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Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
2 Jun 2010   #91
cause the one starting this thread about Polish "Nazi's" is a Russian imperialist :)

Yes, I am, why I cannot?
1jola  14 | 1875
2 Jun 2010   #92
Ah, that imperial Russia. If you kacapy would only have a sense of rythm. LOL
mmwhat  - | 6
2 Jun 2010   #93
If you kacapy

That's very mature and developed, young man. Very-very intelligent.
1jola  14 | 1875
2 Jun 2010   #94
I'm hardly a young man but have you read this thread? Read the OP and tell me why is ConstantineK here? You might want to have a chat with him and not me.
mmwhat  - | 6
2 Jun 2010   #95
All you have to understand is that Russian population is diverse even if your propaganda tells you Russians are drunk, angry, imperialist. No they aren't. Of course there is a lot of bydlo, hopefully its numbers will reduce.

The minimal thing you can do to prove your intelligence and "Europeanity" is not to biased about every Russian. That's chauvinism, chaps. The worst kind of it is common chauvinism while working or performing any kind of trade, paperwork that involves Russians. Some of you can't even talk to a person if they say they're from Russia, even if before the conversation was nice.

1jola of course I've read it. I've just been called kacap today because.. because I am Russian. And those were young people, Polish future. Reading or hearing this word I imagine a moustached Western Ukrainian nationalist having a chub-hairstyle, wearing SS signs.
1jola  14 | 1875
2 Jun 2010   #96
Some of you can't even talk to a person if they say they're from Russia, even if before the conversation was nice.

We are talking, aren't we? Read the Original Post and get back to me with your opinion then.


I've just been called kacap today because.. because I am Russian. And those were young people, Polish future.

That's regrettable. I won't call you names if you don't post flamming threads, deal?
mmwhat  - | 6
3 Jun 2010   #97
I'm not a flamer or a flooder, so of course yes.
That fact hurted me somehow, mainly because while I was learning some basic Polish online I got many positive comments on my attempts from native speakers, so I formed an image of an average Pole as a friendly person. Then again, did they see in my profile there that I'm from Russia? Hmm. I hope they don't mind it.

From what I heard or read, I guess that's how modern young "patriotism" groups teach young people to think about Russians. I don't know whether those organisations official or underground extreme right-wing packs. In Russia there are stupid youth organisations too, "nashi" and other crap.

My message to anyone from Russia and Poland: please, save your ethnical slur and propaganda polemic for another day, try to think of a Pole/Russian as of an equal individual (after all, genetically we are distant relatives). How stupid is that: avoid communication and be aggressive towards a person you thought was nice, before they disclosed their nationality.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
3 Jun 2010   #98
Yes, I am, why I cannot?

Somebody asked why Poles get so "attacking" here, I answered because it was created&continued by an RUssian Imperialist what ever his (yours) motives are they would look at it as "Russian propaganda trying to put down Poland"

So if it was an stupid-non knowing Westerner (probably an American , talking out of experience not stereotype) most wouldn't been that attacking, but more explaining on why it is happening and etc.

It's like when a cat steals a dog's fish (he can rightly do so right? Because fish is typical cat's food right? but the fish is still the dog's)

So when after the 1000 time the cat tried to steal the dog's fish and asks how is the fish tasting out of pure curiosity you shouldn't be so surprised that the dog thinks "Oh he tries to steal my fish again"

Still a Cat can be a Cat and a Dog can be a Dog
and the Cat has all the right to get himself some food it's just about "how" he/she does it :)
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Jun 2010   #99
I hope ConstantineK is reading your message.

From what I heard or read, I guess that's how modern young "patriotism" groups teach young people to think about Russians. I don't know whether those organisations official or underground extreme right-wing packs.

Official youth organizations that are patriotic are the Scouts. If you chat with them, you will see that patriotism has nothing to do with prejudice. Germans, Russians, Ukrainians are not our enemies. In fact, at the moment we don't have any enemies, except some of our own politicians. My take on what you are experiencing is that some young people would be more friendly talking with a dumb Englishman than an intelligent Russian. Very superficial. Of course, if you start argueing that Russians freed us from the Germans, you can expect hostility.
mmwhat  - | 6
3 Jun 2010   #100
if you start argueing that Russians freed us from the Germans, you can expect hostility

Well, let me tell you why is this opinion present. It is told so on Russian history lessons and still popular Soviet-era patriotic books about WWII. I understand they didn't exactly give Poland freedom, they and allies scared Nazi troops off, then allies left and communists installed pro-soviet governments in many countries. They maybe saved physical lives of individuals but they got Poland "to pay" for it by being communist. And they didn't hesitate to keep the power (Czechoslovakia, 1968 and Poland, 1981-83). Those old crazy men thought they were going to change the world but their version of Socialism was kinda perverted.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
3 Jun 2010   #101
Well I guess Sasha went through those same books but I don't call him "Ruski" or "Kacap" I can't recall doing so atleast. While I wouldn't been shocked if I did so with ConstantineK. I generally don't like Prussian lovers and Russian imperialists (BB is an exception)
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Oct 2019   #102
Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

You mean latest elections when Konfederacja got 6% support? Well, for some people it is a lot, for others not - depends on the point of view.

