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Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan

17 Apr 2010   #91
Maybe it should be Ukraine to be the mother of all slavs?

No, sorry - it was already agreed that Poland is the Great Mother of All Slavs.
If you have problems with it you are welcome to stay out of the future alliance
and fall pray to Russia again. Be my guest. :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
17 Apr 2010   #92
Maybe it should be Ukraine to be the mother of all slavs?

After all it was they Kyivan Empire that brought culture, literature to the wild tribesmen of Poland....

so if not the country of Ukraine then the

Kyiivan Empire.

p.s. Serbs don't even use the same alphabet as poles....

Maybe all of you should concentrate on what is NOW, and not what it was. Disputing which Mother, or who the mother was is not gonna change the fact that Ukraine, Poland and other Slavic countries are now independent, have their achievements, face their challenges and the best way is to co-operate and look for the best interest. There is a lot Slavic countries share, but there are also many things which separate those countries.

Living in the present is probably the best choice. As far as I know Poland could have been the great mother of all Slavs, but one needs to realize that now all the children are grown up and have their own lives.

I am Ukrainian btw.
But don't mind me, go ahead and discuss who the mother was, as if that could be proved.
southern  73 | 7059
17 Apr 2010   #93
Maybe Poland is the mother and Rus the father.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
17 Apr 2010   #94
good one


Serbia using both- cyrillic and latin. Both are in intensive use from all the Serbs, from occasion to occasion, from the mood to the mood
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
18 Apr 2010   #95
from the mood to the mood

from grass to grass;)
Nathan  18 | 1349
18 Apr 2010   #96
face their challenges and the best way is to co-operate and look for the best interest.

Beautiful point.
southern  73 | 7059
18 Apr 2010   #97
cyrillic and latin. Both are in intensive use from all the Serbs, from occasion to occasion, from the mood to the mood

What are you using when you are in a blue mood?
OP Crow  155 | 9695
19 Apr 2010   #98
its all the same to me. Absolutely same.

my reaction depend on others with whom i communicate

For example, if i communicate with you and using cyrillic in that moment, i automatically switch on cyrilic and opposite, if you using latin, i using latin
jeden  - | 226
19 Apr 2010   #99
with Ukraine We could have the beatiful history, but cruelty and excessive pride destroyed everything in XVII century...

probably both countries wanted to see Polish Lithuenia Ukraine Commonwealth.
Drac90  1 | 74
23 Apr 2010   #100
Dear Crow ^^

i read many of Your topic and I must say Im glad you see Poland as that important country and propably have some respect for It but I afraid i have to bring some bad news for You unfortunatly :( Its not that i dont respect your work You put in slavic Union, for this respect i Will say why you goals will not be achived. Firstly, Im sure that in your heart only thing you want to achive is restoring Serbia border to what it should be, becouse Kosovo have no right to be independed! To understand why It is imposible i will have to tell You some of polish history and mentality, before WWII on lands called by Poles "Kresy" lived many slavic ppl Ukrainians, Poles and many more. BUT there came the time when Ukrainians figured out they can just kill all other slavs and take this land as theirs, If there will be not any of poles, if we destroy all polish Churches, if we destroy their graves, there will be only Ukrainians, so we will be able to get Independece! Sounds familiar Crow? And i must say they killed us with such cruelty even Soviets and Nazis was in shock! You mentioned few times that polish would be main language so i think you know polish a little, here watch this

Do i have to mention that LWÓW they took from us was Center of OUR CULTURE, OUR SECOND CAPITAL, Russians were the ones that founded it, we were the ones that build it and Ukrainians are the ones that build Statues of childred Killers, POLISH CHILDLER KILLERS

AND SLAVIC CHURCH IS MAKIN THOSE KILLERS "SAINTS" so you might ask, "why wont Poland take whats hers, why will not take at least Lwów if 80% of Poles want it back badly back in Polish borders and want it as much as Serbians Kosovo" The answer is Poland have to much politic and military power to change Borders! our own borders, So how can we able to help You if we cant even help ourselves? The second is Alliance of Slavs or Sarmats well, that would be great, but, are do you understand that we, slavic countries are poor? Poland is even poorer than Czech Republic. how can we then develop? how can we pay for upgrading army to defent us from NATO and Russia? it is obvious that they would attack under some nice cool sounding for them reason. It is imposible. I support Slavic union in EU, reason of that Union would be defending central-east + Balkans Culture, Customs HISTORY (Kopernik half German? wtf?) and this Union would speak with one voice so we will would have politic power and could turn EU in direction we desire.

