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Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime

pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #1
A lot of top PiS politicians were involved in pro-regime activities during communist times 1945- 1989. Also, a lot of them come from families who had very friendly ties with communists.

It is funny coz one of PiS` main ideas is to deprive ex-communists of their mythical power in Poland. How can it be done if PiS promotes ex- or pro-communists in their own ranks?

Let`s have a look at them one by one.

Julia Przyłębska, lawyer and judge, President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland since December 2016, nominated by PiS. During her studies in late 1970s she was a member of the Socialist Association of Polish Students. Thanks to her membership, she was allowed to travel to the West.

Her father was a merited member of the communist party.

The organisation`s red banner with communist eagle. Next, socialist students march in 1 May parade dressed in red ties. hahahaha

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cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Aug 2020   #2
What have people's parents got to do with it ?

If the person themselves was a commie that's one thing. I don't know what my dad did before I was born - there's nothing I can do to change it either
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Aug 2020   #3
he organisation`s red banner with communist eagle.

I will make it easier for you, pawian: Jarosław Kaczyński is simply another incarnation of Uncle Joe Stalin - it makes things clear, no?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #4
What have people's parents got to do with it ?

I was waiting for such a question and am ready to answer it.

reason No 1 - some rightard posters here love digging up other members` family background. That info about communist parents is also for them.

reason No 2 - a lot of rightards from PiS and other in their media love digging up their opponents` family background. That info about communist parents is also for them.

Do you understand now that I wanted some people to feel good, in their favourite familiar environment??? hahaha

Jarosław Kaczyński is simply another incarnation of Uncle Joe Stalin - it makes things clear, no?

You are paranoid. hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #5
Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime

Typical post from liberal libtards trying to gloss over their own lefty marxist commie
stalin , che kuwara supporting murdering past, and blame it all on someone else lol.

This must be the dumbest political whitewashing thread ever posted on the forum.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #6
This must be the dumbest political

Such a reaction of brainless rightards proves this thread is going to be very useful. hahaha

Don`t close your eyes and ears to the truth, my dear.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #7
Well if this is how you wish to rewrite history , sad that you are probably feeding your students with this kind of rubbish and lies ,
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #8
During her studies in late 1970s she was a member of the Socialist Association of Polish Students.

The same with Krystyna Pawłowicz, another judge of the Constitutional Tribunal since 5 December 2019, nominated by PiS. She was a member of the socialist organisation in 1970s.

and blame it all on someone else lol.

I am offering you facts. Usually, you are quite relentless about people who collaborated with communists, claiming they had deprived your family of a normal life in Poland etc.

Why are you so lenient now in case of rightists` dubious past, tarred with collaboration?

I don`t get your double standard now.

with this kind of rubbish and lies ,

I pity you now - it must be a terrible shock. You need to live with it - the knowledge your fav rightists once collaborated willingly with the regime as they had personal gains from it.

I was also offered to join the organisation but turned it down .

The second congress of the socialist students` organisation in 1977 was taking place with such a title: OUR HEARTS, MINDS AND WORK - FOR MOTHERLAND AND PARTY. hahaha

And the conclusion they reached at the end: we have to engage students into the implementation of the tasks and programme of the Workers` Party.

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cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Aug 2020   #9
It's true Dolno - many of those PiS judges were card carrying commies while you were still eating the lukewarm bigos down the Polish club
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #10
It's true Dolno - many of those PiS judges

ALL old PRL Commies should be banged up , hard labour , their property and dirty wealth should be taken for the poor.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #11
ad that you are probably feeding your students with this kind of rubbish and lies ,

Not in regular English class coz we have to work according to the curriculum and prepare to final exams. But we talk about it in private conversations.

ALL old PRL Commies should be banged up...

You are in deep shock. Wait for more. hahaha

Thanks to her membership, she was allowed to travel to the West.

Being a member of the party or another regime organisation made such travels easier. Permission to visit the rotten West was one of the perks that communists offered people in 1970s for their support for the communist motherland.
mafketis  38 | 11260
17 Aug 2020   #12
ALL old PRL Commies should be banged up , hard labour

That would deplete the ranks of PiS pretty significantly...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #13
hahaha funny. And true.

Krystyna Pawłowicz`s request for permission to travel to Belgium in 1976. At the bottom, her affiliation with the socialist organisation - she was the head of the students` peer tribunal at the university.

I am not showing anything new, all this info is widely available.

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dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #14
That would deplete the ranks of PiS pretty significantly...

