 🚙

Home / History / My wonderful boyfriend returned to Poland. Any famous Pole that visits Africa?

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