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Life in communist Poland - personal relations

Novichok  4 | 8667
6 Feb 2025   #481
Ireland is #19.

Nothing amazing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2025   #482
Don`t make me laugh coz I won`t be able to fall asleep and it will be your fault. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8667
6 Feb 2025   #483
Ireland is #19.

Nothing amazing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2025   #484
Ireland was the leitmotif of the famous ballad in 1980s. The song is about problematic love. Ireland wasn`t such a paradise at the time.

I love you like Ireland.

You disappeared somewhere in the house by the Vistula
I remember it so clearly
The closeness of your black eyes
I still love you like Ireland

And you're not surprised
You know very well what would happen next
How we would be happy
If I didn't love you at all

Having fear before happiness
Hoping that you'll steal it from me
I drag this pain through Włocławek
Loving you like Ireland

OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2025   #485
the border between Russia and China

In communist times, there was a popular series of jokes relating events from distant future.

Eg. Year 2050. Breaking news from today!!! New clashes break out on Polish Chinese border!!!! hahahaha buhahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Mar 2025   #486
Jokes aimed at communism were very popular. Also spread by party members and other supporters of the system.
Can Monaco be a communist state?
- No, because it would be too great a misfortune for such a small country.

Trade agreement between Poland and the Soviet Union:
1. The Soviet Union will receive half of its mined coal from Poland.
2. In return, Poland will send half of its sugar and pork production to the Soviet Union

The party is consistent. When the party says it won't give it - then it won't! When the party says it will give it - then it says.

What is the difference between democracy and socialist democracy?
- ​​Like the difference between a chair and an electric chair

A newsboy to a Soviet soldier:
- Comrade! Buy a newspaper!
- I don't smoke! - replies the soldier.

Szczyt aka the pinnacle of Polish dreams in the seventies: Jaroszewicz's widow tells the dying Jabłoński's wife that Gierek died on the way to Brezhnev's funeral (hint: names of communist leaders are mentioned)

A passer-by to a ZOMO riot police officer:
- Where did you buy the oranges?
- In the shop around the corner.
- And is the queue long?
- No, just for one ammo magazine.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Mar 2025   #487
In the USSR, a competition was announced for the best cuckoo clock. Third place was taken by a clock from which a cuckoo jumped out every hour and cried, "Lenin, Lenin." Second place was given to a clock from which a cuckoo jumped out every half hour and cried, "Lenin." First place was given to a clock from which Lenin jumped out every quarter of an hour and cried, "Cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo."

The Public Opinion Research Agency conducts a survey on the lack of
meat. What does "lack" mean? - asks the American. What is "meat"? - wonders the Pole. What is a "survey"? - asks the Russian

Czech, Lech aka Pole and Rus walked. They walked and walked until they reached the Vltava River. There Czech decided to stay. Lech and Rus walked further. They walked for a long time until they reached the Vistula River. Here Lech decided to settle. Only Rus went further. And he has been walking so far. He was last seen in Afghanistan.

All nations are prone to gambling:
Five young Americans get into their cars and race; one car has faulty brakes, but it is not known which one. Five Frenchmen go to a brothel; one of the sexworkers has syphilis, but it is not known which one.
Five Poles sit down to a liter of vodka and tell political jokes. One of them is an informant, but it is not known which one.

American scientists have made a terrible discovery: in three days the world will end. They decided to check how individual nations would react to this news. They fly over France, and everyone there is making love. They fly over Poland, and everyone is drinking heavily. They fly over the USSR, and meanwhile there are clouds of dust in the air. To see something, they fly lower, look and see a huge banner: "Five-year plan for the development of economy in three days!!!"

OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Mar 2025   #488
Polish jokes were also exported to neighbouring countries where they were adapted to local contexts:

Here, a 1990s export to Belarus:

During an international congress of surgeons, a German speaks:
"We found a hand on the side of the road, sewed it on a guy and he became a super-efficient worker." To which a Russian replies: "We found legs, sewed them on a disabled person and he became a world champion in the 60-meter dash." Then an American: "We found a head, sewed it on a corpse and he became a Nobel Prize winner." Then came the Belarusian: "In the Mogilev forests we found an ass. We sewed a moustache on it and that's how we got the president"

1 Mar 2025   #489
I remember one from the former GDR:

Q: Why is East German toilet paper extra-coarse?
A: To turn every last a*ss in the country red.
Alien  26 | 6527
1 Mar 2025   #490
East German toilet paper extra-coarse?

At least they had toilet paper. The Russians used "Pravda" newspaper and their butts were red from paint.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Mar 2025   #491
their butts were red from paint.

Red and black. Red from flags and black from Lenin and Stalin heads.

  • a
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Mar 2025   #492
Where are they and what are those people waiting for?

  • early communism
Alien  26 | 6527
16 Mar 2025   #493
Where are they and what

These people have just arrived on holiday financed by the FWP and are waiting in line to be allocated accommodation.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Mar 2025   #494
Excellent guess, I predicted nobody would be able to solve it.

The times are late 1940s. Tourists bought a package holiday from the state institution called Working Holiday Fund and now they have arrived at a mountain resort and are lining to receive their accommodation address.
Alien  26 | 6527
16 Mar 2025   #495
Working Holiday Fund

It probably still exists today.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Mar 2025   #496
Yes, it is still a travel operator today.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Mar 2025   #497
arrived at a mountain resort

Some of the various holiday centres are excellent. Especially the ones belonging to Trade Unions and not for profit organisations.

A real bargain for group holidays and often nicer than hotels.
amiga500  5 | 1539
16 Mar 2025   #498
Can you give some examples or how to find
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Mar 2025   #499
I've been to maybe a dozen or so but always as part of a group.

I'd guess they're findable online as Ośrodki Wypoczynkowe although a lot won't have websites.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Mar 2025   #500
how to find

There is a site of FWP.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Mar 2025   #501
Exactly in mid 1980s I bought myself a stereo system called Mini Tower produced by Polish company Diora. It looked beautiful and offered nice quality of sound. It cost a lot of money, including extra charge for the seller who first bought it at an electronics shop for a regular price and then offered at a city bazaar for double.

I was willing to spend this money cos I listened to a lot of my fave metal music at the time. I had been saving for a long time etc etc Never mind.

What I need to say is imagine my surprise when a few years ago I read expert comments that Mini Tower and similar products had already been obsolete when produced, compared to their equivalents in the West, by about 20 years. While I always considered my Tower the state of the art technology.

It is a good example how communism worked - the same things were produced for decades cos there was no will and money to promote technological progress.

PS> I still keep the tower in the garage or basement.

  • a
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Mar 2025   #502
the same things were produced for decades cos there was no will and money to promote technological progress.

E.,g, Polish state company Unitra bought a licence for cassette recorder from German Grundig in 1976 and kept the production for about 10 years. We had this item too.

  • a
Alien  26 | 6527
2 days ago   #503
E.,g, Polish state company Unitra bought a licence for cassette recorder

we had this or similar.

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