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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Feb 2023   #331
Rich, Russia has already lost this war simply on the basis of western commitment.
If the war stagnates or the Ukrainians appear to be losing, the USAF and RAF will be in there like a shot....maybe even France with its Armee de l'air or the German Luftwaffe!

Russia has blown it!
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2023   #332
Russia as a rogue imperial country??????

Russian propagandists don`t like Poland, either:

Poland in the crosshairs of propaganda

There were also threats directed towards NATO , and above all, Poland. "We understand it well and were prepared for a confrontation with NATO. We are ready for that," Solovyov assured. Another guest, in turn, started talking about the "Polish problem".

- It is obvious that the "Polish problem" must be solved not only for the benefit of Russia, but also for the whole of Europe. Poland is evil for all of Europe. Russia needs to solve this radically. We are not ready to risk with Poland yet, we should practice in Estonia first, he added.

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Feb 2023   #333
- It is obvious that the "Polish problem" must be solved

Yes, people are saying that if the Russians succeed, they will go for the Balrics next.
I don't think so, they will go to Poland next, because in their eyes they are troublemakers like Ukraiinians.If they get Poland, the Baltics will be easy.

Ukraine has to win.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2023   #334
The latest poll in Poland -
Will improving relations with Russia be possible in near future?
90% - no.
5% - yes.
5% - I don`t know.
Bobko  27 | 2215
23 Feb 2023   #335

Well this is sad, what can I say.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2023   #336
Yes, it is when Slavic nations are at odds.

But it is Russians` fault. You are still driven by your sick imperial desires which are a major threat to Poland and most Poles realise it quite well.
Alien  26 | 6527
23 Feb 2023   #337
90% - no.
5% - yes.
5% - I don`t

Well, it's nothing new.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Feb 2023   #338
The latest poll in Poland

Well this is sad

It is,but Russia has caused this!

You are still driven by your sick imperial desires

pawian  226 | 27817
25 Feb 2023   #339
A few decent Russians dared to protest on the anniversary of Russian invasion. They were immediately detained.

This is an excellent example of the revival of stalinism in Russia. I hope Putinists and imperial Russians do understand why sane nations want to have nothing in common with Russia.

  • 13.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Feb 2023   #340
A few decent Russians dared to protest

A businessman who wrote anti-war graffiti on the facade of his store was arrested in St.Petersburg. Dmitry Skurikhin was sent to the detention center for two months.

The facade: Peace to Ukraine. Freedom to Russia.
Sb wrote on the front door - thanks, you are a hero.
The placard: Sorry, Ukraine.

  • Fp5sHK0WYAMF3rI.jfif
OdrowazP  8 | 40
26 Feb 2023   #341
TRADE! for starters.
England and France, they still hate each other, but choose rather to live the good life.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Feb 2023   #342
England and France, they still hate each other

Britain and France?
No, we don't hate each other.

There was a kind of 'game of thrones' rivalry in the Middle Ages, stoked in very large part by the Vatican, and when the tyrant Napoleon was terrorising Europe as Putin is trying to now, they tried and failed to invade us, however that was centuries ago. Relations have been good since then.

Why? because we have learned to get on, to understand each other's point of view and understand the necessity of freedom and cooperation. Something that r*SSia, stuck long in the past, completely fails to appreciate.

A businessman who wrote anti-war graffiti on the facade of his store was arrested in St.Petersburg

Free expression is something that r*SSia simply can't cope with.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Feb 2023   #343
Free expression is something that r*SSia simply can't cope with.

It has been so for centuries. There was a peculiar event in 17th century when Moscovite diplomats demanded some anti-tsar publications be burned in Poland. The Polish king complied.

Currently, Poland and Russia belong to two different worlds, with a completely different set of values.
mafketis  38 | 11260
26 Feb 2023   #344
TRADE! for starters.

Germany tried that with russia.... they even had a name for it "Wandel durch Handel" (small change through business).... how did that work out and would it work out any better for any other country?
Bobko  27 | 2215
26 Feb 2023   #345
TRADE! for starters.

They blocked our pipelines, tied their progress to talks in Ukraine. Then, when the war finally broke out, "they" attacked that infrastructure, destroying it. With the same breathtaking hypocrisy as we had become accustomed to, they blamed the NS2 explosions on us.

Our entire approach to Ukraine was a trade-based one. We wanted them to join our Customs Union. Their president agreed. Then a Maidan started. The Ukrainian people decided to trade a very real customs union and promises of billions of dollars from Russia, for a mere "Association Agreeement" with the EU. They toppled the president that signed deals with us, and unleashed war.

We tried every instrument of the civilized West to tempt the Ukrainians. I suppose they saw us for the orcs we were - in the end. When we ran out of the novel approaches with which we were admittedly unfamiliar, we went back to what worked for us in the past. Brute force.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Feb 2023   #346
he Ukrainian people decided to trade a very real customs union and promises of billions of dollars from Russia

For a good reason. As Ukrainians can see now, any deals with Russians end with bombardment and subjugation.
Do you really think Ukrainians are that crazy???

we went back to what worked for us in the past. Brute force.

