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The memory about the Invasion of Poland 1939 - today's events

polishgreatness  1 | 4
27 Aug 2010   #1
On Wednesday, September 1, 2010, Polish Greatness (Blog) will present a Special Presentation online documenting the events of the September Campaign of 1939. Daily news reports will be posted on this blog along with archival video and photos. This is a unique opportunity to experience the news events as they happened. Subscribe to an RSS feed so you do not miss a thing!

To find the blog just enter into your browser!

I invite you also to visit my website at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Turbowicz  4 | 13
16 Oct 2012   #2
[Moved from]: BBC Radio archives: Hear the news of 1 September 1939

BBC reports about Hitler's 16-point proposal to "resolve" the Polish "Question," the commencement of the invasion, and the memories of William Forrest, a British newspaper reporter based in Warszawa. Nothing like hearing the radio broadcasts of the day:
16 Oct 2012   #3
Thanks for that link, it's interesting stuff.

Although when listening to the report about the 16-point proposal, one should probably remember that Hitler had already ordered the invasion of Poland before the proposal was announced.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
1 Sep 2014   #4
Poland commemorates 75 years since invasion - dawn ceremony

Poland has marked the 75th anniversary of the start of World War Two with a wreath-laying ceremony at Gdansk port.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk commemorated the dead of the war's first battle.

Nazi Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, shelling a Polish garrison at Gdansk. Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.

On this day 75 years ago, at 04:45, the German cruiser Schleswig-Holstein, which was docked on a friendship visit in the free city of Danzig, now Gdansk, opened fire on the small Polish garrison on the Westerplatte peninsula. Simultaneously thousands of German troops crossed over the Polish border

jon357  72 | 23654
30 Apr 2015   #5
Merged: Invasion of Poland board game!

The game that takes on the Nazis: 'I wanted to show Poland's heroism'
Seven Days of Westerplatte is a passion project highlighting Polish resistance in the second world war - despite its creator being born 44 years after it finished

For the small Polish garrison, the odds seemed overwhelming. Just 209 men found themselves besieged by over 3,000
German troops.
But the Poles weren't about to give up without a fight. In the face of artillery bombardments, infantry assaults and terrifying dive-bombing raids, they held their ground for a week and provided a powerful symbol of resistance to millions of their compatriots.
This story of heroism, defiance and desperation fascinated £ukasz Woźniak, a 25-year-old board game designer from Poznan in west central Poland. (...)


This actually looks quite good. I don't do board games but still interesting.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
1 Sep 2015   #6
Merged: Tajemnice Westerplatte on Polsat tv channel wright now!

So far so good I have to admit (after watching it for 5 minutes)
Jardinero  1 | 383
1 Sep 2015   #7
Unfortunately, the choice of location for the ceremony was rather poor - it should have been held in Wieluń. This would have placed more emphasis on the barbarism of a regime like Nazi Germany (carefully planned and executed air raid on defenceless civilian population which destroyed the city in 75%) and what's more important cruelty of any war in general. As it happened, we got more of the same ideology stemming from PRL...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Sep 2019   #8
moved from

September 1st 1939........ 80 years ago today.
An important date in Polish history.

Eighty years ago today.
Very few survive to tell the tale.
But it must be repeated,so that people remember......

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Sep 2019   #9
Very few survive to tell the tale.

And even fewer to explain to what extent Poland brought it upon itself and could have minimized the destruction, as such subjects, analysis and conclusions are taboos. Unfortunately, Poland is not unique in this distaste to look inward.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Sep 2019   #10
@Rich Mazur
Could you elaborate on your ridiculous claim, please?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
2 Sep 2019   #11
such subjects, analysis and conclusions are taboos

Dougpol in agrees completely with Rich Mazur shocker!!
PIS are busy rewriting all history to show that all Poles acted with the highest valour - at ALL times.
Complete nonsense of course. There is nothing especially historic about the Polish nation as a whole that sets it at the top of some imaginary "Bravery" table, as the evidence shows. Meanwhile PIS carry on with their censorship, and it is up to the old to educate their families about the truth.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Sep 2019   #12
PIS are busy rewriting all history

Doug,you are politicizing this.
This is the history my family taught me as a child in the sixties....... way before PIS.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Sep 2019   #13
All ruling elites re-write history to cover their blunders and not to be forced to explain why so many died needlessly. It's a bit*ch to tell the parents that their son died for nothing. It's so easy to recite poems, erect monuments, and hope that those will prevent annoying questions. Like, why fight if by the end week one it was clear the "allies" were not marching in to the rescue. Delivering a piece of paper to the Germans was not rescue.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Sep 2019   #14
All ruling elites re-write history to cover their blunders

My family were not "ruling elites", they told me as it was, the good and the bad.
The Polish history I have read in the last 40 years backs them up.
That history was not written by ruling elites, in fact,some of it wasn't even written by Poles.
Ever heard of Norman Davies?
Read his history of Poland.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Sep 2020   #15

Operation: Fall Weiss (Invasion of Poland 1939)

81 years ago humanity said: «No!» to National-Socialism. Poland being first on the frontline remembers it's finest heroes who layed down their lives for the cause of freedom.

I remember
Vlad1234  16 | 883
1 Sep 2020   #16
81 years ago humanity said: «No!» to National-Socialism.

There were plenty of those who said "yes". Italy, Japan, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia officially supported Hitler. If Nazis would be clever they would attract many more supporters among occupied Slavic territories. Many people just tired of Stalin and other rulers.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Sep 2020   #17
Those states fought merely only for their own self interests, many of them being deluded of a shift in power.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2020   #18
Of course, you should know that Polish cavalry purposefully charging against German tanks is a malicious myth invented by German propagandists. If such charges took place, they were accidental when the cavalry charged against infantry and suddenly tanks appeared from behind.

  • MYTH!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Sep 2020   #19
Very true
Polish cavalry at the time (the one on horseback) was mounted infantry. Most of military units at the time consisted of regular infantry (German forces included)

Real Polish cavalry was lead by Gen. Maczek with his tanks, didn't lose a single battle during ww2 if I recall. (They were able to retreat through Hungary and fought on western allies side later on)
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2020   #20
Polish cavalry at the time (the one on horseback) was mounted infantry.

Yes, but when needed, they made a few successful charges with sabres in hands, breaking German infantry units.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #21
And if they ran into German tanks, it was by pure accident.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 714
1 Sep 2024   #22
Well, Pawian, my understanding, with the help of an actual cavalry member(Rustejko, like me), they run into terrified German foot soldiers and the German
tanks run into them. The tragic end of the story.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #23
Yes, sort of.
However, the message of Polish cavalry storming tanks has been propagated by Polish cinema itself.

In this film you can see two charges. The first one is against mechanised infantry with cannons, while the other against tanks which is absurd.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2024   #24
Polish cavalry at the time

What was the plan?

Also, did anybody ask horses what they thought about running against German tanks? I wouldn't.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #25
I wouldn't.

You wouldn`t what exactly??? Ask horses, think or run against German lines????
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Mar 2025   #26
In summer 1939 Polish Foreign Minister Beck commented on Hitler`s plans for Poland:

We in Poland do not recognize the conception of "peace at any price." There is only one thing in the life of men, nations and states which is without price, and that is honour.

In winter 2025, Polish FM Sikorski comments on MASA Golden Cow gangster Musk`s plans for Starlink system:

"Starlink services for Ukraine are paid for by the Polish Digitization Ministry at the cost of about $50 million per year. The ethics of threatening the victim of aggression apart, if SpaceX proves to be an unreliable provider we will be forced to look for other suppliers,"

It is amasing how history repeats itself as parody.

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