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Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
11 Feb 2019   #121
The new economic order in Europe would be the equalizer

What new economic order?

Without the EU Germany would still be the most powerful economy...only maybe then allied with Russia and it's huge market/army...would that be better for Poland???
Weimarer  6 | 357
11 Feb 2019   #122
Im a proud German, i have no european identity. Until 2015 i saw EU as positive. Thats over for me, i want see it die and i love its current state. Its visible that it breaks at evry corner.

The EU betrayed Germany in 2015. I realized we stand alone. Our elites betrayed us as well. And now i see it as right thing to destroy what they care for.

Thats what i deeply believe in.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Feb 2019   #123
My American version of the same is shorter: Fu** the World. And the climate change.

Actually, this is neither 'American' nor original at all. It was first said by that pathetic clown, King Louis XV of France: Après moi, le déluge!

Putin speaks fluent German and wants a alliance with Germany since decades.

Putin practiced his German a lot while he was staying in the DDR as a 'friendly' visitor and part of the Russian occupying force ...

If you want to set Germany and Poland back on an centuries old, bloody path, it's your choice...I would rather not.

I totally agree. If nationalists come to grips once again, it may end as it did one day in the year 1945 in Berlin, namely that one of them finally shots himself in his stupid head, but leaving half of Europe in ruin behind him first.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
11 Feb 2019   #124
Not Germany this time...we learnt our lesson...that's why there won't be any Gerexit ever!
Weimarer  6 | 357
11 Feb 2019   #125
I want the EU dead and nothing will change that. The EU is important for those traitors. They tried to destroy Germany, now we take revenge. And seeing the state of the EU, looks like we are very sucessful.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2019   #126
now we take revenge.

Well, that's Poland screwed then.
11 Feb 2019   #127
I want the EU dead and nothing will change that.

Oh, well - I give up then. Let's destroy the EU, let America build walls around it and start a long period of "splendid isolation", and last but not the least let Russia regain their imperial power.

We are Slavs - their race brethren - so we will be enslaved but spared (hopefully!). Not so sure about your beloved Germany though. *rolls eyes, sighs deeply and logs out*
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
11 Feb 2019   #128
New economic order in Europe would benefit Poland

Yes,and all the more forward looking nations.
The sclerotic EU is not moving with the times and is being left behind.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2019   #129
less protectionist

Hahahaha. Poland is incredibly protectionist in quite a few areas. - this wouldn't happen in France.

New economic order in Europe would benefit Poland.

New economic order in Europe means Germany and France with their highly integrated economy telling Poland what to do and what not to do. Poland would have no choice but to comply, because those two would no longer be bound by common EU rules, meaning they could quite easily demand considerable concessions from Poland.

Nationalist fantasies where Poland is somehow an economic super power despite having a pretty crappy tech sector (no, outsourcing doesn't count), barely any raw materials and a heavy reliance on imported energy are just that, fantasies.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
11 Feb 2019   #130
New economic order in Europe means Germany and France

I think you need to take France out of that equation.
Germany is strong and will survive almost anything.
France is weak and with so many crises tearing it apart.
Don't bank on France.

please focus on the topic, everyone
Lyzko  45 | 9751
11 Feb 2019   #131
"I'm a proud German." says Weimarer

Pride goeth before the fall, don't forget:-) says Markus
Ironside  50 | 13030
12 Feb 2019   #132
want the EU dead and nothing will change tha

Good, I'm rooting for you there.

Let's destroy the EU, let America

Why are you so clueless? What the EU has to do with America?
johnny reb  49 | 8058
15 Feb 2020   #133
Yeah, what does the EU have to do with your hate towards America ?

I want the EU dead and nothing will change that.

So why is that you would want such a thing W ?
Is the E.U. such a threat to Germany ?
Germany is the one who destroyed the E.U. with your immigrant blunder.
Could you expand on your hostility as it seems to be directed toward Poland and the U.S.A.

They tried to destroy Germany, now we take revenge.

Any history book will tell you just the opposite W.
It was Germany that tried to destroy Europe with a hostile take over so why all your hate towards it, especially your bullying Poland ?
Is this why you are so hell bent that Poland will be getting those F-35's to defend themselves ?
Weimarer  6 | 357
15 Feb 2020   #134
@johnny reb
Defend themself with F-35? Good joke. I like your Humor.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
15 Feb 2020   #135
Do you really think if Germany attacked Poland or were to attack any country in the world that they would actually come out on top ?

I like your humor.
Oh, and you have still evaded my questions.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
15 Feb 2020   #136
Always interesting how nationalists confirm the worst impression of each other.
Weimarer  6 | 357
15 Feb 2020   #137
@johnny reb
We came out on top pretty good when we made Greece our colony in 2015.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Feb 2020   #138
New national motto of Germany: making friends in Europe since the year '39 ;-)
15 Feb 2020   #139
Ha, ha - that was a bit harsh, Spike... but funny nonetheless. :D
mafketis  38 | 11196
15 Feb 2020   #140
motto of Germany: making friends in Europe

you should just stop there and it's funny enough... the rest was overkill...
Weimarer  6 | 357
15 Feb 2020   #141

There are no friends in diplomacy. Just interests. You propably have to learn that. Germany needs no friends in europe. In worst case we stamd alone anyways. Its important to balance our interests.

For Germany its important to have good relations with France. Poland is irrelevant, so is Greece and other *********. Russia is important as trade partner.
Ironside  50 | 13030
15 Feb 2020   #142
Germany needs no friends in europe.

As I say - good luck.

There are no friends in diplomacy

Hey, so why have you been talking about friendship in a different post of yours? Spike actually give it a serious consideration.
I'm already your friend I'm telling you the truth.
Weimarer  6 | 357
15 Feb 2020   #143
You have no clue how nations interact. There are no friends, just interests
Vesko Vukovic  - | 248
15 Feb 2020   #144
The English, no matter what we may or may not think of them, have a saying:

"England has no permanent friends or enemies, the only permanent thing are English interests."
Ironside  50 | 13030
15 Feb 2020   #145
There are no friends, just interests

I never claimed otherwise. I however am not a nation by an individual. I'm only asking why in a different thread you were talking in terms of friendships while you know there are no friends just interests.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Feb 2020   #146
Well, all I can say is that I'm hoping that people who think like you would rule Germany one day and dissipate all the soft political power that Germany still possess to create more room for us to grow.

As a side note: Poland is more than twice as big trading partner of Germany than Russia. And also Poland+Czech+Hungary is by far the bigger trade partner for Germany than France, or China or the US. Shows how much you really know
Weimarer  6 | 357
15 Feb 2020   #147
People can have friends, nations dont
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Feb 2020   #148
So now you know why Poland and Germany won't be friends in the foreseeable future.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
16 Feb 2020   #149
Poland is irrelevant. Russia is important as trade partner.

Poland has the United States of America as a trade partner which makes Poland VERY RELEVENT to Germany.
Germany is just a puppet trade partner for Russia to help finance Russia's military from the gas they sell to Germany.
No wonder Trump refused to shake Merkel's hand.
As an American I never understood why hostile Germany wasn't on Polands Christmas Card list but after reading this entire thread I now understand why.

I'm only asking why in a different thread you were talking in terms of friendships

Because one is a Russian troll and the other a German troll who hate Poland and the United States and are only here to post their passive aggressive propaganda.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Feb 2020   #150
Russian troll and the other a German troll who hate Poland and the United States

I sense these a-holes brought you to the end of your rope.

Home / History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)
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