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Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
7 Mar 2010   #61
During Poland's communist era the USSR used Pan-Slavism as propaganda tool to justify its control over the country. The issue of the Pan-Slavism was not part of the mainstream political agenda, and is widely seen as an ideology of Russian imperialism.

Polish as pan-slavists? Poland mother of Slavs. wtf?

Crow: you are some kind of freak amongst your nation, because all others are looking to RUSSIA. I would be more proud to be born Serb than Polish!!!!

Crow this Kreaturo is the reason why most Poles have a real careful approach with pan-slavism
OP Crow  155 | 9695
7 Mar 2010   #62
and your Croatian brothers?

If one isn`t familiar with situation, one shouldn`t lure himself in discussion about Serbian-Croatian problems. So, i would explain...

Let Croats show respect on Catholic and Orthodox Serbs on Balkan. Croats stealing Serbian heritage (culture, language, buildings, graveyards,...) and declare it as Croatian in order to strengthen Greater Croatia- German puppet state.

First problems occurred after Catholic Croats harmed Catholic Serbs and for that got support from Catholic and Protestant Germans. In fact Croats were instrumentalized by Germanics to do so. Just later, Orthodox Serbs becomes target of Catholic Croats, again because of German/Austrian schemes. Again because German schemes, Orthodox Bulgarians turned against Orthodox Serbs.

Problem isn`t Catholicism or Orthodoxy, at least not from Serbian side. Problem is violent and aggressive German attempt to control region, while Serbs represent only force that defending Slavic interests in the region, both- Polish and Russian. Its historical fact
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Mar 2010   #63
were instrumentalized by Germanics

because of German/Austrian schemes

Again because German schemes,

German attempt to control region

You really sound dumb compared to the cunny Germans, isn't that pathetic.

And you really plan a slavic Union? And can't even win a single shot against the evil Germanics in your own neighbourhood who play you like a flute?

Whining non-stop about how mean they are??? Do you really think someone likes to follow a whiny loser???? PATHETIC!!!

Get some spine man!
OP Crow  155 | 9695
7 Mar 2010   #64
Crow this Kreaturo is the reason why most Poles have a real careful approach with pan-slavism

Poles should focus on their loyal partners, on Serbs. Serbs would absolutely support Poland and only that is important. Russians are Serbian problem. In return Serbs have only two conditions:

1. Polish-Serbian alliance should be military neutral on other military alliances. It mean, Polish-Serbian alliance shouldn`t be nor anti-Russian, nor anti-western parts of Europe. Simple, neutral. Rely neutral;

2. Poland must support integrity of Serbian nation and right of Catholic Serbs to be declared as Serbs, what is now forbidden in Greater Croatia. In order to deal with this problem Polish Catholics should help in Serbian-Vatican communication;

Polish-Serbian alliance with time can become Confederation, with Polish language as official. Serbs would support even that, i`m sure and, Serbs would support Warsaw to become capital of Confederation. Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians would follow.

So, Russians aren`t problem. Poles should focus, that`s all.

Bratwurst Boy

@ What you want? @

Go found yourself some goat and free yourself from frustrations. To put cross on myself [incredible how germanization affecting human brain]
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Mar 2010   #65
Go found yourself some goat and free yourself from frustrations.


According to you I have no reasons for "frustrations", everything wents according to plan! ;)

[incredible how germanization affecting human brain]

Well, this "germanization" seems to be a recipe for success, you should try it also for a chance!

This "germanic brain" takes your serbian brain for a fool again and again and again (according to your own statements) :):):)
OP Crow  155 | 9695
7 Mar 2010   #66
everything wents according to plan

we shall see. When Serbs prevent Russian-German schemes, Germany going down

This germanic brain takes you for a fool again and again and again

you would be one who would cry on the end
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Mar 2010   #67
Oh and btw. your "mother of all Slavs" theory is crap as the scientists found out.

Searching of the "proto-Slavs homeland" they found genetic evidence that TWO distinct groups of Slavs exist....that makes for at least two mothers! ;)



Although referred to as 'Slavs' and speaking a Slavic language, modern South Slavic peoples' genetic roots actually stem from a wide variety of genetic backgrounds, attesting the complexity of the ethno-genetic processes in Eastern Europe.

