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What are Poland's pagan roots?

jon357  72 | 23361
19 Jun 2015   #31
If I remember correctly, you live quite close. Handy for the station.

Remember though that they do value their privacy.

There's also the other one, also outside Warsaw but on the other side of town.
6 Nov 2015   #32
There are very many scattered remnants, but it's chaotic and little is known for sure. In medieval ages, the only people who knew how to write were Christian monks. And they were more concerned with cutting sacred groves than accurately describing pagan traditions. I read a book about ancient Slavic mythology by Bruckner. He concluded the beliefs were closer to animism than a developed mythology like in Greece.

There are remnants of pagan faith in Polish religion, and even Christmas tradition.

Matki Boskiej Gromniczej (holiday, 2nd of February) - it used to be a holiday for Perun and fire, a god of thunder, believed to be the principal god of pagan Slavs.

The altar in old churches is on the east side. This is to supercede an old pagan cult of the Sun.
Trees struck by lightning were considered sacred. It was blasphemy to put out a fire started by lightning - even if it hit your house!

People in Poland leave candles on graves of their relatives. This is a remnant of fire worship. According to one source, souls of the deceased would turn into moths and fly into the sun. Pagan Slavs had a hard time accepting that a burning Hell is bad. For them, fire gave heat in cold climate, defense against wild animals, and

Lamb from judea
Easter Bunny was actually the hare who accompanied the german godess Ostarta.
Eggs - obviously a symbol of life and fertility
Palm branch - old pagantree worship
Egg painting - this is a remnant of Jare Święto, related to the Spring equinox.

Christmas tree - remnants of tree worship
Empty seat for a "guest" - this was actually for a minor god Rod, and his relatives called Rodzanice. The god dealt with family relations.

12 dishes on Christmas - it used to be an old pagan tradition of thanking deities for all the good fortune received in the 12 months of year.

Hanging mistletoe, kissing under it - pagan tradition, likely from Britain.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Nov 2015   #33
Palm branch - old pagantree worship

A lovely post Borsukrates. I'd add that the type of palm branches used in Poland are very similar to the traditional Corn Collies used in parts of England even now. There they always make two, destroy one and retain the other until the next year's harvest.

Poland also has Światowid, something very old indeed.
7 Nov 2015   #34
I was very interested in ancient slavic mythology at one point. I was disappointed to learn no comprehensive records have been made. According to Aleksander Brückner (author of "Mitologia Słowiańska"), it is very likely that "Światowid" was actually a corruption of "Świętowit". "Światowid" seems to be related to world "świat" and seeing and an archaic root"wid" - to see. But "Swiętowit" would merely mean "the holy one", from "święty" = holy. And that was most likely an alias of Perun.

One of my favourite websites is: (yes, in polish :P)

But if you can't read polish, the website still has a very good gallery of slavic deities and demons:

I wonder if it works....

Anyway, the article on english Wikipedia is a good starting point
Crow  154 | 9463
26 Dec 2015   #35

In my contemplation

do you pray to Jesus or to Svetovid or to both? Me myself to both


Jesus Christ (modern recreation of image)


Svetovid (one interpretation)

What is interesting, in artistic presentation, Jesus looks more like Svetovid then he himself >
Roger5  1 | 1432
26 Dec 2015   #36
Very interesting article on what Jesus probably looked like and wore.
Crow  154 | 9463
26 Dec 2015   #37
One of greatest theological questions of our time should be this > How is spirit of the faithful affected by the fact that these refugees that coming these days, have faces most similar to the face of the son of the God? One of liars in a long line of liars was Danish Bishop Absalon who toppled the statues of God Svetovid at Arkona back in 1169. He did it to grab the land of native Slavs, land of northern most Serbs, by hostile foreigners called Wends. Then, if it wasn`t enough, Absalon lied against Svetovid but, not on behalf of Jesus Christ but for his own greed. He lied to assimilate, to destroy old faith. Ultimately, Absalon manipulated both- Jesus and Svetovid.

