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Life in communist Poland - personal relations

From far away
17 Aug 2023   #271
Since when a" US senator" ( name please ,thank you very much, smart ass) would invite a son of a secret service collaborator for a holiday to the USA? You really think that all Poles are idiots? ...Clearly you little lying s***thead...Lol !
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #272
would invite

Because Trzaskowski assisted this US senator or another politician during his visit in Poland as a translator. He was still a high school student then. Amasing!
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #273
You are manufacturing complete BS about that commie scumbag Trzaskowski. He did not know English well enough to be a translator for a US senator. There were plenty of people much more qualified than a teenage snotface. He is not as smart, as you are trying to portray him ( I wonder why? . The dickhead is perfectly capable of making idiotic and embarrassing grammatical mistakes in Polish. As good as another smart ass called Walesa...The last time he made a complete donkey of himself...see the link below...If he can make basic mistakes like that NOW in Polish ,how could he possibly know English well enough in his teenage years to be " translator"? Cut the crap commie monkey !
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #274
He is not as smart

He is extremely smart. And he has always known English very well. And other languages. You can`t speak English like he does. Ha!!

I wonder why?.

Because he is a decent man, unlike those PiS or nationalist gangsters. Simple.
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #275
Since when a " decent man" from Poland , would NOT sign a letter demanding war reparations from Germany ? Are you mad or a complete ignorant lying b***d?...Germans were killing 3000 Polish citizens every day between 1939-1945. Every day. They completely ruined Warsaw and the whole country stealing everything they could steal! And now Rafal Trzaskowski is refusing to sign a letter demanding war reparations. This is NOT a behaviour of a " decent man" but a traitor , a scumbag and an arrogant bast***d in any language, in any country on this planet. I was talking with a some of my friends (from different countries) and their only reaction is disbelief and astonishment that someone can be such a wh*re as an official representing the main city in Poland ! Trzaskowski is also a total hipocrite because ,of course, he wound never behave like that in case of reparations for Israel, would he?...

So give yourself a break you commie scumbag and shut the f***up you dirty mouth!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #276
reparations from Germany

Poland received reparations - eastern lands of Germany. Ha!


You are slowly derailing this thread off topic. There is a special thread devoted to Mr Future President of Poland, Honorable Brilliant Rafał Trzaskowski. Move your rants there. :):):)

shut the f***up you dirty mouth!

Of course I won`t. Are you crazy??? :):):)
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Aug 2023   #277
As good as another smart ass called Walesa...The

Leave Wałęsa alone, he is one of the few living icons of that time. The most famous Pole in the world. And he didn't even have to steal the moon for it.
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #278
Any Polish citizen who is" against "the just war reparations for the war from Germany is simply a traitor and a scumbag. The country was robbed and left in ruins, so the reparations are without any doubt justifiable. Trzaskowski recently refused to sign a letter demanding reparations, announcing; therefore he does not think Poland deserves reparations from the German aggressors. To most normal people in the world, irrespectively of their geographical location, that kind of "behavior" and" attitude" is signalling a traitor and a scumbag, who opportunistically doesn't want to offend the aggressors, because of personal profit. That kind of person is worth only contempt, and that's precisely what Trzaskowski gets on most Polish forums. To describe Trzaskowski as" decent" can only a fool or a bastard. It was quite predictable for you to stay totally silent on that subject. Instead, you concentrated on advertising that gutless imbecile as the" next president" are completely f***ed in the head thinking that Poles are such idiots...hahaha
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Aug 2023   #279
@From far.away
Sounds like you're from Australia?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #280
In 1970s, a new communist leader gave the green light for wide import of Western know how technology and goods. Among others, Coca Cola was allowed for sale in Poland.

Posters from 1972, with the slogan invented by a famous poetess Osiecka: Coca Cola, this is it!!!

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Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Aug 2023   #281
Sounds like you're from Australia?

Sounds like you are GPS...
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #282
"The most famous Pole in the world" (?) who nobody is going to remember apart from a few historians in 25 years...Why not Chopin ,Kopernik or J.P.IInd ? Oriana Falacci after only one conversation knew exactly ,who he was and what he " represented" . Most citizens discovered that only recently... And you forgot also , the most important part. Most people in the world do not speak Polish and they never listened to his " wisdom". Thank God they didn't...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #283
Coca Cola was allowed for sale in Poland.

