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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

osiol  55 | 3921
14 Jan 2008   #241
How did Kalininigrad jump out of Eastern Europe and Asia?

It is in the Eastern Europe & Asia zone. This map goes by which zone each particular nation state lies in. As part of Russia, it is PINK because it takes some of the sting out of Russia's geo-political positioning these days.

I did a north-south one, also based on Greenwich, but I couldn't decide whether Belgium's offshore zone would be enough to drag it out of Southern and into Central Europe.

If I had a scanner, I would have used crayons.


spot the Eastern European a mile away by looking for purple people!

No. The Eastern Europeans are mostly blue. The pink ones may be Eastern European, but may be (Western) Asian.
David_18  65 | 966
14 Jan 2008   #242
Some people say it's a Central European country, while others say Eastern...

Central Europe.... cuz i say so and so be it!!

Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jan 2008   #243
Well, according to Osioł, Monaco and Luxembourg are in Eastern Europe. Poland should be proud to be in that elite class.
osiol  55 | 3921
17 Jan 2008   #244
Indeed. There are only two entirely Western European countries.

I thought about the Northern-Southern thing a bit more. I have decided that because the Greenwich meridian seems to be so important for longitude in navigation and cartography, why not make it more important for latitude as well.

Voila! Poland is in Central Europe.
southern  73 | 7059
17 Jan 2008   #245
Eastern Europe is a lost world.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jan 2008   #246
Belgium is in Eastern Europe and Poland isn't? hehehe, I'm just stirring things up
17 Jan 2008   #247
Eastern Europe is a lost world.

poland geographically is indeed in central europe. along with germany etc.

however germany is in western europe in referance to the linguistic, cultural, political, , ideological, historical divide etc.

this means when we think of western europe we think of britain, italy, germany, france.
when we think of eastern europe we think russia, slovenia, slovakia, romania poland.

WIKIPEDIA - "eastern europe is a concept of a geopolitical region recently influenced by the Cold War. Its borders are defined more by culture than by clear and precise geography. Throughout history and to a lesser extent today Eastern Europe has been distinguishable from Western Europe and other regions due to cultural, religious, economic, and historical reasons. Although the term Eastern Europe was largely defined of the Cold War, it still remains much in use.[1] The term is commonly used in the media and in everyday use both in "eastern" and other regions of Europe."

united nations regards poland as eastern europe- it is coloured pink along with the rest of eastern europe.

* and for the records seanus luxembourg is western europe. People dont refer to central europe, only in geographical terms. The divide is eastern/western and luxembourg is in western europe.

I really dont understand why people have a hard time taking this in.
osiol  55 | 3921
17 Jan 2008   #248
Europe is imaginary. Asia is even more imaginary. Look at it - one huge landmass and outlying islands, most of which are connected by shallow continental shelf. When I was doing all the working out for my last couple of posts on here with the maps and everything, I almost considered inventing one or two new continents.
17 Jan 2008   #249
you are talking about geography. The western/eastern european divide is about, history, language, culture, politics, ideology, economics, philosophy etc etc.

are you telling me all these things are imaginary. it seems to me poles are for some reason ashamed to be eastern european and want to be recognised as western european.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jan 2008   #250
Of course Luxembourg and Monaco are in Western Europe, I was being fickle and facetious noimmigration. They are the exemplars of western civilisation. The UN is also a definitive source so Poland is Eastern Europe, I agree with that classification, excluding the geographical dimension.
osiol  55 | 3921
17 Jan 2008   #251
are you telling me all these things are imaginary

Only a bit. Where do you draw lines of commonality and difference? The rules are different for whichever part of the world you are looking at. Different people use different rules (which come from the imagination). Therefore it is imaginary. Who's to say though, that imagination doesn't count for something? Did I say that?

But let's take Asia for example.
Russia, Turkey, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mongolia. What's the connection?

Of course Luxembourg and Monaco are in Western Europe

I disagree. Sort of.
17 Jan 2008   #252
you just cant accept it can you, no matter what evidence is presented to you. You cannot bear to be labelled eastern european.

Like it or not you are eastern european.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jan 2008   #253 Lux and Mon in Western Europe from a reputable source. No mention of Poland. Luxembourg mentioned again as the 1st situation not as clear but clear enough a bit better that should just about do it, no, wait

UNESCO, good old UNESCO, couldn't have forgotten about them (Luxembourg) from a CIA website, no, not the Central Intelligence Agency, but the Careers In Audit one so it's credible, u have my word Osioł.

I'll give u a week to look for the pages needed for a retort. Come on Osioł, If it's in u.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
17 Jan 2008   #254
you are talking about geography. The western/eastern european divide is about, history, language, culture, politics, ideology, economics, philosophy etc etc

Is Portugal closer to Wales than Poland to Italy ?...
17 Jan 2008   #255
what does it matter ?
OP Polson  5 | 1767
17 Jan 2008   #256
There are not many common points between all these countries (politically, economically, linguistically, etc.)
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jan 2008   #257
But look at the Post-Soviet section of Wikipedia and u will see that Poland is one of four countries that is exempt from Eastern European classification on grounds of economic, cultural, religious and historical reasons
OP Polson  5 | 1767
18 Jan 2008   #258
it seems to me poles are for some reason ashamed to be eastern european and want to be recognised as western european.

you just cant accept it can you, no matter what evidence is presented to you. You cannot bear to be labelled eastern european

Recognized as Central European, not Western.
Ashamed ? With dumb idiots like you telling sh!t, it'd be quite understandable.
Evidence ? You don't know what is Poland and we should believe what you say ? Poland is a mix of West and East (language, traditions, minds, etc.). I think the word "Central" suits more to Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
18 Jan 2008   #259
Germany is Central!
France West and Poland is East....where is the problem???
OP Polson  5 | 1767
18 Jan 2008   #260
Where is the Czech Republic ? Austria ? And Ukraine's Odessa (Black Sea) ?
Odessa is as "Eastern" as Polish Stettin (German border, on the Baltic Sea) ?
No, Central is better, LoL ;)
18 Jan 2008   #261
Poland is a mix of West and East (language, traditions, minds, etc.). I think the word "Central" suits more to Poland.