The second group comprises most southern Slavic populations: Bulgarians, most of the Croats, Bosniaks, Macedonians and Serbs, who have a significantly lower frequency of R1a (~15%).
According to the authors, this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."[28]

So, Poland is definitely NOT the cradle of the Serbs (or the other way around), you belong definitely not to the same mythic Über-Slavs who according to you once ruled all of Europe and they are in no way responsible for your idiocies....and their IQ is definitely higher than yours, they are much more successfull too....there is not much connection to you at all!

Better start searching for your own mom, she isn't polish...

Finally the testing results suggest a common ancestry of all Balkan populations, with a lack of correlation between genetic differentiation and language or ethnicity, stressing that no major migration barriers have existed in the making of the complex Balkan human puzzle.[39][40] The genetic homogeneity among Balkan populations suggests either a most recent common ancestor of all southeastern European populations or strong gene flow between them, which eliminated any initial differences.

Taking into account that the region has had a relatively high population density since the Neolithic period and that this region represents a crossroads of routes connecting the cultural centers of Middle East with different European areas.[41]

In short, a Serb is more Middle Eastern and Albanian than connected to a Pole! ROFL
Nathan  18 | 1349
7 Mar 2010   #68
The first group encompassed most Slavic populations except most Southern Slavs. According to the authors, most Slavs share a high frequency of Haplogroup R1a. Its origin is purported to trace to the middle Dnieper basin of Ukraine and spread via migrating males during the Late Glacial Maximum 15 kya

Yej, we are the great Mother ;)
The "migrating males" sounds hysterical ;) like fick-machines searching for targets ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699
7 Mar 2010   #69
Problem isn`t Catholicism or Orthodoxy, at least not from Serbian side.

Oh, I just recall protestors in Skopje declaring the NATO attack on Serbia was really a front for a Jewish/Catholic plot against the Orthodox Church (and that the Bosnians were traitors because they'd embraced Islam... a similar argument to the Croats')
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Mar 2010   #70
It takes a particular kind of person to think that way, a deviant like Leo Zagami, for example. Let's look at it, how does the manifestation of Catholicism differ from that of Orthodox followers? When a Catholic Pole sees an Orthodox Russian like Fedor Emelianenko or a prominent Serb pledge allegiance to God, would they really bat an eyelid? Us Vs Them in such a setup just doesn't cut the mustard in the minds of decent folk.
Trevek  25 | 1699
7 Mar 2010   #71
When a Catholic Pole sees an Orthodox Russian like Fedor Emelianenko or a prominent Serb pledge allegiance to God, would they really bat an eyelid?

Yeah, I mean, they're just like us Scots in that respect, aren't they?
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Mar 2010   #72
That clip showed a complete lack of understanding. Frankly, it's embarrassing! All they know is that they are Protestants and he is Catholic but they don't have a clue what either means really.

It makes the RCC Vs Orthodox distinction pale away in comparison.
Exiled  2 | 424
7 Mar 2010   #73
I knew that.Southern Slavs are mix between Slavs who came from Oder and people who lived in Balkans before them.This is obvious if you look at the faces of southern Slavs and compare them to Poles and Czechs.

inally the testing results suggest a common ancestry of all Balkan populations.

This is not entirely true.There are differences between Serbs,Bulgarians,Romanians,Greeks.I can tell a Serb from a Bulgarian or a Romanian.What exists are crossroads,places where slavism is very high and places where gypsy characteristics prevail.

For example when I look at some Serbs they look very much like people from my village,they even speak the same way!But then again these villages have serbian names,go figure.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Mar 2010   #74
For example when I look at some Serbs they look very much like people from my village,they even speak the same way!But then again these villages have serbian names,go figure.

Well, I never disputed that you Southerners share the same heritage and the genetic research supports that was Crow who wants to put the cradle and the heart of his people into the North!

As in:

Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan

Exiled  2 | 424
7 Mar 2010   #75
For sure some Serbs descend straight from the Slavs who migrated from Oder.They are about 20% of the population.A 10% descend straight from the ancient tribes who lived there before the Slavs came and 70% is mixed.These are my personal estimates by observing Serbian women because 20% of them look exactly like polish but most are mixed most usual combination being mediteranean face with Slavic gorgeous bodies and some slavicised spice up of face(usually fat lips or bright eyes or even high cheeks).