And Pepsi, too. Paradoxically, I drank more Pepsi in communist times than Coca Cola. Strange.

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Alien  26 | 6527
17 Aug 2023   #284
drank more Pepsi in communist times than Coca Cola. Strange.

Because Poland was divided into regions where Coke was sold and regions where Pepsi was sold.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #285
Poland was divided into regions

I had no idea. Amasing! It means that southern Poland and northern Poland (the seaside) were assigned for Pepsi distribution. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Aug 2023   #286

I remember ordering a Pepsi-cola a few decades ago in Warsaw and the woman kept replying "Pepsi or cola?".
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Aug 2023   #287
Pepsi or cola?

It doesn't even exist today. The restaurants have either Pepsi or Coke.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Aug 2023   #288
It doesn't even exist today

It does. People in PL tend to say Pepsi rather than Pepsi-cola but it's the same stuff.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #289

When buying sodas, I choose Pepsi over Coca Cola to refresh my memories of the time when I was young, slim, hairy and handsome etc.

Pepsi was sold in small 0.25 litre bottles or big 1 litre ones. When buying those big ones in larger quantity, you had to be strong to carry them all.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #290
I drank more Pepsi in communist times than Coca Cola. Strange.

I said strange coz Coca Cola was advertised more than Pepsi.

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jon357  72 | 23654
17 Aug 2023   #291
Coca Cola was advertised more than Pepsi.

It's all the same to me.

Oranźada is nice, and a retro drink too. A bit like Tizer in the U.K.

Makes a nice sorbet, as does Pepsi/Coke
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Aug 2023   #292
Ck. out that old movie "One, Two, Three" (1960??) w/James Cagney and Horst Buchholz, about an American East Germany trying desperately to sell the US Coca Cola concession to the Commies and what he has to go through in order for it to become a fait accompli! Hysterical.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Aug 2023   #293
East Germany trying desperately to sell the US Coca Cola concession to the Commies and what he

They had their Vita Cola with added vitamin C. He didn't stand a chance.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Aug 2023   #294
:-) He-he! Good one, Alien.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2023   #295
When buying sodas, I choose Pepsi over Coca Cola

But the best of all was black currant drink called juice then. I loved it - it was sweet and sour, my two favourite tastes.

Watch 15 seconds of this video from 1974 - the main protagonist requests beer but it is out of stock so he changes his order to black currant juice. On the front of the kiosk you can see a poster advertising Coca Cola.

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Alien  26 | 6527
19 Aug 2023   #296
But the best of all was black currant drink

You forgot Polo Cockta. Do you remember "Kingsajz" - Drink Polo Cockta and you will constantly be in a better world.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2023   #297
You forgot Polo Cockta

I didn`t drink it in communist times. Why? Coz I didn`t see it in shops - gnomes bought out the whole supply of it after delivery to the shop.

However, I drink it now. I am mean (in the sense of thrifty) so I choose Polish sodas coz they are cheaper.

Do you remember "Kingsajz"

Of course, I watched it several times, like other comedies by Machulski.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2023   #298
The main artistic event in communist Poland was the Sopot Festival where Polish and foreign singers/bands sang in their native languages or in Polish only on the Polish Day. The event took place in the Forest Opera which is claimed to be a magical place.

The festival witnessed the rise or fall of some performers. It also was a place of various scandals, related to social conventions, sex or political ones.

Check this Boney M band performance singing Daddly Cool in 1979. The vocalist starts a semi-strip tease act in the middle of the song, going topless. The audience were thrilled. hahahaha buhahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2023   #299
scandals, political ones.

Again Boney M in 1979. They were advised by communist officials not to sing their famous Russian themed Rasputin song because Polish commies considered it an attack on Polish Soviet relations. But Boney M did sing it. In result, the TV broadcast of their performance was delayed for one day and the controversial song was cut out. Amazingly, the commie radio broadcast the concert in full. Those commies could be quite messy at times. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2023   #300
They were advised by communist officials not to sing their famous Russian themed Rasputin song

Why were commies so gentle with Boney M? Advising and requesting instead of banning and expelling straight away??? Two reasons - Boney M was an acclaimed group in late 1970s, at the peak of their fame. Secondly, they were dark skinned. Commies officially treated people of colour with respect. That is why the group wasn`t punished for singing Rasputin - their music was freely played in all discos in Poland for a few more years.

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