I've met quite a few Poles who hated Russians more than Germans.
Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?
nations Poles like the most:
Włosi (54% sympatii), Czesi (53%), Hiszpanie (52%), Słowacy i Anglicy (po 51%), Francuzi (49%), Węgrzy (48%) , Irlandczycy i Amerykanie (po 47%), Norwegowie, Holendrzy i Grecy (po 46%), Szwedzi i Duńczycy (po 45%), Austriacy (43%), Belgowie i Japończycy (po 42%) i Litwini (41%), Niemcy 38%, Bułgarzy i Gruzini - po 35%, Białorusini, Ukraińcy i Żydzi - po 34%, Estończycy i £otysze - po 33%, Chińczycy - 31% i Rosjanie - 30% ,Serbowie (29%), Wietnamczycy i Turcy (po 28%), Ormianie (27%), Rumuni (25%) oraz Romowie i Arabowie (po 21%).
nations Poles dislike the most:
Romowie (51%), Arabowie (49%), Rosjanie (41%), Rumuni (40%), Turcy (37%), Niemcy i Żydzi (po 32%).
Włosi (54% sympatii), Czesi (53%), Hiszpanie (52%), Słowacy i Anglicy (po 51%), Francuzi (49%), Węgrzy (48%) , Irlandczycy i Amerykanie (po 47%), Norwegowie, Holendrzy i Grecy (po 46%), Szwedzi i Duńczycy (po 45%), Austriacy (43%), Belgowie i Japończycy (po 42%) i Litwini (41%), Niemcy 38%, Bułgarzy i Gruzini - po 35%, Białorusini, Ukraińcy i Żydzi - po 34%, Estończycy i £otysze - po 33%, Chińczycy - 31% i Rosjanie - 30% ,Serbowie (29%), Wietnamczycy i Turcy (po 28%), Ormianie (27%), Rumuni (25%) oraz Romowie i Arabowie (po 21%).
nations Poles dislike the most:
Romowie (51%), Arabowie (49%), Rosjanie (41%), Rumuni (40%), Turcy (37%), Niemcy i Żydzi (po 32%).
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
19 May 2009 #483
What is "Zydzi" ???
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
19 May 2009 #485
Serbowie (29%
So low?? I thought Crow believed all Poles to be his brother's.. ha ha ha
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
19 May 2009 #487
What is Wlosi? And Wegrzy?
...the rest I can decipher I think..
...the rest I can decipher I think..
bitte shon...
or smth like that
or smth like that
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
19 May 2009 #490
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
19 May 2009 #493
hague1cameron - | 85
9 Feb 2010 #494
I hate to break this to you, and I know I 'am a little late of the mark. However you forgot, if you ever knew the history of your Frederick William II (that handsome looking slim individual with a great haircut lol) in the first place, that he signed the Polish-Lithuanian and Prussian alliance on 29 March 1790, only to break it at a later stage. You see German perfidy goes back centuries and isn't a recent invention.
Having said that I think the two countries have lot in common with each other, one just needs to look at the history of recent figures such as Admiral Jozef Unrug and general Juliusz Rommel to realise. That's not mention all the Poles working in Germany and the assimilation of the two nations over the centuries. Today the relationship between the 2 governments is especially close. However I still think that the UK is Poland’s no. 1 partner in Europe, especially considering the backgrounds of Poland's finance minister Jacek Rostowski and foreign minister Radek Sikorski.
Congrats you have the honour of being my first post on this forum lol.
Having said that I think the two countries have lot in common with each other, one just needs to look at the history of recent figures such as Admiral Jozef Unrug and general Juliusz Rommel to realise. That's not mention all the Poles working in Germany and the assimilation of the two nations over the centuries. Today the relationship between the 2 governments is especially close. However I still think that the UK is Poland’s no. 1 partner in Europe, especially considering the backgrounds of Poland's finance minister Jacek Rostowski and foreign minister Radek Sikorski.
Congrats you have the honour of being my first post on this forum lol.
However I still think that the UK is Poland’s no. 1 partner in Europe
If it wasn't for the fact that Germany makes up almost a quarter of trade with Poland, nearly 40% of FDI, and hosts the largest number of Polish citizens, I would agree with you.
Germans are much worse.
