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Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime

KorkiTaczer  - | 109
19 Jul 2022   #181
He is the expert who

1/ When the Secret Service (SB) was abolished, Stasiu Hoc became deputy head of counterintelligence for the Office of State Protection (UOP) in 1990. He was hired by Konstanty Miodowicz, a life-long member of the Civic Platform (PO) :)))

2/ In January 1977, Hoc was transferred to the Soviet Union, where he studied hard at the Higher School of the KGB for about 4 years ;)))
3/ In 1983, Hoc was assigned to the Department III of the Ministry of the Interior, where he was in charge of combating the opposition, among other important duties :P

4/ His work for the KGB was not officially revealed until 2013. Funnily enough, he was called out by the head of the Internal Security Agency (ABW), Krzysztof Bondaryk (PO) in a publication "Współpraca SB MSW PRL z KGB ZSRR w latach 1970-1990: próba bilansu" (p. 135) ;))) But no worries, Bondaryk was fired and Hoc is still advising Tusk XD

5/ Hoc not only advises, but also donates to PO (I wonder where all this money came from?) XD
In our next lesson, we are going to talk about Michał Boni and Danuta Hübner ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2022   #182
He was hired by Konstanty Miodowicz, a life-long member of the Civic Platform (PO) :)))

It means one thing - Hoc had worked for the anticommunist opposition already during Soviet times in 1980s. He must have been Solidarity agent who informed the opposition about communists` plans. Simple.

we are going to talk about Michał Boni and Danuta Hübner

You can mention anybody from anti PiS opposition but it doesn`t change the fact: PiS are repulsive liars and hypocrites coz they carry anticommunist message on their party banners and at the same time they pamper former communist agents, eager prosecutors and enthusiastic activists who once decided to make a good career under communists and today they switched sides and are doing it under PiS.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2022   #183
In our next lesson,

In our next lesson we shall talk about PiS parliament member who was a soldier in the communist army.

Here is the old career assessment of the PiS man called Jach:,79cfc278

"The officer engages in socio-political issues. He deepens his ideological knowledge by attending the Evening University of Marxism-Leninism. He represents a materialistic worldview. During the martial law, performing various tasks, he showed an attitude worthy of an officer of the People's Army Polish ".

In 1969 he took the oath of loyalty. "I swear to steadfastly guard the freedom, independence and borders of the Polish People's Republic against imperialism, to stand steadfast in guarding peace in a fraternal alliance with the Soviet Army."

Nice, isn`t it? All PIS comrades were diligent and eager supporters of communist system. When it collapsed. they went to PiS who adopted them happily coz they had proved hardworking and dutiful communists.

KorkiTaczer  - | 109
19 Jul 2022   #184
Hoc had worked for the anticommunist opposition already during Soviet times in 1980s

Sure, it was Hoc, Kiszczak and Jaruzelski saving Poland from themselves ;)))

repulsive liars and hypocrites

There is no difference between them, you and clowns representing PO.

activists who once decided to make a good career under communists and today they switched sides

Just like Leszek Miller, Marek Belka, Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Tadziu Zwiefka, Danuta Hübner, etc, which now hold important positions in the EU on behalf of the Civic Platform ;))) At the same time they carry progressive message on their party banners but in reality they represent old commie scum that should have been scrapped 1989 :)))
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Jul 2022   #185
There is no difference between them

Of course there is. It is PIS whose main ideology is to track down communists and remove them from their positions. It seems many ex commies are in PiS ranks but they are good commies coz they swore an oath of loyalty to their new masters. hahaha
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
19 Jul 2022   #186
PiS parliament member who was a soldier in the communist army

Really? :))) OMG This is a outrageous, especially during compulsory military service. Your dad did not serve in the army before 1989? ;)))
Paulina  19 | 4558
19 Jul 2022   #187
@KorkiTaczer, but pawian doesn't mean that basic compulsory military service during PRL - Michał Jach was an awarded professional soldier for 25 years who left the army as a major only in 1994 :))) Better do some research before commenting ;)))
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
19 Jul 2022   #188
It is PIS whose main ideology

It was PO main ideology as well. Have you forgotten conservative Tusk and the prime minister from Krakow? Who was that? Rokita... Jan Maria ;))) Anyway, you think that it is OK to be surrounded by commies trained in Moscow as long as your name is Tusk and you sell your ass to Berlin or Brussels XD And what about neo-nazi Giertych or Kamiński? Are they the good guys now? :)))

Michał Jach

Just googled that bastard. Still, what's the big fuss all about? According to wikipedia, from 1969 to 1973, he studied at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, at the Faculty of Electronics, specializing in radiolocation. There is no indication that he did something wrong during the Martial Law, apart from being in the army. So you think he can be compared to Hoc, a KGB operative? XD
Paulina  19 | 4558
19 Jul 2022   #189
@KorkiTaczer, I don't recall Tusk calling "commies" and "traitors" anyone who would criticise or oppose PO.

And how do you know that Hoc was a "a KGB operative"?

There is no indication that he did something wrong during the Martial Law

Did Hoc do anything wrong?

So you think he can be compared to Hoc

I don't know, do you think Hoc can be compared to, for example, the founder of the best and most famous Polish Special Forces unit (GROM)? Do you know what general Petelicki was doing during communist times? He was spying for PRL on Solidarity people who were living abroad. And yet, after the end of communism the Solidarity elites accepted him, even that nutcase Macierewicz - when Macierewicz was the head of MSW in the 1990s he could boot Petelicki out, but he didn't do that. What's more, Petelicki said that at some point Macierewicz saved GROM.

How do you explain that?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2022   #190
especially during compulsory military service.

I see you pretend not to understand what I wrote. When I mentioned a career assessment for the guy, it certainly didn`t relate to a conscript soldier, but a professional one. I initially wanted to write professional but it seemed too long and I lacked time.

pawian doesn't mean that basic compulsory military service

Exactly, but our interlocutor was playing stupid. :):):)

As for the rest of your reply in your last post, very accurate observations, all of them. Hats off! Korki forgot you are an expert at the Polish army, especially special operation forces. hahahaha
Paulina  19 | 4558
20 Jul 2022   #191
@pawian, thanks, but I'm not an expert ;) Maybe I will be one day, though, who knows lol :))

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