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Should Poland organize March of the Living in Volhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland?

amiga500  5 | 1477
6 Sep 2024   #31
You are being racist, condescending, and patronizing. what more it is pure BS.

I was thinking the same thing. It's the same attitude some european countries have to africa, to pawian ukranians are like nigg*as, too dumb and immature to have agency.
It's called the bigotry of low expectations.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #32
Ukrainians are still too young an independent nation to be mature enough to admit their guilt

But they draw their roots all the way back to Kievan Rus!

Ironside and Amiga have a very good point: you denigrate and belittle our Ukrainian neighbours by treating them like retarded children. I think I speak not only for myself but also for every decent member of PF when I say that this kind of bigotry should be frowned upon on any discussion board and you should be ashamed of yourself, Pawian.
amiga500  5 | 1477
6 Sep 2024   #33
But they draw their roots all the way back to Kievan Rus!

At the World Economic Forum a few months after the war began, the Ukrainian representative stated that Ukraine has a long history in advocating democratic ideals, they had the second written constitution in the world after USA..
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #34
the second written constitution in the world after USA

You see, Pawian, even Konstytucja 3 Maja was a Ukrainian constutution, and you treat them like some immature idiots! :)
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #35
even Konstytucja 3 Maja was a Ukrainian constutution

Really??? Did the Constitution grant independence to Ukrainians aka Ruthenians who didn `t indentify as Poles/Polesses?????? No. Stop bshiting. :):):)

back to Kievan Rus!

I used the word independent. Do you know what it means or you need to refresh your knowledge???? :):):)

AmaSSing are your arguments. It is obvious you are catching at a straw.... :):)

If you are not mature to be a nation

Really???? How long did it take for Poles/Polesses to eventually accept responsibility for their crimes on Jews during WW2 and after??? Roughly speaking, a few decades.
The same with Ukrainians. They need time to grow up.

fighting against a barbarian horde of imperial Russians.

The war has changed everything. Rightists like Kania and nationalists like you see no difference and you cherish the same demands as of 2022 and before. While decent intelligent people know that Ukrainians are busy with much more vital things than exhumations of Polish colonisers who once dreamt of polonising Ukraine.

retarded children

But some Poles/Polesses aka Ironside still act like that when Polish crimes on other nationalities/minorities are mentioned. He denies everything.
If Ironside can behave like a retarded child, and he claims he is Polish, why do you expect Ukrainians will act differently? :):):):)
Ironside  50 | 12343
6 Sep 2024   #36

So that is your argument? Ironside bad.
lol! with such argument go back up the tree, straighten bananas, as you should stick to what you know,
, I pity you, it must suck to be an immature useless idiot like yourself and live every day in delusion that you are not.

Iwon't talk to this monkey, it is waste of my time.
However I would like to hear what you have to say. Why I'm right and he is wrong? I'm curious about your take.
I think highly about your IQ, it kind of test.
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #37
Ironside bad.

Yes, coz you make an impression of being a representative of the Polish nation to people in other countries though I don`t consider you one after 30 years of emigration. Never mind.
If Poles/Polesses like you refuse to acknowledge Polish crimes, then Ukrainians have the same right with theirs. Or you believe they haven`t, violating our beloved balance of nature?????? Ha!!! :):):)

Iwon't talk to this monkey,

No problem whatsoever! I will still talk to you, nationalist darling! hahaha buhahaha

I would like to hear what you have to say.I think highly about your IQ

Of course. Polish nationalists are imperial Russians` best friends. After all, Kremlin services spend millions on secret subsidies for you... :):):)
6 Sep 2024   #38
Stop bshiting.

It's the Ukrainians who claim they had the second written constitution in the world after USA, so apparently they consider Konstutycja 3 Maja to be their basic law. :)

I used the word independent.

Do you mean to say that Kievan Rus wasn't independent? Who were Sviastoslav I, Vladimir the Great or Yaroslav the Wised dependent of? You are, once again, insulting Ukrainians and their first great state. What has gotten into you, Pawian? Tsk, tsk.

Rightists like Kania

I am a perfect centrist, PSL voter - agrarian, potato-eating, vodka-drinking, conservative peasant at heart. Even though I have noble roots and am currently a city dweller, I identify as peasant. Peasant by choice - salt of the earth. So you can feck off with your 'rightist' slur.
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #39
Kievan Rus wasn't independent?

Rus comprised territories which today are inhabited by Ukrainians, Russians and Belarussians.
While I clearly focused on two notions:

Is it still a problem for your intelligence????

perfect centrist,

BS. You aren`t coz you utterly oppose abortion. Ha!!! I got you. :):):)
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #40

So you deny the Ukrainian claim that Kievan Rus was the first Ukrainian state? Your bigotry and anti-Ukrainism knows no bounds.

