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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

Lyzko  44 | 9730
12 Dec 2015   #691
What with the painfully embarrassing Volkswagen scandal, "deutsche Qualitaet", except perhaps still in the food or handicrafts area, has certainly received a big black eye!! If they ever do recover from it, (which after all they may not) there'll still be plenty of visible scars:-)

The Polonis is starting to sound better by the minute. At least the Polish auto industry never touted itself as the bestLOL
Ktos  15 | 432
13 Dec 2015   #692
Typical, completely messed up, western view: "they hate us because they are jealous of our rich lifestyle". No! We don't like Germans because they have been murdering us and stealing from us since the beginning of time and because they are stiff, fake (smiling for show everywhere), rude, unfriendly, manipulative calculating, miserable, stingy creatures. This combination makes Germans off putting to us, unlike Russians who have been killing us also since the begging of time but they still our sister soul, we like Russians but not always their governments. Whereas with Germans the only positive bit of attitude that we uphold towards them steems from our respect and admiration for Germany's ability to utilise their resources to make great wealth out of it and to create products of highest quality and produce newer and newer useful inventions (e.g. in medicine). So, it is actually the opposite, we only respect Germans for their health not like you wrote for it to be our reason for disliking them, no. no.You totally misunderstood Polish people.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
13 Dec 2015   #693
Germans don't have a monopoly on murder and plunder! The Russians, the Spanish, yes the Americans too, have done their fair share of profiteering, particularly from Third World countries, extracting riches from them, while impoverishing the locals by using them for cheap labor.

The Russians though, like the Poles, also suffered terribly at the hands of the Nazis. In suffering, there is unity:-)
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
14 Dec 2015   #694
We don't like Germans because they have been murdering us and stealing from us since the beginning of time and because they are stiff

that's a ******** talking. apart from partition (and, of course, last war) borders between Poland and Germany was a pretty stable one- especially when compared to the east borders of Commonwealth!

but they still our sister soul,

ah, that mysterious, always drunk "sister soul" of slavs..

we like Russians but not always their governments.

which was always eagerly supported by the "average Ivan". what's the Putin's support about the Ukraine situation? 85%? 90%?
Crow  155 | 9729
14 Dec 2015   #695
It may sound as paradoxical but, judging by the mega trends and events that accelerate, Poles would need Russian support. Form of Russian respond to that situation may decide fate, not only of Poland but also of Russia and even entire Slavic world.
legion warsawa
21 Oct 2016   #696
I have some family that had a hard time at the hands of the germans, and some at the hands of the ruskies.

i was told that if a polish soldier captured a russian soldier and a german soldier in war. which one does he shoot first?

German , then Russian, Business before Pleasure
nothanks  - | 626
21 Oct 2016   #697
^ hahah

IMO russians historically treat us worse but that's not saying much considering they treat their own horribly. Germans think they are smarter than us, Russians just think of us as smaller/weaker.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
21 Oct 2016   #698
True, for many Germans from generations past, Poland was merely farm land, fodder for the German Reich, whose inhabitants were deemed expendable peasant field laborers, there but for the good graces of German nobility, to serve the German people, nothing more, nothing less.

Thankfully though, times have changed!
5 Aug 2017   #699
Europeans hating each other?! Euros giving each other reason to hate the other?! What a shocker!

I disowned my younger sister because of thanks to her, my young niece and nephew have a Nimtzi last name. And told a chick in our YA group we were done when I found out her last name is Russia. I can't believe I almost married a Russki!

I'm joking! Well, my niece and nephew are really part of German heritage.

As an American of primarily European descent, I do not hate Germans. Like most Europeans, through the centuries we gave our neighbors reason for the hate. And in typical Euro fashion, we love stereotypes!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
5 Aug 2017   #700
Hatred is simply too strong word to describe feelings of the Polish towards both of those nations. We just dislike them purely for the history as we are an intelligent nation which learns from the past. Thats why freedom of speech is very strong in Poland and Political Corectness didn't spoil it like in the West.

There are some people who actually hate Germany and there are people who hate Russia (plenty of those on this forum and mostly foreigners) but those people are just sick of UE meddling with our internal affairs or brainwashed by the western propaganda to hate Russia.

Poles don't love USA either. We just consider USA a lesser evil.
jon357  72 | 23673
5 Aug 2017   #701
Hatred is simply too strong word

We just dislike

Dangerous to say 'we', as if 38 million people all hold the same opinion. Some certainly do hate one country or another, some are ambivalent, some like (even love) one or other of those two cultures, some are simply not haters.
Crow  155 | 9729
5 Aug 2017   #702
German , then Russian, Business before Pleasure

Forget that pleasure, dobri i plemeniti brate legione. Found love in your deep Polish heart. Germans we don`t need, Russians we need, believe me. So let us give them chance. After all, business moving eastward.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
11 Jun 2018   #703
No, I will not run to Poland to fight Russia - my age aside.

No Military unit would want a genocidal nut job who advocates the shooting unarmed civilians, take a tip keep out of the armed forces private pile, you might catch a round in the back from one of your own.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Jun 2018   #704
No Military unit would want a genocidal nut job who advocates the shooting unarmed civilians,

You are wrong.

The Red Army let me join without any mental evaluation. While in Siberia, I used to enjoy shooting those poor bastards trying to escape. I would get extra vodka if I met my daily quota. Oh, the good old days...
11 Jun 2018   #705
Ok stop fighting lol. I asked is there a way to do a DNA test and can Polish genes be differentiated from say Slovak ones? I'm wondering whether feeling good surrounded by Poles might mean sth like call of the blood lol. Mind you Russians on the other hand rub me the wrong way instantly. I do the same to them so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Something in Russians gives me the creeps.
TheOther  6 | 3596
11 Jun 2018   #706
I asked is there a way to do a DNA test and can Polish genes be differentiated from say Slovak ones?

