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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

z_darius  14 | 3960
29 Dec 2007   #151
- times are changing, huh? you need too.
- cold war is gone, wake up
- commonly used is also "rains cats and dogs". Ever seen a cats or dogs falling from the sky in great numbers?
29 Dec 2007   #152
- commonly used is also "rains cats and dogs". Ever seen a cats or dogs falling from the sky in great numbers?

are you tring to say that the application of eastern europe when used to describe poland is metaphorical.

you really are deluded

the war is gone but cultures, language, religion, economics, way of living and politics still exist.

if poland was western europe which you poles are trying so hard to convince yourself that you are then why is your standard of living and care not as high as real western european cuntries. why are millions of you fleeing for a better life in real western europe.

keep pretending your part of western europe because you are fooling no one.
you have only been in the eu for a few years and you think you are as good as us.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #153
We should either take the word Central out of the thread and replace it with Western or stick to what it means to be a Central European country. CET, Central European Time, is the time zone which Poland falls under. Ukraine, an Eastern European country, is 1 hour different from Poland I've just been told. Poland is in the same time zone as Germany. When we say Central European, we are thinking geographically more than anything else. Berlin and eastwards was seen as Eastern Europe at one time, now that that east/west divide has been resolved, we must re-evaluate the picture.
29 Dec 2007   #154
why change it, they are eastern european fullstop.
z_darius  14 | 3960
29 Dec 2007   #155
the war is gone but cultures, language, religion, economics, way of living and politics still exist.

- the world is too small for cultures to differ that much. You need to go out more.
- Poland's religion is predominantly Roman Catholicism, further East it's Orthodox.
- Poland has market economy like any Western European country
- Way of living? Whatever yiu mean by that, Polish way of living is much closer to the French or Italian ways of living than English is to either.

if poland was western europe which you poles are trying so hard to convince

Quote me on that. I never said Poland is a Western European country.

keep pretending your part of western europe because you are fooling no one.

Again, a quote please.

you have only been in the eu for a few years and you think you are as good as us.

So you consider yourself "good" ? :)))
Well, I hope Poles never manage to be like you.
29 Dec 2007   #156
LOL look at the poles desperately trying to emulate us. Its kinda sweet that they want to be just like us western europeans.
z_darius  14 | 3960
29 Dec 2007   #157
Its kinda sweet that they want to be just like us western europeans.

You would be a disgrace to any civilized country.
29 Dec 2007   #158
Funny that the topic is about Poland being Eastern or Central in Europe and here you are slavering on about Poland trying to be in Western Europe. Just another excuse for you to Pole-bash.

They could re-classify where Poland is every week and it wouldn't make any difference to me.

ts kinda sweet that they want to be just like us western europeans.

If being Western European is to be like you noimmigration I don't think anyone would want it.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #159
Let's examine Central Europe, is it really so desirable for Poland to fit into that category anyway? Spain, they stirred up loads of trouble with fishing territory claims, Germany and France, I could go on and on about those 2 and the bickering between them. Italy, wow, currency issues and belligerence like no other. Poland doesn't need to define its position in the EU, it has signed up and must obey the rules where applicable, whether it is as an Eastern or a Central European country
29 Dec 2007   #160
Funny that the topic is about Poland being Eastern or Central in Europe and here you are slavering on about Poland trying to be in Western Europe. Just another excuse for you to Pole-bash.

you will find I gave indesputable evidence which concludes that poland is geographically central europe. While culturally, historially, linguistically and politically it is eastern europe.

As defined by the united nations and nato,

N.B eastern europe not being a geographical term.
Mufasa  19 | 357
29 Dec 2007   #161
Again, I haven't read the thread. So probably, this is a very silly question - if so forgive my stupidity. Why is it so important whether Poland is in Central or Eastern Europe? It is central - by the way ;)
29 Dec 2007   #162
Maybe you should read the thread then. It's a good topic of discussion on this forum.

N.B eastern europe not being a geographical term.