You aren`t coz you utterly oppose abortion.

Perfect centrism means perfect decency, so obviously I oppose murdering children. Perfectly centrist attitude. :)
Ironside  50 | 12343
6 Sep 2024   #41
you make an impression

Do you consider for a moment what impression you are making on people from other countries?
It is all nice and fun if you pat yourself on the shoulder with equally stupid soviet friends.
I know how people in the other countries think and believe me you are not doing Poland any service by being what you are.
Nevertheless worrying about what some foreigners think about our issues and Poland is dumb, Who cares? Insecure little monkeys like you?lol!
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #42
It's the Ukrainians who claim they had the second written constitution in the world

Amiga produced fake news and you caught at it like at a life ring aka koło ratunkowe. Please, try to provide plausible arguments instead of this bshiting. :):):)

Do you consider

Hey, why did you lie when you vowed never to talk to me again??? :):):)

Perfectly centrist attitude

BS. Centrists agree to limited abortion. You are a lousy rightist. Błeeeee.......
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #43
try to provide plausible arguments

You have repeatedly insulted our Ukrainian friends, neighbours and allies by claiming that they are immature and unable to admit their crimes. You have also displayed gross anti-Ukrainian bigotry by denying them their Kievan Rus heritage and refusing to recognize it as the first independent Ukrainian country.

This blatant anti-Ukrainism (at a time like this!) fills me with righteous indignation which makes it impossible for me to discuss anything with you any further in this thread. Reflect upon your bigot ways, cease with your Ukrainophobic hate-speech and then maybe (just maybe) I will talk to you like one would with a civilised person. But first, your horrible bigotry of low expectations towards the noble and wise Ukrainian nation must stop.

Centrists agree to limited abortion.

When a person agrees to murder a child in its mother's womb, he stops being a centrist and becomes a neo-marxist maniac.
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #44

I refered to you as a rightist coz you speak like one. :):):) Poloniusz comes to mind and other maniacs.... hahahaha

impossible for me to discuss anything with you any further in this thread.

OK, never mind. There are other threads where we can meet. :):):)
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #45
There are other threads where we can meet. :)


I only wish you would refrain from your scandalous Ukrainophobia in those other threads. Have some decency. :-/
Ironside  50 | 12343
6 Sep 2024   #46
our scandalous Ukrainophobia in those other threads. Have some decency. :-/

He doesn't have any decency. Why would he pretend to support Ukraine and it war effort just to talk so much smack against them?
I think he hates them and is happy that the war is not ending because more Ukrainians are getting killed. That is his agenda.
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #47
Have some decency. :-/

I will. As always. :):):)

While you remember to take your meds! coz you are visibly being carried away by sth strange..... :):):)

I think

No!!!! Mission Impossible!!!! ;0;0;
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
6 Sep 2024   #48
remember to take your meds

I'll take my meds, you will lay off alcohol for a while, and everything will be right in the universe. :)
pawian  219 | 24885
6 Sep 2024   #49
He doesn't have any decency.

Exactly. When dealing with rightists and nationalists as well as homo sovieticuses, I discard all my decency of a capuchin monkey and turn into a nasty baboon.
But it isn`t my fault. Goddess made me so!!

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?


You don`t know the meanings of the words you use. AmaSSing! :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2184
7 Sep 2024   #50
However I would like to hear what you have to say.

High praise from you! Thanks very much.

I think our resident monkey has gone off the rails. First, I was willing to entertain his arguments, but when he wrote "exhumation is compensation" - I realized he is not a serious person.

Even us, Kremlin orcs, realize that bargaining over exhumations is a form of extortion that should be below any self respecting state. The fact that Ukraine wants to trade with corpses of dead innocents, tells you all you need to know about this state.

I wouldn't be surprised if they already dug everybody up and mixed the bones with concrete at some construction site. Later, they will allow Poland to come and exhume whoever they want, and when the Poles find nobody - they will say "See! What genocide?". Honestly, I am not joking, this is the level of their cynicism.

They don't behave like Christian people, while they are embarked on their heroic task of "building the Ukrainian state". All methods are good - the Russians and Poles can eat sh*t.
pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #51
High praise from you! Thanks very much.

Not at all. Polish nationalists have always tended to support Russia. AmaSSing!

All methods are good - the Russians and Poles.

Exactly!!! European Polish colonisers and barbarian Russian invaders - go to hell and leave Ukraine in peace.

