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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

hairball  20 | 313
30 Dec 2007   #211
When I first came to Poland I'd always thought of it as Eastern Europian as that's the way it's potrayed in the UK press. My wife pointed out that it's in the centre..(UK spelling).. geographicaly..ok right centre... so for me that's where it is.

As for the views of nonimmigration. Fortunatly he is in a very small minority, fueled by right wing newspapers who think of the UK as special and seperate from the EU. When I was interviewed about my move to Poland by the Daily Express they were trying to get me to be negative about Poland and it's people. Asking me if I think family values have declined since Poland became capatolist. But I could only think of positive things to say about this country that I've chosen to live in.
30 Dec 2007   #212
I am actually very proud to be european, and I am not blasting poland for being eastern european I am merely stating factual observation.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
30 Dec 2007   #213
I am actually very proud to be european

What's so European in your country ? Gay rights ? More people in mosques than in churches ?
hairball  20 | 313
30 Dec 2007   #214
and I am not blasting poland

That cr ap that you wrote about WW11 was axactly ap. Poland as a country paid the biggest penalty out of all countries that took part in WW11.

And as for the stuff about the begging bowl from the EU. Well news for you sonshine the UK gets huge grants from the EU and has done for more than 25 years. I know many people who started businesses from EU funded grants. I know many people including myself who recieved funding from EU money to help them back to work. Money for clothes/tools etc,etc. You need to stop reading the Sun and start to visit these places. Then maybe you will be able to form a real opinion about Poland and other central Europian countries that were scarred by communism.
30 Dec 2007   #215
britain is the 2 nd biggest contributer to the eu after germany, so whos money exactly are we taking. ?

and world war eleven has not yet taken place
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Dec 2007   #216
Y aye, the canny lad has a point. Poland is one of those countries where u discover more about reality when u come here and talk to the people. World war eleven hasn't taken place, hehehe, that was quite funny
OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Dec 2007   #217
world war eleven has not yet taken place

And hope it never will ;)

nonimmigration. Fortunatly he is in a very small minority, fueled by right wing newspapers who think of the UK as special and seperate from the EU. When I was interviewed about my move to Poland by the Daily Express they were trying to get me to be negative about Poland and it's people

That's what i thought, thanks hairball ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
30 Dec 2007   #218
Yeah, the press in the UK and US have so many spin doctors. The point of an interview is to get info from the person without putting ur own slant on it and not ask leading questions.
slo  1 | 51
3 Jan 2008   #219
Few, if any, would doubt that Ukraine is an Eastern European country

Well, I object :-) Geographical centre of European continent situated in Ukraine. So, Ukraine is in the Central Europe. Bite me. Funny topic.
3 Jan 2008   #220
the term eastern europe is not ceographical it is geopolitical, cultural and linguistical
slick77  - | 127
3 Jan 2008   #221
the term eastern europe is not ceographical

I see.
isthatu  3 | 1164
3 Jan 2008   #222
yep folks,do as Slo hints,look at a map,Europe ends at the Urals........

What's so European in your country ? Gay rights

For such a homophobe you dont half own a big gay dog,seriously,only real Queens own fluffy white beauties like that.....
Seanus  15 | 19666
3 Jan 2008   #223
The geographical centre of Europe is Ukraine. What? Prague is close to the centre of Europe but I'd say a central European country geographically
seretan  2 | 6
5 Jan 2008   #224
Poland is between C.E and E.E i think
OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Jan 2008   #225
Geographical centre of European continent situated in Ukraine

No, the center of Europe is said to be around Kraków in Poland, where meets lines from North to South and from West to East :)

the term eastern europe is not ceographical it is geopolitical, cultural and linguistical

What are the common points between Portuguese and Scots then ? Between Finns and Italians ? There are no cultural, linguistical, or anything-you-want common points between all of them.
5 Jan 2008   #226
polson just the f*ck up shut up and accept that you are eastern european, why is there even an argument about this
OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Jan 2008   #227
See, i'm right. You have no arguments to back your racial views, you're insulting me now, hehe.
By the way, i'm what Eastern European are you talking about ?...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
5 Jan 2008   #228
slick77. oh man that was funny. haha lol!
5 Jan 2008   #229
See, i'm right. You have no arguments to back your racial views, you're insulting me now, hehe.
By the way, i'm what Eastern European are you talking about ?...

OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Jan 2008   #230
Do you personally know some Poles, or are have you heard of them ?...
5 Jan 2008   #231
I personally know poles
OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Jan 2008   #232
I'm surprised...Are they friends of you or what ?...
Lukasz  49 | 1746
14 Jan 2008   #233
LOL do I have to comment this thread :P
lowfunk99  10 | 397
14 Jan 2008   #234
There is a book I am reading about Polands contribution to the British war effort in ww2. It has been noted even the Queen said that if not for the Polish flyers the Battle of Britain would have been lost.

Further more, Poland contributed the 4th most in terms of numbers to the war.

I think what makes Poland part of the west is mindset. The ideas of freedom and tolorance have been part of Poland for 500 years. In addition, Poland was the first counrty to have a constitution in Europe.

And Non, If not for the US the whole British Isles would still be speaking German
Kilkline  1 | 682
14 Jan 2008   #235
And Non, If not for the US the whole British Isles would still be speaking German

We've never spoke German so how could we still be speaking it?

Whats that got to do with anything on this thread anyway? Stereotypical, lazy kneejerk utterance by an American whenever he speaks to anyone in Europe I think.
lowfunk99  10 | 397
14 Jan 2008   #236
I apologize for my short sightedness. Non gets my blood pumping at times.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
14 Jan 2008   #237
I personally know poles

you are a pole - of the phalic variety
osiol  55 | 3921
14 Jan 2008   #238
It has been suggested that the geographical centre of Europe is in Poland, thus making it Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Western Europe, all at the same time.

However, the position of this particular point is widely disputed. There is a system of lines of longitude - the lines running north-south that you find on maps, with the universal prime meridian being the Greenwich meridian which runs through England, France and Spain.

Any countries west of here must be Western European - Portugal, Ireland, the Faeroes (if Denmark allows me to include them) and half of Iceland (the other half is North American, or more precidely: Eastern North American).

Countries to the east of here must be Eastern European - Belgium, Luxembourg, Andorra, Monaco to name just a few.

That leaves the aforementioned France and Spain (Central Europe) and the UK which is in a peculiar position of having England in Central Europe; and Wales and Scotland in Western Europe. Taken as a whole, the UK is most definately Central Europe. The only other country that may also be in Central Europe is Denmark. I mentioned Denmark before. Greenland is (Eastern) North America, the Faeroes Western Europe and Denmark proper: Eastern Europe. Greenland is neither Europe, nor is it, despite being a part of the Kingdom of Denmark, a part of the European Union, so it may (or may not) be removed from this discussion. So Denmark is Central European too.

All of Europe is north of the Earth's most important great circle - the equator. Therefore all of Europe is northern, so there is no such thing as Southern Europe.
osiol  55 | 3921
14 Jan 2008   #239
To illustrate the above point and also to draw more attention to it, I have done some colouring in (which is always quite fun, even without crayons). Here's a map to clarify to everyone what countries are in the east, the west and the centre. Enjoy.

I apologise to all Icelanders for not showing on the map that their country is in both Europe and North America.

  • Osiol Geography Lesson # 452
14 Jan 2008   #240
How did Kalininigrad jump out of Eastern Europe and Asia? Is this part of this mass migration of Eastern Europeans I keep reading about in progress? So it could be assumed that instead of Bomber Jackets and Camoflauged pants, one should simply spot the Eastern European a mile away by looking for purple people!

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