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Why Poland is not Russia

Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #31
It's a Soviet symptom, trying to be morally superior by performing morally abhorrent actions.

How many Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese died because the US likes exporting "democracy"?
mafketis  38 | 11258
26 Jan 2022   #32
Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese died because the US likes exporting "democracy"?

Probably fewer than died because the USSR liked maintaining "despotism"....

Is it really a numbers game? (because no way no how can the worst famine in human history, and several others in communist countries, be laid at the door of the US....)

ya gonna looooose, sucka!
Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #33
Probably fewer than died because the USSR liked maintaining "despotism"...

You are probably correct except that the Soviets never claimed moral superiority while at it. At least not that I recall.

On the other hand, to send 100,000 of your finest to death to make sure that Korea and Vietnam have that dream two-party system we love so much instead of one is sick beyond comprehension.
mafketis  38 | 11258
26 Jan 2022   #34
Soviets never claimed moral superiority

Well the Soviet system (and modern Russian state) are profoundly amoral, so that's kind of right...
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
26 Jan 2022   #35
Soviets never claimed moral superiority while at it.

Liberating the opressed working class doesn't ring a bell? Lol
Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #36
I meant while starving Ukraine.
We killed 50,000,000 babies since Roe while claiming that non-existing constitutional right to privacy and being so proud of creating it.
However, if the critical difference is in the baby being next to the mother as in Auschwitz or inside her, then I stand corrected and what I just posted should be disregarded.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
26 Jan 2022   #37
We are talking about facts, not woulds.

But that is the facts. If Stalin wouldn't occupy Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, then Germans were standing at the gates of Leningrad, Minsk and Kiev just after few days - 1 week after Barbarossa begun. Look on the map at the distance between Estonian border and St-Petersburg, former Polish-USSR border and Minsk, Kiev. Almost certainly Leningrad and Moscow would be doomed.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
26 Jan 2022   #38
If Stalin wouldn't occupy Baltic States

If Stalin wouldn't side with Hitler the war could be averted.
Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #39
If Stalin wouldn't side with Hitler

If the allies were not as stupid as they were after WW1, there would be no WW2.
Joker  2 | 2447
26 Jan 2022   #40
They haven't learned much as Europe is ground zero for WW3

We can only hope the idiot Biden keeps us out of it.

Germany doesn't want to lift a finger and NATO doesnt seem that interested either.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
26 Jan 2022   #41
If Stalin wouldn't side with Hitler the war could be averted


If the allies were not as stupid as they were after WW1, there would be no WW2.

If I can exchange the word allies in your post for French and then I would agree with you.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #42
If Stalin wouldn't occupy Baltic States,

Funny how you are absolving such outright acts of aggression against independent states. Your words corroborate a known fact that Soviets were crude aggressors, comparable with Nazis. Simple as that.

Best allies - Nazi and Soviet officers exchange a happy handshake over partitioned Poland

  • z14596591VPolska2.jpg
Vlad1234  16 | 883
26 Jan 2022   #43
Poland occupied Western Ukrainian Republic in 1919. Then USSR occupied this territory in 1939. What the unjustice!
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
26 Jan 2022   #44
Soviets were crude aggressors, comparable with Nazis. Simple as that

Completely agreed.

Vlad is a Kremlin stooge.....
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #45
Poland occupied Western Ukrainian Republic in 1919

The territory which had belonged to the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth for at least 400 years. Poles considered cities such as Lviv as main Polish cities, next to Krakow or Warsaw. So, it was natural that Poles wanted to regain that territory. Simple as that.

Vlad is a Kremlin stooge

Probably not. He only follows the Soviet/Russian interpretation of history after being indoctrinated. But he is a nice chap to talk to - eg., he doesn`t abuse anybody calling them stupid etc. :):):)
Vlad1234  16 | 883
26 Jan 2022   #46
The territory which had belonged to the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth for at least 400 years.

But not between 1795 and 1918. Majority of population there constituted Ukrainians, Poles didn't create absolute majority even in Lwow. Why would Ukrainians care about Polish sentiments? They proclamed independence and had the govt., flag and hymn. While Poles brutally invaded in 1918.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #47
Poles didn't create absolute majority even in Lwow.

Actually, they were always a majority over 50%.

While Poles brutally invaded in 1918.

How could Poles invade a city in which they were a majority??? :):):) They considered Lvov a Polish city for which they had fought and shed blood in numerous conflicts in the past so it was natural they wished it belonged to Poland, not Ukraine. After the partitions which had erased Poland from the map of Europe for 123 years, Poles felt the urge to retrieve all the lands which had belonged to the Commonwealth. Simple.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
26 Jan 2022   #48
And even a region of Slovakia.
Possibly Moscow had the same urge. But in difference from Poland it was a terrible unjustice!!!
Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #49
Funny how you are absolving such outright acts of aggression against independent states.

He is not "absolving" anything. He is patiently explaining to the child-like adults the essence of Darwinism aka survival of the fittest.
The USSR did what was best in its interest and could get away with. Darwin 101. "Just" and "moral" is for kids or in propaganda - another tool in the Darwin toolbox, right next to guns and tanks.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #50
The USSR did what was best in its interest and could get away with

Of course, darling. But we have the right to call it an outright aggression by Soviets who had made a holy alliance with Nazis. And that`s what today`s Russians reject like a devil rejects holy water. But they can`t help being reminded about it ad nauseam. And Polish interpretation is stronger and louder than Russian one. Simple. :):)
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #51
Possibly Moscow had the same urge.