The sad thing is that the Kremlin propaganda which you spread here to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine is also infecting some Poles/Polesses. Mostly scum like nationalists or Russophiles but also normal ones. Fortunately, it works only on elder generations. Because younger ones don`t care. I can see it in schools where I work with Ukrainian students.
Bobko  27 | 2184
7 Sep 2024   #52
Kremlin propaganda which you spread here to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine is also infecting some Poles/Polesses

I'm only here, on PF. The audience for my propaganda is very small.

This means that the other Poles, are being "infected" by somebody else - or not being infected at all, and simply opening their eyes and ears in this third year of the war.

Spreading discord between Poles and Ukrainians, is as easy as ABC. The ground is... fertile, and you can't blame me for that.

Maybe I also told Kaczynski to block Ukrainian grain exports? Did I influence Tusk to block Ukraine's EU negotiations?

If you have problems with Ukraine even on the level of prime ministers and presidents - you can hardly blame poor old Bobko for engineering fake tensions.

Like I said - even we orcs understand that it's not a good look to bargain over exhumations.
jon357  72 | 23022
7 Sep 2024   #53
I'm only here, on PF. The audience for my propaganda is very small

You'd get more per hour doing it on The Times or Gazeta Wyborcza and frankly you'd up the quality of the orc stuff on both.
pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #54
You'd get more per hour doing it on

I am certain he already does. He treats the PF as a private hobby while he carries out the job of a professional Kremlin troll somewhere else.
Ironside  50 | 12343
7 Sep 2024   #55
bargaining over exhumations

A good take. Happens I agree with it.
The sad thing is

you repeat your slogans and progressive fake history BS all the time it getting old, no arguments but personal insults.
Go eat bananas bubba.
jon357  72 | 23022
7 Sep 2024   #56
a professional Kremlin troll somewhere else.

His English is far better than most of them.

I take a delight in going through the comments in a particular newspaper's comments field made by people with names like John Smith and pointing out the obvious transference errors from a Slavonic language and giving a CEFR level to their writing. Most are B2 however I've seen as low as A2.

One guy (I'd guess a low C1 but certainly over 65) started arguing about a grammar transference error and hilariously quoted from an old grammar book that was only ever used in the Soviet Union!

On some of the higher traffic sites, all the orcs appear together at about 5 past the hour, take their coffee/vodka breaks at the same time and clock off shift at the same time. It's great fun baiting them and even better when they end up quietly admitting that they're orc paid trolls.

The ones who are outsourced staff in India are pretty easy to spot too.
pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #57
A good take. Happens I agree with it.

Of course. Dmowski, the Founding Father of Polish nationalism, also prefered Russia to Germany. hahahaha

Are you proud of being a son of the Founding Father??? :):):)

fake history

Polish nationalist attitude concerning Polish crimes on others. Ha!

His English is far better than most of them

Yes, exactly, but a bit antiquated, as if he acquired it from the British literature of the 19th century. :):):) He can`t have spent too long in NYC - he must have studied English still working as a freshman in the Kremlin troll factory in Russia. He read Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Emma and similar. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12343
7 Sep 2024   #58
owski, the Founding Father of Polish nationalism, also prefered Russia to Germany.

More fake history BS. When will you stop shoveling fake BS, you are relentless.
Bobko  27 | 2184
7 Sep 2024   #59
He read Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Emma and similar. :):):)


I read Pasternak and Nabokov - in their own translation. That is, first in Russian and then in English.

They wrote better English than most Englishmen.

He treats the PF as a private hobby while he carries out the job of a professional Kremlin troll somewhere else.

What kind of masochist do you think I am?

If I were a professional propagandist, then PF would be a bad place to hone my skills away from the sunlight. The people here are in no way representative of the wider masses, but instead a collection of exquisite oddballs.

A good propagandist, has to be able to produce such content which will convince the widest cross section of society. It need not be clever, or nuanced - but there have to be certain elements - and testing those out on PF's users would not be practical.

Moreover writing that kind of effective propaganda for the social media age is incredibly tedious work, which dulls the mind.

P.S. - I think I would have more fun being the guy that sets the agenda for the day, at the Internet Research Agency.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
7 Sep 2024   #60
British literature of the 19th century

Bobko uses American spelling (analyze, apologize, colonization etc.).

Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Emma

Nonsense. Bobi writes a bit like American George Orwell most of the time - elegant but simple; skillfully but without unnecessary ornaments. Yes, sometimes there's a hint of something more intricate, let's say early to mid 20th century British literature there (think Evelyn Waugh, maybe Aldous Huxley to a lesser extent) but certainly not Victorian.

Dmowski (...) also prefered Russia to Germany.

And he was quite right! Unless you would have preferred Nazi Germany in his place. You depress me, Pawian.

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