KorkiTaczer - | 109
19 Jul 2022 #181
He is the expert who
1/ When the Secret Service (SB) was abolished, Stasiu Hoc became deputy head of counterintelligence for the Office of State Protection (UOP) in 1990. He was hired by Konstanty Miodowicz, a life-long member of the Civic Platform (PO) :)))
2/ In January 1977, Hoc was transferred to the Soviet Union, where he studied hard at the Higher School of the KGB for about 4 years ;)))
3/ In 1983, Hoc was assigned to the Department III of the Ministry of the Interior, where he was in charge of combating the opposition, among other important duties :P
4/ His work for the KGB was not officially revealed until 2013. Funnily enough, he was called out by the head of the Internal Security Agency (ABW), Krzysztof Bondaryk (PO) in a publication "Współpraca SB MSW PRL z KGB ZSRR w latach 1970-1990: próba bilansu" (p. 135) ;))) But no worries, Bondaryk was fired and Hoc is still advising Tusk XD
5/ Hoc not only advises, but also donates to PO (I wonder where all this money came from?) XD
In our next lesson, we are going to talk about Michał Boni and Danuta Hübner ;)