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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

Crow  154 | 9547
26 Dec 2010   #181
Would Kosovo be part of that confederation, Crow?

Kosovo? Don`t worry. Kosovo is just temporary under occupation, as well as some other regions, as we all know, after all
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #182
What will change, Crow? How will you win back this territory? It won't happen democratically as Thaci won the elections just 2 weeks ago. Serbia really needs help on this one. How can you regard Russia as your friends when they do little to help? If NATO can waltz in, so can they.
Sasha  2 | 1083
26 Dec 2010   #183
It was my joke.

I guessed so. :) I was just speaking in general. A piece of reflection on my part.
I know that many people still can't give up their ideas of bringing light (read "civilization") to others... even here, in the RF.
Natasa  1 | 572
26 Dec 2010   #184
It won't happen democratically as Thaci won the elections just 2 weeks ago.

Elections where? :)

I can try to separate my quart from the rest of Bg and run for the presidency. I'm sure I'd win.
That country is a joke. It will be a joke, till somebody becomes really serious.

How can you regard Russia as your friends when they do little to help?

I think that some of the ruling Russians regarding Kosovo said to members of our?? political elite paraphrasing....."If you don't care about Kosovo, how can you expect us to guard it and care for it more than you do?"....

Sums up more or less present situation in SRB.
southern  73 | 7059
26 Dec 2010   #185
What will be the symbol of the slavic confederation?The eagle,the lion or the bear?
Natasa  1 | 572
26 Dec 2010   #186
What all three have in common?
Some hints....not legs, not

or it can be a creature like from myths, head of a lion, body of the bear and eagles legs.

I'm more for option one.
milky  13 | 1656
26 Dec 2010   #187
Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? USSR??
PennBoy  76 | 2429
26 Dec 2010   #188
What will change, Crow? How will you win back this territory? It won't happen democratically as Thaci won the elections just 2 weeks ago. Serbia really needs help on this one.

Hate to say it Crow but it seams like Serbia is really in an isolated position maybe lack of friendly Slavic nations.
Velund  1 | 490
26 Dec 2010   #189
I imagine what a German-Slavic nation alliance can be like?

One version of what happens if we mix Germans and Slavs is well known - Russian Empire. ;) Ruled by royal family of mostly German descent. ;) Looks like Poles wasn't so happy about it. ;)

BTW: Catherine II the Great, Empress and Autocrat of all Russians (formerly Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg) was quite critical about Germans in general... ;)

By the way, there IS chances for Slavic Alliance, and even Slavic-German Alliance. But, historically, Poles never ever thinked to agree on something less that domination. I'd say, Poles is quite hard to agree on anything at all. ;) If you take together three poles, you'll have 4 opposing points of view on almost any question.. ;)
blognik  - | 2
26 Dec 2010   #190
The way to start is with a language. To achieve economical, cultural and political cooperation among the Slavic nations we have to start with language: SLOVIO.COM

Slovio is super-simple, at least as simple as Esperanto but is based on Slavic languages. All 400 million Slavic-speakers can understand it, immediately, without learning. Yes a union is a great idea but without effective communication it is not possible. And we cannot keep on communicating only in English.
26 Dec 2010   #191
The way to start is with a language. To achieve economical, cultural and political cooperation among the Slavic nations we have to start with language: SLOVIO.COM

Slovio is a very interesting project and I hope it will become more and more popular.
The idea behind it is simple and brilliant. My only concern is that people are not willing
to learn artificial languages (as the example of esperanto has shown.)

So another idea would be to advertise among Slavic people to learn another Slavic language
apart from their own and outside of their geographical group. For example:
if you're a Western Slav (Slovak, Polish or Czech) learn one Southern or Eastern Slavic
language. If you're a Southern Slav - learn one of the Western or Eastern Slavic languages
and so on. That way, if every Slav spoke two Slavic languages from different geographical
groups, the communication would become almost as easy as with Slovio (you know what
they say: if you know two different Slavic languages - you know them all ;)).

One way or another, it is nice to see Slavs working together on tightening the ties between
their countries and creating a universal language for all Slavic people to use. Thumbs up for
Slovio! SLAVA!
MediaWatch  10 | 942
26 Dec 2010   #192
By the way, there IS chances for Slavic Alliance, and even Slavic-German Alliance. But, historically, Poles never ever thinked to agree on something less that domination. I'd say, Poles is quite hard to agree on anything at all. ;) If you take together three poles, you'll have 4 opposing points of view on almost any question.. ;)

Well that may be true that historically Poles have disagreed with one another, but that didn't stop Poles who came into America from starting the Polish AND Slavic Credit Union. The past does not equal the future. If Poles only cared about Poles, they would have just called it the Polish Credit Union.

A requirement of becoming a member of the Polish AND Slavic Federal Credit Union:

"In order to become a member of our Union, one must meet certain specific conditions. In the case of PSFCU, prospective members must document Polish or Slavic ethnic origin".....

Many Ukrainian, Russian, Czeck and Serbian Americans belong to the Polish & Slavic Credit Union in America.

So maybe a Slavic Union is not for all Slavs. That's OK. Maybe it will be just for those Slavs who are interested in starting a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation :D
MrBubbles  10 | 613
26 Dec 2010   #193
if every Slav spoke two Slavic languages from different geographical
groups, the communication would become almost as easy as with Slovio

Or they could just learn English - wouldn't that be a better idea?
Borrka  37 | 592
26 Dec 2010   #194
Better ?
Same way nonsensical like two British, from Bristol and Glasgow using pidgin English for better understanding.

The idea of some Slavic lingua Franca is not bad but we are still not ready to take any decision.