Also thanks for topic about Dragon Order, i didnt have idea before and this is interesting if you have more materials bout it please share ^^
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Apr 2010   #101
Poland is the great mother of itself, period!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
23 Apr 2010   #102
Kopernik half German? wtf?

Yup! :)

and this Union would speak with one voice so we will would have politic power and could turn EU in direction we desire.

Only if you start to pay in like wise...

On the other hand, I doubt there will ever be a coherent alliance on the base of genetics possible.
Not slavic, nor germanic...
Every country has different priorities...sometimes they align with others, sometimes they do not.
Drac90  1 | 74
24 Apr 2010   #103
Yup! :)

borned in Poland, got elementary education in Poland, Studied Astronomy in Poland by Polish profesor, yet he is half german coz he studied LAW in Germany? wow cool logic xd

ah lets not foget that his surname is Kopernik! His father was Kopernik so he is Kopernik :D

back to topic
its not imposible to unite ^^ and if we will speak with one voice we will be able to veto things that would be bad for some countries in alliance or force things that would be good for all east :D look how many votes have Poland and how many have Holand or Belgium for exemple, Imposible is nothin ^^ we will drain from EU till it collapse buaahahahahahaha

Then will make East alliance buehahahahah
then we will be ****** by west buehehehe wait no...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
24 Apr 2010   #104
borned in Poland, got elementary education in Poland, Studied Astronomy in Poland by Polish profesor, yet he is half german coz he studied LAW in Germany? wow cool logic xd

ah lets not foget that his surname is Kopernik! His father was Kopernik so he is Kopernik :D

The Coppi thread is this way =======>

and if we will speak with one voice

Well...if you would be realistic then you would agree that this is never going to happen!
Not with Slavs, not with Germanics, not with Marsians, not within the EU, nowhere...

You just can't make millions of people speak with "one voice" (besides using draconian measures aka a brutal dictatorship).

You seem to have the opinion that the EU is against the "East", that the Slavs must unite to help each other against the West etc.

Why is that so? Can you bring some practical examples?

we will drain from EU till it collapse buaahahahahahaha

And then?

You prefer an unstable Europe? With every country out for it's own again? With alliances who gang up on others again? You miss the last century???

You liked war and unrest this much?

I'm glad the majority (yes, also the slavic majority in the EU) sees it differently...:)
Drac90  1 | 74
24 Apr 2010   #105
Why is that so? Can you bring some practical examples?

yes i actually can xd

for exemple there was a case of fightin with polution, and question how much countries must contribute for this sake, and there was 2 option, countries that earn more money pay more or countries that have more pollution pay more. In second option case that pretty much would hit us pretty much but for exemple Germany would pay lots less of money for this couse. It is obvious that countries that are not developed dont have nature friendly Power station and their industry is not so clear also, thats why they need dotations right?

There was voices from old ppl in Poland that EU finally find a way to get back their money from new members :D to be honest im not sure how this case ended but im sure east worked as one to prevent option 2 coming to life

ps: sry for Kopernik spam didnt kno that there is topic bout it already :blush:

And then?

with this last part of my post, i mean it a joke, i though it is easy to see it is a joke. OFC we will drain as much as we can keepin in mind that if it collapse we wont be able to drain anymore xd
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
24 Apr 2010   #106
ps: sry for Kopernik spam didnt kno that there is topic bout it already :blush:

No problem! :)

to be honest im not sure how this case ended

I have not so much knowledge with this special case either but it seems as if the eastern countries worked together because they had the same base problems as rather less developed countries than the older members...not because they were Slavs!