Serbs and Croats are also very tall,taller than Russians or Ukrainians probably because the ancient tribes who lived there Illyrians,Macedonians and Thracians were also tall as described by Greek historians.Slavs were allowed to descend in 7th century in order to increase density of population in regions destroyed by Hunns and other barbarians.

Slavs were very peaceful and thus they were allowed by Byzantine authorities to populate the region between Danube and balkan mountains.Most Serbian cities like Nis(Naissos) had been already built by Byzantines(Greeks).
OP Crow  155 | 9695
8 Mar 2010   #76
descend straight from the ancient tribes who lived there before the Slavs came

you are on the wrong way. We can speak only about migrations inside of Slavic world/ancient Proto-Slavic world.

Ancient tribes of which you talk about (and many more, under different designations) were all Proto-Slavs... `Illyrians, Macedonians and Thracians were also tall as described by Greek historians`... and they were all Ras (Rashani, Trashani, Thracians, Triballi)/Srb (Sorabi, Sarmatians) people... all native people on its own, old autohtonous Slavs, representatives of first European civilization, first light of Western world.

All eventual genetic add-mixture in modern day Serbs (speaking of Serbs as speakers of shtokavian Slavic dialect) coming because of arrival of Scordisci (central European tribe) and because of constant inter-Serbian or to say inter-Proto Slavic mixing. What i mean... when Romans committed genocide on Dacians/Proto Slavs/Sarmatians (kin tribes to Thracians/Proto Slavs/Sarmatians) numerous refuges from Dacia (south-eastern Europe) moved deeper into European inland and arrived on western Balkan in what is today`s Serbia. Then, we know that after Scordisci (due to Roman onslaught in western Europe) other Galic and Celtic tribes went thru today`s Serbian lands and settled from here to Anatolia (ancient Anatolia was also Proto Slavic region- that`s why refuges because of Greek/Roman onslaught migrated in safety, among other kin tribes).

That`s why today`s Serbs still using name of Serbs (by linguistics original form of Sarmatian name)... because many ancient Sarmatian tribes passed over western Balkan. That`s why local tribal name didn`t survive but modren day Serbs still use universal name of all ancient Slavs (Proto Slavs) name of Ras (Racowie) and Srbi (Sarmati) and names of Serbian medieval states were `Rashka` and `Srbija`. `Rashka` name is based on racial concept, meaning land of Red/Rose people (Whites) and final meaning of `Srbija` is `land of numerous brothers` referring on time when ancients started to organize in tribal alliances/societies/states (many brothers that organize in bigger group).
Exiled  2 | 424
8 Mar 2010   #77
So you suggest that the Slavs who emigrated in 7th century from Oder(white Serbs) mixed with Slavs who already lived in Balkans but had been reduced due to barbarian invasions?

It reminds me of a nationalistic greek theory which claims that the Vlachs who came from Romania were actually Greeks who came once again to Greece and the same the Bulgarians who descended were also Greeks who had lost their identity and become Bulgarians,so we should have claims all over the balkan peninsula and half of Asia Minor.

The reality in my opinion was simpler.Greeks liked to live near the sea.So they gradually inhabited all the coast line which is in today's Greece,Adriatic coast,Asia Minor,Black Sea,South Italy,Sicely,Libya and even southern France.The problem was that Greeks controlled only the coast line and not much inside which means that they were vulnerable to attacks from barbarian tribes who lived in the land.In this way they gradually were forced out of Black Sea,Italy,Africa and later from Asia Minor.

There are still some remnants of Greeks in these areas but I don't have the illusion to believe that once all Asia Minor,Libya,Sicely,south Italy and Balkans were greek just because Greeks inhabited the coast line.

