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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Jun 2018   #721
The Germans had a few years in which they went mad and hurt Poles.

Are you mentally OK? 17% of the population of Poland murdered or killed by the Germans is "hurt" in your sick mind?

"Hurt" is when I drop a plate on my foot. "Hurt" is when I slam a door while my middle finger I would like to use now is in the door frame.

And since when is 6 "a few"?
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
12 Jun 2018   #722
Oh please shut up Crow.
We Poles hate Russians and always will,you will NEVER change that.
And as for Serbs?
Who are you?
A tiny irrelevant country that enjoys ethnic cleansing and licking Russian butts.....why in the Hell would Poles be interested in Serbs?
Croatia is beautiful though,great food,warm people,been there on holiday,will never bother with Serbia,nothing to offer.....unless you like techno nightclubs,drugs and a good fight.......
Crow  154 | 9489
12 Jun 2018   #723
Oh please shut up Crow.


Who are you?

We are currently unavailable, freed from many nice things and were and are object of bestial war propaganda and lies against us. But, we will come back soon enough. We are necessary and unavoidable.
Crow  154 | 9489
12 Jun 2018   #724
Face facts people. Its not Russian Orthodox who killed most of the Poles that were ever killed. Its German Catholics and Vatican who killed most of the Poles.
Ironside  50 | 12817
12 Jun 2018   #725
Do Poles have a logical reason to be afraid of Russia today?

They shouldn't be afraid of Russia or anyone else. Political and economical interests and a geopolitical space dictate certain limitations on what possible and feasible.

If they can co-exist more or less happily with the Germans,

Germany in general acknowledged past wrongs. Russia is in a full denial mode, even more they are on offensive. Also I doubt it about negative or positive emotions, it more about media bias. In the USA and generally in the west media changed a tune about two .. maybe years ago and Russia became a boogeyman again for the first time since the cold war.

They worked har4d for it. Putin's games and policies backfired.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
13 Jun 2018   #726
Poles don't love USA either. We just consider USA a lesser evil.

You are so right. Those evil Americans deserve it. They raped French and Italian women in 1944 and 1945. Whatever money they could still find in Europe, they stole it and took it home. I think it was known as the Marshall Plan. Some plan, sneaky bastards. And then, to make sure Europe does not get too chummy with the Soviets, them bad Yankees stayed dressed up as NATO.

And now, they even have the unmitigated gall to demand that the oppressed Europe pays more for their own occupation by the blood suckers.
Crow  154 | 9489
13 Jun 2018   #727
Germany in general acknowledged past wrongs. Russia is in a full denial mode

One comment here

Nature of Polish-German conflict is different then Polish-Russian conflict. In first case we speak of conflict where genocide, assimilation and extermination of one entire culture was included into primary motivation, side by side with mere looting and grabbing. It was organized in Rome, within Vatican and agreed with Germanic leaders. It later continued and whole process is known as Drang Nach Osten. It never ended actually.

With Russians is different. Poles and Russians, their elites, competed for the domination within Slavic world, to attract as much as possible client Slavic tribes into their dominion. That`s how started, speaking of last 1000 years. In that competition, where luck was changing for both sides, idea of genocide never existed. Motivation was control, rule, assimilation and domination. Sometimes dominated Poles, sometimes Russians. Shamefully, both pledged alliances with foreigners in order to achieve their aims.

So, how I see things, Poles and Russians are ok. In fact, they are both victims of Rome.
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
14 Jun 2018   #728
@Rich Mazur "17% of the population of Poland murdered or killed by the Germans"

True,but in typical Russian Loving Troll fashion you fail to mention the numbers murdered by Russians.

You fail again.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jun 2018   #729
Don't be shy. Please, do mention how many Poles were murdered by the Russians. For reference: Germans did 6,000,000.
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
15 Jun 2018   #730
Do you not understand the word "true"?
You deliberately ignore my point.
Which is that you ignore what Russia has done to Poland over many,many years and not just in WW2.
You spend an awful lot of time posting your anti Polish and pro Russian "opinions" on here.
I'm sure your intention is to wind people up and you probably succeeded with that at first.
But now that everyone has seen through you it is clear to all that you are just a sad,pathetic clown.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #731
I'm sure your intention is to wind people up and you probably succeeded with that at first.

So everybody here who is pro X and anti Y does it with the intention to wind people up? Should I assume that you are never against something and pro something else?

How do you know that I am sad? Did you see me recently? Did I express sadness here?

Back to Russia. How many Poles were murdered by the Russians over time? As I wrote before, Germans did 6,000,000 during WW2, so, hopefully, you numbers will comparable or higher.

Please enlighten me, or is it that you have no clue and that being anti-Russia is a popular and safe view in Poland lately. If you do, I will tell you why, as an American - born and raised in Poland - Russia is a lot more important to me than Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
15 Jun 2018   #732
How do you know that I am sad? Did you see me recently? Did I express sadness here?

Not sad, pitiful and yes, I saw you in Scotland yesterday and yes you looked lost without your wife.
Back to Russia.
I think this thread should be closed as insinuates that all Poles HATE which makes it a loaded condescending question towards Poles.
Since Poles don't hate the title of this thread is moot.
Please close this thread in mere respect for the Polish.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #733
I agree with the first sentence but not the second.

