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Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders.

Palivec  - | 379
2 Jul 2011   #31
Keep in mind that Gdańsk was in Polish hands longer then German (Prussian) you can find dates here in PF. And then Germans claims Gdańsk as a German city because of German population there.

And? Pomeranians weren't Poles, they actually fought against them and were later Germanized.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
2 Jul 2011   #32
You can see in the first frame in this video that Poland had Pomerania in the year 990 (The begining of Poland)
ender  5 | 394
2 Jul 2011   #33
there's only one problem here, even in times when the city was associated with Poland, the population was still mainly German and they spoke German language.

And your problem is we didn't kill them all like they did to Poles to settle there? Obviously after some years under Teutonic boot they prefer to exist under wings of Enlightened Republic.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
2 Jul 2011   #34
And? Pomeranians weren't Poles, they actually fought against them and were later Germanized.

Pomeranians were Lechites. Like Poles are.
Kashubians, Slovinicians & other Lechites lived in Pomerania.

Poland is a united Lechitic nation.

Polabians were also Lechites & Made up much of North & East Germany.
southern  73 | 7059
2 Jul 2011   #35
Sold to Poland in a legitimate transaction by German Emperor Otto I.Polish since 972 AD!

And Bosnia was sold by the Ottomans to Austria in 1909 but that does not make it legitimate part of Austria.

The women also in Pommerania must be very hardcore.I already have two invitations from MILFS there for some marathons.Now I realaized where this place is located.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
2 Jul 2011   #36
there's only one problem here, even in times when the city was associated with Poland, the population was still mainly German and they spoke German language.

Nope, they spoke Latin.
Palivec  - | 379
2 Jul 2011   #37
You can see in the first frame in this video that Poland had Pomerania in the year 990 (The begining of Poland)

And in 1940 Germany had Poland. What's your point?
legend  3 | 658
2 Jul 2011   #38
The point is that the first COUNTRY to have Pomerania was Poland.
Everything in between is basically irrelevant because borders switch all the time.

Some Germans always talk about how Poland was part of Prussia for many years
but they are forgetting who put a flag there first :)
Palivec  - | 379
2 Jul 2011   #39
So, Silesia is Czech and East Prussia German? And almost everything else Italian?
legend  3 | 658
2 Jul 2011   #40

Majority of Silesian borders is in Poland.
The first known states to hold power there were those of Greater Moravia at end of 9th century and Bohemia early in the 10th century. In the 10th century Silesia was incorporated into the early Polish state, but it later broke into independent duchies, coming under increasing Czech and German influence.

East Prussia

Almost everything Italian?

Are you drunk lol?
guesswho  4 | 1272
2 Jul 2011   #41
And your problem is we didn't kill them all like they did to Poles to settle there? Obviously after some years under Teutonic boot they prefer to exist under wings of Enlightened Republic.

For one, why is this my problem, what are you talking about? I don't know what Polish history books are saying about it but what I know about it, it was a strictly economic connection. As I said earlier, each country teaches different history, no point to overreact here. If you start talking about killing, you'll find enough of it on both sides.
Palivec  - | 379
2 Jul 2011   #42
Nope.Majority of Silesian borders is in Poland.

No, Greater Moravia was the first COUNTRY to own Silesia, followed by Bohemia, and as you said, that's all what counts. So, get out of Silesia, it's rightfully Czech.

Almost everything Italian?
Are you drunk lol?

I spoke about Europe as a whole. France, Spain, Portugal, England... all Italian.
legend  3 | 658
2 Jul 2011   #43
No, Greater Moravia was the first COUNTRY to own Silesia, followed by Bohemia, and as you said, that's all what counts. So, get out of Silesia, it's rightfully Czech.

If they want it they can ask. The answer will be a harsh NO :)

I dont have problems with todays borders okay?

But we were discussing Pomerania and the fact it was first Polish and is Polish today. There shouldnt be an argument about it in the first place >_>

I spoke about Europe as a whole. France, Spain, Portugal, England... all Italian.

Its debatable if Roma= Italy but more accurate would be Roma.

Or we can just say Neanderthals -_-
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Jul 2011   #44
The point is that the first COUNTRY to have Pomerania was Poland.