No, not on a country level. Wouldn't make sense anyway because borders have shifted far too often in Europe over the centuries.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Jun 2018   #707
Ok stop fighting

I am not fighting. My Russian connection is a fact. Or so I am told.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist this one.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
11 Jun 2018   #708
Agreed.Russians like Rich Mazur give me the creeps too.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Jun 2018   #709
Don't forget my active participation in liberating Warsaw in January 1945. That river of yours (Wisla?) was so damn cold.
Crow  155 | 9729
11 Jun 2018   #710
Poles and Russians giving their best to prove who is dominant and both of them are just Serbians. On the other side, all Whites are Serbians and what does it matter when comes to mutual killing. Its that sado-mazo Serbian impulse that flow in entire family.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Jun 2018   #711
Poles and Russians giving their best to prove who is dominant and both of them are just Serbians.

What is puzzling here is that "you are a Russian" is meant as an insult. I guess when accused of being a Russian, in these circles here, I am supposed to strongly object with a how dare you or something like that.

Well, I would be happy to be a Russian. On my last trip, it was my plan to get a visa from the Russian consulate in Warsaw, visit Moscow, and have fun with the CBP and the FBI on my return. I was even planning to write to Putin and congratulate him on the Crimean job. I really like this guy.
12 Jun 2018   #712
Look I was never against Russians, I liked Russian culture growing up and Bulgaria is the most Russophilic of all non ex USSR republics. But back then I didn't know any Russians personally.

Then I went abroad and started meeting lots of Russians and I became slightly negative about them. It's just they act too domineering, agressive, bold or cold and distant. Most often they switch between those states.

They are rarely fun to be around. I find Czechs and some Slovaks also too aloof but at least they are rarely acting in a domineering, agressive way and are more polite in general. Standoffish but polite. Poles are the most pleasant to be around, they know how to have fun and most often than not they get me and I get them. Same with Ukrainians. Even those with whom we don't see eye to eye we can be cordial. Russians, slovaks and czechs say they are not fun because of bad historic past, well Poles had it just as bad if not worse but they still kept on their spark for life alive. Just my experiences...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Jun 2018   #713
I really like this guy.

Same. Atleast in the us we finally have a leader with some balls. Putin really turned russia around plus he's putting russians first and reviving russian culture and tradition. Far too many western leaders are too scared to do that for fear of being called racist chauvinist or whatever it other tired -ist.

Russians and poles especially the younger generations have a lot of respect for each other and believe in slavic brotherhood. But due to geopolitical posturing the leaders do not
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Jun 2018   #714
Putin really turned russia around plus he's putting russians first

Do you know why being a Russian is used as an insult here?

German as an insult coming from a Pole, that I would understand. But Russian? Is it still about Katyn?

OK, Putin haters, here is your chance to claim that Putin is not a patriot and that he violently conquered Crimea with thousands of dead. Or were those the voters and nobody died?
Crow  155 | 9729
12 Jun 2018   #715
Well, I would be happy to be a Russian.

If I`m not Serbian already and by that 300% Polish, my chosen identity will be Russian. See, hand on heart, Russians are last free Slavs (ie Sarmats). And that generates hate, my dear.

What is puzzling here is that "you are a Russian" is meant as an insult.

Of course. Biggest Russian stupidity is that they force agenda of being `Third Rome`. I can imagine Russian Orthodox telling to Polish Catholic: `Your way is wrong. Come to my wrong way.`

Much better is to return to rodeverie or at least incorporate elements of it within Christianity. That is Serbian path. Middle way. Way of old core, where old ways never ended. Tradition is too deep here, considering that here was `Ice age refugium` and all of you retreated here every few millennia. You were in move, in changes but here, some things never changed- for good or for the bad.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Jun 2018   #716
See, hand on heart, Russians are last free Slavs (ie Sarmats).

If Poland survives Merkel, it will be in part thanks to Russia and other EE countries.
12 Jun 2018   #717
Bs Russia wants puppet states, just like the West. Poles know better. Even the Austro Hungarian empire must have been opressive to Slavs as Croats and Slovenes are considered the rudest Southern Slavs while Czech and Slovaks are far more reserved and not as fun as Poles as well. I guess the Austrian rule was not really pleasant to Slavs and turned them into people that can't stand even fellow Slavs. Poles dislike specific types of foreigners that are prone to cause trouble but not all of them.
12 Jun 2018   #718
Poles dislike Russia for the political opression and occupation (tanks on the streets in Warsaw?!). We had it much better at PRB as we're so eternally grateful of Russian army saving us from 500 years of Ottoman rule. Still even in Bulgaria many were opressed, books burned, works stolen, people disappeared...

On the other hand, objectively speaking, Socialist Polish cars and the Nysa vans were better than Russian ones. Also, the Palace of culture Warsaw landmark is actually beautiful, despite its political connotations. If you want ugly Stalinism Google: Sofia Largo.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
12 Jun 2018   #719
Do Poles have a logical reason to be afraid of Russia today? If they can co-exist more or less happily with the Germans, with wars, Auschwitz and the rest, what is it about Russia that causes all those negative emotions? Is it still Katyn and communism?
Miloslaw  22 | 5231
12 Jun 2018   #720
Yes and a load lot more.
The Germans had a few years in which they went mad and hurt Poles.
Russians have been hurting Poles for so long that it almost seems like a Russian cultural pastime.
No more.Never again.
Poles will NEVER trust Russians.
So Pi$$ off you Russian or Russia loving troll.

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