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Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)

Crow  154 | 9548
11 Sep 2010   #1
Considering historically continual hostility of German state on Poland one may conclude that Poland as state and Poles as people represent problem for Germany. Is it so?

well, that`s the question of this thread... Poland - problem for Germany?

Tell me
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
11 Sep 2010   #4
Confined to the football green? Deal! ;)
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Sep 2010   #5
most Germans

Looks like you boys will answering to them soon. I hope they are benelovent now. Who knows? Chinese? The US is slowing coming to a close. It's what everybody wanted.. here it is. This is the information age and Krauts are good at that. Here it comes.. fasten your seat belts.
Ironside  50 | 13021
11 Sep 2010   #6
We already do ! In no time at all if you across a pound would like speak to EU, you'll have to speak to the Krauts !

We are best chums now...

Yes Sir!
Zed  - | 195
11 Sep 2010   #7
Ask Germans on some german forum...... Here we have little to say about what constitutes a problem for Germany. Cohabitation with Germany works well - from polish point of view.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Sep 2010   #8
We already do ! In no time at all if you across a pound would like speak to EU, you'll have to speak to the Krauts !

Hey man, what the hell, it could be a very good thing. I didn't mean a prophesy of doom.
Ironside  50 | 13021
11 Sep 2010   #9
from polish point of view.

:D yes sir !

Hey man, what the hell, it could be a very good thing.

Yeah ! It couldbe a very good thing.
Ironside  50 | 13021
11 Sep 2010   #11
Aren't we ungrateful whiners ? Complaining all the time.....
Well, it could be a good thing, is there any other choice ?
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Sep 2010   #12
"We" meaning you? Son, we don't give up that easy. Krauts will see we are not as "dumb" as they trumpet.
Softsong  5 | 492
11 Sep 2010   #13
People can also partly agree with Steinbach. I am Polish on my mother's side and expellee German on my father's side. So, obviously I have no beef with either the Poles or the Germans. In fact, I feel happiest when I see the past put where it belongs, and the two countries getting along well.

It makes me feel terrible to see either of the two groups of people picking on each other. My heart bleeds for the suffering that Poles experienced in WWII, and for all the partitions that wiped Poland off the map. Yet, I can also sympathize with people who had to leave their homeland. I do know that it was not the fault of Poland, the big powers made the decision.

Sadly, many of the expellees were not those who were sent into Poland during the occupation of WWII, but simple farmers who had lived in Poland for hundreds of years. They had nothing in common with Germany, other than German ancestry from 250 years earlier. When they got to Germany, it was a foreign land where they were often called Pollacks. Yet because of the war, in Poland they were considered Krauts.

My father's cousin is 90 years old now and lives in Germany. For most of her life, she missed home. Home for her was Poland. It has only been recently that she stopped missing the house she was born in. I did not know her growing up, the family was very split up after the war. Through my interest in genealogy I was able to find living family in both Poland and Germany and have been able to get an update on what happened to my father's family that were expelled.

(My grandmother came to the USA before the first world war, so it did not effect my father, his mother or me.) But my grandmother's siblings went through hell that they did not bring on themselves. They were the victims of the war just as much as Polish victims of war. Nevertheless, I am not excusing Hitler in anyway. The volume of suffering he brought is unmatched. Besides Polish and Jewish suffering, he also brought suffering to 12 million ethnic Germans in Russia, Poland, Czech lands and other places east of Germany. In my mind there is nothing wrong with acknowledging the suffering of all the people during those awful times.

One of my grandmother's sisters refused to flee in 1945 and her family attempted to stay as Polish citizens. Out of a family of seven, only two remained alive. My father's living 90 year old cousin says that the horrors of WWII for both Poles and ethnic Germans were unspeakable. She cannot tell me of it other than that. And when I had a Polish boyfriend, his family had also horrible stories of what happened to their grandparents, uncles and other family. Maybe all of us should feel sympathy for what happened to all of the people back then. BUT.....

as has been said on other threads, most people alive now had little to do with what happened then. Acknowledge that people suffered, but train yourself to avoid bringing the past suffering into present day relations. To do that only encourages problems in the future and the possibility of more suffering.
Ironside  50 | 13021
11 Sep 2010   #14
Great post Softsong - thank you :)

Krauts will see we are not as "dumb" as they trumpet.

Well, some are even "dumber"! It have nothing to do with potential but all with matter! :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
11 Sep 2010   #15
Yeah...she is a nice lady!

