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Why Poland is not Russia

Novichok  4 | 8667
28 Jan 2022   #151
the only birth control available in the Soviet Union, don't you?

Using one of the most oppressive regimes as a point of reference is strange but I have seen worse. Closer home, 50,000,000 abortions in a model country like the US is a lot more compelling in such discussions. That's Poland and a quarter that didn't see the light of day.

Now Russia, thanks to its mad leaders, is in full imperial expansionist mod

Can you make up your mind? If they are so mad, how come they are so successful - at least according to you:

Chechnya 1990s
Georgia 2008
Crimea 2014
Donbas area 2014

Why didn't the moral West attack the evil empire for those terrible acts of barbarism?

BTW, not bad for madmen lacking your intellect...hahahahahaha...Can you detect some sarcasm here?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #152
Chechnya 1990s

What do you think have happened in Chechnya? Russia didn't annex any part of Georgia or Donbass area, so where is the expansion there? Or you've meant a "puppet states" theme?
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #153
Why didn't the moral West attack the evil empire for those terrible acts of barbarism?

Because they were not close enough to home.
And don't bring Iraq,Afghanistan or Libya into ir.... they were American wars that some European States mistakenly got sucked into.
Ukraine is different.
Russia will not be allowed to.get away with an invasion.
BTW, I still don't think it will happen.
Putin is just playing bluff in a poker game.
He is too cowardly to actually invade.
Novichok  4 | 8667
28 Jan 2022   #154
Vlad, I see the problem. We are not on the same wavelength or I have to ease off on sarcasm and ridicule.

I am the only poster here that defends Russia and you are asking me such questions?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #155
I didn't want to citate personally you. Originally it wasn't your citation about Chechnya, etc.

Chechnya 1990s

What do you think have happened in Chechnya? Russia didn't annex any part of Georgia or Donbass area, so where is the expansion there? Or you've meant a "puppet states" theme?
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2022   #156
If they are so mad, how come they are so successful

You once said you were a genius... Don`t you really know what meaning I applied to mad in my post??? :):):) Think!

.Can you detect some sarcasm here?

Yes, coz it is very primitive. :) Laurel and Hardy style. :):)

I am the only poster here that defends Russia and you are asking me such questions?

hgahaha that was like 17th September 1939, the stab in the back.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #157

Why are you such an apologist for Russia?
Are you a Russian troll?
Novichok  4 | 8667
28 Jan 2022   #158
Putin is just playing bluff in a poker game.

Of course, he does, except that it's not poker. It's chess - the game Russians have no equals.

He is too cowardly to actually invade.

Way back, the USSR didn't like the US missiles in Turkey. They didn't invade Turkey. Instead, they started moving nasty things to Cuba. Putin has the same option today. Plus, China can give the US grief in Taiwan in synch and demo that the days of Korea and Vietnam are over.

Don`t you really know what meaning I applied to mad in my post?

Mad has a clear meaning. Out of his mind and acting irrationally - often to his own detriment.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2022   #159
acting irrationally - often to his own detriment.

Irrationally, yes. To his own detriment - yes. But they don`t care about detriment coz they are irrational. :):) Imperial conquest has always entailed huge costs for average Russians: casualties and poverty. Their only benefit was taking pride in their imperial status.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #160
Of course, he does, except that it's not poker. It's chess

Nah, it's too hard to bluff in chess...this is a poker game.....

Mad has a clear meaning

Yeh, Mutually Assured ain't gonna happen..... MAD has stopped mass warfare for decades and will continue to do so.
Even The UK on its own have enough nuclear weapons to destroy Russia.
France too and the USA enough to do it many times over.
Putin knows all this.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #161
Why are you such an apologist for Russia?

Putin said: Russians and Ukrainians are one people.
No Polish president ever said it about Ukrainians and Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #162

I am getting very bored of your narrow minded repetitive posts.....
You are are a waste of time and space.
Enjoy life in Russia whilst you can, if Putin invades, your life will become immeasurably Intolerable .....enjoy!
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2022   #163
Putin said: Russians and Ukrainians are one people.

Don`t let him fool you: He is looking for a pretext for an invasion.

No Polish president ever said it about Ukrainians and Poles.

Of course coz we are not one people with Ukrainians just like Russians aren`t, either. Simple.

You are are a waste of time and space

You need to work on your patience coz right now you are too hot-tempered. Relax. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #164
you are too hot-tempered

See, I am more Polish than you want to believe....LOL!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2022   #165
This is pretty interesting guys:
Novichok  4 | 8667
29 Jan 2022   #166
MAD has stopped mass warfare for decades and will continue to do so.

