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Life in communist Poland - personal relations

Alien  26 | 6541
11 Jul 2023   #241
Poles were no better than Jews and Gypsies.

Wow, seriously?
Novichok  4 | 8696
11 Jul 2023   #242
Those who don't assimilate and identify with the host country should be deported as their loyalties are suspect.
English is the only language we use. There is not a single Polish object in my house. I didn't come here to create my private Polish ghetto.

Nope they didn't assimilate.

Wow, seriously?

Yes, seriously.
mafketis  38 | 11263
11 Jul 2023   #243
"Poles" do not assimilate so that after x generations they identify as Belarus citizens

this ho so dumb when someone say it chilly outside he went to get a bowl....

when and how had these Poles immigrated to Belarus?

if you don't know the difference between immigrants and indigenous minorities in an area with shifting borders.... then you just might like chuggin'
Novichok  4 | 8696
11 Jul 2023   #244
indigenous minorities

I know what indigenous minorities are. That's why I made sure my kids would never, ever become an "indigenous minority" because there is no upside to being one. Only the negatives. Like Auschwitz and the gas chambers.

I can't change my place of birth and my "heritage" but I did the next best thing to "assimilate": The only way you would know that I was not born here is from the accent I still have in spite of my efforts to get rid of it. Other than that, I and my family are just like the one next door. Mission accomplished.

You see, my dear kutasek, assimilating is actually effortless - like stepping into a pool of water and getting wet. Preserving your native lifestyle requires effort and is a hostile act that translates into:

I don't like you and your customs so I am going to keep mine and make sure my kids do the same.

The next step: demanding special "rights" and protections for indigenous minorities. See the UK, Muslims, and the real Brits. Poor sobs...

How this works is best seen at the Indian reservations here - hellholes where everybody is on welfare, drunk, and unemployed but oh so proud... Or Muslim ghettos in Western Europe...

BTW, before you go there make sure you hire armed guards.
mafketis  38 | 11263
11 Jul 2023   #245
my kids would never, ever become an "indigenous minority"

there's no such thing as a Polish indigenous minority in NAmerica....
Novichok  4 | 8696
11 Jul 2023   #246
How many generations must pass before a tribe becomes indigenous? These are word games demagogues use to advance their agendas.

If you think "Indians" here are "indigenous" I have news for you. No, they are not.

How many generations do Poles in Belarus need to identify as Belarussians? 1000? They should have been removed, by force if necessary, the way Germans were removed from Poland and Czechoslovakia. You want play ghetto games? GFO.
mafketis  38 | 11263
11 Jul 2023   #247
How many generations must pass before a tribe becomes indigenous? T

Indigenous just means they were established in the area before the political lines were established....

In the US people who date their existence in a place before that place became part of the US are 'indigenous'.... (there are other definitions but that one's good enough for present purposes).

In the US American Indians, Hawaiians, some Inuit/Aleut peoples and some people of Spanish (mostly in the SW) and French (mostly in the NE) can be regarded as indigenous.

In other words the people didn't go to the country the country came to them (whether they liked it or not).

Different rules for them and for immigrants who freely choose to come to an established political entity.
Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Jul 2023   #248

The First Amerindian Natives are postulated to have come from Asia through the Bering land bridge between 30,000-12,000 years before the present (BP). These conclusions have been based on cultural, morphological and genetic similarities between American and Asian populations.

There is no difference between 30,000 and 3 years. Bigger fist wins. That's why Crimea is now Russian and Western Poland is Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Jul 2023   #249

Please source your quotes with the MLA bibliographical style... otherwise you're just wasting everybody's time....

Though nice to see that you admit that russia has no legal, ethical or moral claim to Crimea.... baby steps, but.... progress!
Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Jul 2023   #250
People voted to join. Case closed.
If you don't like the outcome, sue Russia and prove that the referendum did not reflect the views of the citizens of Crimea.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jul 2023   #251
.I liked "communism" for my tuition-free MSEE and no-charge healthcare.

No charge meant that they didn`t charge you for a visit when you had a flu and needed a prescription for some antibiotics. However, more serious disorders required huge bribes. My uncle had a heart attack in early 1980s. Doctors brought him to life but found out his veins were completely clogged. The vein cleaning operation could be performed only by specialists in Warsaw at the time, but you had to pay for it, otherwise you were kept on the waiting list for ever.

There is not a single Polish object in my house.

