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Why Poland is not Russia

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
27 Jan 2022   #91
No, he was fully Polish,

wasn't he ehtnically Lithuanian ?
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #92
ehtnically Lithuanian

Born in old Lithuania, today Belarus, into a Polish szlachta/gentry family. . Like Mickiewicz. :):)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Jan 2022   #93
belarussians claim he was theirs, lithuanians theirs, and polish that he was polish.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Jan 2022   #94
With regard to Mickiewicz, it's like native americans claiming him to be from their tribe simply if he was born in the U.S.A.

That's how absurd it sounds to Poles
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #95
As Russian proverb says: "there wouldn't be a happiness, but misfortune have helped". As the result of German-Soviet pact in 1939 it was Soviet Union that had been sudenly attacked, lost 27 mln of people, liberated Poland in 1945 and saved lives to all the Poles. The heavy, enormose price was paid for a terrible mistake in 1939. USSR lost 600.000 soldiers to liberate Poland. Does modern Russia not deserve to be forgiven?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #96
liberated Poland in 1945

Liberated? Took over you mean. The Occupier changed that is all.
Alien  26 | 6527
28 Jan 2022   #97
Liberated or not, but the Russian occupier was better than German.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #98
was better

You are pathetic. People like you and pawian are the end result of their occupation. It will take another 40 years to change it.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #99
The Occupier changed that is all.

Was there at least one Russian in Polish govt.? Were there a signboards "Russians only" in Poland?
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2022   #100
As the result of German-Soviet pact in 1939 it was Soviet Union that had been sudenly attacked

No - in result of Soviet Nazi Pact, Poland was attacked and destroyed, with 6 million dead. The Pact allowed Nazis to deal with Poland safely and quickly, while Stalin obtained half Eastern Europe for his disposal.

The Pact was one of the reasons why France and Britain didn`t actively help Poland - they simply knew the case was lost and their full engagement was futile.

liberated Poland in 1945

First a rogue attacks you together with another rogue, later the rogues fall out with each other and one of them liberates you from the other`s oppression. Funny. :):) And you expect the victim should be grateful?? hahaha You have read too much about Stockhol Syndrome, I suppose. :):):)

Does modern Russia not deserve to be forgiven?

Russia as a state? No, it doesn`t. As long as the Kremlin is trying to sell its lying propaganda about the Pact and alliance with Nazis.

However, decent Russians who reject the Pact are OK. :):) There are a few in Russia, but they are hushed down by imperialists and brainwashed homo sovieticuses.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Jan 2022   #101
Russian historiography is heavily influenced by Soviet communist rhetoric. "Liberated" can mean everything from liberating working class from Polish nobility, landlords, shopkeepers (who decide prices...), beurocrats who are backed by the military to demand taxes and opresses, clergy who has authority on religious grounds (communism generally speaking only aknowledges itself as the only legitimate authority based on it's goals) and any other group/authority is to be fought without mercy (one of the reason power hungry control freaks find it appealing)

So yeah, from Soviet perspective taking away Nazi German control from Poland was liberating cause any Soviet control is liberating in their eyes.

While from Polish perspective wether the handcuffs being put on by a person speaking German about race or a Russian speaking about global equality doesn't make much difference except in living conditions and it's scope.

It's like comparing different prison facilities
North Korean vs American one
As an example
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #102
Was there at least one Russian in Polish govt.?

When? If you talk 40' and 50' there were more than one. In the 60 at least one. Why Russian? Soviet Union wasn't Russian state, if you leave Russian and put Soviet there were a lot of them.

The main question?what does it matter, there were milllions Red Army and NKVD soldiers on the ground. If All Soviet personel would left in 1947, Soviet gov in Poland wouldn't last a day.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #103
Soviet Union wasn't Russian state, if you leave Russian and put Soviet there were a lot of them.

Whom could you name? Any ministers?