So be It , they all need to be removed from office , politicians , lecturers, police ,doctors, all need to go.
mafketis  38 | 11260
17 Aug 2020   #15
So be It , they all need to be removed from office

on what basis?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #16
For being PRL party members , you know like being Nazis, same thing different badge.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
17 Aug 2020   #17
I hate commies as much as anyone Dolno but the deal in 89 was to change power without violence and use their experience to help govern. You were still in the UK worshipping the 1939 government during the 90s and things are never black and white for people who were on the ground at the time

Certainly as President I would take Kwasniewski any day compared to Lech, Komodowski or Adrian

There are only a handful of police and doctors left from 89 and they have given 30 years of service building a new country. Let them retire in a few years quietly
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #18
And infamous Piotrowicz at last, in 1980s he was a communist prosecutor who accused and put in prison pro-democratic oppositionists. He was also a party member since 1978.

Can you imagine he had an official appraisal by his superiors in 1984, right after the martial law, and they praised his engagement, efficiency and determination to work for the communist motherland???

In 2019, he was nominated by PIS as a judge to the Constitutional Tribunal. Before that, he had worked as a PiS member of parliament for many years.

Photos: anticommunist opposition in prison and in court in 1980s.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #19
A lot of top PiS politicians were involved in pro-regime activities during communist times 1945- 1989.

The span 1945-1989 doesn`t only apply to PiS and modern politics. We can dig up some deeper bonds.

Did you know that pre-war far-right and nationalist leader became a main collaborationist after 1945?

In interwar Poland he became the leader of the illegal, extreme right faction ONR-Falanga. This organisation advocated "Catholic totalitarianism" and is considered by many to have been a fascist movement. ........he was arrested by the Soviet NKVD, and in a drastic conversion from his previous stance began to cooperate with the Communist government in Poland. After the war, in 1945, he cofounded and directed a so-called social progressive movement of lay Catholics.....

His main task which he discussed and agreed upon with communists was to diminish the influence of Catholic Church in Poland and eventually get rid of it altogether. He failed but still lived long enough to see how Wojtyła became the Pope in 1978.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Aug 2020   #20
For being PRL party members

You've recently come from the so-called rotten West to Poland and the result is you understand nothing of the rather complicated realities of the PRL. But you are absolved - precisely because you've recently returned to Poland from the rotten West.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #21
while you were still eating the lukewarm bigos down the Polish club

yes, and that was his main anti-communist activity in the West - go to a Polish club and devour bigos or pierogis. hahaha

Dolno, tell us a few facts how you and your family supported anti-communist opposition in Poland in 1970s and 1980s??? A lot of people in the West did it.

Or maybe don`t, why should we read more lies from you. We have already been fed up with those tall stories about your suffering.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #22
Dolno, tell us a few facts how you and your family supported

I have mentioned a few things that I was able to do back then , I am not prepared to repeat them to you, go look at the archives.

As for suffering , no I never suffered in the west I thrived , sadly my parents history was not so good, many never survived to make it to the west.

Never mind, I won't bore you kids with this crap , I know you commies want to erase this history as fast as you can.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #23
No, it is PiS neobolsheviks who want to erase that history of their collaboration. As I said, that info is easily available. However, I noticed that certain official sites prefer to skip those embarrassing afiliations. Funny.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #24
No, it is PiS

And I told you I am not interested in PIS or po , just the commies
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #25
And I told you I am not interested in PIS

Yes, you are coz you openly supported their politics many times here and rejoiced when they won elections. So, yes, the truth is, you were happy when a few ex-commie renegades came or returned to power thanks to PiS.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #26
supported their politics

Yeah Yeah Yeah of course it sounds that way because PIS are middle of the road politics and left wing extremists don't like them .

I don't support anyone I just hate commies and Nazis, but it seems nowadays that Nazis and Commie Marxists have joined forces to create a new movement maybe we could call it PRL mkII
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2020   #27
I just hate commies and Nazis,

Good, but give up that hatred. It is unchristian and primarily hurts you, not your adversaries. Besides, you gradually become like them through your poisoned emotions.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Aug 2020   #28
you become like

My father made me , he hated Nazis and commies and passed this absolute unquestioning hatred down to me , I have no complaints or concerns , am what I am and I am happy and content and will always call out and hate commies.
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Aug 2020   #29
nominated by PiS.

So what? Are you saying that all people nominated by PiS are members of that party? As far as I know judges can't take a part in a politicks.

Your premise is somehow muddled. Either you support a ban for the all former commie party members (and all associated organizations) and their exclusion from politics and from publics offices or state offices or from teaching anywhere or not. I stress all of them without any exceptions.

So far your position was - do not touch them unless they seem to support PiS or had joined that party.
So, you can go FY with your hypocrisy and BS.

he 90s and things are never black and white for people

Sure because commies saying in charge and in a position of power. So, they just brainwashed people with their propaganda as the GW and Michnik collaborated with them full blast.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #30
Your premise is somehow muddled.

of course not. Didn`t I say clearly in my first post?: It is funny coz one of PiS` main ideas is to deprive ex-communists of their mythical power in Poland

I see you again read every third post in new threads, hence you have no idea what we are really talking about. In result, you make a fool of yourself as usual. You have lost again. hahaha

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