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Should Poland organize March of the Living in Volhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland?

jon357  72 | 23022
7 Sep 2024   #61
A good propagandist, has to be able to produce such content which will convince the widest cross section of society

I doubt most orc trolls are that organised; most are just office monkeys with a budget thrown at their bosses, a list of websites/newspaper subscriptions and a daily position to push.

The ones who write the long turgid essays on Quora are among the funniest. In the newspaper I read, it must be pretty miserable for them since they always get spotted plus it's the newspaper of choice for serving and former army officers who really do know their stuff. That and their generally well educated readership some of whom (like me) write and mark language exams for a living and have studied textual analysis to an extent where it's usually possible to know if someone's male or female, sometimes old or young and sometimes (but only rarely) even tall/short/fat/thin.

And there's also a presence of paid and officially "counter trolls" who run rings round them.

When you make comments to them like "don't let your supervisor see those howling mistakes or you'll be unemployed and back selling your body to old Chechens in hotel bars by Monday", you can sometimes almost see Svetlana's or Natasha's tears dripping onto the keyboard. And they have to go through 6 or 7 hours of this at a time before they go home. The A2/B1 level female orcettes never last long.

And of course a lot of it isn't intended to propagate a view; it's often for the home market ("look what Belgians are saying, they all know we'll win and are scared").
Bobko  27 | 2184
7 Sep 2024   #62
Bobi writes a bit like American George Orwell most of the time

... and you write like an English Jaroslav Hašek.

Simple and lively language, often with elements of folk humor and a biting sarcasm - and always pleasant to read.

I developed my writing primarily when I had to write legal opinions for my boss, during summer internships. There, it was important to convey the essential facts, in clear and concise terms, but also in a convincing way.

The same when I wrote short articles for some publications about the goings on in the CIS region.
Korvinus  2 | 567
7 Sep 2024   #63
What about Polish March of the Living in Moscow because the Polish Operation of NKVD conducted during years 1937-38 in which more Poles were killed (at least 111k) than in Wołyń massacre (50-60k).
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
7 Sep 2024   #64
you write like an English Jaroslav Hašek

Oh, you devil! :)

clear and concise terms, but also in a convincing way

The legal background is definitely visible in your posts but you add warmth and humanism to it too. If you weren't so infatuated with the truth, you would make a great (and dangerous) propagandist.

As for Volhynia, sowing discord, marching, apologising etc. ... *sighs*... maybe our grandchildren will figure out a way out of this mess.

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