When Poland fell in 1795 it was Prussian Germans, Austrian Germans & Russia which was ruled by a German Prussian Catherine the Ungreat.
The German kurva Catherine the Ungreat was the biggest genocide against Polish people done by Russians at that time & it was German Kurva Catherine who ordered these genocides against Poland
Also Communism was invented in Germany with Engels & Marx & Germany supported & Backed the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Reason Russia had any support of Bolshevishism was because the German blooded Tsar Nicholas II was so ****** that Russians wanted to rebel against it & they thought Communism could work against it.
So then Half Volga German Lenin who was not Russian at all created the Soviet Union.
The German people are the most vile & disgusting people to ever live.
The biggest mistake Poland made was we should have made the Germans go extinct during the 1600's when we could have.
We should have formed a bond with Russia & Attacked the true enemy of Slavs & Humanity which is the German filth.
Nazis claimed to be anti Communist. But, Goebbels said Lenin was the 2nd best man only 2nd to hitler.
While at the same time hilter & Goering & Hitler gave respect to Josef Pilsudski for fighting against Soviets.
But, Germany backed the Soviet Union & Volga German LEnin & Helped create the Soviet Union with German gold backing it.
So, Essentially Germans supported Lenin & pilsudski because they fought each other & killed Slavs in the process. Germans want to divide Slavs.
That is why Germany backed the Bolshevik Revolution with the Russian Civil war which 28 million Russians died. the Germans love it when Slavs die.
The German people deserve only extinction from the planet.
WW1. WW2 & the Soviet Union were a Slavic Genocide. As much as 100 - 200 million Slavs may have died just in 30 years.
I am actually for creating a Slavic Union with a DECENT RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.
Because Clearly Germans , Jews & Western Europeans have been trying to make Slavs go extinct.
When Poland fell in 1795 it was Prussian Germans, Austrian Germans & Russia which was ruled by a German Prussian Catherine the Ungreat.
The German kurva Catherine the Ungreat was the biggest genocide against Polish people done by Russians at that time & it was German Kurva Catherine who ordered these genocides against Poland
Also Communism was invented in Germany with Engels & Marx & Germany supported & Backed the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Reason Russia had any support of Bolshevishism was because the German blooded Tsar Nicholas II was so ****** that Russians wanted to rebel against it & they thought Communism could work against it.
So then Half Volga German Lenin who was not Russian at all created the Soviet Union.
The German people are the most vile & disgusting people to ever live.
The biggest mistake Poland made was we should have made the Germans go extinct during the 1600's when we could have.
We should have formed a bond with Russia & Attacked the true enemy of Slavs & Humanity which is the German filth.
Nazis claimed to be anti Communist. But, Goebbels said Lenin was the 2nd best man only 2nd to hitler.
While at the same time hilter & Goering & Hitler gave respect to Josef Pilsudski for fighting against Soviets.
But, Germany backed the Soviet Union & Volga German LEnin & Helped create the Soviet Union with German gold backing it.
So, Essentially Germans supported Lenin & pilsudski because they fought each other & killed Slavs in the process. Germans want to divide Slavs.
That is why Germany backed the Bolshevik Revolution with the Russian Civil war which 28 million Russians died. the Germans love it when Slavs die.
The German people deserve only extinction from the planet.
WW1. WW2 & the Soviet Union were a Slavic Genocide. As much as 100 - 200 million Slavs may have died just in 30 years.
I am actually for creating a Slavic Union with a DECENT RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.
Because Clearly Germans , Jews & Western Europeans have been trying to make Slavs go extinct.
Just stopped by and as I see, nothing has changed much... ;)
The Other
The Other
The Other
The Other
Hail to the missing legion !
The German people are the most vile & disgusting people to ever live.
The German people deserve only extinction from the planet.
You sir, are a fuckwit. Its Polish people like you who make me ashamed to be Polish. Wow. Just sad. Let me guess, you supported the Kaczynski's, right?
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
13 Mar 2011 #500
It is just one point of view different from yours, doesn't mean the one expressing it is a fuckwit or any worse than people spouting opposing views.
History is not always a pretty, glorious thing. In fact, it often stinks. This man is just telling it like it is. It might not be what you want to hear, but that's just how true history goes.
Let the man express his view on history. There are plenty of others who have expressed something different and no one censors them.
