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Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
8 May 2011   #151
I hope the Germans learned the lesson

God created Adam who was Polish. Then God made Eve who was German. Well, you see what happened.
guesswho  4 | 1272
8 May 2011   #153
Then God made Eve who was German. Well, you see what happened.

yeah, they had a good time. Why don't you guys learn from it? lol
Sokrates  8 | 3335
8 May 2011   #154
You have a limited view on German history.

And you have a limited view on history in general.

Poland and Brandenburg-Prussia were in the same situation, both were surrounded by enemies

However the goal of brandenburg opponents was domination, the goal of Polands opponents was extermination.

I agree that Prussia reformed well but could you please tell me when could Poland enact these reforms?
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #155
This thread,... started so long and not so long and still actual.

Poles knows somethings is wrong in Europe. But, they are held by all kind of shackles.

Shackles are to be broken. Realm of Sarmatia from Baltic to Balkan shall be free.

Resolve is inevitable. Foe push for it, thinks its their time now but, underestimated us.

Racowie are coming back. Coming to awake Sarmatia.

No, brothers, we won`t die in silence, humiliated and defeated.

So you remind yourself on your obligations to Sarmatia. Rest is private. Sarmatia is Sarmatia. Sarmatia is must.

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #156
your obligations

Who is samantha, coud you explain, never heard of it.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #157
Sarmatians are foreign name for our common ancestors. Among them Racowie (Serbowie) were and are among finest. We turning to our roots in hard times, when we sense that fierce struggle for freedom seams inevitable.


Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in formation of Polish hussars


Sabaton-Winged Hussars (Polskie Napisy)

Sarmatian Knights
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #158

Yes I have heard of them thanks for info and connection , I will research further.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #159
We have need of you brothers from the North. Come to us. Let us summon Dragon again! Let it be what can not be, what is forbidden. Have no fear. Blood of ancestors shall be avenged and future of our children secured! Soon. Soon!

Slavic (ie Sarmatian) fist against the dark

otpor - resistance

Under the command of general Pavel Sturm- Lusatian Serb in service of Serbian Royal Army during WWI, this is how major Gavrilovic issued order for counter-strike against advancing Austrian army under the General Potjorek: ,,They said they will awash Serbia in iron! I never in my whole life heard such an ugly comment for one people. So, when they came, fight them with your guns. When you don`t have ammunition, use bayonets. When your bayonet is broken, use your fists. When fists are broken, use your teeth. When they kill you, fall in front of them. Let them stumble over your dead body. Fu** them even in your death! And don`t worry for your lives! Your lives don`t exist. High command erased them from its records. Forward to glory, for Serbia, for the King! Serbia!``

Quote entered in Japanese military encyclopedias on military academies as rare example of Europeans being capable of ultimate sacrifice and military fanatism.

... and they broke enemy lines. In few ours killing 25.000 broken and panicking enemy soldiers. Serbian losses were arround 4.600 troops. Famous Cer battle.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #160
counter-strike against advancing Austrian army

Good job, land of hitler and all that.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #161
Where is your power Poles, you ask yourself. Death in silence is what your foes wish for you, so that Poland and all Polish belong to them.

Power, glory and dignity of Poland shall be restored. But are you ready to pay the price, Poles! Are you? We Serbians will create chance for you but we can`t fight your war. Grab the chance. Don`t miss that window of opportunity. If don`t arise to resist in 50 years you shall be part of that multi-culti soup that creates western Europe.

In NATO you fight for rich magnates, for Islamic interests, for your natural foe- western Europe. With Serbians you fight for Poland, for your children. No retreat brothers. Its like Grunwald. Nowhere to retreat. Its life or death.

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #162
dignity of Poland shall be restored.

No need we never lost our dignity, unlike nations that enslaved and killed others as part of empire, or those such as Russia and Germany who started wars that killed innocents in their multiple millions.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #163
Don`t delude yourself, dobri brate. Poland is not free. Poland is enslaved. Held in the mud by its so called western European friends, while they doing all to weaken Poland even more, pump Poles out of Poland, economically bind Poland and push migrants into Poland. When the moment come, you shall come with us Serbians or there won`t be Poland in not that distant future! Its your last chance. For we won`t wait long. We shall repel the invasion. Official Poland stay on the wrong side and Poles go without official Poland. Mark my words. Such serious is situation.

And don`t believe them brate. They lied on us. Serbians were never mobilized in last 30 years. THEY dealt only with small fragments of our people on local level. When we all take boots, we shall push THEM in hell where they belong. Freedom or death! And let THEY then create EU by their standards. Let them hail Nazis and Islamists. Let them eat sh** of this world and underworld. Let it be Eurabia or Eurafrica, we don`t give a sh**. But what is ours will stay ours! It go with us.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #164
Don`t delude yourself, dobri brate. Poland is not free

I was not talking about freedom, I was talking about dignity, which Poland kept intact even while it was enslaved.don't worry Poland is full of surprises for those who wish to manipulate or cause harm.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #165
Respect brate. Insult not intended. I know for contacts of Polish and Serbian patriots. I know what I talking about. That`s why I said that official Poland risking to separate from Polish people. I know that are Poles capable to recognize trap and that Poles also rapidly losing their nerves.

And don`t worry for Russians when the moment come. They shall play positive role or they can fu** themselves. For them, that would be last chance, too.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #166
Insult not intended. I know for contacts of Polish and Serbian patriots.

No brat you have never insulted me, I was just clarifying the point I was making, Poland and Serbia Have good relations like you and I have.
OP Crow  154 | 9535
8 Jul 2018   #167
I trust you brate. We will make for it. But Russians aren`t enough here. Poles are necessary or foe will manipulate, initiate propaganda.

