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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2024   #781
Ukrainians were willing to do a deal.

Stop lying, putinist. There are intelligent people here, not your brainwashed Russians - we don`t swallow putinist propaganda so easily.
Ironside  51 | 13087
5 Jan 2024   #782
Like good puppets, they did not question the lord's rationale.

I know that is what good Moscow propaganda tells us. Do you believe it? I think not.

Ukrainians are fighting because they want to fight and have a good reason to fight in my opinion.
mafketis  38 | 11263
5 Jan 2024   #783
What is that "important work" that you're doing?

Like I said... staying away from russia....

utin would sacrifice the entirety of world population for his ego

So would bobko and velund etc.... russian lives mean nothing to enthusiasts of russian empire..... a degraded country fouling the earth with its presence....
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #784
Respect to other two decent Russians who were sentenced by the Kremlin regime for their honourable behaviour.

A Russian poet was given a seven-year prison sentence on Thursday for reciting verses against Russia's war in Ukraine/
Moscow's Tverskoi District Court convicted Artyom Kamardin on charges of making calls undermining national security and inciting hatred, which related to him reading his anti-war poems during a street performance in downtown Moscow in September 2022.

Yegor Shtovba, who participated in the event and recited Kamardin's verses, was sentenced to 5½ years on the same charges.

This is Russia, the prison of nations.

Hey, forum imperial putinists, when you act like those two poets, I will consider you my Slavic brothers whose hand I can shake or even bow to you in respect.

But right now you are stinking putinists and the only thing I can do is tell you:
DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!!!
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2024   #785
maybe Poland can be allied to Russia

That would require a complete change of attitude on the part of either Poles/Polesses or Russians.

Who do you think will undergo the change more easily??? Us or them???? :):):)
Torq  10 | 1237
12 Jan 2024   #786
That would require a complete change of attitude

Well, we live in a changing world. Perhaps to a larger extent than we suspect at the moment.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2024   #787
Well, we live in a changing world.

Yes, but certain national qualities are permanent. Poles and Polesses have always loved their freedom and are ready to die for it. While most Russians, except decent ones, have the mentality of slaves who agree to wickedness their regime imposes on them.
Torq  10 | 1237
12 Jan 2024   #788
have the mentality of slaves who agree to wickedness their regime imposes on them.

But this regime are Russians too, aren't they? Are they slaves too? Do they take orders (or suggestions) from Washington or Brussels? Did they consult anyone before their invasion of Ukraine? Are they waiting for any money to be paid to them from the EU? Is any external body dictating to Russia how their legal system should look like, for example, or what forms od energy they should use?

So, maybe (just maybe) it is they who are more free than we are?
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2024   #789
it is they who are more free than we are?

Yes, more free to rape and murder in Ukraine. :(:(:(:(
Amassing is that thinking of yours. Please, think twice before you write such a stupidity again. :):)
PS. No, think thrice.
Torq  10 | 1237
12 Jan 2024   #790
rape and murder in Ukraine

There used to be reductio ad Hitlerum, now I can see there is reductio ad Ucraina.

There's hardly any discussion possible if you are going to reply with "they rape and murder in Ukraine" to everything
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #791
reply with "they rape and murder in Ukraine"

Was it a lie??
Tell us honestly - did I lie about Russian deeds in Ukraine???

There's hardly any discussion possible

OK, fine - no discussion with Russian bootlickers. Life is too short. :):):)
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #792
Russian deeds in Ukraine

Pale in comparison to Ukrainian deeds in Poland.

no discussion with Russian bootlickers

I don't know any Russian bootlickers, but it still sounds better than Banderist cocksuckers.
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Jan 2024   #793
Pale in comparison to Ukrainian deeds in Poland.

Maf tells me we will incinerate millions of Ukrainians once we take over the country.

Usually, his extreme partisanship, despite being annoying - elicits some degree of respect. Simply - I have never seen a Westerner engage with anything from our region with such passion. He reads a lot of Russian sources, and generally seems more realistic than Neuf and some other clowns.

However, him thinking we are going to put millions of Ukrainians into the oven really made me laugh at my stupidity for taking him seriously.

A more realistic scenario is that some Ukrainian comes to power in Russia again, and grants Crimea back to Ukraine as a "gift".
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #794
Maf tells me we will incinerate millions of Ukrainians once we take over the country.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? *sighs heavily*
mafketis  38 | 11263
13 Jan 2024   #795
Maf tells me we will incinerate millions of Ukrainians once we take over the country.

I'm just repeating frequent motifs from russian state media.... why say it again and again if they don't mean it?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #796
Pale in comparison to Ukrainian deeds in Poland

I see. In your opinion Russians are better coz they have only killed 20.000 Ukrainians so far while Ukrainians killed 60.000 Poles in the past.
DFY for this hypocrisy.

I don't know any Russian bootlickers

You got rid of all mirrors in the house??? hahahahaha Is there a vampire in your family???
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #797
Russians (...) have only killed 20.000 Ukrainians

It was 10,000 in November 2023. I doubt if the number doubled in 2 months.