See what I mean?

with this last part of my post, i mean it a joke, i though it is easy to see it is a joke. OFC we will drain as much as we can keepin in mind that if it collapse we wont be able to drain anymore xd


Drac90  1 | 74
24 Apr 2010   #107
I have not so much clout with such special case either but it seems as if the eastern countries worked together because they had the same base problems as rather less developed countries than the older members...not because they were Slavs!

This is exacly what im talkin bout ^^ east should make alliance to gets profits from EU, and not becouse they are Slavs, Lithuanians are not slavs for exemple :o so and Hungarians and i tell you the year that Poland HUngary will rule EU will be the year east will transform xd but in that political alliance there is not a big problem to make special part of it that will defend and grow east culture and protect if from americanization right? world will be boring if every damn place will look the same :D This is kind of alliance i wish for
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
24 Apr 2010   #108
east should make alliance to gets profits from EU

That is easy!

Just make sure your countries get broke and Mama Germany will bail you out!

Drac90  1 | 74
24 Apr 2010   #109
i honestly dont see what in common have makin alliance of east countries, and brokin up oO
we can profit to develop and if make alliance it will be easier and faster. I think it was Kaczyński who said that east must speakin with one voice to drain more from EU in Lithuanian parlament.

Your last post seems to me like you want to pick a fight with me, when i tried to explain you my point of view >.>
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
24 Apr 2010   #110
I don't want to pick a fight with you...just asking because of honest interest as I don't see how you can only defend your interest and your culture using a western enemy. I just don't see Europe this's not realistic in my opinon. Also good luck with trying to make all Slavs speaking with one voice! ;)

Good night :)
Drac90  1 | 74
24 Apr 2010   #111
you are implying i see west as a enemy, thats not true Oo after all west is the one that pay us so we can develop, but infuence of west is to big and we must control western trends so we will remain ourselves, Germany should do it too or you become minority in your own country and a colony of Turkey, it would be disaster. I dont want slavs to speak in one voice, i dont want Ukraine or Bellaa... Białoruś... in EU, propably as much as you dont want Poland ^^ not a topic to explain why :D i want to have an allied east of EU, that means not only slavs but also Lithuanians Magyars, etc such a alliance would benefit all east Countries so i dont see any reason why it will not come to life. The works on it are already began by Kaczyński and maybe few other politicans.

sleep well
OP Crow  155 | 9695
17 Aug 2010   #112
Poland to strengthen and as soon as possible to return to her traditional zones of influence on Balkan and Baltic. Russia to support Poland in it, Germany and Turkey just to fu** off, Britain and France just to retreat, USA to forget on its dominance

Poland, other word for freedom. Poland- a hope
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Aug 2010   #113
Serb, when can we expect your contribution to which books about Polish history you have actually read/like/dislike, and why ?
OP Crow  155 | 9695
17 Aug 2010   #114
The Sarmatians, by Tadeusz Sulimirski
electronic edition

Why? i seek to learn more
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Aug 2010   #115
I could have known :)
But like real books, published by real historians in the real world?
Even Norman Davies if you have to. Did you ever read "God's Playground" ?
OP Crow  155 | 9695
17 Aug 2010   #116
Even Norman Davies if you have to. Did you ever read "God's Playground" ?

which chapter of the book is dedicated to Serbians (Racowie)?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 Aug 2010   #117
Some well-informed Poles I talked to in a pub last weekend informed me that Dracula has in fact also Serbian roots. Are there still many vampires in Serbia?


M-G (if anybody can enlighten us on this, it's my dear friend Crow)
pgtx  29 | 3094
17 Aug 2010   #118
Some well-informed Poles

informed me that Dracula has in fact also Serbian roots

do they like SciFi? ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 Aug 2010   #119
Don't know, but it was only 01:30 AM so the information was very reliable.



M-G (woah, everything comes from Serbia nowadays)
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Aug 2010   #120
if anybody can enlighten us on this, it's my dear friend Crow

said hot British girl

I heard that the Cathedral of Our Lady in my beloved Antwerp had a Serb architect?
I could be mistaken though - after all these Serbs are everywhere these days.
Sadly there are a few locations where they have never been - all locations where they mass-murdered Croats and Bosnians. Strange....

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