Exactly in mid 1980s I bought myself a stereo system called Mini Tower produced by Polish company Diora. It looked beautiful and offered nice quality of sound. It cost a lot of money, including extra charge for the seller who first bought it at an electronics shop for a regular price and then offered at a city bazaar for double.
I was willing to spend this money cos I listened to a lot of my fave metal music at the time. I had been saving for a long time etc etc Never mind.
What I need to say is imagine my surprise when a few years ago I read expert comments that Mini Tower and similar products had already been obsolete when produced, compared to their equivalents in the West, by about 20 years. While I always considered my Tower the state of the art technology.
It is a good example how communism worked - the same things were produced for decades cos there was no will and money to promote technological progress.
PS> I still keep the tower in the garage or basement.