Then why are you now going on about Poland wishing it was Western Europe? You can post as much interesting evidence as you like but then you spoil it by bashing again.
29 Dec 2007   #163
because poles deny that they are eastern europeans, It irritates me that poles think they are like britain, germany, france, italy, denmark etc when they are not.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #164
I agree with Mufasa in the context of the EU, what does it matter if they are an accedent from Eastern Europe or from Central Europe? It matters that they can bring sth to the table in 'European' circles and not just accept EU grants/handouts as many people believe that they do. Academic definitions don't help much, they are in the EU and we have to give them a fair crack of the whip. I expect noimmigration will have a whip comment or two. Whip is a political word after all, hehehe
southern  73 | 7059
29 Dec 2007   #165
Central Europe has no meaning at all.It simply reenforces the old concept of Middeleuropa.Some lands in middle Europe(Austria,Hungary,Czech Republic,Slovakia,part of Poland,Slovenia,Croatia) having strong bonds.
29 Dec 2007   #166
austria is not eastern europe and it has bonds closer to germany, switzerland and lichienstien. Not bonds closer to eastern european countries.
29 Dec 2007   #167
It irritates me that poles think they are like britain, germany, france, italy, denmark etc when they are not.

They are. We are all European...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #168
Southern wrote carefully 'part of Poland'. Poland is a fairly big country and those that live in places like Zamosc, Lublin and Białystok, I'd classify more as Eastern European. Those that live here in Silesia view them as so. Silesia has more of a German tint than any other region in Poland. Especially Upper Silesia. They have trouble understanding those from the far east of Poland sometimes
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Dec 2007   #169
It irritates me that poles think they are like britain, germany, france, italy, denmark etc when they are not.

We aren't and with God's help we won't be.
z_darius  14 | 3960
29 Dec 2007   #170
It irritates me that poles think they are like britain, germany, france, italy, denmark etc when they are not.

I agree they are not


Poles did not betray their allies


Poles did not have a madman's dream about ruling most of Europe for 1000 years


Poles did not run away from attacking enemy nor did the offer Heil Hitler salutes to liberating forces (just in case they might be Germans)


Poles did not have grandiose dreams and then stumbled upon militarilly insignificant Greece.

So sure, there are differences.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #171
Poles have great potential in the area of agriculture. They'd have flourished under the finer parts of the CAP. Nabiał/dairy here in Poland is fantastic and I say that as a Scot, so it's high praise for them. Andrzej Lepper didn't get a chance to raise their case. This is one of Poland's trump cards as a 'European' country
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Dec 2007   #172
Poles did not betray their allies

Don't bring WW2 again. I would rather say in this case - Poles can handle alcohol better and usually don't pi*s in their pants and don't vomit all over themselves unlike... some other people. And don't bow to some old woman and her homo looking son.
29 Dec 2007   #173
actually the uk and ireland has the best climatic system for agriculture in the eu. We can produce far more produce per sqaure hectare than any ther country in the eu. This is why we have such a huge surplus and our prices are kept very, very low and competative.

this is why france didnt originally want britain joing the eu

noimmigration wrote:

Poles did not have a madman's dream about ruling most of Europe for 1000 years

how dare you say that about one of the biggest contributers in the eu, you have no right to bite the hand that feeds you.

poland is a country that takes and takes and has no right to criticise other countries that pour money into insignificant little countries like poland.

poland is a country that has always depended on bigger countries to defend them and support them, we saved them in ww2 and now we are supporting them and increasing their standard of living through eu investment.

poland has always had its begging bowl held under some nations nose, now it is being held under the eus nose

and as for the soviet union, better the soviets than the nazis. It is time you fough your own battles.

britain has built itself from no outside help.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Dec 2007   #174
I said that the Poles have potential, not that they surpass the UK and Ireland in the field of agriculture. It's a crying shame that the Poles pay their farmers peanuts unlike us in the UK and Ireland. They are so poor in places near Roztocze, offering their ware for heavily discounted prices.
29 Dec 2007   #175
britain has built itself from no outside help.

Let's have a little look at this interesting statement - "Britain has built itself from nooutside help "(noimmigration) - but through Lord Salisbury's eyes.

Lord Salisbury himself exposed the truth. "If our ancestors had cared for the rights of other people", he observed, "the British empire would not have been made." Its purpose was not to spread sweetness and light but to increase Britain's wealth and power. Naturally its coercive and exploitative nature must be disguised. Bamboozle was better than bamboo, he considered, and "as India must be bled, the bleeding should be done judiciously."

Excerpt taken from : A Moral Audit of the British Empire
29 Dec 2007   #176
those countries ruled under the british empire, benefited hugely from the empire
OP Polson  5 | 1767
29 Dec 2007   #177
you are nothing like the british, german or french. we western europeans all share similer languages unlike the poles

Okay then Portuguese and English are the same language ?...