And generally, there is no need for Slavic Union.
East-European cooperation is what we need.
Despite of being genetically 127.3476 % Slavic I don't feel Slavic at all.
I'm Polish and frankly, Polish Jew from Warsaw is closer to me than Superslav from Great Slavonia !
And our common mentality is what counts.
26 Dec 2010   #195
Or they could just learn English - wouldn't that be a better idea?

Well, that's more or less what's happening at the moment. Because of the omnipresence
of this vulgar, peasant language, we (Slavs) are all more or less forced to learn it for
economic or academic purposes. It's not like we enjoy using it (I certainly don't.)

Slavic languages, or the Slovio/Slovianski projects are for the Slavic elites. Peasants
will always learn English as a foreign language, because of economic reasons. Elites,
on the other hand, can learn different Slavic languages or some artificial inter-Slavic
language and use it to communicate with one another.

It is quite conceivable that, in future, the communication between Slavs in different Slavic
countries and all over the World, will be conducted in English (peasants, cheap workforce,
people with no intellectual ambitions) or in Slovio/Slovianski (intellectual and economic elite.)
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #196
So would the alliance contain any military clauses? For example, like NATO's Article 5. Or would it be in most other areas bar that?
MrBubbles  10 | 613
26 Dec 2010   #197
this vulgar, peasant language, we (Slavs) are all more or less forced to learn it for
economic or academic purposes

The peasant language used for world commerce and academia? I see.

Peasants will always learn English as a foreign language, because of economic reasons. Elites, on the other hand, can learn different Slavic languages or some artificial inter-Slavic language and use it to communicate with one another.

Oh sorry. Now I know you're pulling my leg - I thought you were serious for a while there! So, elites within the Slavic group will use a Slavic lingua franca to communicate with other Slavic speakers - How absurd! As if they have something more to sell than prnography and cheap cars! And the rest of the world can stuff off eh? Comedy gold!
Crow  154 | 9547
26 Dec 2010   #198
What will be the symbol of the slavic confederation?The eagle,the lion or the bear?

some shape of svastika? its ancient Slavic symbol that was hijacked by Germanics

maybe ocila /cross with the firesteels / ?


Ocila are also kind of svastika that is still in use on a Serbian Coat of arms


ancient tool for burning the fire - firesteels

moneta of Serbian Prince Stefan Lazearevic (1389-1427) >

moneta of the Polish King Mieszko I, over 1000 year old currency
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #199
The lion is Scotland's symbol, southern. Hands off!! ;)

The bear? Russian :)

The eagle is Polish and would look good :)
26 Dec 2010   #200
The peasant language used for world commerce and academia?

But of course. English is the international language of commerce and academia precisely
because of its primitivism (or, I should rather say, simplicity) which, enriched with specific
economic and scientific vocabulary, makes it a perfect vulgar tool for everyday, worldwide use.

So, elites within the slavic group will use a slavic lingua franca to communicate with other slavic speakers - How absurd!

There's nothing absurd about using a tongue more natural to all Slavic speakers, rather than
English. Don't worry though - peasants and cheap workforce (a majority of any society)
will keep using English, so you will be able to communicate in your native tongue when you
travel through countries of Great Slavija.

As if they have something more to sell than prnography and cheap cars!

Your knowledge of Slavic world seems to be somewhat poor. Typical for people closed in
the English language mental ghetto (I'm not saying you're one of them, but you may be.)
The vulgarity and simplicity of their native language, appears somehow to affect their
worldview and way of thinking. How sad...

And the rest of the world can stuff off eh?

The rest of the world can carry on with their business as usual. Slavic elites, however,
should honour their heritage, history and culture by refusing to communicate among
themselves in English. There seems to be some sort of snobbery among peasants, which
makes them consider English to be better than their native languages.
Such snobbery is something up with which we should not put.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #201
When's the plan to be activated, Torq? Let's set up a thread for training. We have a Ukrainian (please don't use cyrillic, pleeeeease), some Russians (the same, pleeease), many from the Balkans etc etc.

If the Mods allow it, a sentence will be posted in, say, Polish, and the Slav of another language will have to translate it (WITHOUT translators) into their language and, of course, English. We musn't forget the primacy of English in the overall scheme of things :)

What d'ya say?
26 Dec 2010   #202
What d'ya say?

No need to wyważać otwarte drzwi, Seanus. It's already been done for us,
and for training we can always go to Slovianski forum...

...or other similar sites.

This forum, I'm afraid, is too infested with monolingual neanderthals and English-loving
peasants, for our idea to be appreciated here. Let's not cast pearls before swines,
as the saying goes.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #203
Off to a bad start then? ;) ;)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
26 Dec 2010   #204
Listen people, anything peaceful is the way to go.

Try to find positives in things ...

Alright, if the term sounds too ethinic, it can always be changed. Also, little regional cooperation clubs is not bad. A cooperation club among the neighboring states will not harm. So what if Germany is not a direct member? - We can always work together in peace and harmony.

As for the KOSOVO matter - I respect their independence and freedom of choice for political and religious matters.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #205
What, Albos breed like rabbits, swarm into Kosovo and then make it independent. Sth which is in total violation of the Serbian Constitution. It was Serbian until 2006. You think that's fair? So Silesia can break away from Poland then?
26 Dec 2010   #206
So Silesia can break away from Poland then?

As soon as "Silesians" are a majority there :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #207
Are you encouraging swamping? ;) ;)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
26 Dec 2010   #208
As soon as "Silesians" are a majority there :)

Silesians are more like local patriots seeking for local autonomy than anything else.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Dec 2010   #209
Yeah, they have been quite active recently. I don't see the problem in maintaining both your Silesian identity and your Polishness. There is no need to break away and fragment in such fashion.

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