And look at us today. We witnessing new time again.
AdrianK9  6 | 364
23 Mar 2016   #38
Paganism is a bit more popular in the Ukraine that in Poland. There are several churches that still hold pagan masses in dedication to Svetovid (or Swiatowit as known in Poland). Paganism isn't very popular though and even if say a group of individuals identified as pagan they'd most likely hide their faith and not practice openly as paganism is frowned upon due to the strength of the Catholic church in Poland. . There were some movements to like instill pre-Christian Slavic pride in Poland but again they were more popular in Ukraine and other places. (There's actually even a Svetovid worship/Ukranian pride center in the old neighborhood I grew up in Chicago.) Poland is a very Catholic country - paganism is frowned up and in fact the year that Poland was baptized is essentially thought of as the same time that Poland began to exist as a state. Paganism in Poland, pre-996, is thought of by most Poles as the ignorant, heathen, barbaric times of Poland's history. I don't agree with it and I wish there was more archaeology and research being conducted into Lusatian culture and this period in general but alas it is what it is. One popular historic site from this pagan time period is the Biskupin Fortress.
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2016   #39
So you expect native Poles to worship demons and satan?

Far from it. Ancients aren`t negative beings, neither the ancient spirits and deities that were part of our pre-Christian culture. Even word `paganism` is insulting but, Christianity that much used to insult opposition that many even don`t notice insults.

you know, for us Serbians ancients are religious thing. We who are St. Sava`s Orthodox we worship them (ancestors) as last Slavs who still worship family SLAVA custom, that was said to be back in past universal Slavic custom. Sure, its in kind of Christianized form, to be acceptable.

See, this should be interesting for you,... when we Serbians talk among ourselves about our historical fate, we sometimes think that if we were/are Catholics it would be better for us. Then, we remember fate of Poles and we realize that those who inflicted greatest damage to them, those who killed them most, those who invented whole genocidal theories against Poles, were and are exactly other Christians, other Catholics.

But, don`t get me wrong. One can hardly tell who dealt more monstrosities to their Christian brethren, Orthodox Byzantine Emperors or Popes of Rome. Its a death race. So, i don`t talk of it who is preferable or who is worse. i know that we Serbians suffered equally from Eastern and from Western Romans.

There is that untold very old rule. Worship Jesus Christ or you shall perish. Then silence. Globally accepted silence and acceptance that heathens needs to be killed and that it is alright. Yes, many live in fear. We actually all live in fear, to prove ourselves and to be good in betrayal of ourselves, of our ancestors. Its because our lives don`t belong to us, somebody decided and we are like a sheep. i know that i am.


It won`t work without strict coordination with other Slavs. Even with kind of coordination with Russians. It come to that. Anglos won`t help, not even Vatican. Actually, Anglo are like vultures, to take what remain of Poland and Poles, to assimilate and to put last nail in the coffin.

This time we would need to truly work together, in order to survive.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Mar 2016   #40

The modern roots of Europe ARE Judeo-Christian, like them or not:-) Short-circuiting the "Judeo" in favor of the (infintiely more popular) "Christian" has been tried before..... by a certain little man with a mustache and a blustery way of speaking (remind you of anyone on the US scene??); it failed MISERABLY!!!

Get a grip. The present Polish government must acknowledge the Jewish roots of their country before they begin trying to rebuild a Catholic foundation on top of it.
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2016   #41
No, modern roots of my world is native Slavic European culture, that is birthplace of Western world. What says geographical west of Europe, really doesn`t matter.

So, things are very simple. Poland and Poles would have to decide. They are Slavs and by that Western or they are assimilated by who knows whom.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Mar 2016   #42
The roots of Slavic aka "Proto-Slavic" culture are Christian, not pagan, and thus are derived from Judaic teachings. Like the ancient Teutons, the Slavs too were eventually , if also unwillingly, converted to Christianity from heathenism:-)))
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2016   #43
The roots of Slavic aka "Proto-Slavic" culture are Christian

No, its not. Its much older.

not pagan,

That would be insult. Word pagan is pejorative. Let us stay civil.

and thus are derived from Judaic teachings.

No, you didn`t understand. First Jews and first Slavs founded each others trading and exchanging goods. Later, Jewish traders started to hunt and sell Slavs.

Like the ancient Teutons, the Slavs too were eventually , if also unwillingly, converted to Christianity from heathenism:-)))

Difference between Teutons and ancient Slavs is that there was no ancient Teutons. First Teutons were result of mixing between native Sarmatians (ie Slavs) with Romans and Jewish, Moor and Arab traders in environment of administrative Latin language (or sometimes some other, dependable who ruled city state). So, quite of mix and Teutons come to be. Then they became aware of themselves and they acquired name of province Germania > Germanics. They then start to spread on the account of other native Sarmats (ie Slavs). Rest is history of Drang Nach Osten.

and yes, most were put to the sword in order to be Christianized.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Mar 2016   #44
Yet sword or not, the roots of Christianity lie within Jewish ritual aka monotheism and the Holy Book as central to the Judeo-Christian ethic as the Koran to the Muslim!