Exactly. Your true Russian nature always prevails and that Western camouflage you mentioned is just a spoof.
Thank you for being so sincere with us.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
26 Feb 2023   #347
we went back to what worked for us in the past. Brute force.

An honest Russian at last!
Rare these days.....

Your true Russian nature always prevails and that Western camouflage you mentioned is just a spoof.
Thank you for being so sincere with us

Bobko  27 | 2215
27 Feb 2023   #348
that Western camouflage

Not camouflage, but genuine attempts by us at learning some new tricks. Didn't work out.
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 Feb 2023   #349
90% - no.
5% - yes.
5% - I don`t know.

Well this is sad, what can I say.

I can say that Poles are idiots.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Feb 2023   #350
I can say that Poles are

Poles are normal. It is Russians who have gone mad. They were mad when they started the war. And they are mad, still waging the war they can`t win.They are simply amassing.
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Feb 2023   #351
we went back to what worked for us in the past. Brute force.

in other words: "We were a peaceful nation, untill those bloody Ukrainians did not bend over backwards for us."
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 Feb 2023   #352
No. We were a peaceful nation until the US and its muppets, after breaking all the agreements on NATO, decided to get too close to us for comfort.

Today, children, we will combine history and arithmetic and learn how to add numbers. Let's start with the number of dead and wounded as a result of the US spreading "democracy" and Russia spreading its "empire". You can round them off to the nearest 10,000.

We will begin in 1946. To assist you in this task, let's open the world map and find Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 Feb 2023   #353
after breaking all the agreements on NATO

There was never any formal agreement. Stop lying you lying liar. If any russians actually think there were agreements then they're even stupider than I thought... and that's saying something!

Please point to any proof that there was ever a formal agreement or shut up about it forever.
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 Feb 2023   #354
There was never any formal agreement

You are right. I just made it up because it's Monday and it's raining.
But I appreciate you keeping your mouth shut about the dead and wounded statistics. Good move.
Would you want me to do all the adding?
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 Feb 2023   #355

Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 - U.S. Secretary of State James Baker's famous "not one inch eastward" assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University

Memo to maf and the rest of you, Russia haters: Don't fu*ck with me. You will lose every single time.
Paulina  19 | 4556
27 Feb 2023   #356
famous "not one inch eastward" assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev

That assurance pertained to East Germany ONLY. Even Gorbachev admitted that - I've already given you a link to an article in another thread some time ago explaining this issue which was also quoting Gorbachev on this matter. So, Putin's claim that NATO broke some kind of promise given to Gorbachev is a LIE. Putin is a LIAR.

Memo to maf and the rest of you, Russia haters: Don't fu*ck with me. You will lose every single time.

Bullsh1t. It's you who's losing very often. You just keep "forgetting" about it :)
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 Feb 2023   #357
I asked for a

formal agreement.

instead of a

formal agreement.

you offered a

cascade of assurances

which is not the same thing at all..... so, point, game, set, match and tournament for mafketis, succkkkkaaaa!
Paulina  19 | 4556
27 Feb 2023   #358
That assurance pertained to East Germany ONLY.

And I don't think it was even about "joining" NATO. I think it was about not putting American or NATO bases/soldiers/installations in East Germany for some period of time after the unification with West Germany or something like that. I think that's what this "not one inch eastward" statement was all about, as far as I remember.

And they kept that assurance - look at where US bases are located in Germany:

(hint - there are no American bases on the territory of the former East Germany)
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 Feb 2023   #359
I don't think it was even about "joining" NATO

you and I know that but novi is one of the kids on the short bus if you get my drift.... his brain stopped learning things many, many years ago and now it just repeats mistakes he 'learned' in an endless loop....

very sad....
Novichok  4 | 8677
27 Feb 2023   #360
An agreement is a contract. There is no such thing as a "formal agreement". As opposed to what? Informal agreements? On paper or verbal is irrelevant as both are valid.

In this case, the agreement was that NATO would stay where it was at the time this subject was discussed and agreed upon. Nobody sane would agree to exempt East Germany and OK NATO jumping over and landing in Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe. Duh. Only PF Russia haters can be that stupid.

The fact is that the West lies all the time - including Minsk as a delaying move and without any intent to stick to it.

And that is why Ukraine is a pile of uninhabitable garbage that will never be rebuilt unless Russia takes over the whole damn place as it did in Mariupol. In that context, you dumb Poles should wish Russia a quick victory.

Once Ukraine is made usable again, your esteemed guests will have a place to go back to. No, nobody will be executed or fed to the bears. See Crimea - the land that is Russia's forever.

The only thing we can criticize Gorbachev, the USSR, Putin, and Russia for is that they trusted Western son of a bit*ches, what they were told, and what they signed. So, today, Russia knows there is only one guarantee that Ukraine will not be in NATO: Russian troops at the Polish border.

very sad....

Hey, maf, worry about your body before you get to mine. In my coffin, I write better posts than you can now.

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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