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Happy Constitution day! 3 May 1791 (Poland Constitution)

Husariawiktoria  1 | 7
3 May 2010   #1
The confederation of Bar happened today in 1791. Short lived and bittersweet, it was none the less a huge leap for European democracy.
Borrka  37 | 592
3 May 2010   #2
he confederation of Bar happened today in 1791.

Huh ?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
3 May 2010   #3
I thought it was 1768?


M-G (tiens)
agatka_  - | 6
3 May 2010   #4
no, it was 1791.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
3 May 2010   #5


M-G (to the how manieth partition did this lead?)
3 May 2010   #6
The confederation of Bar happened today in 1791.

I thought it was 1768?

A Dutch Jew knowing the history of Poland better than a Plastic Pole.

Hilarious :-)
agatka_  - | 6
3 May 2010   #7
oh yes.... i thought about The Constitution of May 3, 1791
you have right about confederation of Bar
i'm sorry for mistake
MareGaea  29 | 2751
3 May 2010   #8
A Dutch Jew knowing the history of Poland better than a Plastic Pole.

Hilarious :-)

Half Jewish, eh? :) Well, I did pay attention during the lectures on Eastern European history between 1500 and 1900. But besides all that - TS's claim that this would be the first Democratic leap forward makes it impssbl that it could've taken place in 1791; at that point in time there had been already three major democratic leaps: The US constitution of 1776, the Dutch Palace Revolution of 1787 and it's copy, the French Revolutionairy act of 1789.


M-G (tiens)
3 May 2010   #9
the Dutch Palace Revolution of 1787 and it's copy, the French Revolutionairy act of 1789.

These are not constitutions.

Polish constitution was the first modern constitution in Europe and second in the World
(after the US constitution of 1787, not 1776).,_1791

The Constitution of May 3, 1791 (Polish: Konstytucja Trzeciego Maja; Lithuanian: Gegužės treèiosios konstitucija) is generally regarded as Europe's first and the world's second modern codified national constitution, following the 1788 ratification of the United States Constitution

plk123  8 | 4119
3 May 2010   #10
na zdrowie to that. :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
3 May 2010   #11
I knew that the Polish constitution of 1791 was the first modern in Europe. Never denied that - was more intended at TS's mixup of facts.

na zdrowie to that.

You just take every opportunity to have a drink, don't ya?



M-G (cheers anyway)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
4 May 2010   #12
The confederation of Bar happened today in 1791. Short lived and bittersweet, it was none the less a huge leap for European democracy.

My contribution.
plk123  8 | 4119
4 May 2010   #13
You just take every opportunity to have a drink, don't ya?

why not.. :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
4 May 2010   #14
The confederation of Bar happened today in 1791. Short lived and bittersweet, it was none the less a huge leap for European democracy.

A good number of Wroclaw youth and myself marked the occasion in usual style by attending a gig on the Wyspa Slodowa. All to the tunes of KNZ, Coma, Myslovitz etc.
amiga500  5 | 1475
3 May 2021   #15
I hope everyone has a good constitution day, many people all over the world are celebrating, in fact it was polish emigrees that kept this tradition going as May 3 was ignored during communist times.

It is encouraging that the Presidents of Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine are all commemorating the event as well.
I found a great multimedia website in both polish and english about the May 3 1791 and the events before and after.
Lyzko  41 | 9563
3 May 2021   #16
Szczesliwego Dnia Ustawy!
Novichok  4 | 7807
3 May 2021   #17
What the authors of all constitutions everywhere ignored was that power corrupts and that the bums who managed to lie well enough to be elected should not be allowed to run ever again - even if they can walk on water. One term and out for life, including those related by marriage or DNA.
pawian  219 | 24792
6 May 2021   #18
I hope everyone has a good constitution day,

Yes, we did, the food was excellent.

BTW, let me remind you that the Constitution was abolished by Targowica traitors who prefered to ally with conservative imperialistic Russia than follow the liberal trends of the West.

Today we see exactly the same situation. PiS and other rightists reject the Western ideals and don`t mind or even think warmly of being in close relationship with conservative Russia today.

Matrix Reloaded - those cons were traitors then, and they are traitors today!

Home / History / Happy Constitution day! 3 May 1791 (Poland Constitution)

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