You're being a contrarian once more, Crow. Get your facts straight, please:-)
AdrianK9  6 | 364
23 Mar 2016   #45
It's funny because I know exactly what you're talking about. Priesthood is sometimes thought of as a good paying, financially rewarding career rather than a job to serve the community and the faith. I have two members in my family that are priests - both in small somewhat rural towns outside of Wroclaw. One lives it up, drives a Mercedes, drinks all the time, and makes bank by Polish standards. The other is a counselor to the community and is very liberal in the sense that he doesn't judge alcoholics, divorcees, etc.

nocidal theories against Poles, were and are exactly other Christians, other Catholics.

Not exactly. Polish Catholics didn't suffer that much losses at the hands of other Catholics when compared to the losses they suffered against other nations' religions. Throughout Polish history, the largest battles and losses that Poland incurred were usually against Russians, Prussians, Austrians, and prior to the partitions the Turkish Muslims and their allies. Poland fought a huge war against the invading Turkish Muslims but hasn't faced a large Muslim force since really Jan Sobieski's time. They were repelled and their power gradually diminished with only little outposts in the Balkans by WW1 they were already the sick man of Europe . I would say that Poland suffered the most casualties against Russians throughout its history due to the near constant wars with Russia - some they won like the Polish-Soviet War (1919) and Livonian War (1550-1580's) and Polish-Moscow war (early 1600s) but many they lost like WW2 when Russia invaded from the East (and killed far more Polish Catholics than the Nazis and deported hundreds of thousands - some of which are still living in Siberia to this day), the November Uprising (around 40k Poles dead), Polish Russian War and other battles during the Partitions. Before the Partitions, the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was spanking Russia left and right - driving Hussar pikes up the butts up of Smolensk and Moscow residents regularly. Then Russia got revenge and was making Poland is beyotch till a bit after WW1 during the Polish- Soviet war when Poland repelled the Russians but didn't really gain territory.

Russia was predominantly Orthodox (and still is) during the time of the Partitions and into Bolshevik revolution. When Poland was fighting Russia again after WW1, The Orthodox church was in decline in Russia. It was still popular but the Bolsheviks leaders, who were often Jewish, wanted to do away with Orthodox church as it threatened their power and control. So most of the soldiers were 'athiest' or Orthodox that were lead by Bolshevik Jews such as Trostky, Lev Kamenev, Moshe Uritsky (Cheka chief) and so on.

So no, most war casualties throughout Poland's history weren't actually caused by other Catholics but more so by Orthodox if anything and also Protestants from German-Prussian lands and perhaps 'atheists' from Bolshevik and Soviet Russia - although I guess in the broad sense yes we do all share the same God, prophet and basic beliefs.
23 Mar 2016   #46
Adrian you are forgetting Sweden too (another Protestant country).

"Swedish invaders completely destroyed 188 cities and towns, 81 castles, and 136 churches in Poland.[10]"
"During the wars the Commonwealth lost approximately one third of its population"
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2016   #47
You know about that Roman fascination with Egypt. See, it was with the reason. First Romans were Egyptians that mixed with European natives (many says Sarmats). Most probably that is why west of Europe always tend to its darker roots.

Godess Hathor

Egyptian Godess Hathor, 2000 years before Christianity

About two thousand years before the Christian era Mut-em-ua, the virgin Queen of Egypt, was said to have given birth to the Pharaoh Amenkept (or Amenophis) III, who built the temple of Luxor. In another Egyptian temple, one dedicated to Hathor, at Denderah, one of the chambers was called...

Later in Semitic world, comes the myth of Jewish Messiah and Yeshua that was born of a virgin.

For Slavs (ie Sarmats, ie native Europeans) in general and particularly Poles, even in the early middle ages, Mati Syra Zemlya was one of the most important deities. She was also known as Mokosh. She watches over spinning and weaving, shearing of sheep and protects women in child birth. Great ancestral mother. Also, Mokosh is also the mother of the twin siblings deities Jarilo and Morana and therefore ancients pictured her sometimes surrounded with children, what later made easier for ancients to accept idea about Christian Holly Mother and child.

