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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Crnogorac3  3 | 665
30 Aug 2023   #571


Pavle Nole


Novak Djokovic: "The blessing I received from Patriarch Pavle was a turning point in my career."

jon357  72 | 23654
30 Aug 2023   #572

Nothing to do with Poland or r·SSia.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Sep 2023   #573
It must be admitted that I have never met the Pope on a bus.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Sep 2023   #574
A little riddle - who said that?

"We currently have land borders with seven countries: Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia.
Out of these seven only three can seriously threaten us militarily: Germany, Ukraine and Russia.
Out of these three only one doesn't have any territorial claims on us: Russia.
This fact alone indicates that we can talk only with Russia about a real and lasting alliance that would guarantee our territorial integrity."

"I think that the Russian-Polish alliance should resemble the one that connected the USA and Great Britain for over 40 years."

"One needs to consider whether it would be appropriate for Poland to have atomic weapons. If we had them, we could feel safe
because nobody would ever dare attacking a country that possesses nuclear weapons."

Three quotations, one author. To make it a bit easier: it was nobody from PF but a controversial public figure who would seem to have abandoned his youthful ideals or simply exchanged them for a place on electoral list of a major party. :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Sep 2023   #575

who would seem to have abandoned his youthful ideals

He only abandoned his pro-RuSSian and anti-Western/anti-EU views, according to this commentator:,143907,30089374,roman-giertych-ewolucja-ktorej-nie-bylo-rok-po-roku-opinia.amp
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Sep 2023   #576

Well done! :)

He only abandoned his pro-RuSSian and anti-Western/anti-EU views

... or at least keeps quiet about them for the time being. The anti-EU bits are of course nonsense but we could use some more pro-Russian voices in Polish politics, if only for balance in nature.
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Sep 2023   #577
... or at least keeps quiet about them for the time being.

Or he simply got smarter in this regard. I'm sure this invasion opened the eyes of some people.

but we could use some more pro-Russian voices in Polish politics

"More"? I think we have more than enough of them all things considered. And what do you mean by "pro-RuSSian" exactly?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Sep 2023   #578
what do you mean by "pro-RuSSian" exactly?

Obviously not pro-Putinist but perhaps ever so slightly more Ukraine-skeptical.
jon357  72 | 23654
8 Sep 2023   #579
"I think that the Russian-Polish alliance should resemble the one that connected the USA and Great Britain for over 40 years.

If either r*SSia or Poland were like the U.K. or U.S. there may be a possibility. As it stands? No.

Or he simply got smarter in this regard

Perhaps he's trying to present himself as less extreme with an eye to future political office.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Sep 2023   #580
More"? I think we have more than enough of them all things considered. And what do you mean by "pro-RuSSian" exactly?

Means allying with Russia as it was in times of August the Strong
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #581
August the Strong

The period of time which preceded the partitions of Poland of which Russia was the main perpetrator.
Thank you very much for such an alliance. :):):) Most Poles prefer Europe and NATO, except for some traitors and crazies who have always existed in Poland.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Sep 2023   #582
The period of time which preceded the partitions of Poland of which Russia was the main perpetrator.

Those were initiated only because Poland changed its policy. Dont forget this.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #583
Poland changed its policy.

I see. An alliance with Russia is one way ticket ride - when you try to back out, you lose everything. hahahaha
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Sep 2023   #584
You understand it right. Poland is like a child, needs to be directed.
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Sep 2023   #585
@ConstantineK, no, it's RuSSia that acts like a psycho and needs to get its ass kicked.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #586
Poland is like a child,

:):):) And that is why Poles will never consciously enter into an alliance with Russia which is a loser state. Who needs alliances with losers???

needs to get its ass kicked.

Send those imperialist fekkers back to Siberia where they belong!!! Europe for civilised Europeans! :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8677
8 Sep 2023   #587
when you try to back out, you lose everything. hahahaha

Do you mean like those oligarchs with Batory-size yachts? Or the thousands who left Russia recently because they didn't the war and Putin?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Sep 2023   #588
@ConstantineK, no, it's RuSSia that acts like a psycho and needs to get its ass kicked.

Nope, it is Poland who always harms herself. Always neurotic even schizophrenic. And btw she was quite prosperous as Vistulan Country.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #589
it is Poland who always harms herself.

Probably this belongs to the Polish character - most Poles prefer to harm themselves rather than ally with Russia. :):):):


No, just a choice of a decent person who rejects Russian style tyranny . :):)
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Sep 2023   #590
Nope, it is Poland who always harms herself.

RuSSia, on the other hand, tends to harm both itself and others. That's why it has to be stopped.

Always neurotic even schizophrenic.

Sounds like RuSSia to me.

And btw she was quite prosperous as Vistulan Country.

Maybe by RuSSian standards :))))))))
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Sep 2023   #591
Probably this belongs to the Polish character - most Poles prefer to harm themselves rather than ally with Russia. :):):):

Some mad people may prefer to mutilate themselves. Doctor should not reckon with thoughts of a mad man. His task is to heal the illness of the mind, at least alleviate it, even if the straighjacket is required.
Novichok  4 | 8677
8 Sep 2023   #592
Doctor should not reckon with thoughts of a madman.

Do you mean that you are against gender-affirming surgeries?
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Sep 2023   #593
even if the straighjacket is required.

I agree:

pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #594
Some mad people may prefer to mutilate themselves

Skoptsy in Russia, for example. :):):)

to heal the illness of the mind

You are so old and still don`t know that some mental illnesses are incurable??? Poles suck their antiimperialRussianism with their mothers` milk. Like antisemitism. There is no remedy for such disorders. :):):)


Which means Bullseye!!! :):):):)
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Sep 2023   #595
most Poles prefer to harm themselves rather than ally with Russia. :):):):

Do you even think before you type? Seems like you type anything that comes to mind like a baboon that you are..
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Sep 2023   #596
Do you

Yes, we know that you, as a true nazionalistische boy, look favourably at the alliance with Russia. But nationalists have only 10% support in the society so your opinion doesn`t matter.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Sep 2023   #597
This fact alone indicates that we can talk only with Russia about a real and lasting alliance

You are a fool.Talking with Russians is pointless.

Do you even think before you type? Seems like you type anything that comes to mind like a baboon that you are..

Great post Ironside.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Sep 2023   #598
You are a fool. Talking with Russians is pointless.

GK and I have been doing just that - talking with Russians - and it was a good experience. I wish CK was here more often.

If that was possible, my dinner for eight would include Bobko, CK, Velund, BB, Tacitus, Lyzko, Adrian, and myself. It would be lively.

To recover from the experience, I would meet Joker and go shooting to calm my nerves and pulse down.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2023   #599
Talking with Russians is pointless.

There are also decent Russians who don`t support the war or their corrupt leaders.

Great post Ironside

The past time Iron made a good point was about 6 months ago. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Sep 2023   #600
Various russophiles and supporters of russia: But mafketis! Your unwavering and extreme russophobia is neither rational nor productive, it might even make some people take russia's side....

russia: You know what? We need to revive a nazi slogan.... unironically!

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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