at least such insults are not wasted on Russians.
Insults mean people still care. It means people remember :) It is worse when they say nothing at all.
This is why between Russians and Ukrainians there is such a wealth of names for each other. Because of the great love.
Russian names for Ukrainians:
1) Saloyed - lard eater. Ukrainians consume industrial quantities of pork fat. That is why they resemble pigs themselves. You are what you eat.
2) Ukropithecus - this name underlines the lower step on the evolutionary ladder that Ukrainians occupy, somewhere between a chimpanzee and Homo sapiens.
3) Maidown - this combines two words - Maidan + Down's Syndrome. No explanation necessary.
4) Finno-Ukrs - they always call us Finno-Ugrs, and tell us to go back to Hungary.
5) Neraby - means "Notslave". They constantly tell us we are slaves, and they are not slaves. So we call them Notslaves.
6) Svidomites - A Ukranian always talks about his Ukranian consciousness, or the fact that he is svidomiy (Polish: świadomi). We combine this word with sodomite to produce Svidomite.
7) Mykola - Mykola is the Ukranian version of the name Nikolai. It sounds retarded, like everything in Ukrainian. So it is used as catch-all term for Ukrainians.
Ukrainians names for Russians:
1) Lapti - Lapti are traditional shoes worn by Russians, Balts and Finns made out of birch bark. The Ukrainians find it endlessly funny that Russians wear shoes made out of bark.
2) Kozlomordiye - literally means the "goat faced ones". Supposedly came about because Russians wore beards, and Ukrainians didn't.
3) Boyarishniki - boyarishnik is the Russian and Ukrainian term for Hawthorn, a type of plant. There is also a type of rubbing alcohol that is sold in pharmacies called "Boyarishnik". Poorer Russians drink these sometimes, after which they go blind or die. Ukrainians think this is very funny.
4) Borscht/Borschikha - sometimes Russian men are called Borshcts and Russian women Borschikhas. This... despite Ukrainians claiming that they invented Borscht. The idea is that it is funny to call someone the same thing as a soup made of cabbage and beets.
5) Natashas - what Turks and Arabs called prostitutes in the 1990s. Not funny, because Ukraine exports way more prostitutes. Also the name Natasha is the same in Ukrainian. They are making fun of themselves - retards.