But it didn't stop wars. The nuke powers learned how to operate and kill in large numbers without crossing the triple red line. While we were bombing Vietnam, the Soviet ships were making deliveries to Haiphong. Just an example.

If Russians actually enter Ukraine, the decision to go nuclear would belong to the US. The insanity of this move is beyond insane: The US ending civilized life as we know it over a totally irrelevant piece of real estate aka Ukraine.

I will go further...The US would not use nukes to defend Poland, either. All that nuclear talk is good for high school debates.

Imperial conquest has always entailed huge costs for average Russians:

Just like the US playing word's dumbest cop entailed a huge cost for the average American. Did you know that the US has been at war with somebody 90% of its existence? As opposed to Russia, not even close to home. In fact, we like wars 10,000 miles away as more tolerable to the average American. Maybe it's time for one in Iowa.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2022   #167
word's dumbest cop

Word`s ?? You mean they are a linguist police? No, darling, 1984 was a satire at communism and the USSR.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2022   #168
Novichok how do you see the reaction being different if they enter poland vs ukraine. will they risk ww3 over poland but not ukraine due to nato membership per se and I mean just per se? or is it the strategic land there in poland so valuable to the U.S.?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jan 2022   #169

Russia is unable or unwilling to develop well on it own. They need money, investemnts and technology to keep it economy and it army. Their economy is only 4 or five times bigger than Poland. GDP per capita is less than in Poland, it GDP grow is half of that in Poland.

They have this post Soviet weapons and space program that is all they have over Poland. All the rest of the country is a mess kept in balance by former KGB connections.

To keep their status then need to be able to influnce Europe. To to that they need Belarus and Ukraine and nip in the bud any econamical growth of Poland.

If Poland is rich and influentcial those countries give a choice would drift towards it.
Puting Russia on the fringes of Europe, no more empire.

On the other and Poland cannot let Russia have it way for obvious reasons.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
29 Jan 2022   #170
Ukraine will consume more Russian money than will bring in. Just like it happened in Crimea. Russia will need to supply cheap oil and gas to Ukraine like in the old good times.
Novichok  4 | 8667
29 Jan 2022   #171
if they enter poland vs ukraine.

The US will not use nukes to defend anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the adults in DC took the nuclear briefcase away from the senile man who sleeps in the White House.

Their economy is only 4 or five times bigger than Poland.

The US economy was one trillion times bigger than the economy of North Vietnam and the US lost.

Just like it happened in Crimea.

Crimea is valuable to Russia for reasons that have nothing to do with the economy or cash flow. Gitmo is a net liability to the US but we are still there. The same with South Korea, Okinawa,...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jan 2022   #172

1.Ukrainie takes strategic place in Europe 2. Has lost of good quality ores. 3. All those people would work for Russian as Russia demographic is shrinking.

and the US lost.

USA did not loose, they didn't want to pay the price for victory.
mafketis  38 | 11258
29 Jan 2022   #173
Crimea is valuable to Russia for reasons that have nothing to do with the economy or cash flow.

The possibility of military expansion... and a primitive feeling of conquest. That's all Crimea is for Russia (which has turned into a natural disaster due to catastrophic Russian mismanagement).
Vlad1234  16 | 883
29 Jan 2022   #174
Has lost of good quality ores

Ores are inexpensive. They need a lot of ore only to produce a lot of tanks to protect a lot of ore. The circle is complete.

I wouldn't be supprised if Ukrainian economy will start to do better after Russian annexion. Surprise, surprise...
Novichok  4 | 8667
29 Jan 2022   #176
...and for a very simple reason; foreign investments hate uncertainty. Once the dust settles as it did in Crimea,...
Vlad1234  16 | 883
29 Jan 2022   #177
Do you live in Russia?

In Canada, it seems.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jan 2022   #178
lol! You just lost all your credibility here. If Russia is so great you should move there right now. If not ..stop talking nosense.
Novichok  4 | 8667
29 Jan 2022   #179
If Russia is so great you should move there right now.

That "if it's so great" - the most moronic argument ever and not worth responding to beyond what I just did.
Your time is up. Mommie is calling for a snack and a bedtime story.
Before you go, try this...
Me: Florence is a very well-organized and safe prison.
Moron: If you like it so much, you should move there right now.

If you don't like prison, replace Florence with a base at the South Pole.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jan 2022   #180
the most moronic argument

I bow before you Mr king of the most moronic arguments.

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