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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

shopgirl  6 | 928
8 Feb 2008   #61
"What kind did you want? Speak up man!"
*Whacks Filios on the head with bar towel*

*shopski sits down at table next to Filios*
*looks questioningly at Bratski*

"Yeah, how come you favor the Russkies so much? I did wonder about that. It's not what I would expect."

*Whispers to Filios..."he doesn't like to talk politics with me....sometimes he won't even answer me..."*
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #62
"What kind did you want? Speak up man!"

Zywiec, bitte!
*Recoils from the blow to his head*

*Looks at shopgirl, and smiles*
"Bratwurst is a smart German boy. He doesn't get sidetracked, as much as Slavs do. He is doing you a favour by not involving you in a discussion where women become too emotional!"

Now, Raus for mein bier!
*Slaps waitress on the @ss*
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
8 Feb 2008   #63
I don't "favour" them...that is an ugly rumour! *pouts*

It's just I don't dislike them...that's all!

*Slaps waitress on the @ss*

Back off, that's MY @ss! :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
8 Feb 2008   #64

well. now that the thread has turned into a soap opera..
you wont see much discussion on the real topic.

new threads can be created on the off topic if ya all want.. since your
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #65
Back off, that's MY *ss


Ihr, ist mein!

Don't you remember our agreement? What is yours, is mine, fruende!

*Another round, Raus!*
shopgirl  6 | 928
8 Feb 2008   #66

But I'm still waiting for an answer......

Tell me all about the Russkies please!

*holds chin in hands, elbows on table*
Filios1  8 | 1336
8 Feb 2008   #67
*Throws 40 euro down on the table, and staggers away*

Guten nacht!

Work is over, going to sleep : )
shopgirl  6 | 928
9 Feb 2008   #68
Guten nacht!

Gute Nacht! bis morgen....

NormalRussian  - | 16
9 Feb 2008   #69
German hehehe we bought them :) we are in all important German companies. Germans work and think we take money :) They buy our Gas for our companies work there invent new products and later send us money to Moscow :) They are very nice for Putin they kiss our as*s when they can. They defend us in EU :P heheh good servants. We are Slavs they are Slaves :)

Poles join us we will take revange on German pigs for what they did. :) We started do do it you can join us.

Oh Germans are here :) so not Servants hmmm important partners :)
southern  73 | 7059
9 Feb 2008   #70
They are very nice for Putin they kiss our as*s when they can. They defend us in EU :P heheh good servants. We are Slavs they are Slaves :)

Poles join us we will take revange on German pigs for what they did. :) We started do do it you can join us.

A very difficult thread of mind to follow for a westerner.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Feb 2008   #71
Gerries have never been really punished for WW2. What goes around comes around. Their time will come.
southern  73 | 7059
9 Feb 2008   #72
Gerries have never been really punished for WW2

They left Auschwitz too soon.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
9 Feb 2008   #73
So I take it the Germans are not really popular :)

M-G (we don't like 'em much either)
9 Feb 2008   #74
I think that most Poles really don't know Russians and their opinion is based on media and since the receant relationship beween those 2 coutries have not been rosy, Poles are simply afraid of Russian power.

When it comes to Germans, Poles don't like them not because of the war, although that may be a big factor but bacause Germany is a well developed country and even though they lost the war, their economic situation is much better in comparison to Poland's.

So, the Pole are resentful towards Germans, because they are richer, better organized and HAPPIER. So are many European coutries as well.

I personally like Germans - at least the ones I know, because they will tell you what they think, they are pretty straigh forward in dealings in comparison to Poles who beat around the bush most of the time, instead of being direct.

(to be continued)
z_darius  14 | 3960
9 Feb 2008   #75
Hehe...reminds me about the polish loudmouths before '39..."In one week in Berlin!"
Polish always!

Sure it took more than a week and yet the Polish flag flew over Berlin.

So what was that German fairy tale about? The 1000 Jahre Reich?
What a gross overestimation!

You also overestimate yourself, keyboard warrior. "Tutons", haha :))

I think that most Poles really don't know Russians and their opinion is based on media

No miranda. Media tried to tell us Russians love us. We know Russians. They were in Poland. They occupied Poland. The relationship hasn;t been rosy for a few centuries now. Did you forget?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Feb 2008   #76
UPA, sorry but this is the dumbest post you have ever written. So Poles don't like Japanese, French or Australians because they are richer ? Of course not. Most of Poles don't like Germans because they simply... are Germans.

better organized and HAPPIER.