Mocosh with her children

Mokosh with Jarilo and Morana

Let's get back to the topic
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Mar 2016   #48
Crow, sorry to get off topic, but are you by any chance a follower of that Von Daenniken fella and his wild theories about interplanetary visitors in prehistoric times??? "The first Romans were Egyptians..."

Gotta puzzle out that one:-)
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Mar 2016   #49
No, don`t forget your roots Poles. Ancients are eternal. What are we without our roots. Just leaf on the wind.

Goddess Mokosh - Transformation of the Sacred Feminine - Rev. Dr. Isidor - from Serbia

Mokosh Folk Band / Anastasiya Voytyuk / Brian Lahaie / Tangi Ropars / Jaash Singh - from Lviv Ukraine
AdrianK9  6 | 364
29 Mar 2016   #50
I don't know why that one particular post got put in here because I don't think it has much to do with Poland's pagan roots - if I recall it was a response to Pol Attorney regarding something about priests...

Anyway, I wrote a pretty long article explaining Poland's pre-Christian past in the 'Sarmatian' thread. If you want to know more about proto-slavs, the tribes that lived in Poland prior to 966, the migration of cultures and groups in and out of Poland, check it out.

The way Poland's history as far as religion went is as follows:

pagan (people were mostly cremated - inhumations are rare) -> Arianism /pagan mix till 966 (different from Aryanism which is a racial ideology. Arianism is an early Christian belief that basically states that Jesus, as the son of God, is obedient to God the Father. Arianism faced much backlash and all but ended during the Council of Nicene which effectively eliminated Arianist beliefs under the threat of death) -> Christianity in 966 when Mieszko I converts from paganism to the version of Christianity as the Vatican dictates. This was widely a political move since it united the various tribes, prevented other Christian nations from attacking, and would serve as better ties among the more advanced nations in the area. Some Jews began to enter Poland since they were kicked out of almost every European country around the time of Kazimierz Wielki. He reaffirmed an old law passed nearly 100 years ago that prevented forced Christianization and Baptism of Jews, but it wasn't under Kazimierz Wielki that the Jews settled in massive numbers. Jan Matejko painted a famous painting of this. Then, some Tatar Muslims that were very loyal to Poland entered around the time of the Commonwealth. Poland had a huge Jewish population till WW2 when most were deported or killed. Presently, Poland is majority Catholic with small pockets of Jews, Protestants, and Tatar Muslims.
4 Apr 2016   #51
Yeshua did not establish the 'Christian Church'. He came to his own, and he taught them something new. He walked amongst the Hebrews according to the rules Moses set down. Pictures of Him would show phylacteries on his head and 4 Tassels on the hem, symbols of his total dedication to the God of the Hebrews. The woman who needed help touched a tassel to remind him.

These rules he taught them. He taught the peasants to obey the Law and not to do the Takanot, [Talmud]. This was good news for the ignorant peasants, who spoke Aramaic. They were treated as cattle by the ruling class, who spoke and read Hebrew; Sadducees and Pharisees and their priests, rabbis, ["Serpents", "Vipers", "thieves"]. The Temple was a trading house with lawyers and money changers. The 'sermon on the mount' was a lesson for the common people about Moses 10 words. His teachings were for His own people, not for 'dogs'..

He was hated by the Elite because he taught the Torah and so they could not get at him openly. They claimed that they were Children of Moses and the prophets and so by association had to accept the 5 books verbatim. In reality the Elite were Babylonian Priests and they Taught the Talmud. The High Priest was appointed by the Romans after kicking out a son of Aaron, [troublesome Jews!]. The Herods, [part Jews/Edomites], were in it for the shekels, did very well and didn't want to leave.

The Talmud is on line. Just go to the juicy bits and see what the Jews want for the Goyim. Which is about the whole of it. Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron and suits the Jews very well. It is an impossibility, yet trusting, confused, "Christians" let their 'pastors' sort it out, and these area as ignorant as they. To simplify = Jews hate Christ and want to enslave White Christian Europeans.

Talmud, [], Christ is in hell and boiling in excrement/Jews can destroy Christians, anytime.
Christianity is a White European Race construct. It forms European history which forms Christianity. Has it got anything to do with the one who is called The Christ? Absolutely NOTHING!

The Jews got into the game whenever they could to subvert the teachings. They use money, and the cuck Kings fall for it every time. Scofield bible-Jew psy-op.