Still, even if it was 20,000, then compare it to Polish civilian losses of about 100,000 in September (one month!) 1939. 5 times higher losses in 24 times shorter time. So, the Germans that you so like and admire were 120 times worse, proportionally.

Ukrainians killed 60.000 Poles

You are now comparing collateral damage in Ukraine, a result of a full-scale war between two regular armies, to civilians being slaughtered in tens of thousands by armed animals in uniforms? Unbe-f*cking-lievable. That's why you are such a disgusting, banderist cock-sucking, genocide justifier.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #798
September (one month!) 1939. 5 times higher losses in 24 times shorter time. So, the Germans

Stop manipulating, you repulsive Russian bootlicker. The events you are mentioning now took place 80 years ago. Germans have changed and do not attack anybody.


Stop manipulating, you repulsive Russian boot licker. The Volhyn Massacre took place 80 years ag. Ukrainians have changed and do not attack anybody.

While what Russians are doing - rapes, murders, looting, destruction - are taking place not 80 years ago but today. In the 21st century.
Think about it, repulsive Russian bootlicker.
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #799
what Russians are doing....

... is generally condemned all over the world, and about 50 countries are aiding Ukraine or/and introduced various types of sanctions. Ukrainians on the other hand, not only refuse to call their actions genocide, but never even properly apologised for it and are refusing the exhumation of the victims to finally give them proper burial.

Germans have changed

Yes. They changed their conduct.

Ukrainians have changed

I will say that they have changed when they apologise for the UPA bestiality, and when our dead are properly buried. Then I will say that Ukrainians have changed
Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Jan 2024   #800
So, the Germans that you so like and admire were 120 times worse, proportionally.

Polish casualties would be much lower if the Polish gov asked itself this question: What is the probability of Poland winning this one?
The answer would be 0 - in 1939 and 1944. How many thousands would live?
See France.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #801
when they apologise for the UPA

They will when Poles officially apologise for their own murderers, instead of erecting monuments to them. . hahahaha
Ironside  51 | 13087
13 Jan 2024   #802
when Poles officially apologise

You need to apologize first for all your dire and dirty deeds pawian.
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #803
The answer would be 0 - in 1939

Nope. We were still putting up a decent defense; less effective than it could be - that's true - because the c*nts attacked us from West, North and South and we were spread along the borders, so it was one huge encirclement battle from the very beginning. Still, Wehrmacht was starting to experience logistical problems, there were counter attacks in progress (including the Battle of Bzura) and a lot of untouched units were marching towards Przedmoście Rumuńskie, to form a new defensive line there...

... unfortunately, we were stabbed in the back by the Soviets, who entered from the East on the entire length of our eastern border (about 1400 km) - 620,000 soldiers, 4700 tanks, 300 planes. And in the east there were only rare KOP (border guards) units. That sealed our faith. But still, I wouldn't say that the chances were 0.

As for 1944... a complicated issue. With hindsight, a mistake.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Jan 2024   #804
Wehrmacht was starting to experience logistical problems

I read somewhere that Wermacht was running low on ammo, simply, in the end of September 1939
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #805
I read somewhere that Wermacht was running low on ammo

No wonder - from 01.09.39 to 24.09.39 they used 84552 tons of artillery ammo - 3525 tons/day compared to 2057 tons/day in the 1940 French campaign.
Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Jan 2024   #806

On September 7, 1939, what was the probability that Poland would win?

Win (def.) - Poland forced Germany to retreat and leave Poland by the end of the year.

Just a number from 0 to 100%, please. No stories or lectures.
Torq  10 | 1237
13 Jan 2024   #807
Win (def.) - Poland forced Germany to retreat and leave Poland by the end of the year. Just a number from 0 to 100%, please. No stories or lectures.

Have you finally stopped masturbating furiously to gay p0rn? Just a 'yes' or a 'no'. No stories or lectures. See what happens when one asks a question in a biased way?

First of all your definition of "win" is taken right out of the depths of your anal orifice. Poland didn't have to force Germany to retreat and leave Poland in three months to win this war. All Poland had to do was to stop Germans and tie their forces for long enough for the French and the British to have time to prepare their offensive in the West, effectively ending WW2 in a couple of months. What was the probability of that on September 7th? Quite high. If you want a number, I'd say 70%. Even if everything else failed we would most likely have been able to tie considerable German forces on Przedmoście Rumuńskie long enough for the French and the Brits to get their fingers out and attack the Reich from the West. The Soviet invasion on 17th September put an end to these plans.
Alien  26 | 6528
13 Jan 2024   #808
September 7, 1939, what was the probability that Poland would win?

Win (def.) - Poland forced Germany to retreat and leave Poland by the end of the year.

The chances were greater than it may seem from today's point of view. However, on one condition, namely that Russia would remain neutral. Approximately 700,000 soldiers were still available, so the first transports of weapons from the allies were already on their way to Romania.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2024   #809
You need to apologize first

I already did. But my sincere apology was rejected. Ha!
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Jan 2024   #810
Have you finally stopped masturbating furiously to gay p0rn?

Does your mother know you are gay? "Yes" or "No" answer, please.

is taken right out of the depths of your anal orifice

A veritable treasury of good ideas, my anus is.

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