The same is true with Slavs.You cannot claim that everything belonged to you since you inhabited part of these places which was in most cases around mountains.
McCoy  27 | 1268
8 Mar 2010   #78
Hey Crow, Ive got a question to you, my man. Do you talk to your serbian friends about all these things you post here? How do serbs react on your views? what do they say about your vision of panslavic union? whats their attitude towards Poland? Im just curious if youre so free to speak your mind in the real world and are there many friends who share your vision?
Trevek  25 | 1699
8 Mar 2010   #79
Yeah, It's OK to sing supposedly protestant/republican songs, get drunk and swear (not behaviour you'd usually see in church) and claim you are defending your religion.

I always found these guys comically sad.

I believe the wheelbarrow was invented to help them learn to walk upright.

I once was sitting near a guy in aGlasgow pub. He was watching Croatia on the TV sport channel. A Croat player tripped and crossed himself, "Aye, that's whit it's aa aboot! Yugoslavia, nice country, communist, but nice.... it wiz the church o' rome which broke it up!"

I was itching to ask him if he actually knew what the orthodox church was.
Exiled  2 | 424
8 Mar 2010   #80
Here you can see similarities between balkan countries.

a bulgarian

More similarities.


OP Crow  155 | 9695
8 Mar 2010   #81
So you suggest that the Slavs who emigrated in 7th century from Oder(white Serbs) mixed with Slavs who already lived in Balkans but had been reduced due to barbarian invasions?

no, i don`t suggest that

as i said.... Slavs are autohtonous people on Balkan (not only on Balkan, speaking of Europe). They didn`t emigrate there in 7th century as German historical school penetrated its lies/propaganda about Slavs.

So, those autohtonous Slavs from Balkan were target of Greek and Roman conquests, who killed a lot of Slavs, took many of them into slavery. Ancient Balkan Slavs were reduced in number but their number soon was strenghtened by migrations of new Slavic tribes into the region who mixed with their kin brotherly tribes from Balkan. There were ancient Slavic alliances and Slavs outside of Balkan always were aware of situation here.

Then, Roman limes (border) was created, was cut thru ancient land of Slavs mostly following Danube river. Slavs as Slavs didn`t give a sh** for border that was created by Romans, for them border didn`t even exist. But, Romans monitored border and they were vitnesses of inter-Slavic migrations, some tribes left the Balkan, some other arrived. Slavs outside of Balkan often sent reinforsments and help to Balkan Slavs and, Romans recoreded everything. Considering that Slavs didn`t respect border of Roman Emire, Romans didn`t liek them and call the by pejorative names, among else `barbarians` (you can bet that barbarian coming from Sarmatian/Sabratian/Serbian) which meant, let say `savages, those who aren`t civilized`. They used pejorative names for ancient Slavs no matter that almost all Roman knowladge was actualy collected knowladge of Europoean natives- anciant Slavs.

Then, one day, when was suitable to them (it was very early in history) young German nation started to read Roman insciptions and German authors concluded as it was suitable to them... all inter-Slavic migrations were declared as Slavic invasions. German chronicles even choosed the exact century of the beggining of those fictiuonal invasions. They choosed 7th century.

You know, my grandmother knows batter then German chroniclers. i spit on them and i taking back my history!
Exiled  2 | 424
8 Mar 2010   #82
Considering that Slavs didn`t respect border of Roman Emire, Romans didn`t liek them and call the by pejorative names, among else `barbarians` (you can bet that barbarian coming from Sarmatian/Sabratian/Serbian) which meant, let say `savages, those who aren`t civilized`.

Barbarian is a greek word.It meant everyone who did not speak greek because in greek ears they made sounds like bar-bar.(b as a sound did not exist in greek language only v existed as a sound so by hearing b Greeks recognized a barbarian.And Greeks called them varvarians because they(Greeks) could not pronounce b.).

Slavs were allowed to enter Balkans through the Danube border because as I wrote they came peacefully,they mostly were shepherds who just kept their lambs on mountains.They did not cause problems.Hunns on the other hand,Goths and Avarians were highly undesirable since they caused severe damage deserting whole regions.

The Serbs were placed in today's Serbia and Croatia and were useful as local border watchers of the byzantine Empire.I mean everyone who tried to invade from that time had to first pass the serbian land which was almost impossible given the rouchness and resistance of Serbs.So the northern border of the Empire was secured.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
8 Mar 2010   #83
given the rouchness and resistance of Serbs

Serbs are bearers of Dinaric genes that is proved to be autohtonous on Balkan. i am sure that Poles didn`t come to Poland via Eurasian stepes but with slow migration along the Danube river, from Balkan. Ancestors of Slavs were first Whites that populated Europe.