Lol just because you listen to ****** rnb and hip hop. you have been outside the iron curtain for only 17 - 18 years and you think you have western influences that have made such an impact on your language, culture, history, ideology etc in such a short time.

Shut up and accept what you are - eastern european. The whole of the west regards you as eastern european wether through media, learning history or talking to each other about immigration the only people you are trying to fool are your selves. Keep wishing.
dtaylor  9 | 823
18 Jan 2008   #262

aint the queen german....
OP Polson  5 | 1767
18 Jan 2008   #263
Lol just because you listen to ****** rnb and hip hop. you have been outside the iron curtain for only 17 - 18 years and you think you have western influences that have made such an impact on your language, culture, history, ideology etc in such a short time

YOU shut up, you don't know what is Poland but enjoy so much spitting on it and its people, that is the only reason you are here (+ the fact that you don't have a life, there are things much more interesting that insulting nations). Yes Polish language has been influenced, yes Polish culture was and still is influenced, yes its history is mixed (don't think Poles feel closer to Russia than to Germany), did you know btw that Poland didn't want to be on that side of the Iron Curtain. And do you remember than the eastern part of Germany was also behind it, it doesn't make it an eastern country, does it ?

One last thing, Polish history started before WW2...i swear it's true :)

accept what you are - eastern european. The whole of the west regards you as eastern european wether through media, learning history or talking to each other about immigration the only people you are trying to fool are your selves

I won't "accept" it, as i don't think Poles are "eastern" Europeans. They were at the time of the Cold War. That's all. Once again, YOU regard them as eastern (and underdeveloped, foolish, inferior people), many of the today's westerners wouldn't range Poland as an eastern country. Whether YOU like it or not. End of the story, dude, go fishing, i dunno, do something else, stop giving us your racial views, it's obvious you're enjoying all this, but please, get a life, it's free ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
18 Jan 2008   #264
Germany is Central!
France West and Poland is East....where is the problem???

It depends what classification you apply. If purely geographical position than Poland is as much central as Germany is. If you apply the post WWII division, than Poland is Eastern Europe together with half of Germany I'm afraid. :)

The term Eastern Europe is the legacy after Cold War and is pejorative. Somebody realized it in the west and I see that the EE countries are more and more often being called New Europe. (Ya old mugs! ;) ) Personally I don't mind the term EE. I think that there is a huge potential in this part of the world and with time this term would redeem itself but then again the way that you and noimmigration defend yourself from the sheer thought that Poland could be called Central European country makes me think...


you seem to claim that Polish culture is very different to the western one. Considering that the western Europe consists of Portugal as well as Wales I would like you to elaborate more on that. I'm looking forward to hearing from you especially about Polish literature and art. Might be quite an interesting read.
Tsudo  - | 2
5 Feb 2008   #265
Tell me noimmigration, my darling, what right you think you have to discuss the culture, social relations, religiosity, mentality ANYTHING considering Poland? Have you ever been to my Homeland? Have you ever lived there, got to know the country from the inside? Do you know how Polish people live, what our newspapers write about or what is taught at our universities? By what right are you insulting me and all my compatriots, saying that we're foolish, primitive people? What the hell do you know about us? You think you're anonymous and you're giving vent to your national prejudices? What would you say if I stated that ******* Scots are only some insignificant nation subordinated by the English? Oh, and you have no identity, you don't even speak your language!

So, you think you can jeer at other nations only because you had the pleasure to hide on your sweet little island from all the enemies? Your knowledge is stereotyped, WESTERN european. You're SO narrow-minded, you idiot. If that's the way people are in your Promised Land - the UK, I'm not going there, even as a tourist.

OK, and I've got a question to you, darling, be so kind and tell me - insignificant, primitive EASTERN european person (or an animal, maybe?) - why do you hate Poles so much? Any substantial argument behind that this time?

Michal  - | 1865
5 Feb 2008   #266
Poland is definitely an eastern European country and the mentality of the people is very similar to the Russians. Poland is interested in western money to put the bloody country right. They have never had any interest in western culture or civilization.
Dublinjohn  - | 38
5 Feb 2008   #267
I am from Ireland, all other parts of Europe are East
OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Feb 2008   #268
Michal, are you talking about western Poles or eastern ? Cause people from Warsaw have not the same mentality that those from Cracow for example.
Are the Portuguese so different ?
Bartolome  2 | 1083
5 Feb 2008   #269
Poland is interested in western money

Just like you. Why else would you leave your home country and move to Britain and not e.g. to Albania or Burkina Faso ?

They have never had any interest in western culture or civilization.

Just because you're a Russian turned Great-Briton it doesn't mean everybody with 'Russian mentality', as you were so generous to put it, follow your path.
Piorun  - | 655
5 Feb 2008   #270
I am from Ireland, all other parts of Europe are East

No argument here, right on. (Except Iceland).

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