Not to say that Poles, Serbs, we have our reasons no matter Russian reasons.

So when it start, I will look to North to see how Wigs are coming.

And Hungary and even Ukraine, turning to Serbia. Slovakia, Czech Republic. They all sense inevitable. We have some interesting development here.

Poroshenko and Vucic few days ago in Belgrade
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2018   #168
We have some interesting development here

You are very right, many new interesting developments recently, relationships are growing stronger.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
16 Feb 2022   #169
Polands power was lost in enormous wars with Sweden, Brandenburg, Wallachia, Cossacks, Tartars and Muscovites

If they would be able to please Ukrainians it all may never took place...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Feb 2022   #170
It was a rabble, I guess you mean Cossacks - land pirates. Stupid enough to deal with Moscow.
Should have listen to their betters, those who were 'Ukrainian' elite those magntes like Wiśniowiecki, Potocki, Ossoliński, Ostrogoski, Zbaraski.
pawian  226 | 27471
16 Feb 2022   #171
Should have listen to their betters

Except that your " betters" also rejected common Cossacks as "rabble." So, your suggestion is mistaken.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
16 Feb 2022   #172
It was a rabble, I guess you mean Cossacks - land pirates.

They only started the uprisings. But later not a few other Ukrainians joined them. At its peak Ukrainian army reached around 500.000. Many Cosscks who served Polish Crown switched to their side. For example Ivan Bohun.

Bohun was born in Ukrainian-Ruthenian nobility family. He took part in the Khmelnytsky Uprising against Polish rule in Ukraine.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Feb 2022   #173
Many Cosscks who served Polish Crown switched to their side.

So what? Some of them have been trapped. That rebelion wouldn't stood a chance becasue Tatars joined them, so not only rebels but traitors.

Bohun was born in Ukrainian-Ruthenian nobility family.

nobility low rank, those who were big names, hudge fortunes and enormous influnce were against it.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Feb 2022   #174
Grain trade becoming less wanted due to discovery of the American continent by Europe in that time period started to bear fruits for states like France, The Netherlands, Great Britain and Spain (in Spains case also it's addictive downfall).

Adding to it invasions, unrest and three growing autocratic states with very negative and hostile intentions out of fear for internal and financial problems.

The reactionary forces wanting an strong+independent Poland are now long gone thankfully.

But, new relations arose. Jünckers were exchanged for Volkists

While Boyars for "comrades"

After 1945 relations improved bit by bit, but historical nuances still remain cause of adhering to a continued legitimacy.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
16 Feb 2022   #175
If we look at the time period, we can see that not necessarily wealth or size (in terms of ressources or territory) determine the success or failure of states, but how effective they can utilize their potential. Sweden used to be a powerhouse in the 17th century and continued to punch above its' weight despite being relatively poor and sparsely populated because it had a good administration and a very effwctive recruitment system. That only came to an end because of the disastrous Northern War (and Sweden continued to prosper nevertheless). In the 18th century, states like Russia, Prussia and to a certain extent Austria managed to significantly improve the reach of their bureaucracies, as historians note, we suddenly have much more detailed documentations about their subjects and wealth. As a result they could suddenly field professional armies several times the size of the undisciplined mercenary groups that dominated the 17th century. Poland was unable to do so and fell behind. But again, Poland was far from the only case. Saxony uses to be incredibly rich, it was in fact wealthier than Prussia until the Seven Years War, yet its' money was not invested into the military and thus it could only field a pitiable army that got easily crushed by Prussia.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Feb 2022   #176
but how effective they can utilize their potential.

18th century changed much that is a fact. Totalitarian little regimes often fared better.
Sweden a different geopolitical place.
Saxsony was ruling in Poland during the times of that major shift from small professional armies into mass conscription.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
16 Feb 2022   #177

I don't think any regime from the 18th century would qualify as totalitarian, but it is true that those who were governed by enlightened absolute monarchs tended to be succesful (as long as the monarch was competent). That being said, the UK was on its' way to become a global superpower during the same time despite having a royal figurehead.

But having a competent, deeicated monarch could really make a difference back then, since the governmental affairs were still small enough for a king to oversee, and his spending habit could directly affect the state finances. Prussia's ascendence is populary linked to Frederick the Great, yet it was his father who made his conquests possible. When Frederick Wilhelm Icame to power, Prussia was almost bankrupt, with a small ineffective army that fared poorly in the War of the Spanish Succession and with a potential encirclement by Saxony and Poland. He left his son a huge surplus that financed his wars, a huge standing army that was best drilled on the continent and - by the standards of the time - highly sophisticated bureaucracy. Frederick Wilhelm was a truly terrible person in his private life, yet probably the best monarch one can hope for his country. Compare the results with the exploits of his contemporary August II of Saxony and the results for his domains.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
16 Feb 2022   #178
Thats the big elephant in the room with monarchies/'s a gamble for the subjects....and they can't change a thing (besides a bloody uprising).
Novichok  4 | 8485
16 Feb 2022   #179
Thats the big elephant in the room with monarchies

Europe has more kings and queens than I have pimples on my ass and everybody is so happy. Especially the Brits. So what's the problem?
Tacitus  2 | 1255
16 Feb 2022   #180
There is no problem because we do not give them any significant power anymore.

The trouble with absolute monarchies was that it heavily depended on the skill and dedication of each monarch. Hence the decline and troubles of France post Louis XIV.

Home / History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago?

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