Serbs are biggest proof that Balkan was Slavic in deepest past, that so called Indo-Europeans most probably were Proto-Slavs. Even name of Serbs- SRBI is proved to be archaic, as it is said by linguists- oldest ethnic name of Western civilization. Many rivers, lakes and mountains has root SRB or some archaic form of it. It is only ethnic name of Western world that is mentioned in Rg Veda texts, what is logical.... Sarmatians lived from Europe to the Asia via Eurasia.
marqoz  - | 195
9 Mar 2010   #84
bar-bar.(b as a sound did not exist in greek language only v existed as a sound so by hearing b Greeks recognized a barbarian.And Greeks called them varvarians because they(Greeks) could not pronounce b.).

Zonk! Unfortunately, you missed the point. Ancient Greek knew the phonem B [bee]. It's only middle and modern Greek which changed pronunciation of the beta letter from beta to vita. The change must had been made after the Roman civilization emerged and before the Christianization of Russia ended, because you have ALPHABET in English and алфавит [awfaa-veet] in Russian.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
3 Apr 2010   #85
How would you react to this Crow?

Together we can do more - says the head of the Fidesz parliamentary caucus Tibor Navracsics

11 and 25 April the Hungarians go to the polls . As shown in all the polls , the right-wing Fidesz wins the election Viktor Orban . Grouping announces settlement with the era socialists , who ruled the country since 2002 . A few days ago the head of the Fidesz parliamentary caucus Tibor Navracsics declared that the new government will want to renew a special relationship with the Polish .

Is the Polish and Hungarian relations have recently been so bad that today need to be renewed ?

OP Crow  155 | 9695
4 Apr 2010   #86
How would you react to this Crow?

yes, i know

Dlaczego ważna jest Serbia?

Dla nas z powodu mniejszości węgierskiej w Wojwodinie. Ale Serbia to też brama do Bałkanów i na Bliski Wschód. To naturalna droga dla towarów z Europy Środkowej. Dlatego mamy nadzieję, że Serbia będzie członkiem UE tak szybko, jak to możliwe. Ale z Polską ważna byłaby też współpraca energetyczna. Uważam również, że tradycyjnie dobre relacje między naszymi krajami stawiają nas w dobrej pozycji do reprezentowania Europy Środkowej w UE. Razem możemy walczyć o nasze wspólne interesy – w sprawie mniejszości narodowych, bezpieczeństwa, całego regionu.

speaking of Hungarians, as long as Poland is sure in Hungarians and can prevent German influence there, its ok with Serbs. But if Hungary betray Poland, then... well, then... Poland and Serbia always can liberate hungarized Slavs of Hungary
jeden  - | 226
4 Apr 2010   #87
Zna pan powiedzenie „Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki”?

Tak, to jedyny zwrot, który znam po polsku! (śmiech). To bardzo prawdziwe określenie. Myślę, że Węgrzy kochają Polaków. Wśród narodów europejskich polski jest wśród tych najbardziej przez nas lubianych.

if Hungary betray Poland


I would like to see Hungary, Serbia and Poland toghether.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
4 Apr 2010   #88

i hope so

I would like to see Hungary, Serbia and Poland toghether.

then, force Visegrad group and forget NATO. Serbs would join to Visegrad group if it declare military neutrality on global military alliances

But, Polish patriots knows,... Poland don`t need Visegrad group to control Serbia. Poland just need to come and take what rightfully belongs to her, while bringing justice of Sarmatia. Racowie still stand
IvanMazeppa  - | 7
17 Apr 2010   #89
Maybe it should be Ukraine to be the mother of all slavs?

After all it was they Kyivan Empire that brought culture, literature to the wild tribesmen of Poland....

so if not the country of Ukraine then the

Kyiivan Empire.

p.s. Serbs don't even use the same alphabet as poles....
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Apr 2010   #90
Yeah, explain that Crow. Why do Ukraine, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro use cyrillic and not Poland? It should be easy if you know your stuff.

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