I mention them coz a lot of media outlets openly call them fascists. I don`t know what to think about it.

E.g, Konfederacja put on a heavy make up on their brown face before the elections but they are going to remove it soon.,100865,25311903,konfederacja-w-kampanii-przypudrowala-brunatna-gebe-ale-wroci.html
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Oct 2019   #103
Such attention-getting rubbish is not even worthy of PF.
Crow  155 | 9699
17 Oct 2019   #104
Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

Not truth. Poland helping to Serbia against Nazis.

Estonia, Lituania, Latvia,

See > no Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Lithuania here >


Sure, it puts Poland on the collision course with Vatican but again, Vatican differ from Pope to Pope. On the other side, I don`t know, Popes goes but Vatican is eternal. Until some new Gavrilo Princip with a nuke lose his nerves.
Alien  26 | 6527
31 Aug 2022   #105
Poland isn't a pro-Nazi state. Put your "Heil" deep into a certain part of your body.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2024   #106
Is it possible to observe, without indignant smile, Poland's attempts to profane Soviet/Russian efforts to liberate entire Poland?

Soviet Russian monuments which glorify the criminal Red Army should be demolished to the end. Imperial Russians are doing it to Polish memorials in Russia.

On the other hand, let me remind imperial Russians that your soldiers` cemeteries in Poland remain intact.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2025   #107
Good news - one of Polish nazis was convicted. Despite his honourless infantile claims of being a member of a reenactment group. He also pointed to Musk`s Nazi gesture as an excuse.

"Sitas" was the leader of the banned Pride and Modernity association, which emphasized that it promoted national and patriotic values. In May 2017, he organized the 128th birthday of Adolf Hitler. During the event, which took place in the forest near Wodzisław Śląski, Mateusz S. paraded in an SS officer's uniform.

He praised Adolf Hitler as the best strategist, commander and mind of all time, who had a vision, was admired by women. loved by kids, a decent man who promoted family values, patriotism etc etc Then he proposed a toast: "To Adolf Hitler and our fatherland, beloved Poland". The guests drank, chanting: "Sieg heil!"

Now his retrial has ended. In his closing argument, he insisted that he was not a Nazi, but a member of a reenactment group, and that he dreamed of wearing an SS uniform because it was designed by Hugo Boss. He also recalled that during President Donald Trump's inauguration, Elon Musk raised his hand in a Nazi salute and no one did anything to him.

These arguments did not convince the court in Wodzisław Śląski. Mateusz S. was sentenced to one year in prison without the possibility of suspending the execution of the sentence for propagating Nazism and illegal possession of ammunition. The verdict is not final.

Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Jan 2025   #108
Poland isn't a pro-Nazi state.

Only pro-Nazi Euro states will survive Muslim and brown invasion.

Nazis show up where woke globalist morons fail to protect the tribe. Between the two, I will take Nazis. Here is why...

Western Europe survived Nazis. It will not survive Muslims and blacks. Just as white paint contaminated with brown cannot ever be made white again.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2025   #109
Western Europe survived Nazis. It will not survive Muslims and blacks.

You know it survived thanks to history.
You don`t know if it won`t survive coz you don `t possess the crystal ball and a black cat on your shoulder!!! Ha!!!
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Jan 2025   #110
Just as white paint contaminated with brown cannot ever be made white again.

You can let it dry and then paint over it white.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Jan 2025   #111
You can let it dry and then paint over it white.

...only to be called a despicable racist and a NAZI.

Bad idea...
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Jan 2025   #112
You can let it dry and then paint over it white.

Or better still, have a café crème colour.

Much nicer than washed out pinky white.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Jan 2025   #113
Given that you mention it every three minutes, I'd have thought you'd have figured it out by now.

Not that people in real life generally do.

About skin colour, there will come a time when most of the ones that exist now will be history and the term mixed race won't be used since everyone will be.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Jan 2025   #114
the term mixed race won't be used since everyone will be.

Everyone already is. I am 90% Caucasian, 5% black, and 5% not sure.

That's why I am for reparations.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Jan 2025   #115
I'm not for them. There's no legal basis.

Skin colour matters little. Or should matter little, however sadly racists exist and do discriminate on those grounds.

To say that there are separate races is rather daft.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Jan 2025   #116
Skin colour matters little.

Oh, yeah? Did you talk to Joe and Kamala lately?

She has three: white, black, and Indian...That plus one vagina and she was a veepee just like that...

If she had a dick, too, she would be pres from 2021.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2025   #117
He also pointed to Musk`s Nazi gesture as an excuse.

Musk`s businesses should be boycotted.

People and apes, don`t buy his Teshyt cars!!

Don`t use his media like Y formerly ShYtter.

Spit wherever you see him.

Do like decent Germans did in Berlin:

  • a
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Jan 2025   #118
Memo to stupid Germans:

Which one is Musk here?

I see three cvnts and a Muslim...

  • salute.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jan 2025   #119
Which one is Musk here?

The problem is none of the people in your photo promoted a neo Nazi party like Musk did. So, his gesture did carry Nazi symbolicism while their gestures were purely accidental when working the audiences at rallies. Ha!!!
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Jan 2025   #120


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