The successor of Dzerzhinski was Vyacheslav Menzhinsky.
He also was an ethnic Pole, though his ancestors converted to Orthodox Christianity.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #104
He also was an ethnic Pole,

What kind of nosense is that?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #105
Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, a member of the Polish nobility, was born into an Orthodox Christian Polish-Russian family of teachers. His father was a Russified Pole and a history lecturer.

Polish: Wiesław Mężyński; 19 August 1874 - 10 May 1934) was a Polish-Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, Soviet statesman and Party official who served as chairman of the OGPU from 1926 to 1934.

Two other NKVD cheifs, Genrikh Yagoda
and Lavrentiy Beria
were neither Russians.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Jan 2022   #106
Maybe he thinks the guys ancestry was from areas of the "wielkopolan" or "małopolan"

There are something called "false friends" linguistically. Cause of historical context
Ruski -> person with connection to old Kiev Ruś

Rosjanin-> Russian (in Russian context person affeliated with continuation of Kiev Rus, while from Polish perspective a person connected with principality of Moscovy that evolved in to modern day Russian Federation)

So to a Pole, a Belarussian, Ukrainian, Russians or Poles with eastern european ancestry can be called "Ruski"

Cause of said Poles disliking distancing from being Polish (and comparing to eastern slavs and not being considered western) can be taken as an slight, insult or provocation.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Jan 2022   #107
were neither Russians.

Both born in Russia.

That makes them Russian to me.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #108
the Polish nobility,

Polish nobility doesn't equal Polish ethnicity.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Jan 2022   #109
Correct, it equals Polish nationality
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #110
Beria was born in Georgia. Kosior was born in Poland.
Stanisław Kosior was born in 1889 in Węgrów in the Siedlce Governorate of the Russian Empire, in the region of Podlachia, to a Polish family of humble factory workers.

In 2010, the Kyiv, Ukraine Court of Appeal affirmed criminal charges against Kosior with complicity in the Soviet government-engineered famine and genocide known as the Holodomor.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #112
Stop to demonize Russians and Russia and make them a scapegoats who are guilty in all the human sins known. Long live reconsiliation and friendship!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Jan 2022   #113
exactly the russophobia and racism and nationalism is thick here or Poland... No wonder Polish people are seen a joke amongst westerners like in uk or usa.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #114
Stop to demonize Russians and Russia a

Russia is a legal continuation of Soviet Union and Soviet Union was an evil power, one of the most vile and disgusting totalitarian powers there were. The truth about its vile acts is not demonization is fact checking.

Right now Russia is just a thug than has nothing else but brute strength and is trying to use it to get their imperial aims to fruition. To leach from their semi-colonies to go on as a state that is rotting from inside.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Jan 2022   #115
poland only wishes it could have held any such power. hence why they tried and failed with hitler and chechoslovakia.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #116
Soviet Union was an evil power,

Not only ethnic Russian bare responsibility for this. There were also ethnic Poles and many others.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #117
Not only ethnic Russian

That is beside the point. What matters is that Russia is a legal sucessor of the Soviet Union.

Aslo Russia and Poland are geopolitical enemies. Why do you think Russia moved now? Yes, Biden but aslo because time is not working in it favor. They were loosing cultural and economical influence over Belorus and Ukraine. As Poland without really wanting to do it are doing it. So they made their move now while they still can pull it off with their military.

So if we talk about phobia then Polono-phobia is much stronger in Russia amoung it elites than in Poland.
Poland has more reason to have phobia as Russian actions were to destroy Poland independce.
Poland doesn't really care or think about taking Russian independce, just to push Russia out of here and keep it there. Russia has no issue to be here.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #118
To leach from their semi-colonies

And who are these semi-colonies? What Russa gains from them?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
28 Jan 2022   #119
And who are these semi-colonies?

Mainly Ukraine but other former soviet states too. resources and control of a strategial space that allows them to pressure Europe.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Jan 2022   #120
Lol Lukeshanka spilling the truth:,79cfc278

" As Poland without really wanting to do it are doing it."

huh? learn English.

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