History is not always a pretty, glorious thing. In fact, it often stinks. This man is just telling it like it is. It might not be what you want to hear, but that's just how true history goes.
Let the man express his view on history. There are plenty of others who have expressed something different and no one censors them.
He can express himself, but wishing an ethnic group to be extinct is ******* stupid, and I can't believe you are defending that. Do you honestly think Germans of today actually want Poland to be wiped off the map? The vast, vast majority of Germans, practically all of them with the exception of some skinhead nutcases, are ashamed of what Germany did to Poland. All the Germans I have met in my life in Germany have been nothing but good to me, and had no grudges against me. For gods sake, get over it.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
13 Mar 2011 #502
He can express himself, but wishing an ethnic group to be extinct is ******* stupid, and I can't believe you are defending that.
I don't agree with what he says, personally. He is venting, that's all, and lots of people vent and they vent about what they want to vent about. He has the same privilege.
The vast, vast majority of Germans, practically all of them with the exception of some skinhead nutcases, are ashamed of what Germany did to Poland.
There are plenty of people who love Germans and Germany, so why let the expression of one person ruffle your feathers? It's not like he is going to start this trend against Germany by posting once on PF.
All the Germans I have met in my life in Germany have been nothing but good to me, and had no grudges against me. For gods sake, get over it.
I agree, but people always bring this stuff up... and not just against Germany. If people get to criticise other countries and their histories, same can be done to Germany. It is not the sacred golden calf free from scrutiny!
There are plenty of people who love Germans and Germany, so why let the expression of one person ruffle your feathers?
very true. When I was in Germany, many Germans were talking good about Poles and I've also met many Poles who were talking good about Germans so I don't think that there's much to worry about.
I don't know about hate, but I think my personality, especially the self-destructive streak, is closer to Russian. Most Germans I know are way too controlled for my taste.
My mother does not like both equally, all related to WWII and aftermath. With my father it's hard to tell, he has lovely paintings of Russian countryside on his walls and he also admires German precision manufacturing. He is convinced that Jews are the root of all evil, though.
My mother does not like both equally, all related to WWII and aftermath. With my father it's hard to tell, he has lovely paintings of Russian countryside on his walls and he also admires German precision manufacturing. He is convinced that Jews are the root of all evil, though.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
13 Mar 2011 #505
He is convinced that Jews are the root of all evil, though.
Same could be said about the entire human race. Doesn't make it true.
Marek11111 9 | 807
13 Mar 2011 #506
i will say i do not hate anyone are are good and bad in all nations, it all depends who controls what.
Why shoud I hate russians or germans? Why shoud i hate some girl or boy from russia or germany - they didn't hurt me in any way.
I think that more and more people in Poland (especially the younger ones) doesn't dislike someone just because they are from Germany or Russia, of course there are still a lot of people that are predjucted.
What I hate is that part of history, I hate Hitler and Stalin. I hate people from those country that without any regret, did what they did - as well like I hate Poles that betrayed Poland - because of fear or because they wanted to gain something.
But hating the whole nation for that woud be really unfair and it woud be bitter for those (because there were such people but we often forget about them) that give their live because they didn't want to listen to Stalin or Hitler. People from Russia or Germany that helped Poles.
I think that more and more people in Poland (especially the younger ones) doesn't dislike someone just because they are from Germany or Russia, of course there are still a lot of people that are predjucted.
What I hate is that part of history, I hate Hitler and Stalin. I hate people from those country that without any regret, did what they did - as well like I hate Poles that betrayed Poland - because of fear or because they wanted to gain something.
But hating the whole nation for that woud be really unfair and it woud be bitter for those (because there were such people but we often forget about them) that give their live because they didn't want to listen to Stalin or Hitler. People from Russia or Germany that helped Poles.
polishmeknob 5 | 154
13 Mar 2011 #508
Doesn't make it true
Of course it doesn't. I just meant that my father is so consumed with Jews that it does not leave much room for hatred of Russians or Germans.
Which brings up another point some keep harping at, about being responsible for the the sins of our fathers. Got to stop that.
skysoulmate 13 | 1250
13 Mar 2011 #510
I've heard some Poles say they don't trust the Germans but I've never heard anyone say they "hate" the Germans.