You are really tough!!! :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Aug 2023   #252
In communist times there was a cinema in Warsaw called Moscow. Soviet citizens from the USSR came to Moscow in Warsaw to watch Western films. Amasing.

The building was pulled down when the system collapsed.

  • KinoMoskwa1962830.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8696
8 Aug 2023   #253
However, more serious disorders required huge bribes

I remember it. My father had to pay 10,000 zl to get treated for oral cancer. Then he came home and the first thing he did was light up a cig.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2023   #254
the first thing he did was light up a cig.

That was not only stupid but also extremely egoistic of him. If he wanted to die of cancer, he could refuse the treatment and let sb else have it.
Novichok  4 | 8696
9 Aug 2023   #255
That was not only stupid but also extremely egoistic of him.

That's why I made an effort not to be like my parents. I didn't like either one - the two most self-centered people I ever met. On the plus side, it made leaving for good easier.

I know they were happy to see me go. No tears. Perfect.
Alien  26 | 6541
9 Aug 2023   #256
happy to see me go.

Parents are never happy when their children leave them.
Novichok  4 | 8696
9 Aug 2023   #257
Mine were. Trust me. Not that I blamed them...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2023   #258
I know they were happy to see me go.

Ooops, I am sorry. That trauma you experienced with your parents still haunts you. It shows here quite well.
Novichok  4 | 8696
9 Aug 2023   #259
That trauma you experienced with your parents still haunts you.

No trauma. I was even happier to go and never look back...That's why I prefer girls. They are not as cold-blooded.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2023   #260
No trauma. I was even happier to go and never look back

As a 26 year old student, so it was easier for you. I am talking about the traumatic experiences as a child. In result of which, you acquired certain mental distortions.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Aug 2023   #261
In communist times car wash stations didn`t exist. Drivers cleaned their cars by the rivers or lakes as you can see in the photos from a 1974 series below.

I helped my parents to clean our car by the street well in the big city in 1970s. Later I did it myself through 1980s. Until early 1990s when an owner of a nearby house came out and told me off. Amasing!

  • 2.jpg

  • 1.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8696
14 Aug 2023   #262
In communist times car wash stations didn`t exist.

In communist times, people had a hard time washing themselves. To be fair, it was because Warsaw was in ruins, not because "commies" were mean.
Alien  26 | 6541
14 Aug 2023   #263
people had a hard time washing themselves.

Nonsense, water cost almost nothing and electricity and gas were cheap. So is the soap. I still remember the feeling of a hot bath in a bathtub when it was -20°C outside.
Novichok  4 | 8696
14 Aug 2023   #264
Especially with nine people, one bathroom, and a broken water heater over the tub.
Novichok  4 | 8696
15 Aug 2023   #265
I am talking about the traumatic experiences as a child.

I liked my babysitter more than I liked my mother. I threw a major fit when my mother took me away from her in Hamburg.
Alien  26 | 6541
15 Aug 2023   #266
took me away from her in Hamburg.

I thought you were 3 at the time. When you're 3, you don't like anyone yet, and you don't remember anything from that period as an adult.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Aug 2023   #267
I liked my babysitter more than I liked my mother

Yes, I understand everything. It`s OK, Novi, now you are safe.
From for away
17 Aug 2023   #268
"No chance for luxury". Nonsense. It was not ostentatious, but there was an elite, of course communist party elite, who had everything including travels to the West. Young Trzaskowski could go and spend as much time in the USA as he wanted, only because his mother was working for the state security apparatus as an informer. There was plenty of luxury for all those scumbags...don't you worry about that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #269
Young Trzaskowski could go and spend as much time in the USA

It was after the system collapsed. Besides, he was invited by a US senator. Stop manipulating. I am here to debunk your dirty black propaganda. ALWAYS.
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #270
I was given as a child " ksiazeczka mieszkaniowa" by my godmother. Before living " PRL" I went to see a lawyer and got an official document stating that in case I would get my apartment ,but was still abroad, my mother would get the keys. The lawyer was expensive. Never mind. In 1984 I got a message : " You have an apartment in Warsaw waiting for you, but you must collect the keys yourself". My document from the lawyer was useless and I was doing very well in Australia , so any return to the " commie paradise" was not on the cards. On my " ksiazeczka mieszkaniowa" there was over 60 000 polish zloty. The commie swines stole my apartment and of course all my money. I never went back even for a visit.

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