*The "church"? is full of Jews twisting at every turn to confound dim witted Euros. []
**Paganism is struggling in the West Nat. Movement. Probably wedged in by crypto Jews.
***Whichever ways Euros used "Christianity", it kept Euros knit together against enemies. To conquer Europe = destroy "Christianity" and divide the tribes.
9 Aug 2016   #52
I justfound this extremely interesting forum and I'm very much enjoying learning so much about Polish Paganism. I have to confess until I few days ago I was completely unaware of its existence. I'm wondering if any of you can tell me about any candle rituals that are performed in this faith or had been in the early 20th century. Apparently it involved 5 candles placed in some sort of star formation. My grandmother came to America from Poland in 1920. My cousin has memories from when she was a small child living with my grandmother during WWII and came upon my grandmother and her sister performing this candle ritual late at night. It seems this was something they were not doing around any other family members and thought my cousin was asleep. The curious thing about this is that my grandmother was Jewish, which I'm sure is why she was hiding this from other family members. I am wondering if this was a Pagan practice she had learned in Poland. I've read about non-Jews in Europe helping Jews who were facing oppression by teaching them rituals to ward off evil. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
Dave Michnal
29 Sep 2016   #53

I have a book at home that discusses some old Polish traditions and their roots. I haven't finished it but I would be happy to look and see if there is something like that. Do you know what time of year it was? This book is laid out by month/season.


Zaduszki - All Souls' Day

Zaduszki (also dzień zaduszny) is a Polish tradition of lighting candles (znicze) and visiting the graves of the relatives on All Souls' Day. Its origins can be traced to the times of Slavic mythology. It is celebrated on 2nd of November.

big quote cropped
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Nov 2016   #54
moved from

great cocktail of prayers to Christ and to Svetovid

Have any original statues of Svetovid been found in Serbia, Crow? Or have any original visual representations of this ancient Slavic god been known in Serbia or in Croatia? Christianity after coming to Poland in the 10th was relentlessly destroying figures of pagan gods. One such statue had been dug out near Kielce in the 17th century, but the stupid monks who had a monastery there distroyed that one, too.

What other pagan Slavic gods except for Svetovid do you know in Serbia?
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Jun 2017   #55

Światowid among Poles in our time


Światowid ze Zbrucza - original, Muzeum Archeologiczne, Kraków

It is said that ancient cult of Svetovid flourished from Baltic to Balkan, in lands of northern and southern Serbs. From there, in time immemorial, when old Slavs (Proto Slavs) lived as native American Indians of pre-antique Europe, cult spread all over the realm of the ancients. All Slavs respected Svetovid.

Anyway, today is Vidovdan in Serbia - day (28, June), Christianized, dedicated to Svetovid. So I wanted to ask what in Polish stance on this old Slavic deity. Did Poles remember?

Sretan Vidovdan! (Happy Vidovdan!)


Pod Wawelem w Krakowie - copy
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Jun 2017   #56
Now this is interesting from Polish diaspora in USA



Sculpture of Svetovid in Trenton New Jersey, 36 feet tall and weighs 7 tons

NOTE: Sculptor is Andrzej Pityński. Artistic message is mostly about survival, that was coming with conquering the space, historically speaking. Many pagan Slavic religion perished during medieval times and its worshippers were either slaughtered during the first european crusades (read for example about the Wendish Crusade), or were forced to change their faith or even culture (for example many were Germanised over time). The knight in front that carries the shield with white eagle - coat of arms of Poland.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Jun 2017   #57
Światowid ze Zbrucza

There is some controvery around this Światowid of Zbrucz (river in Ukraine presently) as some say it may be a fake figure made in the 19th century to imitate the old Slavic god.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Jun 2017   #58
Fake? People say all kind of things but that don`t oblige us to believe. In any case, statue of Światowid of Zbrucz was examined by archeologists from several countries, for more then century already, and non of them offered proof on eventual false dating/authenticity. Plus, concept of Zbrucz statue is similar to other Svetovid statues already found or described in old records. So, statues like that were previously already found and exist and no need to invent one.

I personally likes the statue and found it very interesting that Cracow authorities made copy of it and placed it near Wawel. Very nice.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Jun 2017   #59
Frankly, I am little upset with that trait of `universalism` in both- in Islam and in Christianity. Same as Muslims consider Islam to be only component of their being, denying every ethnicity, many Christians thinks the same and they are solely Christians or Christians first and everything else on distant second place. Let me tell you something, Islamic or Christian, `universalism` is touch of death to the soul.
31 Mar 2020   #60

Slavic Pagan Forum

Is there any slavic pagan forum , especially for polish people?


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