Thank you's to easy to get riled up again and again about the same old records...
Babinich  1 | 453
11 Sep 2010   #16
Crow, the problem for Germany is in the definition of their role in bailing out the other sovereigns from their financial miseries.
Softsong  5 | 492
11 Sep 2010   #17
Thanks Ironside and Bratwurst Boy! :-)

Oh, and here is the cool thing that Poland is doing! It is happening all over Poland.
When I went there this summer, I was so touched!
valpomike  11 | 194
11 Sep 2010   #18
Many old timers in Poland, I find, in my visit to Poland, still have a strong hate for Germany as well as Russia, and I can understand why. Plus I find, the Germans who travel, act as they are better than the rest of us. I have tried to befriend many a German traveler, and still find them to be hard to understand. I drive a German car, and have a German dog, but still, myself don't understand, why they act this way, to all.

OP Crow  154 | 9548
11 Sep 2010   #19
Crow, the problem for Germany is in the definition of their role in bailing out the other sovereigns from their financial miseries.

you aren`t right here. You must understand that Anglo-Germanic world organized money flow within the EU and NATO, according to their interests. See? Expenditures of German state are investment in Germanic future of Europe and it isn`t cheep investment

Not to mention that we don`t have enough informations to claim (to accept claims) that German interests already aren`t financially satisfied. Most probably that new EU members/non-Germanic (if we speak of money flow within the EU) financing their own dependency from Germany, on the long run- their own germanization. Yugoslavia and Serbia refused this model and then were punished.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
11 Sep 2010   #20
If anything of your theories is actually true....

We are just to smart!
OP Crow  154 | 9548
11 Sep 2010   #21
We are just to smart!!!

not enough obviously. Serbs are still able to spread the word and suggest alternative
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
11 Sep 2010   #22
...but there is nothing you can do about it!
Babinich  1 | 453
12 Sep 2010   #23

How has that stimulus worked so far?
OP Crow  154 | 9548
12 Sep 2010   #24
simple. Speaking of EU countries, in media you always can hear about British, German, French, etc interests. Did you ever heard about Polish interests?

See? Interests define calculations and actions, money flow. Poland just follow outside interests and is being paid for that. But on the long run, its suicide.
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Sep 2010   #25
Crow, please ask the resident Poles here to define the Polish interest. I tried it and few could come up with a satisfactory answer. It is as my mum used to say, 'if you don't know what you want, you'll never get it'.

Security must remain a top priority but NATO has pulled Poland into wars which may backfire on them in the future.
OP Crow  154 | 9548
12 Sep 2010   #26
Crow, please ask the resident Poles here to define the Polish interest.

i won`t insist on that. i`m not that crazy. Polish national interests are absolutely off-topic
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992
12 Sep 2010   #27
Since you took such an interest in Kommie being sb who can take things forward, what did those bilateral talks yield?

What do you expect Seanie?
The time where polish top politicians were always in the tabloids is gladly over...the hard work is not for the headlines, but between our politicians and experts.

Concentration on the work is actually quite nice for a change and you will see the results :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Sep 2010   #28
I'm asking you what work, BB? Nothing a phone call couldn't sort, I'm sure ;) ;)

Experts on what, BB? What work is being done? Let's be specific here.
Ironside  50 | 13021
12 Sep 2010   #29
to define the Polish interest.

Under NATO umbrella, and with a little help of EU, develop Poland's infrastructure (going for modern solutions) and grow economical and financial muscle.
Target: Poland as the one of the European Union shakers next to Germany and France.
To achieve this, policy of military support should be delicately balanced, not like is now - when polish army is spending all budged on supporting American military mission (which are really fools errant and they main aim is to bulge coffers of the bankers and the munitions corporation.)

EU investments should be directed by government to get an optimal results in achieving the target.
( right now, Poland is used as a colonial marked for some EU country's)
That is the reason I regard PO rule as a disaster!

You need to develop something to export as well if you don't want to stay a market for others!

yeah! that right!
Poland governments up the date let all the competitive industries to be sold out to their western competitors or locked away under the pretence of privatisation BB!

As a example you should look up in the Internet about manufacturing fibre-optic cable in Poland.
Just check who is the owner now, and when and why polish-owned factory's were sold out or locked away to make a place for foreign competitors.

I'm sure you'll find it if you are really interested

.To all, please don't make off topic posts. They will just end up in the bin
OP Crow  154 | 9548
12 Sep 2010   #30
i learned my lesson. i don`t insist on talks in case with Polish national interests, not even on Polish nation. i don`t insist in any Polish-Serbian historical connections. i don`t insist on comments against almighty France, Britain and USA. i won`t speak in favor of Polish independence. i don`t exposing facts about Arabic, Jewish, Anglo-Saxon-Germanic plot against Slavic world. i don`t speak a lot of against EU, NATO and Islamic league. i don`t speak much about Serbian innocence. i won`t speak nice about Russians. Etc, etc, etc trivial things. Not to mention archduke Ferdinand who died like a pig

Home / History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)
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