Some could doubt the first one and the second is simply not true.
southern  73 | 7059
9 Feb 2008   #77

The Germans are never happy.They have a great degree of dissatisfaction and pessimism.
9 Feb 2008   #78
The relationship hasn;t been rosy for a few centuries now. Did you forget?

I didn't forget, but I am interested what is happening now vs what has happened before. If Poles would finally understand that it is good to have a frienldy relationship with all of the neighbouring countries that would be a step forward, instead of backward.

To se ne wrati.

Most of Poles don't like Germans because they simply... are Germans.

as if that is not dumb explanation using your vocabulary. You just don;t know what to say. You cannot simply dislike somebody just beacuse. There is always an underlying cause which you failed to present - so go back to the drawing board and give me something substancial.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Feb 2008   #79
as if that is not dumb explanation

I'm not commenting If that's dumb or not but that's what most people think.
southern  73 | 7059
9 Feb 2008   #80
I will tell you the difference.Germans are organized,Slavs are more natural.Germans like to build,Slavs like nature.Germans are aggressive,Slavs are peacefu.Germans are individualistic,Slavs value collectivism.Germans obey to law,have certain rights and obligations,Slavs are family oriented people with not so many rules.Many differences.

For example a polish family may give you a room to stay.No german family will give you any room unless you pay.They have more formal relationships.Slavs are generous,Germans are stiff.

In behaviour Germans are strict,Slavs are easy going.Germans are cold,Slavs are more emotional.
9 Feb 2008   #81
I know that and thos eare good observations but I failed to see how is that related to happiness?
Germans are powerfull and much stronger than Poland and there is no way around it.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Feb 2008   #82
Germans are individualistic,Slavs value collectivism.

Some valid points but I wouldn't agree here especially If by Slavs you mean Poles.
southern  73 | 7059
9 Feb 2008   #83
how is that related to happiness?

Because Slavs are easy going and loose and like to party are more friendly and happy than Germans.
Yes,Poles are more individualistic than other Slavs.However they have a bigger sense of community than westerners.
NormalRussian  - | 16
9 Feb 2008   #84
I will tell you the difference.Germans are organized,Slavs are more natural.Germans like to build,Slavs like nature.Germans are aggressive,Slavs are peacefu.Germans are individualistic,Slavs value collectivism.

I am Russian and I will tell yo one thing I havent seen more individualistic nation than Poles. I would say anarchistic. Two Poles three opinions.

Miranda ... Polish citizens with Ukrainian origin :) dear Poles do you remember WWII and Ukrianians serving Germans... we punished them :) ? Ukriainians the bigest sucker form region :))
9 Feb 2008   #85
Miranda ... Polish citizens with Ukrainian origin :

yes, there are many of us:) and we don't think we are Russians. We know we aren't;)
NormalRussian  - | 16
9 Feb 2008   #86
half of Ukriane is Russian. What Poles did for you after WWII. Operation "Wisla" heheh tell us something about that Miranda :)

yes, there are many of us:)

10 000 ? heheh
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
9 Feb 2008   #87
10 000 ?

100 000 at least.
9 Feb 2008   #88
f Ukrian

learn how to spell in English so maybe one day I can tell you, so you will be able to comprehand.

My Russin is really rusty, if you know what I mean.
NormalRussian  - | 16
9 Feb 2008   #89
Have you seen my Polish friends :) Ukrianian bootlicker, when she realized that Germans are strong she started to bootlick :) Ukrainians nation of bootlickers. :)

They like Germans they welcomed them with flowers, they served in SS, they were the most brutal soldiers. More brutal than Germans. If I am wrong please correct me.

They were executing Poles for vodka, Germans had fun and Ukrianinas had fun. If I am wrong please correct me.

This story about being member of NATO :) UKRAINIANS :)
9 Feb 2008   #90
Have you seen my Polish friends :)

you don't have any Polish friends. You are afraid of the potencial strengh of Ukraine, who is not kissing the Russian ass and the Russian cannot steal form it anymore.

You have no arguments here, as if Russians didn't cooperate with Hitler at one point. Come on.

some Russians!!!!!!!

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