To retrieve half Poland through Rib Mol Pact signed with Nazis. Nice. :):)

Best allies - the joint Nazi Soviet parade after victory over Poland

  • pobrane.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8667
26 Jan 2022   #52
And that`s what today`s Russians reject like a devil rejects holy water.

Then they should stop apologizing for the sins of their fathers - just like Germans should for theirs - and mention Darwin instead. Or "dog eat dog"...

Can you name one thing the Soviets did to deliberately hurt themselves? THAT would be stupid. Like fighting tanks in 1939 with pistols.

But we have the right to call it an outright aggression

You can call it whatever you want. Now what? When you buy the last can at Biedronka, somebody will starve. Did you consider this?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #53
And even a region of Slovakia.

You probably mean the conflict with Czechs for Zaolzie region. Yes, Czechs attacked in 1919 and took half of the city of Cieszyn although there were only 10% of them there. Poles about 30%, Germans 60%.

Can you name one thing the Soviets did to deliberately hurt themselves

There are dozens of them. E.g, sending Soviet troops across mine fields without any protective measures. Try to google the topic to learn more.

You can call it whatever you want. Now what?

Nothing. It is enough that we corroborated a commonly known fact - that Soviets were in close alliance with Nazis. Simple. I feel completely satisfied now. :):):)

When you buy the last can at Biedronka, somebody will starve.

Sorry but now you are talking nonsense. It is a clear sign we should bid farewell for the night. :):)
PS. You are lucky I am still enjoying my winter holiday. The new term starts next week and I am going to be veeery busy with online education. :):)
27 Jan 2022   #54
lol, According to Polaks it seems on their forums or here, their interpretation of history has be right because they scream the loudest like this pawian clown claims. so truth is who screems the loudest to americans who they worship? And they always have to have the last word, so they must be right, right? really?

What is amusing is they, even supposed liberal by Poland standard guys like Pawian, actually believe in and continue with their russophobic racism repeat the debunked myths soviet charged across inefields or withot guns from american movies like enemy at the gates mostly debunked by actal historians (outside of Poland) and gys like Tikhistory on youtube but dont want to acknolwedge the myth about the how they charged german panzers with horses in 1939. everything they spew is against others from western yths for such a non -western and backwards country no one really respects or wants to associate with isnt it sort of amusing? I guess they get their history from us propaganda movies like eney at the gates or saving private ryan. thats why they love americans so much: holywood?

Debunked right here the crap they continue to repeat they got from american movies:

lol they believe all these now debunked myths only holywood movies and retards in the west still repeat. they also think wiktor suvorov is real history and his books are the most popular in poland of all eu countries. yet they charged german tanks with lancers like morons they always were...
Novichok  4 | 8667
27 Jan 2022   #55
that Soviets were in close alliance with Nazis.

...and later with the US. At least Germany didn't fund and sent aid to the Soviets. The US did.
BTW, drop that "Nazi" crap. The USSR had a pact with Germany, not Nazis, just as you have a pact with the US, not Democrats or Republicans.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Jan 2022   #56
You probably mean the conflict with Czechs for Zaolzie region.

On 1 October the Czechoslovak foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km2 with a population of 227,399 people.

The Germans were delighted with the outcome. They were happy to give up a provincial rail centre to Poland. It was indeed a small sacrifice, spread the blame of the partition of Czechoslovakia, made Poland an accomplice in the process and confused the issue as well as political expectations. Poland was accused of being an accomplice of Nazi Germany.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #57
drop that "Nazi" crap.

Of course not. It is more effective in irritating Russians when they hear they had an alliance with Nazis. Germans sounds too neutral. hahahahaha

Poland was accused

Yes, accused. But not an ally like Soviets with Nazis through a formal pact in which they shared Eastern Europe. So it wasn`t the same as you are trying to imply. Besides, democratic Polish authorities apologised for taking Zaolzie and generally Polish historians today agree it was a mistake. While today`s Russians never apologised for being Hitler`s ally in 1939-1941. Ha!
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Jan 2022   #58
How could Poles invade a city in which they were a majority???

Russians constitute majority in Estonian Narva.
A "good" pretext for Russia annex entire Estonia.

Or Crimea...

But not an ally like Soviets with Nazis through a formal pact

the German-Polish non-aggression pact, was a non-aggression agreement between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic that was signed on 26 January 1934 in Berlin.[2] Both countries pledged to resolve their problems by bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of 10 years. The agreement effectively normalised relations between Poland and Germany
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2022   #59
the German-Polish non-aggression pact,

It still isn`t the same as Ribentrop Molotov Pact in which Nazis and Soviets agreed to partition Poland and later, as Oathbreaker already told you, do their best to suppress any Polish attempts which might try to reverse the effects of the Pacts.

Therefore, there were a few Nazi Soviet conferences in 1940 when Gestapo and NKVD discussed the ways of dealing with potential Polish underground resistance.

So, the facts are obvious: Soviets had a deal with Nazis which formally was a Pact and practically an alliance and you can`t deny it., Today, Russian authorities and many Russians gladly accept the heritage of the USSR and believe the Pact was a right thing to do. Well, that makes them Nazis` conscious partners. Simple.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
27 Jan 2022   #60
Are you misunderstanding things on purpose? Non-agression pacts in general are not alliances. Formally speaking, Nazi Germany and Soviet Union by signing the R-M pact tried to pretend it was merely a non-agression treaty broken in 1941. Yet evidance show that it wasn't only non-agression but, co-operation in dividing influence, spheres and exchange of information with regard of fighting their enemies.

It's a good sign that Russians are ashamed of it, by not wanting to be calling it for what it is. Yet it's reaching absurd levels of self-delusion if this continues

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