Poland [...] was ruled by eastern european entities historicaly

Hmm...Germany, Prussia, Sweden, Austria ? If they are eastern for you then i agree, Poland is extrem-east ;)

you are eastern european, all western europe knows this, all our media knows this and all of our textbooks in schools know this ADMIT IT

Again wrong, Poland is a so-called "eastern country" only when refering to the Cold War, and the Warsaw Pact. The rest of the time, Poland is a Central European country.

If being Western European is to be like you noimmigration I don't think anyone would want it.

Hehe totally agree ;) For noimmigration, Western Europeans are like Aryens and the "rest" are lower societies...

you are pathetic, the united nations and nato class poland as EASTERN EUROPE wether you like it or not

YOU are pathetic, Poland is said to be a Central European country, wether it pleases you or not.

It irritates me that poles think they are like britain, germany, france, italy, denmark etc when they are not

What's the common point between Italy and Britain ?...Denmark and Spain ?...
The only difference is as you said the standard of living. Why ? Cause Poland was behind the Iron Curtain. That's your definition of "eastern Europe", ex-communist states.

austria is not eastern europe and it has bonds closer to germany, switzerland and lichienstien. Not bonds closer to eastern european countries

Actually, Prague is a more western city than the capital city of Austria, Vienna, which closest big neighbour is Bratislava.

how dare you say that about one of the biggest contributers in the eu, you have no right to bite the hand that feeds you

Please, the so-called hand that "feeds" Polish people, owes Poland something since they wanted them to die, since those wars, since all that centuries of trouble...

I like Germany, Germans are a nice people, but don't start to treat Poles like pigeons, that'd be really stupid.

insignificant little countries like poland

Hei Adolf, didn't know you were on the forum tonight. Btw, Poland is bigger than England, Scotland...oh, yeah, they are not countries, sorry...

poland is a country that has always depended on bigger countries to defend them and support them, we saved them in ww2 and now we are supporting them and increasing their standard of living through eu investment.

So "always" for you means last 50 years ? Are you that stupid ? Poland used to be a great empire too, but seems you don't know much history before 1945...I think you don't know what you're talking about, so please, get some books, check some Wikipedia articles, and then we could talk (maybe).

those countries ruled under the british empire, benefited hugely from the empire

29 Dec 2007   #178
polson I have gave evidence that poland is eastern european culturally, historically, politically, economically etc etc. it is FACT.

all western media and information resources describe the polish as eastern european, whenever me and my friends talk about the polish we talk about them as eastern european and so does the rest of the world.

central european is ONLY a geographical term. why dont you take your pathetic little fight up with the united nations and nato.

eastern europe in pink (united nations map) -

the michelin travel guide _

Poland and Budget Travel

Eastern Europe is still a good option if you're a budget traveler, even though the post-Soviet era of dirt-cheap shopping, dining, and lodging is long gone. Moscow is consistently one of the world's most expensive cities, Prague's prices are rising, and even Warsay is seeing an increase in rates for everything from food to clothing. However, Poland is still a decent bet if you want a classic Eastern Europe travel experience at a price that won't require you to sell body parts on the black market. Mark Kahler,'s Guide to Budget Travel, describes some of his experiences while traveling in Poland in an article about the euro.

You may also benefit from Eastern Europe Travel Tips, which will help you stretch every dollar, euro, or unit of local currency that you spend.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
29 Dec 2007   #179
polson I have gave evidance that poland is eastern european culturally, historically, politically, economically etc etc. it is FACT

I don't see the fact, dude. Historically, Poland fought against Germany, and Russia. Against Sweden and Turkey (Ottoma Emp.). Who is the closest ally ?...France was a great ally, as was Britain (and still both are, i guess...)

Apart from the language, don't see how you can classify Poland as Eastern and not Central, Central is now commonly used, not only geographically.

all western media and informaiton resources describe the polish as eastern european

Don't know how are the medias on Britain, but it's the same (apparently) in France. Central is used as often as Eastern, and maybe more (i'd say more).

Depends also on what radio or TV you watch : SS Radio or Panzer TV ;)
29 Dec 2007   #180
you are eastern european, every article I read on polish, ukranian, slovakian, bulgarian, romanian immigrants describes them as eastern european.

I dont care how many times you try to convince us you are not, I know and everyone in britain I speak to regards you as eastern european.

okay I give up, you are central europeans, with eastern european cultures, language, history, ideology, politics, etc

happy now lol

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