Pomerania is Polish at the moment, so be happy. Nobody cares what happened 10,000 years ago, and nobody gives a hoot what will happen 10,000 years in the future. Geez, what's wrong with you people?
legend  3 | 658
3 Jul 2011   #45
I am happy. And I care only very little what happened 10,000 years ago.
Whats wrong with us? Nothing. Just debating lands :)
3 Jul 2011   #46
10,000 years ago they ate bigos, complained about immigrants trying to steal their women, insisted other religions other than their own were evil, blamed every problem on neighbouring civilisations, and spent their time talking about the bygone eras.
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Jul 2011   #47
Nope, they spoke Latin.

nope, check next time before you correct me
shopgirl  6 | 928
10 Jul 2011   #48
Wow, I still we are still fighting over cities that had Polish/German inhabitants! LOL
Anything NEW on PF?

Why not make one big thread an call it : "Contested Cities of Polish-German History: Gdansk, Silesia, Pomerania"

Then we can add any other cities that feel left out! :)

One stop fighting, you know, get it all done in one thread!
ShawnH  8 | 1488
10 Jul 2011   #49
Anything NEW on PF?

Yeah, this thread cost us one Bratwurst loving Square Head! Booo!!!!!

Welcome back...
shopgirl  6 | 928
10 Jul 2011   #50

Bratski just can't help himself sometimes! *grins*

As for "welcome back" , thanks but I never really left. I pop in a read threads every once in a while, but so much of it is the same stuff recycled, that I didn't really have anything to say. :)

I was not completely surprised that there is still fighting over places like Pomerania. Seems like in any place where there was more than one entity occupying the space at any given time, it causes a rift between the occupants past, present and future!

After reflecting on how ardent these discussions are (after how many years?) I now have a better understanding of why ppl in the Middle Eat will never be able to share the holy places among them selves. There is something in human nature that wants to say "this is mine, not yours!" that no can share. Oh well.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
10 Jul 2011   #51
I now have a better understanding of why ppl in the Middle Eat will never be able to share the holy places among them selves.

Never?? The German/French border seems pretty secure nowadays wouldn't you say?
shopgirl  6 | 928
10 Jul 2011   #52


The French don't like to squabble over stuff like that, they are lovers, not fighters, ja? :)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
10 Jul 2011   #53
That's only because the women who claim that have never met Americans with Polish blood and Swedish common sense. ;)

There was a time no one believed the Soviet Union would dissolve or that the Berlin Wall would fall. Don't ever say never. :)
Daisy  3 | 1211
10 Jul 2011   #54
Bratski just can't help himself sometimes! *grins*

Is he still sulking? He doesn't know about the new photo facility on your personal info page. I'll find him a nice picture of a helmet, not a single pink butterfly wing in sight if he comes back
Softsong  5 | 492
10 Jul 2011   #55
Hi Shopgirl, nice to see you posting again. And yes, we do miss Bratski around here. Hoping Daisy's offer will help entice him back here again.
urszula  1 | 253
10 Jul 2011   #56
They claim that the Pomeranian dog originated in Poland, so that's good.
24 Jun 2014   #57
The people who communicate on this web site seem to be special German haters, they also do not seem to have had any education about history. The comments are outrageous, mean and mostly uneducated. The time it requires to post an educational and informational summary of the history of Pomerania and other German former territories would be a waste of my time, since some of the visitors here, seem to only enjoy venting their frustration by targeting the Germans! Get an education from the 70 years of brainwashing or less you may have experienced.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127
7 Jul 2020   #58
No, their simply siding with their fellow citizens that live in nowadays Pomerania.

I have a great interest in the history of Pomerania, anyone care to share it with the forum? I vaguely know about slavic tribes living independently in the area but, don't know the full story of how the Gryf family got hold of it. How did it come under the control of the Hohezollerns and the degree scandinavian influences in Pomerania as it borders the Baltic sea
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Jul 2020   #59
the area around Szczecin/Stettin was under Swedish rule since the end of the 30 years war until the middle of 18th century (and parts of Vorpommern/Pomorze Przednie) - Hinter Pommern/Pomorze Zachodnie was under Brandenburg rule at the time
Crow  154 | 9564
7 Jul 2020   #60
I prove my point on this example.

1. Poland kindly ask Vatican to help Poland retrive its lands stolen by Germans. Pope give middle finger to Poland.

2. Poland try alone to take back what was stolen from Her and all give middle finger to Poland, Pope of Rome and also Russia included.

Only possible option...

3. Poles work with Serbs and Poland take it back.

Think about this.

Home / History / Pomerania -a Polish land since the creation of Poland and the German invaders.

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