That is why I asked for the data to back up the claim about the evilness of Russia. Every country - including Vatican - was evil at some point. Some still are. It's how evil is the critical question.
johnny reb  49 | 7943
15 Jun 2018   #734
No, in this case it is the typical "Defend Yourself" that some members of this forum insist on.
This thread is geared to have Poland defend itself from a loaded choice between two untruths.
Poland, in general, does not HATE either country yet they are being asked to make a choice between two untrue choices.
The thread should have read: "Does Poland hate either Germany or Russia ?"
Some members thrive on provoking members by nit picking for the mere sake of an argument.
So saying that the huge majority of Poland does not hate either one brings the thread to a halt.
That is why this thread should have been closed from the get go.
Once I become a moderator you will start seeing these changes taking place.
kaprys  3 | 2076
15 Jun 2018   #735
6 million is the number of Polish victims of ww2. Some were killed by Germans, some were killed by Soviets. If you're so interested in exact numbers, do some research. Why would anyone help a troll?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #736
Can you tell us why you are so infatuated with this ?

Infatuated with WHAT?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
15 Jun 2018   #737
Whom do the Polish people hate "more", be it a toss up between the Germans or the Russians? Although not Polish, I'd have to say the Russians were more rapacious in terms of their desire to gobble up neighboring territory for the glory of "Greater Slavania", the Germans surely were far more deadly.

Both however were past practitioners of "divide and conquer", not to mention, quite good at it as well:-)
Appears Party Chief Putin's just following in their footsteps! Today, of course, it's Russia and not Germany, that remains the major European threat.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #738
How do you know that? Do you have any information from the Russians we don't? Threat of what?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
15 Jun 2018   #739
Come off it, dude, read the friggin' papers! Ever heard of Crimea or US election meddling, ad infinitum??! Putin's a menace, get real!!
Merkel's only a threat to AfD or PEGIDA followers, frustrated with globalism.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Jun 2018   #740
What election meddling? It's been almost 2 years and they still haven't proved jack ****. In fact the new IG report shows a total bias in the Fbi.

And even if someone did meddle in us elections it serves them right for America meddling in dozens of countries elections, plotting coups, etc.
Also Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to join in Russia and there were a hundred international observers stating the elections were fair.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #741
Come off it, dude, read the friggin' papers! Ever heard of Crimea or US election meddling, ad infinitum??!

So this is your explanation how Russia is a threat to Europe? Crimea, which is like 90% Russian and was "gifted" to Ukraine way back voted itself back to Russia without a single shot fired, and the US elections meddling, whatever that Democrap term means.

Can you do better? And stay on the point YOUraised that Russia is a threat to Europe. I would love to read your explanation how.


BTW, ad infinitum means: "again and again in the same way; forever."

How many times did Russia "invade" Crimea or meddled in the US elections?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Jun 2018   #742
Also Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to join in Russia and there were a hundred international observers stating the elections were fair.

They will never accept it even if you used a baseball bat to beat it in.

To them, Russia is evil and that's the end of that.
15 Jun 2018   #743
It is evil, Russians are jerks. Yesterday I was leaving and the Russians in my team acted like I am invisible. They don't even look at me. You don't have to be my friend but wow, what standoffish rudeness.
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
15 Jun 2018   #744
I really don't understand why this Rich Mazur character is tolerated on this forum.
All his posts tow the Kremlin line.
He is anti Polish and in all probability is just a Russian troll.
He posts false facts and then asks for people to prove his pro Russian comments are wrong when both he and we know that The Russians hide and deny facts and information about what they have done as they have for 100 years or more.

Maybe we should just stop answering his pathetic posts.
Trolls get bored and upset when they are ignored.
Crow  154 | 9489
15 Jun 2018   #745
Russians and Poles are ruled by blasphemers, heretics and worse, those who betrayed Svetovid.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
16 Jun 2018   #746
Well there, Rich, it's a pretty good place to start.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
17 Jun 2018   #748
Start to finally agree that the Russians remain a far greater threat today than the Germans, of course:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Jun 2018   #749
Since nobody wants to compare the two, I will.

1. Germany owns a lot more of Poland than anyone could ever imagine. Russia does not.
2. Germany happily collects human sewer of unknown composition and threatens Poland to swallow - or else. Russia does not.
3. Germany, through its insane refugee policy, threatens Europe economically, ethnically, and culturally. Russia does not
4. Germans has always viewed Slavs as lesser. Russia does not.
5. Poland has to prostitute itself for the EU money and the acceptance of surplus Polish people. Russia is co-equal and neutral in this regard.
6. Germany killed or murdered 6,000,000 Polish citizens since 1939. Russia 22,000.

Now, can somebody finally enumerate the threats Russia poses to Poland? While at it, please, don't mention how rude some Russians are. Even a ten-year-old girl can be rude sometimes.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
17 Jun 2018   #750
If you've been reading the papers (and I don't just mean the Funny PapersLOL) over the past decade or so, then you wouldn't have posted the response you just did...unless of course you're pulling my leg, which is more than possible.

Home / History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

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